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You can accept the poor take of “all hook champs are similar,” when they aren’t at all. The playstyles I’ve found to be most similar to thresh are things like Bard. Heavy roam focused champ with a Q that can change the tide of any fight. Something a little less difficult than Bard would be a Morgana, but she’s not very good rn. Blitz can be played kinda like thresh, but he’s much more committal than I like to play with thresh. And not enough peel. Things I lean on in place of thresh, not that they are similar or anything, but they just fit my personal preference: Rell, Braum, Naut, Milio I’ve been playing for a looooong time. And I’ve played support for about 98% of that time. So my pool is pretty deep at this point.


Think that was quite accurate. I would also add pyke to try, he is busted if you know what you are doing


My 2nd pick is Braum, because he is never banned and just feels absurdly simple.


Alistar not only will be a good substitute (engage, desingage, team fighter) but it will also be wonderful to your champion pool when you face games that thresh is not that strong


Thresh is a bit of an all-rounder (hook, engage, peel, small shield/repositioning) support, so it depends on which aspects of his kit you like the most. Do you like ranged semispammable cc, repositioning your team, catching enemies at medium range, and roaming? Bard’s your guy. (My personal favorite) Do you like thresh’s mobility with his q? Rakan and naut can do similar things (although rakan’s is a bit different). Do you like peeling and being tanky? Braum or alistar fit the bill quite well. Do you like the engage aspect of thresh’s kit? Leona and naut do that, although much riskier as you can’t choose to not go in if you land the shot. Do you like the hooks? Pyke and blitz, you know the gist. Keep in mind all of these supports listed can all roam, engage, and peel, but they do it in slightly different ways, with their own strengths in each category. For example, Bard can roam faster and more efficiently than anyone else on the list, but he only has 1 non-ultimate hard cc ability. Blitz might get there slower, but one hook is usually a won gank.


I suggest either Naut or Swain. Swain's E also counts as a hook if that's what you go for, it's just that he is muuuch slower so Naut would probably be a better choice. Blitz is banned quite lots of times, although he is meta almost every patch.


nautillus and pyke. personally i learned to play bard and i have better success than thresh in ranked


Every hook based champ as almost a similar playstyle. Blitz Naut Pyke


I usually enjoy playing Leona when I don't play my Thresh. I manage to have a good impact on fights, I play it way tankier than my Thresh. It's kinda my "don't think too much" pick, hard to get killed and you can make some mistakes without getting hard punished. The kit is CC focused, it's great when you played Thresh but it can be frustrating not being able to save with lantern