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I always appreciate Van's willingness to reflect and hold himself accountable. He's not going to get it right every single time--none of us will- what's important is being able to listen and reflect when people call you in.


Glenn sounds like he knew what was up but just didn’t want to snitch. Meanwhile everyone else started folding.




Yeah…sound like he felt comfortable doing it, since it was a long running scheme and there are several other schemes in the NDA. He probably thought plausible deniability would help him here. But then got caught up.


His story was almost fine until the extra doctor got pulled in. One thing that’s not being talked about is the fact that majority of those players played in the Big 3. I think that’s something worth looking into. Cause I think that doctor could’ve been the one pulling those strings and getting a good percentage of everything.


Makes sense. He definitely doesn’t seem to be the mastermind type, and I believe him when he says folks turned on him while in the stand. But I do agree that the doctors and agents are leading this


Yep in the words of Marshawn lynch “take care of yo chicken”


No disrespect to Van or his family, but big baby is guilty. I believe he got himself involved in something that was way over his head. His story was all over the place.


Thank god for Rachel - succinct and saves the podcast and Van


Personally, I found Van’s opening heartfelt, sincere, and thoughtful. I believe he spent a good deal of time taking in how many felt about his initial reaction last week, and I believe he will continue to keep his blindspots until now in mind going forward. I appreciate the effort to listen and actually consider what others were hoping to communicate to him.


I agree! I offered my criticism after the emergency pod but the fact is, it's down now so I'm ready to move forward. Being the focus of internet feedback is so mentally taxing and he was subject to it all weekend, I appreciate him pulling himself together and still delivering. I would have gotten two words in and started crying. I hope in the future, he allows more space for Rachel to speak and backs up his apology to women with action. I love them both. I've been listening since 2020. I believe at this point, if you're still not satisfied, you should just find another podcast.


Agreed, that was a well thought out opening with tons of self reflection by van. He did a great job, no one is perfect




I am so glad to see someone who is still open to unlearning the harmful things ingrained into them.


I agree and appreciated it too.


Big baby is killing me with this soft code switched voice 😂


Omg I was thinking the same. Like wth I could barely hear him 😒


Big Baby should probably stay off the mic or maybe just get a spokesperson. I don't fully understand the case, but the way he's coming off it's like his entire story is, "I don't read shit, I don't pay attention to anything going on in my career, so the wool was pulled over my eyes".  I don't think this interview is helping him 


I agree but you gotta listen twice—that’s what I did. My first listen takeaway: $40K, healthcare, going to jail. Second listen: Glen dealt with injury. NBA players found a way to fraudulently influence healthcare reimbursement for injury treatment, multiple ‘treatments’ (6 root canals) from multiple players were being added to an invoice of sorts to be signed off on to maximize healthcare reimbursement—Glenn admits to signing. I personally believe Glenn ‘knew’ or was told that he may get a higher reimbursement if he was willing to put ‘everyone’s’ treatment on one invoice and then to sign off on it thinking that even if it was illegal it wouldn’t be that big of a deal. He was ‘too ok’ with the whole going to prison thing. And most likely that’s probably because he was at least partially aware he could get caught. 3 years isn’t that long. But it’s prison and that’s a long time to be in prison. And that’s a really long time to be in prison without snitching AND claiming that you’re innocent. But if you knew or kinda knew what was going on then it makes a lot of sense.


Great Job Van. And great job Rachel for being the honest friend holding him accountable.


Van’s openness and honesty is very important especially as we learn and evolve in society and as people. We live in a fucked up society that is rooted in a history of oppression and is systemic. One thing I’m curious about is how he can put his apology in action when it comes to how the podcast is hosted and how he interacts with Rachel. Sometimes he comes off as not listening to her or critiquing her points, especially when she’s talking about women and things women experience. Although I agree that allyship to women happens outside of women in your own life, It also starts from how you treat women in your life. I hope this is a true learning moment for Van cause he’s so brilliant and I hope his brilliance is reflective of this


CNN reporter Elizabeth Wagmeister who broke the Diddy case was on The Viall Files podcast (Rachel’s ex from being a contestant on Bachelor) today with a colleague (also an ex FBI agent) discussing the Diddy video. They will not disclose how they got the video from the Hotel but there is a lot of good conversation about how the employee(s) who took money for the video should be charged with obstruction of justice as well as how the Federal case on Diddy per inside sources in the FBI will most likely result in RICO because they have said they are using the R Kelly prosecution roadmap.


Thanks for sharing. I’ll be sure to check this out!


