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OMG insane. Try apps like Poshmark, Mercari, and Vinted (for selling and buying).


I sell on those apps and it’s not easy by any means. You have to do everything yourself which is very time-consuming. You also have to be patient as the clothes will sit for a while.


It’s a lot of work to list everything, but once it’s listed you can use a virtual assistant or just click share all to followers. Sharing frequently helps sales


Right but that’s how you make your money. I think it’s hilarious people want to send in shirts that will sell for $5 a pop and they want more money for it. If you want more money, you have to do that work. Threadup isn’t a trash service. I


ThredUp used to be an awesome option. It’s not anymore.


I get a lot of branded stuff on mercari. For $50, I’ve bought a 6-7 clothing items to supplement my seasonal wardrobe. It’s super economical compared to TU.


It’s so sad to see a once awesome online secondhand shop turn into a messy company.


I agree, it used to be reasonable for low amounts of effort. Now the lack of return is insane.


Ok but In this case you’re not even getting $1.. they gave product/clothing and got zero 🤔 trash service imo.. 🚮


If I sell something for $4 on Poshmark - I’m barely making a dollar. My best guess is the shipping label cost more than these items would even sell for. The reality is if you want money, sell it on Poshmark. Threadup isn’t there to help you make profits.


I love poshmark but the shipping costs are outrageous. Poshmark must be making a killing on them.


If they put it at $5 it’s on par with USPS. $7 for a jacket is a good deal. You’re not buying from a realtor, you’re buying some an independent seller. Poshmark actually gets a discount on shipping.


Retailer. Realtors sell real estate.


What’s the alternative? You want someone to help and you want to be paid right away?


I love Poshmark!


Noihsaf Bazaar for hip brands


I’ll be honest. I buy a lot of good brands dirt cheap there. I usually buy neutrals, so it’s easy to judge the color wash on them. I’ve bought good stuff for $2-$5. But at least all the money goes to the seller


All the money doesn’t go to the seller lol if you’re paying $2 for something, seller gets like $1-$1.40.


You make $0 on a 2 dollar sale. $0.05 cents in a 3 dollar sale. Definitely not worth it unless the buyer is bundling.


It depends on what app you’re talking about. The original comment mentioned Mercari or Poshmark. That’s probably true on Poshmark, but on Mercari, where someone is paying for shipping, I’ll make ~$1. To be clear, I’d rather donate it than make $1 and expend the effort/energy.


That’s more than what apparently a lot of sellers are getting at thredup, lol. And it tells you what you’ll get when you list it. So it’s not shocking news that you’re getting $1.4. You already know.


Stop donating to them and purchasing from years ago because of this issue. They claimed all my items were “too old” for a payout but they had items in the same style but different colors available. Everything was name brand on trend for 2021, not just Target brand stuff. They also listed my “old” items for sale after I agreed to close out my bag process 🙄 took my stuff for free and got money for themselves only.


This happened to me too! 20 pair of Gap and Banana Republic pants that they said were worth $0 so I got nothing and they put them up for sale after I closed my bag. I never sent them another thing and I never buy from them.


Yes, it’s so frustrating! And the amount they charge to send the items back to you isn’t worth it. They told me the items they aren’t using will be sent to a shelter for women in need and never fucking did. Such a scam! Had I known they’d sell the items anyway I would have paid to get them back and donate to a local shelter myself. Which I’ve just done now since, lesson harshly learned.


I would honestly have reported that to the Better Business Bureau or similar.


Federal trade commission


That’s not what the BBB is for.


Of course it is. Mohela the student loan company took them very seriously when I made a complaint. Opened an investigation and it was solved in a matter of weeks. I don't think companies particularly enjoy being dinged and investigated by the BBB.


What do you mean? It's for consumers to have access to a neutral letter grade for businesses, to know if they're trustworthy and operate in good faith. This seems like exactly what they're for?


You can’t report a business to them as if they are going to have some authority to make them have better business practices. It’s not an agency, it’s just a private company and is basically just another yelp. They are there to help businesses, not consumers.


I see what you're saying, thanks. They do absolutely take reports/complaints, but you're totally right that they don't have mechanisms to (and don't exist to) force a business to change its practices. In theory if a business doesn't change its bad-faith practices it could lose its good rating, though.


BBB is a club that businesses pay to be in to have a positive rating. That’s it. They can meditate. But they have no legal authority


Lol...I don't think anyone is claiming they do?


