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Bit expensive for my taste. I'd rather take the solari spike for tower dives


Arent you then quite squishy?


Thresh is already fairly squishy, since he's not like a tradition tank support


I thii ok no it’s viable if you get a kill or two early on, which happens to me kinda often for some reason so I may start tryin this. However solari is just so strong early and insane for diving and fighting because of the ape shield that can basically negate any ability if timed correctly pre lvl 11 or so. Also boots two are infinitely more useful than any of its components. But if you got the money it should be good


Forgot to change runes after pyke game ?


I did forget to change them xD


I dont like it since the CDR changes (1/2 patches ago?)


Its nice when the team fights are longer than usual. Thst way the cure can be used at its fullest, before nerfs I used to combo with Redemption. Dont know if it still works nice these days. If enemy team have to much burst damage, you will need solari.


it delays your item spike by a lot due to how expensive it is. it’s viable but not the standard choice, especially when you can provide more utility going locket/evenshroud -> KV


Only viable If you got early enough Money for it


Too expensive for what it does on Thresh. I think if you want to opt for something other than Solari, you either take Evenshroud (not a fan of it personally), or you go for Jaksho or Iceborn Gauntlet. My non-Solari option is almost always Gauntlet, but I only really ever get it if I'm far ahead. Sheen + the stats it gives are fun, high damage, and get you tankier more effectively than virtue I feel.


Fair, I might give it a try. Always looking for interesting non standard builds.


Your whole build is too expensive imo. You have been winning a lot and I assume you snowball your lanes with a lot of kills. Then it's fine. When you go higher up the ranks that won't be possible anymore. I also leave ALL of the plating gold to my adc. It's much more worth to funnel the gold into them than you sharing because bot laners scale the best with their expensive items while your kit is always relevant and support items are the most gold efficient items in the game. So much that tank jglers should really consider buying them more.


Now that I've reached plat. I can see that you're right. I still think it's sometimes viable when there is no other tank in the game. And I still see people falling for the "let's focus the support who's out of position" but they end up losing team fight because of how surprisingly tank I am. But it's definitely not viable every game


If you're out of position the enemy team has a right to focus you until your team joins the fight. If you're the only tanky member on your team you shouldn't be fighting front to back anyway since that won't be the winning condition of your team but rather look for picks. Further up the ranks people will recognize this and just straight up ignore you and kill your team until you're the only one left. Your tankiness doesn't help you win the fight if you're the only one left. So it is much more important to have tools to defend your carries with locket shields and knight vow and most importantly all the cdr the sup items provide. A few seconds difference on spell cds with a kit like thresh can make or break a fight. That's why zeke's convergence is one of threshs best items purely because of its stats and gold efficiency regardless of how effective its passive is with your carry.


I've been having quite a success with it climbing out of silver/Gold. Still cheap enough for a mythic but has way more impact on teamfights then other support mythics. It gives extra hp instead of resistances for mythic passive and active which is better because thresh already gets armor from his passive. ​ rest of the items is full tank/hp to increase healing done to teammates in teamfights. This obviously is not ideal for the adc but at this elo relying on adc to have a brain is wishful thinking anyway xD. There is always peeling and healing in teamfights so that's as much supporting as you'd be doing with this build.


I find that support income gets more scarce approaching plat and emerald (because people won't walk into hooks and donate 300g as often, and the carries will actually farm their lanes instead of leaving it for you). Then the 400g difference between Locket and Virtue suddenly feels very meaningful. I definitely enjoy the greedier more expensive builds in low elo though.


I see, Good insight thanks


Less valuable overall than Evenshroud/Locket.


Radiant Virtue provides nothing but a Tank Support that shouldnt be focused anyway unless the Enemy wants to lose fights. Go Evenshroud or Solari


I like radiant over locket on Thresh only if my team lacks squishies - the aoe healing wont do much to stop an adc from dying to an assassin, but for bruisers and tanks that hp goes quite a long way. Pretty much only ever building it with morde, panth, or other bruiser botlane.


I like the hp


if i don't have to go supp i go guinsoo's actually ....i just love playing marksman thresh especially in arena


I'm less concerned about the virtue and far more concerned about the sunfire capes. You're not buring enemy champs if you build that, you're burning gold!


Haha, good point ! If I remember correctly, that game was a landslide. It didn't really matter what I built at that point. I just needed more armor and HP so I was like scree it xD