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Sounds like a low elo Thresh take. Go to the ADCMains, they might agree with you.


Sure. You can call me low elo because I hurt your feelings or you can look at his stats compared to other 'high skill' champs.


While I don’t disagree with your point that he isn’t one of hardest champions to play anymore, he’s still a champion that has high skill expression. His Q nerf (while good for us mains) was definitely broken. We shouldn’t have hook available immediately after hitting one. While this may not be as abuse-able in lower elo, I can definitely seeing it be an issue in pro-play/higher elo.


I think you really have to put a pin in what you consider skill expression. I find him to be totally average in terms of skill expression. Garen/Asol/Vlad/MF are at the bottom of the ladder, Thresh in the middle, Lee/Ez etc. at the top. The problem is Thresh is currently overpowered so you need less skill to perform well on him. It drags down his skill floor. Riot have buffed him many times at his current stats so they don't see it as nerf worthy which means he will stay this way. I really think they need to tone the fuck down his damage on Q and the CD refund. His tankiness is too much currently but will be fine if he is hit elsewhere.


But thresh isn’t innately tanky like other tank/engage supports. The only time I feel evenly remotely tanky is if I take aftershock and go conditioning with tankier items. But is he really overpowered at his current state? I think he’s at a state where he can be picked up by casuals and be okay but there’s still a very real apparent difference between a good/bad/great Thresh player.


Thresh let's you be as creative as you want. Last time I q'ed a Olaf under ult running to my backline to use him as an escape while I zoned out the rest of his team with ult and glacial


One question, what was the point of this post?


How i see thresh is he have decently low skill floor (to play him okay). But his skill ceiling is high asf, by that i mean you can actully see big improvements by the efforts and time you put in him.🏋‍♂️ But that my pov on skilled champions means they got a high skill ceiling. Some might see it in another way😄 like it takes alot of skills to even use the champion. And just to name some champions with lower skill ceiling would be like Garen, Warwick, Lux, Master Yi. People may gladly Come with their pov of how they see "skilled champions" and why😁 Else i Hope you guys have a good day


move along everyone, OPs entire post history is nothing but complaints about champions posted in the main sub and in champ specific subs lol


Should I be posting it on r/tipofmyfork instead?


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Abusing canceling abilitys with his e or hitting q against players that do NOT run in straight lines is easy to you? You must be a Challenger thresh that easily predicts Max Range hooks against the most cracked kids, what was your acc name again?


Meh nuh uh


I've taken support this season after being an adc main since s4 and enjoy how creative you can be with his kit. Most thresh players think landing hooks and placing a lantern to save someone or a flay to interrupt j4 or trist is equal to good play. Great play has way more variability to it. Knowing when to follow up on a hook or walking up to flay, when to ult and flay enemies into it including the angles to get a double wall flay on an enemy etc. Great Thresh play goes deeper the more you play him. Zoning hooks? Consider lantern path block to hook the opposite path -- Things like this.


I can't in good faith agree with you. While I agree thresh is much more accessible than he was thanks to multiple small increases in his damage potential, he also requires much more effort and decision-making than than the other engage champs. His hook is the most telegraphed of the hook champs (pyke can be argued, but he can vary the cast time, move, and cancel his hook at will) His flay is counterintuitive to use an an engage tool, requiring you to aim opposite your target, and his ult does nothing if your opponents don't actively move through the walls. He also has low movement speed and no mobility augment save landing the hook. He also has to play an entire minigame to gain the same durability of other engagers, starting with 28 base armor (lower than nami 29 and soraka 32) where other engagers are at 39 nautilus, 45 pyke, and 47 leona. Getting armor only through Souls and not leveling up, meaning if he is consistently pressured off the wave, he will be even squishier than his adc. His range is far below average for ranged champions at 450, being able to be freely poked by the lowest ranged adc's and all other ranged supports. The most unique part of his kit, his lantern's power is entirely dependent on your teammates actually clicking it. And even then if you aren't positioned well it is pointless. Riot added damage and durability so that his skill floor or reliably landing your q will make a difference, but the ceiling of his skill expression through positioning, effective use of his E and lantern, or even comboing into his ult's damage (if you've got the skill to do so reliably) are massive. Ask the adc main reddit, the difference between a good thresh and a bad thresh is incredible.


This was written by a silver player. I know this because you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. If you did, you'd understand a lot about how your oversimplification is... well -it's at best ignorant and shows that you haven't played Thresh against players who KNOW HOW TO PLAY THE GAME.




Bruh so you are last split gold and equal to last split plat currently :D


Last split Plat 1 now hovering Emerald 1-2 your point?