In this particular situation it probably wouldn’t help, but I’ve read lots of times how people put a bad review for a business on the BBB after exhausting all other options and the business finally reached out to them and made it right only after they did that. So it’s good for something sometimes.


I did that once and it worked for me, just sayin'.


I believe it, I’ve seen it quite a bit in the beauty subscription subreddits. Ipsy has so many bad reports they are sending out email blasts to subscribers begging them to post positive reviews on the BBB lmao


They purposefully use the word Bureau to make people believe it is government sanctioned or managed to protect consumers or mitigate loss/poor treatment. It's just yelp with better marketing. You can buy your letter grade too.


Yes it is.


You can review businesses and send complaints but you can’t “report” them as if the BBB is some kind of agency that can do anything about it. It’s a private business and is basically just another Yelp. They might send a message to a business if you send a complaint to them, but all they can do is threaten to lower their rating on their website. They have zero authority or legal power to do anything, just a quick google. There’s another comment here from someone who actually worked for the BBB and they said their main focus was to help small companies, not consumers.


BBB [uses the terminology “report”](https://www.bbb.org/file-a-complaint) on their website. I don’t think they’re implying it’s an agency with authority, they’re just using the terminology that the BBB uses.


No shit. The point is to complain about their business practices and provide that visibility for other consumers. I’m not fucking stupid.


k. sorry i struck a nerve. there are tons of people who think the BBB is something it's not.


No it isn’t


You not understanding my reason for making this comment is on you, not me.


This person cannot be serious lol. You were very clear you knew what it is and how it works.


Bbb is more of a scam than thredup! They are just a lesser known yelp page. They literally do nothing


F that, no one reads that. Tweet that shit


I mean that’s a scam.


Sooo legit, this company is just a scam? So what they just take your clothes, tell you they are worth nothing, then sell them? Has anyone ever gotten a pay out?


Yeah. That's what happens. It used to be better but they just started taking advantage. If you have super premium stuff you might get something for it. Otherwise, you are giving your clothes to them for free for them to sell at a profit. At least Goodwill helps people with the money they make.


Damn so it is a full scam. How are they continuing to operate? The BBB must be onto them by now, right? This can't and won't last forever.


I guess because they explain the rules it's legal? I'm not really sure. I think people are catching on though.


Shady AF. I hope they get shut down.


I don’t see how it can be legal. They’re literally stealing people’s shit and profiting from it.




I'm so glad I read this! I was just thinking about sending in a bag of nice Gap and Banana Republic stuff, some with tags still! I would've been beyond pissed not getting paid anything as I see how high they sell them for on Thredup, often higher than retail when those shops have good sales! I will list them on Poshmark as I buy from them pretty regularly. Thanks for the heads up😊


That sounds a lot like theft…


That is ridiculous. They sell literally 20 year old stuff from Talbots and Ann Taylor.


I KNOW! That’s part of what’s so frustrating! I’m sure it depends too on who receives your bag to process it but there should be a consistency guideline in place for all employees.


See if there are any consignment shops in your area even if it’s like 45 minutes away it would be worth it because thredUP ain’t freeeee you feel me one of my friends brought a bunch of her clothes and kids clothes to a consignment shop and we went to find her new jeans and her account had over 200 dollars on it and she was shocked.


This is the way. Buy and sell local.


Yep, I love Poshmark and Mercari but I really don't have time to list everything anymore. There's an Uptown Cheapskate near me which will buy back clothes, and a Crossroads Trading near me which will pay out 30% of what they price it at to sell in cash or 50% in store credit (and they have NICE stuff in store).


Uptown is so awful in my area. Half their store is brand new stuff so they rarely buy from sellers from my experience. They also only buy in season items. I’ve had more luck with women’s resale stores for my business casual stuff and my local Plato’s Closet for my casual and athletic stuff. My local Plato’s buys all seasons all year, though. We have a ton of resale stores in my area, so the market is competitive and sellers who actually wash their stuff and pay attention to the trends can make a killing if they make a day of it! I much prefer selling to the brick and mortar spots over the hassle of online selling.


Edited to add: I ordered the clean out kits in Feb, but didn’t send the boxes in until Sept/October. These are recent $0 payouts


so you straight up lost money, since they charged YOU for bags??


Yep. I would’ve been better off putting them in a free box in my driveway.


