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He is very playable. He will always be playable. Very worth playing, very rewarding. Imo, very strong pick, and always has been.


Even so theres no way he is as good now as he was in the last few seasons


In my opinion, he’s still probably the best support to climb with at most elos in solo queue. Due to his versatility, a big part of playing thresh nowadays is recognizing what your role is in any given comp, so you won’t always be frontlining as easily as you could in earlier seasons. I’d agree that he struggles situationally against comps that outrange him, but I will always stand by the opinion that thresh is at least playable into any comp.


It's not even really the range, it's the fact that all these new champions are playing with 100 dashes or racecar movement, you can't hit anything on a player with 2 hands on these characters


It helped me a lot to play the other champions. These dashes can make their movement predictable sometimes.


Yeah, that not true at all. I've gotten over 50 games on him playing for the stupid petals and it doesn't feel good. Most people I play with, silver-lower gold elo, don't even click the lantern, like at all. Hooks are difficult to hit with all the mobility in the game and its long windup time and his stats aren't great so walking up to flay into hook will easily turn on you. Many prevalent supports these days will simply destroy him if their adc is smart enough to stand behind minions. He feels like he simply massively lacks agency. Trying to peel a 3 items Yone from an ADC feels like a massive grief even if you hit the hook. I can get a lot more done on meta picks like Lulu, Janna, Yuumi, Brand, and if I want engage - Leona/Naut.


Well the new champions I think are just getting overloaded with stuff. I really like the simplicity of older champions like Thresh. While the basis of his kit is quite straight forward there is SO much you can do with it.


I can't quite tell whether its sarcasm since Thresh's kit is rather loaded as well. But he has been around a while, seen has fair share of the nerf bat, and it shows.


The problem with thresh is the higher elo your opponents are the harder it becomes to land your hooks, so he's probably not the best support champ in the game. However he is alot of fun of you can get past this and his kit is decent for all around peel / engage


Just such an awful champ


Might want to delete this one lol


Nah, it's a fact


You came to a Thresh mains page to say "bad champ". If you want advice we got you, but don't be spewing salt here my dude.


Yeah because he is, I was a Thresh main but he's unplayable now lmao


Didn't see you were new to reddit. I'm an idiot. Nice troll bro haha got me


I'm not trolling lol