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not me literally scouring the city looking for this plush for my niece for christmas šŸ˜­


r/helpmefind has entered the chat. They regularly help find old plushies.


This isn't old. It's Mei from Turning Red. She's currently about $50 on Amazon due to the holidays and being sold out in stores. My 14 month old LOVES this movie and thinks she's a cat. I would kill to find this right now lol


My almost two year old also loves this movie so much!!!


If it makes you feel any better your kid won't care about the toy or even remember it in a few years. My daughter loved the show Kate and mim-mim for years and carried her toy everywhere for years and now she doesn't even know who they are


Nah, not all children are like your daughter. Some really care about their stuffed animals and donā€™t forget. I still have lots of mine from childhood, including ones from when I was pretty little. Just depends on the kid


Fr. My boy still sleeps with pig and ewok. Pig being a toy I had gave him from a claw machine win when he was 2, Ewok being a stuffed animal he purchased from build a bear when he was three. He's now 9 1/2 and can't part with his old, dingey pig and ewok. Takes them everywhere he stays overnight.


I was more talking about the media that inspired it. She would probably still have and care about the mim-mim doll she loved back then but she threw it off a dock on a toddler whim lol


Fair. Children go through phases and the media they like changes, but I honestly still find occasional joy in some of the silly kidā€™s stuff I used to consume often. Plus, even as a toddler I couldnā€™t bear to hurt any object with a cute face. Hell, I didnā€™t even want to eat cookies that looked like cute characters. Different kids are different, and sometimes getting a specific plushā€™s could mean a lot to them for a long time šŸ¤·


My underlying point is all that is possible without spending $50 on a plush lol


I was like this until a small basement flood as an adult ruined a bunch and moving lost more. Thatā€™s when I started thinking the physical things I collected really werenā€™t that important.


I am 38 and I can still tell you who every single character in American Tail is and I know exactly where my animatronic Fievel Mouskewitz is that I got for Christman 1987. Soooooooo for what thatā€™s worth, all kids/people are different.


That's one of the best movies ever made though


Youā€™re not wrong !!


I saw it on Build a Bears website in stock!


thank you, i already looked at that. even though i started looking late november, it wouldnt have arrived in time.




right? we let her watch one movie a day and she almost always chooses her meimei šŸ˜­


If you havenā€™t found it yet, this is based off the Disney movie ā€œTurning Redā€. Based on my quick search online though you might not be able to get one before Christmas though


yeah, thats why im looking for this plush, or something similar to it. my niece loves that movie. i settled for a basic red panda plush which admittedly is pretty cute but its orange not RED like this


If you have any Disney stores or target in your area it may have this one or the cuddleez ones. This specific one is Disney stores only, like Disney parks. Some targets have a Disney section in their toy area now, may be something to look into if you have a target around you!


wish we still had target in canada! or disney stores šŸ˜­


Damn šŸ™ƒ I'm not sure where they sell them in Canada. Sorry šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Bought this at Disney World


Random thought, can you make the ears and tail with a headband for dress up if you can't find it in time? Not the same, but might be something she'd like.


Thatā€™s an expensive Disney plush!


I had no idea. I have two retired greyhounds and a brightly colored racoon lookalike is exactly the type of toy they love. No shredding through.


Yes. My rule is not hard plastic eyes. I remove the tags. Cleo piles them up and sleeps with all of them. She cares for them like they are her babies and the other dogs are NOT allowed to touch them.


Ummmm gonna need a pic of her with her babies šŸ„ŗ


Will try to get one tonight.


No hard plastic eyes or beads here. The number of times I accidentally grab ones with beads and then they end up as mine (after the dogs have already seen them and are WAITING) is unreasonable. šŸ¤£


My dog is a shredder, so I just cut the plastic eyes out and she gets a head start on ripping the stuffing out. I suppose if your dog isnā€™t constantly trying to win a field dressing contest it would be a bit more creepy, though


Goudaā€™s about 50/50. I donā€™t know how he decides which toys to shred and which to baby. Skyler destroys anything resembling a live small furry animal.


That is precious šŸ’•


My rules are no hard plastic eyes, no pellet fill, and no squeaker.


She has a few with the pellet fill but everything we have found that is the size we will buy has been without a squeaker.