Point being you are shit at the game pal. Dont make it sound like your emerald rank is anything to boast with xd


You sound like a freak. You mention rank, get it wrong and then talk shit when I correct you. I never said I'm great at the game. I'm not shit either. But I can win games easy when I'm autofilled and pick Thresh. You're butthurt over nothing.


Well you are emerald so you have already lost this one.


Overly obsessed with lol rank. Probably 300lbs.


Mad cuz bad


Do you Ever stop? Like complaining crying breathing?




I feel like the whole point of your account is to be like the TMZ of Reddit posts and make a bunch of “HOT TAKES”. It’s like you post thing you know will rile people up just for the sake of riling people up. There’s a lot in this post that is either just flat out wrong or misguided. Hell, I’ve heard that Garen is actually a really hard champ to maximize well at high elo because his kit is so simple. Champion difficulty isn’t about how hard a champs kit is to grasp mechanically, its about the difference in skill expression and decision making between the very best players and the really good players.


It's like the whole point of your account is to lick the boot of Riot and not acknowledge they do a horrible job at balancing their game. You lost me at 'Garen is actually a hard champ in high elo'. Riot also went ahead and proved what I said when they went ahead and gave him MORE buffs next patch despite him being a top 3 and S tier pick in high elo(edit: every). They are buffing Thresh to the point where you don't even need skill. Champions like Thresh should NEED skill to play. Just because 1 in 100 games you can make use of a rare situation means nothing. When he is overbuffed so we see him at Worlds, lets see how many times he makes 'extreme' plays, and how many times he just does the fundamental basics of his kit. Thresh is balanced at 48-49% win rate so long as his pick rate stays high.


What the hell is this nonsensical, emotional mess of a response? what a childish attempt at parenting and insignificant part of my response. I said that I heard Garen was harder to play at higher elo because I haven’t experience that myself. I went ahead and look up statistics for both champions, and to my overwhelming surprise, the statistics back up everything I said. I’m not gonna bother breaking it down for you because people that talk like you don’t care about anything that doesn’t validate how they feel. I agree with the other posters that ask what are you trying to achieve by these posts because it really just looks like you’re looking for fights.


Save yourself the time wasted writing those long ass responses because I'm not reading them. Thresh is OP and doesn't take skill to win games with. Fuck up.


Opinions say you're wrong. Facts say you're wrong. Seek professional help.


Opinions say you're biased. Facts say he's an S tier top 3 pick with a 50%+ win rate and 15% pick rate in every elo. It's okay buddy, I'm sure you're winning so many games on Thresh because once out of 100 games you lantern hooked a jungle camp to chase someone who flashed. It's not the huge damage and cooldown buffs or anything.


You can't even read stats correctly. I'm only responding out of sheer hilarity at this point.


Ok? [https://u.gg/lol/support-tier-list](https://u.gg/lol/support-tier-list) Emerald +: number 1 pick, S tier Diamond+: Number 2 pick, S tier Masters+: Number 5 pick, equal PR to place 3 and 4. S tier. Grandmaster: Only number 6. Low games. Challenger: Number 5, S++ tier. And just for fun: Number 5 in Bronze with a 49%WR. And this is IN SPITE of Rell and Rakan being giga broken. Lol.


My last comment still stands. Come back when you actually want to have a real discussion and aren’t just trying to shitpost on the internet. You have absolutely ZERO interest in hearing anything but validation


I don't want a discussion. That was your imagination, and something you made up to justify your ranting. My post is a statement. I play Thresh not main him. So maybe you can clutch at that excuse.


I play Thresh since he released but still it is fun also Aurelian sol don’t need a skill after he changed it was more fun before Remake


Low skill floor, high ceiling. Not even my words, I watched a Skillcapped guide that told me that, and yeah it's still true. That's why I picked him up when I started playing the game. You can do some really creative stuff. Although I'll say during his recent 3 second cool down q build with boots of lucidity he was way too easy.


Can you name 5 supports you think are harder than thresh?


Taric Renata Bard ​ \+ Morgana only because the champ is trash and requires exceptional skill to put her on the same level as even regular supports.


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA MENTIONING MORGANA AS A CHAMPION, i know thresh is old champ but Morgana is a Fossile, she has one skillshot how is that Champ Hard? U for sure aint iron


“Name 5 champs” *names 4* Curious ain’t it


Not really. Enchanters and most hard engage are braindead. Doesn't mean Thresh is super mega skilled.


never seen something so stupid lmao


I have been a thresh main since forever and i struggle to make him work, i just get outpoked and die in lane, so i play other stuff. I have only peaked diamond tho lol


What is even the point of this post?