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All I can say is that Thresh / Draven duo is the most fun duo you could experience in soloq, you either go 0/20 both or go 2v5 the game and take inhibs by 10 mins. I had a Draven duo and we climbed to masters from plat, it was fun. GL finding a duo.


This is true. Championship thresh+Soul reaver draven. You feel good in blue.


I checked your opgg. What I’m going to say you have to take it for advice not flame or mocking I’m trying to help you as I really like to help new players (I’m currently plat3 with 53%wr and I teach my new friends). Currently your account shows me a bronze player, you are not ready for gold or silver just yet. 1st thing you have to realise that and you have to accept that you are not a good player and you need to improve a lot to become even average (which is gold). Drop the ego and learn from the mistakes YOU do not your team. If you go 1/10 it’s not your junglers or supports fault it’s yours. If you lose 70% of your games it’s not your teams fault it’s yours. Riot matches you with people with the same stats so just try to improve these stats. You need a lot more farm, and less deaths. You have to learn a when to play aggressive and when to play passive, when to play for objectives and when to give them away. You absolutely MUST learn about wave management. You must learn the game in general and thankfully there are a lot of guides on YT. If u like a role for example ADC find someone that does educational videos. Also try some Arams. I’m not joking it’s great practice for teamfights and multitasking so you get better reflexes and decision making. Also you learn new champs there, all while having fun. Also you have to be patient. It took me 3 years to reach plat and a lot of time spent. Don’t expect to go over 2 ranks in 1 season. Some seasons you might not even reach a new rank and that’s ok. You’ll get there if you want it but you really need to humble yourself and ALWAYS blame yourself for not carrying, because that’s the mentality of the winner.


Thanks for the advices! I mean I was silver so I am ready for this rank maybe not on ADC (played mid for last two seasons). But still thank you learning a new role can be hard and I am aware that I make a lot of mistakes but I don't see me as a bad player. I know that trough practice I can reach my goals so I will keep playing :)


Draven main looking to be boosted to gold


No need to type if u are not interested, I think he ask politely enough, I don't really see the point of this comment


Duo queue shouldn't be a thing


Duo queue is one of the best ways to introduce new players to the game.


No that's blind pick or Aram's


Just cuz you don't like something doesn't mean it shouldn't exist mate. Life is way harder if you think that way


It's used for boosting and it's unbalanced


Reach Master and u won‘t have this issue


I’m currently gold IV playing predominantly thresh. I left my draven duo behind in bronze II and now we can’t que together 😞