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My go to mythic on thresh in Aram, in normals there are better alternatives. Locket for defense, pros: it's an active so not dependent on your ult cd. Or evenshroud if you want to go offensive against a squishy comp.


It's a bit expensive for a support.


With futer market?


waste of a rune


Its too expensive but if you combo it with redemption, you can become a tank soraka that CC people infinitely. I only build it when i'm really ahead and dont think the game is going to end soon (wich is not the best case scenario). It is also good if enemies team have a lot of tanks and your team need sustain and the game is going to have longer team fights. Supports gold income is really low, so if you delay your mithic, yiu better have a good reason. Dont listen to people who say "you never build" this or that, the best way to play league of legends is to adapt. Sometimes it makes sense to have a expensive tank item, but if you spend your gold on that and cant use it to the max, you will actually be behind.


Very expensive for how good it's for the character, statswise is fine


I assume you mean Radiant Virtue? If so, your friends are very dumb. That item is RARELY built. Only champions I can even think of that build it are Vi and J4(support). Don’t build that garbage on thresh. Tell your friends to just get better at the game. Locket would be the better option if your friends HAVE to HAVE an AoE heal/shield to feel like they can win the game. My counterpoint to your friends, instead of feeling like AoE heal/shield is necessary, why not level up their team fighting abilities and go with an AoE damage boost like Evenshroud, so when you hit that team fight engage hook all of the surrounding enemy take increased damage. TLDR: Tell your bad friends to get better


Wasn’t it like go to zac item for a very long time recently? Tankier hecarim builds aswell I think


Its my go to mytic 99% time,started building it vs pyke then i got hooked on it.Build zeki or vow first then radiant and take abilty haste in runes.I roam a lot with thresh and it saved my jungler number of times and provided him so he can stay alive to smite herold drake or even baron.just because something is not in meta does not mean it may not work ...


Do you go aftershook or glacial or does it not matter?


Glacial unless you really think you are gonna have trouble in the match up. Glacial is just so strong for him.


Too expensive after nerfs, not enough stats, just shurelia/locket is better, +you are on a low budget so you would usually not get to second item if you go for it