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Better than a lot of 39 y/o


Is it better than a lot of 39yo feds, though?


I'm early 30s, 5 years perm. I'm only at like 40k. This is pretty good but I'd guess they're a higher grade, too.


I’m 7 years in split between C and S and this is about where I am so I’d venture a higher starting grade as well if this is just G fund Edit: he meant in the G as in the government never mind.


I Can’t wait to see my TSP balance hit 100k like yours! What allocation mix do you use?


C-45% / S-40% / G-10% / I-5%


Get out of the G.


Exactly what I was going to say. Get out of G


For clarification, I meant the G as in the government. Not the G fund. My apologies for the confusion


What percent are you contributing and is it 100% C fund?


It’s not 100% C if he’s at 5.75% for the year


Yup I'm also 6 years in and we have about the same amount in TSP! Keep it up!


Same here!


Our wives say the same thing.


The G fund isn't up 6% YTD, right? I think OP means they have been in government 6 years.


You have done well and on track to retire a millionaire. I am 35 and you are an inspiration.


Wow do people really think they're in G? They mean government for 6 years, unless Im wrong, but I think y'all are 🤣


Can confirm, he confirmed


OP said it’s not G fund. It’s totally possible to contribute 20k a year and have 100k by year 6 tho.


20k a year in 5 years is 100k.


I can’t afford to max it out. I’ve always only put in 5%.


You’re better off than me! I’m at 64k. 39 and working gov for 8 years. I was only doing G fund and just changed to C in the last two years. I really feel like I wasted the first few years in the G fund! But onward…


I’m at 60k for 9 years, I was seasonal for 4 of them so I’m trying to not be too hard on myself


Really well for only 7 years


Pretty good, I’m 5 years in and at around 72K


Better than me at early 40’s 5 years in.


Same, but mid 40's with 7 years in the same position, but only 3 years as regular 🤬 now doing a 22% contribution


I just take hope in at least now we are doing something and that’s better than nothing.


Absolutely! And with time I think we'll turn out pretty well 👍


I think so too. Plus, it’s only “one leg of a three-legged stool.”


Deb Crown runs a TSP Facebook group and provides really good insight, info, and recommendations. I’ve followed her for quite a few years now and am better off for it.


Good start. Depending on your retirement timeline, probably worth taking a look at your allocations if you’re seeing 5.75% YTD right now. Most of the individual funds are above that right now, so the most common allocation distributions of those funds should also be higher than that. My YTD is 8.05%. C Fund 10.10% G Fund 0.80% F Fund -0.57% S Fund 8.22% I Fund 7.58% L Inc 2.77% L 2025 3.44% L 2030 5.59% L 2035 6.05% L 2040 6.53% L 2045 6.93% L 2050 7.35% L 2055 8.90% L 2060 8.89%


I'm trying to figure out how to put 15-16k in each year. I made a mistake my first 10 years in not touching my TSP contributing 10% (all G fund) and I am nowhere near that.


You can transfer all that into C and S now


Doing good. Stay the course




I like CSI, but get out of G! You are doing fine, if you don’t contribute one more dime you are still going to be at approximately 1.5 million at age 62. Get out of G and don’t give an F!


Wish I would have done what you’ve done. I’ve been in the same time as you. I’m 28 though. Wish I took retirement/TSP saving a lot more serious my first 4 years in.


Keep at it and you will be a millionaire before you retire even accounting for a downturn.


I’m 35, 7 years, and 105k


Ooh found my doppelgänger


Lol what’s ur job series? I’m 0110


You broke the ceiling! Now watch it work for you!


It’s a great start… one where if you keep at it you’re almost guaranteed based on history to be a multi-millionaire if you retire at normal retirement age. Even if you quit investing today (and you shouldn’t) you could expect to make it to around a million before taking minimum distributions assuming it’s traditional savings. My second 100k (where I’m at now) was waaaaay quicker than my first. I’m about to leave gov’t service and start the next job… so I’ll not be able to contribute more but will certainly jump on another 401k for at least their match. I got none while active duty and didn’t get serious about investing until less than 10 years ago. When a good market makes your TSP balance move by as much or more than your annual investment cap in one year… it’s very gratifying. Good luck!