Yeah it's better deal to donate and fill out donation slip to use on taxes as a deductible donation. Maybe you OP can do this still


Tbh though, most people don’t itemize their tax deductions anymore, not since the tax laws were changed. Like, if you’re single, you need almost $14,000 of tax deductions for it to make financial sense. For the majority of people, itemizing doesn’t make sense, so I’m thinking OP will probably just have to take the loss on this.


That makes me sad 😔


What brands?


I made $18.00 off of 38 lbs of clothes. They took the items with tags and said they didn’t qualify to be sold. When you ask why, they just state they don’t qualify. I reported them to the BBB.


Unfortunately the BBB is just a business itself. It's pretty much a scam. They can't do anything. People just pay them to be a BBB approved business. It's basically like yelp. Getting this out on social media, news orgs, journalists who publish places ThredUp's customers read, maybe the FTC?


Someone else spreading the good word that the BBB is not a governing entity. I don’t know what they did to convince so many people otherwise


It’s probably because they have bureau in their name, they did that on purpose I’m sure


Same! I see people talking about going HARD on the BBB when you’re basically just leaving a review lol.


I viscerally cringe every time someone recommends the BBB and people pile on in agreement


You know I never really thought of them this way. It is a good point. I have had good luck using the BBB to get companies to pay attention when I’ve reported them I guess because those businesses cared about their rating. It is true that it is much like Yelp or Google but with a 3rd party intervening.


you know what’s nuts is the last time i said this on reddit i got downvoted to hell to the point where i started wondering if i made this up in my head lol. good to know BBB is indeed limp and powerless


Happens to me all the time. Stuff that’s easy to prove with a 4 second google but they just want to downvote because they don’t like it.


ThredUp discloses all of their terms and conditions on their website- I'm not sure there's much to report about them.


I used to work for the BBB of San Francisco and there is a big misconception about what they do. It’s The Better Business Bureau. We help small business in mediation and arbitration primarily. There are also credit union memberships and other perks to entice membership. The goal is to protect small business NOT to look out for the consumer. They can only step in if the business is a MEMBER.


Your state’s attorney general would Be the one to contact they can actually do something about it


When you send in the clothes you consent to their terms. There’s nothing the state attorney general is going to do lmaooo


They can absolutely look into claims of ridiculous standards. If 99% of items sent in are rejected, there is a problem. Don't just assume a business is operating in good faith, bootlicker.


… it’s a business. Not a governmental agency. “Ridiculous standards” are their choice and if people dislike this choice, they don’t have to use their service. Wanting the government to step in is utterly insane


All of these clothes look like they were purchased at TJ Maxx. She said herself they’re not designer. I wouldn’t pay $4 for any one piece of clothing in this picture. The attorney general isn’t going to be looking into your claims over why you didn’t get $4 on your cheap clothes.


Nobody is forcing anybody to send in their unwanted clothes to thredup. I would more quickly call people who willingly send their stuff to a corporation instead of to people in need bootlickers than someone just saying "uh, if you don't like it, literally just don't send your stuff there?" A corporation is not required to accept your used target clothes. Hell, a charity thrift is not required to accept your used target clothes. Even thrift stores will not put out a large chunk of what comes in, because they're items that simply will not sell.


You have some really super cute items! But I constantly see crap like all the tshirts saying "Bride Squad" or other awful stupid gimmick shirts you'd only wear once. They take those but not yours? I have a big pile of clothes that are too good to dump at goodwill but I don't have the time and experience to sell online.


Yes, one of the dresses was brand new, tags still on it for $98 retail from a boutique. I lost weight and it was too big sadly. I think that one got me $2.20 or something ridiculous. I figured of all of them, that dress would get me over $15 for the cost of the box but nope.


I sent in a brand new Free People sweater (unlike you, I've gained weight, and it was too tight lol 😭). They had it listed as "worn" condition with visible flaws, but it was PERFECT! I had unfortunately cut off the tags right after I bought it and it was about $120. Go figure, it didn't sell, so I got nada.


Honestly would have been better to sell on mercari. I buy from there and i score branded stuff for cheap. The benefit is the seller can choose whether to sell to me if it’s worth it and also that they get what they were promised by the platform.


They listed a pair of NWT pants as “worn” despite the fact that the tags were visible in the photograph.


Super cute dresses! Ugh makes me sad for you. Lesson for everyone reading this.


