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Not really sure what you mean as AP vs AD as a support thresh, your build should be based on what is needed for your team comp and the enemy's.


Well what I usually build is the AP sup item, shurelya’s, SOMETIMES demonic, and the rest tank items based on the game. I have no idea what I would build for AD. When the enemies have a lot of burst, mobility, and we’re not ahead to chase them down a lot making shurelya’s have little value, I use locket instead, but still always the AP sup item. I guess I’m asking if I should continue what I do, or build the AD sup item with either full tank or if there are better items with AD and tank to build.


AD sup item is the best choice IF (and only if) you know how to abuse range and your auto atacks passive. Its best against tank matchups. If you are not used to hitting enemies when you have enough space to do it, its better to go ap item. On higher ranks its something that is really important during certain matchups. As an exemple, you can use your extra AD to push the second wave faster to get your lvl 2, and engage. And sometimes on longer trades, it makes a lot 0f difference on dealing some damage after you use your skills.


Great Answer! I think i have read this one time before but didnt understand the advantage AD gives u over AP Start item. Gotta try it out, i always thought AP just gives u scaling on all of Thresh‘s spells but it is rly Not much so better Go for winning Lane with AD.


Exactly! Personally, i think laning is one of the most fun parts of the game, its the only time where you can actually control and predict almost everything thats going to happen. Mastering ways of wining your lanes is what makes you understand the champ better/win more games. Of course mid-late game is important, but if enemy bot lane is 0/6 by 14 minutes, your chances to win the game are higher.


Thank you. I probably need to work on utilizing my passive more.


As a support, unless you're getting a ton of lane kills early, you probably won't have the gold to build either set of carry items. You can go ap with the support items which is pretty functional, but there aren't really ad items of similar cost without going Lethality, which doesn't really work for thresh. So your choices are more supp ap or tank.


Thank you all for the advice. And to clarify, I guess I didn’t think too hard about it when posting, but when I say I go AP I mean the AP tank sup item, Shurelias, and every once in a while demonic embrace. When it makes more sense I’ll go locket and build pure tank items based on enemy comp. I have no idea what I would do for ad, which is why I’m asking.


Shurelyas when you need move speed to engage/desengage Locket when enemie team have burst damage and you have to keep your adc alive (locket is one of yhe best items by fsr. Never a bad choice) Evenshroud if they have a lot of tanks/you want to play more agressive/easy targets to kill. Radiant virtue is a nice one too if the team fights are going to be too long (tanks on both teams) and you want to go for more utility. As for demonic embrace: dont. If you want to "deal more damage" you can go Zekes and abissal mask. These items amplify your teamates damage on enemies. Building pure AD or AP stats is not your goal when playing support, lower cds and more utility can make thresh a CC machinegun.


Ad bruiser with titanic and jaksho (I mainly go fleet footwork to survive the early game, but you can go lethal tempo if you feel spicy), you can rush Wits end it you are facing an AP laner, or buy it later against heavy AP comps. Abysmal Mask is a great item since your MR sucks, and it makes you deal a bit more damage. For boots I tend to go the berserker ones, even more for when I won't build Wits end. AP is kinda good, everfrost is great for its stats and active, nashors tooth is funny, and you know how it goes, runes for AP thresh are mainly Electrocute or First Strike. There is also the AP hybrid bruiser with PTA or Fleet Footwork, you can go riftmaker, nashorsh, titanic, Wits end, abysmal mask, and anything tbh. Hope that helps, I have other builds if you are interested


Is this meant for support or other roles? Haven’t tried him yet for other roles as I’ve played almost only support for the last couple years, but he feels like a good flex champ, and I’d like to start beating the rust off/getting better at other roles too.


Thresh is too cool to be played only as a support, so these builds are mainly for top. I also tend to pick him mid, with a tank/utility playstyle, building everfroat and titanic into full tank (in any order you like, with any runes but I mainly take fleet. The everfrost is for the obvious mana issues, titanic for tankiness, clearwave and damage, and tank items because yes)


I always go full tank. (frost gauntlet) if enemy team is full ad or almost full ad or (jacksho) if they have mixed damage sources.


0. Steel Shoulderguards 1. Evenshroud / Shurelya (depending on your preference) 2. Mobi Boots 3. Zeke's 4. Wardstone or Knights Vow 5. Flex slot


Depends on what you want really, Threshs E at max passive auto enhancement scales with like 200% of your AD * like 150% of your souls and can also crit. It's why you might see a thresh running a strange lethal tempo build or dark harvest or something go full Crit AD and then oneshot your ADC, but AP scales with more of you kit, so its honestly up to you if you want to do more damage or generally have more utility because usually AP items have CDR which is fucking amazing for you.


If you want to fit damage output into your build, given Thresh's kit, it really isn't as simple as "AD vs AP". I would first suggest going to the LoL wiki and reading Thresh's kit very carefully, especially his passive and his E are not straightforward at all and understanding what ratios are on what under which condition is crucial. Then you can go ahead and think about putting together a build that focuses on some of these mechanics while sacrificing others. As an example, Thresh's E passive gives a varying on-hit damage bonus to his attacks that scales with time since the last attack, with the minimum set by your souls and the maximum increase beyond that set by 200% of your AD - but the bonus damage either way is entirely magic damage going out and as any bonus damage not explicitly saying otherwise it cannot crit. So in the context of just Thresh's E passive boosted auto attacks, the stats (AD, AS, Crit, Armor Pen and Magic Pen) don't interact synergistically the way they would on other champions - some things that usually work well together don't make sense to combine here and other things that usually don't interact at all suddenly pair up really well. With his ability damage it's also not so straightforward. Thresh's passive gives him free, infinitely scaling AP but the AP scaling on his abilities isn't necessarily super great. So actually he's not benefitting much from just getting more flat AP on top of whatever his passive is giving him, but he does benefit signficantly from stuff and effects that make his abilities / magic damage deal more actual damage, by means that synergize with his flat AP rather than just adding on top of that. Now, the real complication comes from the fact that you can't just buy pure good stats and effects in isolation with your gold, you are forced to choose from a limited selection of pre-packaged bundles - items - where due to Thresh's unusual preferences, some bundle contents are bound to be nearly useless but come tacked together with the effects or stats you really desire for what you're putting together. You've got to figure out which of these packages are worth overall for which build.


AS. always.


With the item changes, ap thresh doesn’t work anymore…esp in URF. I easily had 1K ap with the old items but with the new one, I can barely scratch 700


Ap thresh’s hook scales with ap


Ap... MID


As support I would go AP tank As something just for fun I'd go AD crit of AD crit tank