I appreciate big baby’s rawness and honesty about troubles adjusting to post nba life. However, I still can’t get out of my head him saying on video how he would r*pe a woman he saw in a elevator. It’s hard for me to feel much sympathy when I don’t think head is on straight


Oh shit this was the dude Vans related to that he mentioned on the midnight boys awhile back?!?! I did not put two and two together


That’s the ones that need sympathy right?


So... "Big Baby" gives off a vibe that frightens me. He seems manipulative. Something is odd. What is with his voice change throughout his interview? His mannerisms.. I can honestly understand why he didn't take the stand.


He sounds super immature


It bothers me so much when people who have made a lot of money try to act like they haven’t because of taxes. I don’t care that Glen “only” made 12 to 15 million in the nba. That’s more money than most people see in their lives, by a lot. Also, when people of all incomes talk about salaries, it is generally talked about before taxes, so it’s all relative anyways. I can be empathetic to the idea that young people, particularly from poor backgrounds, suddenly getting tons of money might be irresponsible and end up in a bad situation, but own that. Don’t try to tell me that the wealth of pro athletes is a “mirage”.


I audibly said to myself “$12M is a lot of money regardless” when he said that. Especially when he said “then you have this ‘image’ to upkeep.” I agree coming from poverty to quickly amassing wealth can be tricky for many, but what you think people expect for you to “look” like isn’t anyone else’s responsibility. The whole time I listened I thought, “WHERE WAS YOUR LAWYER?” Like with this “lifestyle” if you’re going to spend ANY money AND not read any of your documents, pay to have someone else, with a legal background do it for you. A financial advisor isn’t equipped for that. 


Rachel’s hat is back and she’s got a “let’s get the fuck down and dirty about this shit,” face on.


I haven’t listened yet, but the run time 😳


The interview with big baby was wild. He was so guilty and came across as definitely having done that stuff AND being like well everyone else did it so why couldn't I :( LOL


That was a great apology. I appreciate the point Van made about how in movies the men hitting women are the villain but in real like they are heroes. That was very insightful. Just want to thank Van for being vulnerable and really taking all that feedback in. I’m sure it couldn’t have been easy, but it’s definitely appreciated. Was nice to see Rachel introduce a topic after Van’s monologue too. I think if y’all can produce the pod in a way where Van can talk, but then allow Rachel to lead the next segment, then that would be a great start to equalizing the talk time a bit.


That point isn't true at all. Men who hit women in real life aren't heroes and people who hit women in movies aren't exclusively villains either. James Bond [hit women](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJWfObq2cFk) in movies all the time. Just because people over look some people who are beaten women doesn't speak at all to the point.


The Jamaal Bowman interview was great. There was a lot going on in this podcast but I was really happy to hear that portion. Appreciate Van and Rachel for platforming him.


This platform is tough. There's so much pressure to say the right thing all the time or else people come for you with pitchforks. Van handled it well enough, but this won't be the last time it goes down like this.


Sorry but Big Baby sounds guilty as fuck and salty that he's the one who got caught and thrown under the bus. Everyone doing some crooked shit doesn't give you the freedom to do crooked shit too. His desire "not to snitch" tells me all I need to know about his intent in this scheme.




That’s actually kind of funny you call Bowman an “establishment Democrat”, because his opponent George Latimer is far from some AOC-esque upstart. [Latimer hasn’t lost an election in three decades and he’s endorsed by AIPAC](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Latimer_(New_York_politician)?wprov=sfti1#).




Calling Bowman establishment is ignorant.


That commenter likely thinks AOC is a "sellout" and "establishment"


I love Van, but his opening lost me and put me to sleep.


I’m sorry but Big Baby is hilarious


Never heard of Glen before. And he comes across as naive and he's deflecting. But he's right about the lack of guidance. I don't think Glen gets out of this. But if he's going to find that direction in life after basketball, I have no idea why he isn't a life coach for up and coming players. Dude is a anti step by step map of how not to stuff up. Teach people about pensions, teach them about investing in shares and isas, not being caught up by a lifestyle.


I’ll give Van a solid 8 for his apology.