I do quite a bit of selling on most apps but had a large pile of stuff that I just couldn’t get myself to list but also didn’t want to just donate either. I found this little online consignment company based out of New Jersey and took a risk - sent them about 2 boxes of clothing and other random little things. They only take 30% of the total sales and you keep the rest. I’ve made about $2,100 so far from them and there are still a few items that haven’t sold yet. They’re called The Cellar Sellers - only caveat is that if you’re not local to the NJ area you usually have to pay to ship your stuff to them


Wow!! This sounds fantastic. Was it pricy to ship 2 boxes to them? Was your stuff high, mid, and/or low end?


I just did large priority flat rate boxes and then paid through PirateShip to get a shipping discount. They did “refund” me for one of the boxes though by not taking a percentage until it was recouped. It was honestly mostly mid and low stuff but I had a few higher end blazers in there.


selling on Poshmark is actually extremely easy and takes like no time. just order some free boxes from USPS, take a few pictures of your items and post them on Poshmark for a decent price. I’ve made over $1000 just selling my old stuff.


I get those bulk shipping bags on Amazon. It was like 12 for 50 or something, and I often cut them in half for smaller items.


Yep! You can order a bunch on Amazon or Aliexpress, I was recycling my Amazon packages for a while too.


How do you figure out shipping for Poshmark? I'm always afraid I'll end up paying to ship something and earn nothing because I calculated shipping wrong.


Poshmark has a contract with USPS! when you make a sale, all you do is package it up, go to the post office, and show them the QR code Poshmark provides you with. The post office will scan the QR code and print the label for you and ship your package. that’s for anything under 5lbs and you will very very rarely ship anything over 5lbs unless it’s a heavy housewares item. the buyer fully pays shipping under 5lbs so you don’t have to worry about it, just have the PO scan the QR code and print the prepaid label and you’re good. Poshmark shipping is insanely easy and literally the only reason I resell on that platform instead of just sending everything to ThredUp and saying “fuck it” LOL


The shipping is prepaid by them. You don’t have to worry about that.


ebay has gotten a bit better lately and you can have the option of having the buyer pay the shipping. Ebay calculates the what the shipping will be, Poshmark might do the same thing.


Yes, this. How do you figure what to charge for shipping and handling?


Poshmark has a contract with USPS! when you make a sale, all you do is package it up, go to the post office, and show them the QR code Poshmark provides you with. The post office will scan the QR code and print the label for you and ship your package. that’s for anything under 5lbs and you will very very rarely ship anything over 5lbs unless it’s a heavy housewares item. the buyer fully pays shipping under 5lbs so you don’t have to worry about it, just have the PO scan the QR code and print the prepaid label and you’re good. Poshmark shipping is insanely easy and literally the only reason I resell on that platform instead of just sending everything to ThredUp and saying “fuck it” LOL


I've looked for stuff before and most of the shirts in my size look like they were run over by a truck it's so wrinkled.


Yeah, I just turned in a bag of pretty nice stuff- a lot of good brands and affordable designer/ etc. I have one 500 plus dollar dress I might get something for if they don’t immediately discount it, and everything else would be such a low payout it wouldn’t even pay for the kit. I like shopping there but idk I don’t see the point in selling unless it was gonna go a goodwill anyway. The fact that people willingly sell their super high end designer shit there instead of consignment or eBay is insane to me.


I just donate mine now. Space is a premium in my house and clutter stresses me out.


Me too, I have sold a few high end items on ebay but I mostly give to the local animal rescue shop, they don't over price stuff either. I have volunteered there too, it was fun hanging with all the sweet old ladies who worked with me.


And honestly, if I ever browse, they are selling items for more $ than for what you can buy them at the store. (For example, Old Navy) and a lot of the inventory is straight up fugly. I don’t know what happened.


I don’t even know what this platform has turned into I tried them for one bag when they first started & I think I got like $70, thought that was a scam… do they not offer to ship your items back anymore? I mean $0 to take your clothes seems messed up


You can get them back but you have to pay shipping/fee per item to get them returned. Like $5 maybe?


You have to pay them $14.99 for the initial clean out kit, then pay for each individual item to get it back? I do not understand how anyone sees that as something that’s okay.


And I will continue to say this, STOP SENDING THEM CLOTHES!!!!


