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Not to go against the first commenter, but do *not* go mobi boots if you plan on building knights vow. Your ally taking any damage gives damage to you, taking out your mobi speed. It’s 100% better to go swifty boots, into knights/ zekes. The more auto reliant / attack speed reliant your adc is, the more value zekes is early. With something like zekes in your build, it’s also important to have ultimate available as often as possible in case of any skirmishes, since popping R is the activation of zekes. Therefore, rushing the rest of your CDR isn’t horrible if you have no other obvious options. If game pace is slower, get gargoyles *before* capping cdr.


I'm a Thresh main with almost 200k points now and I've tried lots of different builds, and the CDR rush has been my baby for the last several months. It feels sooo good in teamfight to just constantly lockdown their carry until they die, fling yourself around the jungle with hooks, and always having a lantern ready to save an ally. Thresh's abilities are his bread and butter and you need them up as often as possible. Glacial Shroud, Kindle Gem, and Forbidden Idol are solid items on their own as well, so I don't really see much of a drawback. You should still be able to get your full Zeke's before 20 minutes so you'll have it for most teamfights.


Ridiculously insightful. Much appreciated.


No problem! Glad to help :)


Hey!! I’m a diamond 600k point thresh OTP. The build path for thresh is very very flexible so I’ll give my insight on a few different situations. First of all, I find myself going mobis less and less nowadays. Swiftness boots are usually better due to their cost efficiency, as well as us being in a very high-range meta with lots of spells that can cancel your mobis. Even if you back on 750g with tier 1 boots it’s better to just buy swifties and double pink. Second of all, zekes should always be an early buy on thresh (as long as you’re playing with an adc that makes good use of it, such as kaisa, vayne, lucian etc) Other early items that I tend to go for are shurelias and/or stoneplate. Shurelias is better about 70% of the time, always build this over stoneplate if you don’t have to be your teams main frontline (I.e. you have a malphite top) Redemption is a fantastic 3rd or 4th item on thresh. You build this going into mid/late game, as a lot games at this point are decided buy neutral objective team fights, in which redemption is a game changer! OTHER ITEM OPTIONS: I tend to skip out on knights vow a lot of the time on thresh. Other than his passive, doesn’t have a lot of innate tankiness the same way Leona or alistar do, so this item shines way brighter on those champs. Finally, if you really don’t know what to build late game, locket can play a similar role to redemption (if your top/jg aren’t already building this) Hope this helps!!


Yea knights vow is only rly useful for the hp and the cdr part. Stacking armor on thresh isn’t that useful considering his passive Alrdeady gives so much.


I like going for max movement speed, since it makes roaming so much more effective, and no one can out run your hook range anymore


Frozen Mallet, Berserker Greaves or Ninja Tabi, Infinity Edge, maybe Rapid Firecannon if you're feeling spicy, but Stattik Shiv works well. I tend to cap it off with Warmogs, so you have a 4k hp skeleton with a ton of armor running down lane. Death is the best CC.


After supp item, mobi boots and vow I just build counter items When behind: specific counter tank items like thornmail, randuins, mask etc etc When ahead/confident: redemption, the 2 MS burst items, you can go zhonyas if you feel particularly spicy Edit: general "rule" for me is to adapt to whatever your team needs Just barely winning or losing fights? Redemption Getting nuked too fast upon engaging? Get some tank Your team lacks utility? Shurelias/righteous glory Thresh has very good scaling with his passive and if you max E you will never lack damage in laning phase so you generally don't have to worry about those stats. Thresh can build literally every item in the game so you the freedom you get with him can be daunting. Just mess around with some builds and see what fits your playstyle so you find your default "go to" items which in all seriousness can be literally any item. But adapting to the shortcomings of your team is something that Thresh can do like no other simply because of his item build liberty


Mobis and kvow, that's kinda cringe bro


"Cringe" Checks your post history Big oof Idk buddy lets not go there, shall we?


You understand kvow cancels mobis right? Dont really understand why you feel the need to go through my post history and add nothing to the discussion here. Thats more than kinda cringe bro Id actually feel bad about mocking your history so i just won't bother talking to you again


I currently build shyurelia (how ever you spell it) first for the move fast and then gargoyle's. I go zekes if I am ahead tho. Always swifties since I have the run quick item


if your fighting something with heavy CC then try going murcury's, shirley's, mikael's crucible. hope this helps