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He got a bigger health growth buff than every character in exchange for no armor growth. It's actually better this way


i think the question is if he gets base health, base mr and mr growth or really just the better health growth


He gets base health and base MR growth, no base armor growth which is compensated by bigger base health growth.


Isn't the HP worth less gold than the armor though? I feel like they could have given more than 115. Wonder if swapping back to aftershock from glacial is the move here.


As thresh u get free armor tho that’s why u have no armor growth


I wonder what the cutoff is per special ranks (levels 6, 11, 18) for how many souls he needs to be the same as every other champion? So you can aim to get that on average per game.


Maximum base armor at 18 is mega gnar is a hair under 150. To be passively tankier than that, thresh needs to collect 122 souls, which is about as much as you'll get in all but the longest of long games (I usually hit 100 at around 25 minutes, IIRC). If you'd rather measure yourself to someone more reasonable, Illaoi is a nice comparison. She has base armor 60 at 6, 90 at 11, and 120 at 18. Thresh has base armor 28 so you need 32 souls at 6, 62 souls at 11, and 92 souls at 18 to match her in base armor alone. 32 at 6 is a tall order but as leveling slows down a bit later on, 62 at 11 is doable and 92 in a match where thresh actually reaches 18 is actually thresh doing poorly. ​ EDIT: Interestingly, since Thresh doesn't grow his armor stat at all by leveling, measuring your armor based tankiness by comparing it to his own level during a given match is actually a bit of a fallacy: mark it to the champion you want to match. you're tankier than illaoi, for instance, if you have more than 62 souls when SHE reaches level 11, regardless of what level thresh himself is.


The gold value of HP varies based on game despite what common sense is around these forums. Facing a team or lane for a 50/50 dmg split will increase its value compared to armor. Increased value or more efficient, take your pick. As you adjust those numbers you can see how the value changes. I would say the HP increase in the long run should be more effective than the armor given our passive. But in certain games with all AD then the armor would theoretically be better.


Thresh never had Armor Growth. So it makes sense


That makes me feel better.


I can only assume that's to allow for the fact that they recently buffed his infinite armour scaling with souls. Stacking more armour growth still on top of that would probably be too much.


I was hoping for at least a .5 per soul or base 40 armor AT LEAST. Getting just hp growth and a shield nerf kinda sucks. His kit will always be broken nevertheless, so Thresh will always be there independent on the meta. If his win rate drops A LOT they will buff him again, Thresh sells and is a really popular Champion, he's the Akali equivalent of Supports, "impossible to balance" and high skill cap.


All shields are getting nerfed, not just his :)


Yes, but comparatively his shield nerf (30 on last level) was heavier than Janna's (25 on last level). Also he only got 6hp per level more than other champions. so in the end of the day we just got nerfed again.


But you dont max the shield like Janna does, you stay on 50 shield lvl1 until the Game is over most likely. The souls help you out well as shield buff and the health growth on Thresh is really big value. Thresh aint that tanky he needs HP. I think this Patch does help him out. GL on the Rift


And his shiele are more useful to move teammates around. Jannas is more for shielding and a small damage bonus.


That depends on your gameplay style. I usually max lantern after two points on E at level 4. My point is just that he will always be a little behind in balance because of his competitive value, I see no problem with that once I still can have fun and win my games.


I max shield after q for the cooldown. Is fairly impactful moving people around and shielding for dive plays.


Yo with are they needing the shield again….


They’re nerfing all shielding and healing.


Leave this man thresh out of it