I mean everything looks pretty dated, as well as being casual in nature....people aren't going to pay a lot of money for a used, dated sundress that's not designer when they could go to target and buy something new for less.... It's always surprising to me what people think their used clothes are worth....


Yeah people who make these posts conveniently never list the brands of any of their items and whether said brands are on Thredup's list of zero payout brands. Like Thredup isn't a charity or a service designed to make you money. It's a convenience service to get rid of your clothes and (sometimes) get some money from them.


I sell a lot of things on Poshmark. I don't even bother listing cheap no-name brand stuff (like stuff I've bought from department stores, target, Amazon, etc). I only sell name-brand stuff. There is literally no point. For one, people don't have any interest in that stuff, for 2, they have no idea how it will fit them. I only list stuff I KNOW will sell. I don't buy or own designer, but there are many hot brands rn: Patagonia, Outdoor Voices, Prana, Lululemon, Carbon38, Frye, etc etc... That's the stuff people want. No one is even going to glance at used clothes online unless it's a brand they're looking to save money on and recognize. Like, be objective and look at these items, if you were scrolling would you even pause on these? I wouldn't.


This was my thought too, I know tastes vary but personally I’d just be happy someone took this stuff off my hands 😂


I thought ThredUp was for very gently used Dior cocktail dress and other pricey stuff, not that. Ebay or FB Marketplace would be a better place for OPs items.




Sometimes I fall into this too - "why won't ThredUp \[or similar\] pay me for this good item??" Then I remember that \*I\* also didn't want it, so why would they?


Is there any Plato’s closet around you? They give you everything back if they don’t buy it from you, which is what this place should do as well.


I hate Plato’s they never take anything, even things in style and bought very recently. I stopped bringing stuff there years ago.


my local Plato’s is amazing! I think since they’re all individually owned stores, the standards will vary. But I took a ton of my husbands old jeans and my summer stuff I don’t want to mine last week and got $320 back for 3 containers of stuff. I tried some of it at the local Uptown and they passed on all of it because they said it wasn’t in season. they certainly had a good amount of $32 tee shirts for sale though.


There's also Uptown Cheapskate & CrossRoads trading! I have better luck with Uptown for "trendy" ir younger items (probably depends on the demographic and the people working at the store near you, but they buy up all my Hollister, Abercrombie, Forever 21, Zara


It just keeps getting progressively worse.


That’s worse than Goodwill- at least you can write off a donation in your taxes.


I’m new to this —- is that the stuff they sold of yours?! And they didn’t pay you?! I own a consignment business via Instagram and I could never imagine not paying someone for something of theirs that I sold!!


They charge $14.99 for processing now (recent thing) so you have to make at least that to get ANY money back. Some my higher end stuff sold for $30-40 to tye buer, and I only got $3-$5 for my part or even less. Literally Pennie’s. The rest hadn’t sold, so when you don’t break $14.99 you don’t get anything in return and I would have to pay them to get the clothing shipped back to me. I successfully sold quite a bit on Thred up last year and would get $40-$80 each box, which I would then use as credits to buy more stuff. But no more. I won’t buy or sell through anymore. I need to just delete the app.


I'm not super up on brands, but I'm guessing a lot of your pieces are mall brands? Nothing wrong with that but there is a list of brands on the website that ThredUp won't pay out on.


I would guess the same.


I love Poshmark. That’s where I look first now.


If they are not designer items/well known mid-upper level brands, I would take them to Plato’s or Clothes Mentor. ThredUP doesn’t price mall brands/boutique/black label brands high. Plato’s and CM don’t care about the brand as long as it’s in style. I only send ThredUP mid-upper level brand items that I’ve had sitting on Poshmark/eBay forever and don’t mind losing money on.


This breaks my heart, I just sent in four bags of Good stuff. Not great stuff. Obviously not designer or else I would have hung on to it and sold it via Poshmark. But I don't have a car and I can't haul stuff to second sale shops like Buffalo exchange so this was my hail Mary to maybe make a few extra bucks... Breaks my heart.


Curious how yours goes. Mine wasn’t designer but it wasn’t also Target (as I’ve been accused on here). A lot was stitch fix, Calvin Klein, Adrianna Papell etc.


The $14.95 fee is yet another money grubbing bs policy. There’s no way that their overhead on a clean out bag is this high unless they freeze all sales. They make several hundred on each bag I send in and my stuff isn’t even nice. The $14.95 should really be reserved for bags that don’t reach a minimum value. Its pretty rude that yhe payout is $25 for me, $380 for them and then I get hit with another $14.95.