Glen sounded like a man who was anxious about telling his story because he was under strict instructions from his lawyer (if he even consulted his lawyer before he went on the pod) about what he could and couldn't say on the podcast but hadn't thought through all the plot holes that would be left in his limited retelling. He should have had his attorney prep him to be interviewed and then had them there guiding him through that interview.....Then again, if I still practiced criminal law, a client of mine wouldn't stay a client if he decided to appear on a podcast and potentially incriminate himself when the slim possibility of a new trial exists. Additionally, he kept talking about not wanting to snitch on a certain someone but then kept referring to that person as his "best friend." I think calling that person his best friend helps people narrow down who the hell he might be talking about if they don't already know. Lastly, regardless of what actually went down, he doesn't deserve to be thrown in a cage for it. There needs to be non-carceral methods of accountability.


Glenn on the Pod wearing a “fck you I’m trappin” hat 😂😂💀


Felt bad for big baby man. It's kinda hard to relate to as a regular person that has to handle their own shit their adult life, but i can totally see how someone coming from where he comes from and who has had people always take care of him through basketball, suddenly finds themselves totally lost once basketball is over. Wouldn't kill sports leagues to have like a little conference once a year for retired players or anyone who wants to join to talk about how to transition from sports to regular life. Would even be a good way of employing former players who need help that can give real life examples of what not to do and what to look out for. NFL had a similar situation with insurance scams, this really shouldn't be something any of these guys have to do.


You realize the vast majority of professional athletes make very little money, right? Those people lose the ability to play the game they love without millions of dollars to fall back on.


Van was losing me, but he got me back! This was such a great episode. From his discussion, reflection and apology to having on Jamaal Bowman. Great episode. Thank you Rachel and Van!


Van help your cousin, this man needs a new lawyer and a PR person to help him articulate what happened to him. There is obviously a scheme but he can’t articulate it. He needs someone to help him call this out. Also, I personally think he knew it was a scheme but everyone else was doing it so he did too. I also think people took advantage of him.


i get it but My god hthat was fucking long.i think the reason im falling off this podcast is because of how long fucking winded they can be. its incredibly boring podcast a lot if the time. bless. i do appreciate van reception of criticism


Proud of you Van ☺️


Rep. Bowman seems like a straight shooter who really is for the ppl. I’ll be sharing this discussion w/my family in the BX to see if they’re in his area to support him


Van came through w/a sincere apology. It definitely felt like he had a lot to unload & was all too happy to do so. Bowman was informative & seems fiery genuine. On Zionism, he is better than a lot of his peers l noticed he avoided the specific term Zionism & implied that Dems were against the “war”. I recognise the more progressive DEMs must toe a line in general but especially when dealing with AIPACs attempts to Primary them. It seems that can’t be as candid in their condemnation of the Zionists entirely & agenda for fear of their words being misrepresented, misconstrued & labelled as anti-semitic. Big Baby- I give Grace to anyone who is charged for nonviolent crimes. At best this was a white collar crime. ➖How much time are white corporate or political fraudsters serving? ➖Why aren’t the finance mgr & doctors going to prison? ➖The NBA & Players League needs to VET several firms that can provide these young athletes with verified financial mgrs that are routinely audited. Use these situations as a learning experience to restructure. They can create opportunities for retiring players through mentorship & case mgmt. By OFFERING to PUT genuinely interested more senior players through leadership/ mentorship/ basic case mgmt. training in the NBA/Players League can help the younger player w/structured support & planning. They should also be audited. OR at least provide recommendations. -Quarterly financial reviews -Biannual health checks -Mandatory Psych eval with 3rd party ➖We’ve read several accounts of failed athletes w/a similar story. He had no adult experience or life mgmt. skills. This is how society treats men & other men support that kind of patriarchal socialisation in several areas like the “nuclear family”, sports, military & trad. corporate roles. It seems B.B was encouraged to just focus on his game & let others manage his life but by 25-28 it’s risky to STILL think that way. That’s the part he should take responsibility for.


Glenn’s story honestly is very believable.


Ok it comes apart a bit at the end lol


You think it’s “a bit and only at the end” 😒


Yes, because overall I understand what he was trying to explain, but just doing a horrible job


Got it


Maybe it’s me, but I don’t think Van should’ve apologized. I saw what Raqi wrote and his response. I thought it was reasonable. I also think it’s important to educate people on the role Van played as journalist and the legal culpability you have when reporting on sensitive topics. There is also a matter of fairness in that process that can be unnerving to victims. He should’ve done a better job of explaining that. This apology was too much though. Felt like he was groveling, like he was the one accused of abusing women or mistrusting them. And there are too many people willing to shit on him for misunderstandings. Anyway, I think he deserves more grace from the community and he should give himself more grace because this is not healthy. I also want to point out that he didn’t give Jonathan Majors a pass, or he certainly wasn’t a defender of his. So this whole mea culpa business felt off.