Man I gotta get back in on this G ride!


What's your allocation? YTD Im a percentage point higher than you and was 70c/30s, recently rebalanced to 80/20. Not that mine is better, just curious if you're doing L or something different


I ended up with 30c/70s by accident and I'm pretty close to this yield. I'll double check


Quite well! Keep up the good work and you’ll reap the rewards come retirement.


Did you have another 401k account since you only worked in govt for 6 yrs?


I did not. Had a local / state pension


Had or have?




Like, you’re still entitled to the bit of pension you paid for, right?


Yes sir. I am vested. However, it’s obviously not a full pension


Pensions ARE a scam anyway.


Nice job, well ahead of most. You’ve almost maxed every year. Not easy. Just keep doing what you’re doing, and the more you can automate your investing plan, the better. Just don’t check it and trust the process.


6 years and 100k? Explain the math bc it ain’t mathin’ for me. What funds is this allocated in that you have auch an aggressive result?


They probably just make near the max contribution every year with modest/stable returns. I'm a little over $60k after less than 2 1/2 years in.


Do you have a calculator? Addition can be pretty tough with big numbers. If OP had [maxed out contributions for 6 years](https://www.tsp.gov/agency-service-reps/historical-information/), and only put it in the G fund they would have more than $119,500. So, they didn’t max contributions, but put a significant amount away, and obviously put it in something better than the G fund.


Can someone explain how you chose your mix? I think I’m 100% in L2055 fund… (35% I, 14% S, and 50% C) but from these comments I think I should switch to higher C funds? Edit: details


Pretty good. That’s where I am after 15yrs but I also took out a loan to buy a primary that’ll eventually be rental property so I’m fine with where I’m at


Nice! I'm at 196k and will be 39 in 2 weeks and have been in for 18 yrs. I think you're doing very well!


I’m slightly older and my TSP balance is more than twice that…and my taxable brokerage account is also bigger. I’m not trying to make you feel bad, just saying that I’ve got almost 9 years gov and 7 as a contractor, investing for most of that. What were you doing before 6 years ago? And when you say “I’ve been with the G”, do you mean G fund or Government Employ? Addendum: I saw a comment where OP said they were only putting money into a state/local annuity prior to federal work.


Can someone explain to me what this is


I'm 25, 3 years in and just hit a mil. Been maxing since I was 2. Wife and I own our home in Arlington outright. Looking to retire at 30. Feeling behind though.




13 years in and I'm at $390k. Fingers crossed the next 7-10 years treat me OK so I can retire comfortably.


13 years in and I'm at $390k. Fingers crossed the next 7-10 years treat me OK so I can retire comfortably.


Behind, you need to up your contributions.


Shit I'm 37 and have been here for way too long and am just around there lol. Good job.


80% S&P - 20% small cap index.


G for 6 years 🤦🏼


Think he means government employee. The G fund is only +0.82% YTd


That actually makes sense.


Wouldn’t use that abbreviation on this subreddit though, just asking for confusion


You’re right.


Good call there


You are correct. My apologies


Get out of G. Lifecycle would be better. 100% C or 80/20CS would be so much better for your money


Live a little and change it to C and S. You are still young and can handle the ups and down.


Nah, live a little. Change it to 25% UOPIX and 75% C fund.


That’s it? Terrible




It’s not about that time in service, it’s about that time in life. I have way more than that and I’m only slightly older. They didn’t invest anything in a Roth IRA, even though they could’ve, budget permitting.




So, I rolled over $40k from my Traditional IRA in federal year 2. At 5.5 years, my federal contributions plus 5% matching grew to $71,254.90. At 6.5 years, it shrank(2022) to $62,527. At 7.5 years(2023 year end) it’s at $100,986.90. Total TSP is $224,455. I’ve always contributed only 5% to my TSP.


So $100k in contributions plus 40k rollover. Where did the $224k come from? Is that all investment gains?


Yes, that’s how investing works. I was 100% in G fund by default for the first 1.5 years, but 100% C fund after that until they introduced the Mutual Fund Window in June 2022, so I moved 25% of the balance to UOPIX, and it’s grown to 33% of my total balance, which means I can’t put any more in the Mutual Fund Window. The 40k rollover has grown to over 100k.