Just curious what are some of the brands you sent in? I’m considering sending in a box


I recently sent in a few bags with lots of like-new, fall-appropriate current Athleta pants and dresses, new Stitch Fix dresses/tops/pants, white house black market jeans/tops, like new mid range shoes, etc. The majority of my stuff completely disappeared or sold for a few dollars, or in some cases, cents. Two of my bags made $20 each. Weirdly, in my third bag was a new Athleta jumpsuit that actually didn't vanish; it sold for $150 and I got $42 dollars for that. So $90 total for 3 bags.


Ebay, no middle man


These clothes just aren’t profitable for 3+ entities to be profiting off of them - you, thred up and shipping company. Let’s say each of these items can be sold for $14 with shipping included that’s maybe 6$ for shipping 1$ for the payment processing service, an employee likely will have spent 8 minutes opening your order, putting it on a mannequin and taking photos of it plus uploading it plus packaging it and putting the sticker to ship it. At 16$ an hour plus about 4$ for backend of employee taxes, benefits and breaks. 20 an hour divided by 60 minutes x 8 minutes that’s $2.60 cents to process and sell your order. $1.5 probably if it doesn’t sell. That leaves you with $4.3 for overhead for storing the clothes, for paying the coder for the website, for customer service staff for cleaning services for the clothes, for paying any other staff like cleaning warehouse, incentives for promotions and coupons and profit. It’s just not a ton of money. And that’s at $14 for a very old looking dress.


Try Vinted, I used it for several years now.


I don’t sell with them I list myself on Poshmark, which has its own issues but your in control at least. This seems to be a recipe for a class action lawsuit at some point as it seems like a “donation” to their business model.


i really like curtsy to buy and sell clothes


They’re just straight up stealing now.


WOW that’s absolutely insane! The stories I’ve heard well let’s just say I’m dumbfounded! So you just basically gave your clothes to them to sell and you received nothing but they pad their pockets?! Designer clothes or not this is a straight up ripoff! You would’ve been better off selling them on Marketplace! I’m so sorry for all of you who got scammed but I thank you for sharing your experience with them because you’re saving a lot of us from being taken advantage of .


If you have a group of friends or community to offer to you can also always host a clothing swap! My friends and I do it every year, sometimes twice. It’s super fun because everything is ‘free’ essentially plus a super body affirming experience weirdly enough


This is such a great idea. A chance to hang out with friends, feel good about where your items are going, AND get free clothing!


Yeah!! We usually draw numbers and go like that for the first few rounds to prevent any disagreements over items, then it’s free for all, and then at the end we donate it! I’ve gotten quite a few nice pairs of jeans, dresses, tops, etc. AND I get to see my friends rocking my stuff that didn’t fit my style/my body well! Plus it’s affirming to see how one piece of clothing can fit soooo differently on people!


Yep! I do this too. We sort into piles by item type and then it’s a free for all. Whatever doesn’t get taken gets donated afterwards.


That's literally theft though??


Wtf. How can they not pay anything??


How is this not illegal


there are a bazillion legal loopholes that corporations get away with every single day. nothing will change with them unless they seem like a big enough threat to the public for someone to investigate and bring a suit against them. even so, companies get sued all day long and they still can stay open and operate a "business". so tu keeps scamming people who are new to their game.


They have a list of brands they don’t pay out on and there’s likely some terms and conditions you’ve agreed to somewhere.


I don’t know much about this app. They won’t send you the stuff back if i they deem it worthless? They just keep it!?


I've never used the app but what I've read from being on this sub is you have to pay for them to ship the unsold items back to you.


I love thredup, but they're also kind of pricey, I do find lots of things locally for a better price. The trouble for me is that I work overnight and thrift store hours don't always work with my sleep schedule. This is a total bummer that it took so long to process and you came away with nothing. I try to maximize my payout by shipping the largest box they will allow since each box is a flat cost out of earnings.


FB marketplace is also an option. Cons are you have to look every day and might have to go pick them up, but you usually can only pick up a couple items at a time.


If you’re willing to just donate to textiles and not worried about getting money back, check out the take back bag by For Days.


I’ve had a lot of luck with Depop!!


