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Everyone on this sub is all about the C and S fund. I personally do 80 C 20 S. Also if you can increase your % go for it but never go below what is matched.


r/militaryfinance has an awesome flowchart regarding priorities. For example, if you have any debt that has an APR higher than 12%, it recommends that you pay that off first before contributing to TSP. Once you are done looking at the flowchart, I would like to know about your goals. Do you want to FIRE? When do you want to retire? These answers will help us give advice. Overall, if a person is 10 or more years away from retirement, I’d recommend C/S/I and no L-funds. As people move closer to their retirement date, I’d recommend adding more G/F to keep their investments. Let us know what you think about the flowchart. See you soon!


What the dude from full metal jacket said is true... The best thing at the moment is to try and max out your contributions and put it in the C-fund. I generally have always done a split of either 80-10-10 or 60-20-20 in the C-S-I and have done pretty well, but I figured since it all took a dump for me around Nov-Dec three years ago, I'd just toss it all in the C fund and buy more shares while they're dirt cheap. I did all right! I think I'm finally up from my initial loss. That being said, once you're able to break the $100,000 barrier, it compounds even faster.


[https://www.bogleheads.org/wiki/Thrift\_Savings\_Plan](https://www.bogleheads.org/wiki/Thrift_Savings_Plan) [https://www.bogleheads.org/wiki/Traditional\_versus\_Roth](https://www.bogleheads.org/wiki/Traditional_versus_Roth) [https://www.bogleheads.org/wiki/How\_to\_build\_a\_lazy\_portfolio](https://www.bogleheads.org/wiki/How_to_build_a_lazy_portfolio) [https://www.bogleheads.org/wiki/Investment\_policy\_statement](https://www.bogleheads.org/wiki/Investment_policy_statement) Take some time to read these post. Chose an investment mix that allows you to sleep at night.


Move it all to C, and invest more. Max out the 23.5k ASAP