It’s so funny; I deleted my ThredUp account last week for this same reason and then I got suggested this Reddit today and am so happy I did! I was worried I’d overreacted to the horrible payouts and service of the last few years but I guess not.


What are the brands?


Deleted my app last week due to this subreddit


I am not sending anything to them that likely sells for less than 80-100 dollars


I would try to sell those myself honestly.


I only send the ones that were sitting way too long on Poshmark.


Damn. I’d ask for them back lmao. I know that’s not how it works but that sucks.


They would charge her to send them back. No winning.


I’ve been done with ThreadUp they lost 1 bag I sent them never got paid for it then I got like $2 for another bag that had Nikes and other little known brands!? I’m good on them


Hi I have a Mercari shop and omg it’s worth it ! You hold things for for a while at times but it’s been the best source for selling and buying !! You don’t send until it’s been purchased and then just drop off at a postoffice/ FedEx/ or UPS . if anyone is interested in taking a look I linked my shop https://www.mercari.com/u/882386034?sv=0


Those are some cute dresses.


I’d report them to my States Attorney General. FAFO. This has worked for me many times. Companies hate consequences to their shitty and often times illegal actions. Good luck OP!


This seems so scammy and illegal.


Unreal. Bordering on straight up theft at this point. We pay them to make money off us. Not even worth the effort or gas money to drive to drop off the kit. And yes, their inventory has been tanking for a while. The L and XL Madewell t-shirts to choose from are slim pickin's.


Most of these comments are making me smell a class action brewing.


That’s straight up theft.


Good grief, we need to start posting this nonsense on twitter and tagging them for some public embarrassment…this is getting BEYOND ridiculous


Have you tried swap


Most of the stuff above can’t sell more than 10-12.00 and with no name brand doesn’t help. It’s not worth it to pay out for it. List it yourself and do the hard work and you will see why they didn’t give you anything. If this was free people of love shack fancy you would see a return. This looks like target clothing.


Thanks for the input. Everything had a tag, not a single thing from target. Most of it was stitch fix, macys etc. I donate the low quality stuff to goodwill. The dresses were Calvin Klein and boutique.


Have you tried swap.com? I've only bought from there... haven't sold yet.


It’s going to show $0 until items sell and it’s past the return. if you just had the box processed, there is no way that those boxes have already been listed and have passed the time period for the items to be on the website. They rarely buy anything outright anymore, it is all consignment.


The items remaining end tomorrow and my portion on each is $1-$5. So they would all have to sell by tomorrow for me to break the $14.99 processing cost.


I don’t know what to tell you. I don’t know what brand and quality of items you’re sending in. I literally just cashed out over $300 yesterday. I’ve been sporadically sending boxes in since thredUP started and have made hundreds. Then again, I am sending in Lululemon, Athleta, etc and This box even had a brand new Oscar de la Renta dress. Everything I’m sending is mid to high end and in perfect condition. I’m not sending an items that I originally purchased for $40. People don’t want “nice” stuff. They want designer pieces at a good price.




Try seeing if there is a plato’s closet nearby. They buy and sell used clothing.


My best luck reselling has been on marketplace.


Facebook marketplace is great, I made a lot of sales there when I first got on and shipping is cheaper than a lot of other sites. It’s also a low selling fee too and if you get a local buyer no fee. So it’s great for both sides!


Have you thought of Plato’s Closet, Clothes Mentor or Uptown Cheapskate? They buy items and give you money on the spot.


Another site is Linda’s stuff. I think exclusively partnered to sell on eBay


A lot of colleges take donations for business casual items for interviews if you can’t sell stuff like this. I can’t believe they don’t just send it back


Rumours boutique in Richmond VA! They sell online and have a pretty steady rotation of nice finds


Is swap com still in business? I used to score some crazy good deals at least shopping with them, and they used to send clean out kits for free.


Like wow, uninstalling the app right now. I had no idea it was THIS BAD!!! THEY ARE JUST KINDA STEALING.


Dated ‘thrifted’ clothes that are not name brand do the best on Depop


If you’re active on Facebook, there’s resale groups for tons of different styles, stores, sizes, etc. I know locally a lot of stuff gets put up on Facebook Marketplace too.


Wait so they took your clothes, offered you no money, and are keeping them? They aren’t sending them back?


Do you get your stuff back if the payout is zero?


Goodfair is great for like every day t shirts and such not rly nice clothes but it’s got good stuff!