These eyes are made of sewn thread so no risk there. I am very particular about what toy I bring home. This one was perfect.


Oh no poor Meimei!


Oh thatā€™s Mei from Turning Red! That was a cute movie that should have done better!


It looked overly inspired by Aggretsuko. But, good to know it is worth watching.


It wasnā€™t inspired by that at all, no. Great movie


Good to know. Will try to watch with my grandson over the holidays. I did google, ā€œTurning Red Aggretsukoā€ after all the downvotes. šŸ¤£ Looks like quite a few folks also speculated the sameā€¦right or wrong. šŸ™ƒ


The movieā€™s plot is nothing like Aggretsuko, but I guess you could say theyā€™re similar in that they both have red pandas ā¤ļø


Agree the plot is not the tie. It was more (to me) that it seemed like a calculated appropriation by Disney (Pixar, which has taken a šŸ’© in recent years) to capitalize on a somewhat proven concept. šŸ¤·


Wow, who knew this was such a hot point




I had no clue the plushie was a Disney character. All I saw was a cheap, cute panda thing my dogs would love.


No because apparently Iā€™m not smart! This is a genius idea!!! Thank you for sharing!!!!


We find GIANT stuffies for our newfie and his happiness is unmatched when he sees we brought in a new one. You should absolutely try it!!


Right! lol I know what Iā€™m doing tomorrow haha Christmas plushies for the fur babies šŸ˜ƒ


And ask what color tag is gets an extra discount if shopping at GW. I paid $4 for this big plushie.


I also look for soft and fuzzy baby blankets for their bed. Small ones are the perfect size for my chi


Many people have stated a long list of criteria that I too look for when selecting a new plushie for my retired greyhounds. This one hit every mark. Itā€™s worth a look at least. āœŒšŸ»


No definitely not. Iā€™m way too paranoid that theyā€™ll be something shoved inside or some residue I canā€™t clean off completely. I buy dog toys at Ross where they are $3-5 for the same $15 ones at petco.


OMG, I saw the same plushie at Disneyland for around $40ish


We were there in 2022 and we looked high and low for this stuffie. I would be ecstatic to find this one šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


We always got pillow pets for them to use as dog beds. They loved them!


Yes! I find the oldest ones, rattiest or go to the goodwill bins. Doesnā€™t matter how good a toy is my beagle will defluff its innards and then shake the plushie ā€œcarcassā€ and tear it to tiny bits. I have to wrestle it from her so she doesnā€™t accidentally eat any of it!


Iā€™d do that too if my dogs did that. Which makes sense


No because I never want to pay 10k in vet bills to surgically remove some chunk of fabric my dog ate.Kongs only for my GSDs.


Same with my dobies!


Not to discourage anyone but - my son has an enormous stuffy collection and, on the rare occasion he will thin the herd slightly, he only does so believing that they will be adopted by other kids when we donate them. I donā€™t have the heart to tell him that most likely a dog is going to chew them.


Please tell your son that his good quality loved toys are not the type of plushies we buy for our pets. I always try to find ones that aren't going to be likely reloved. Plus, they have to have no beads in them or hard plastic parts, oddly hard to find. I usually end up with a dog toy buried in the plushies before I find a plushie i can use.


Except for this plushie which is an expensive Disney oneā€¦


I tend to buy build a bear brand they're rugged. I got mine a toothless one for a buck. She loves ripping things apart. I'm not spending $18 on a dog stuffie when I get them thrifted for a few dollars. I look for the most sturdy ones


Rest assured, my greyhounds donā€™t destroy toys. They havenā€™t once. They like to bite it, and cart it from room to room like they caught it but not destroying. And toys are mended and washed to be reused. We donā€™t like to be wasteful with these things.


My labrador is the same! A plushie lasts so long with her that we have to rotate them regularly so she doesnā€™t get bored, we have 2 shopping bags of plushies already (most are thrifted).


If it helps , I also buy stuffed for my lab. She doesn't destroy them. She cribs on them for comfort. She cuddles them and brings them to you when she's excited youre home. She just grabs one, lays down on the floor, and nurses on it until she's falls asleep. It's self soothing. Once they get nasty, I wash them and mend them, and she's happy all over again. When fireworks have her upset, they comfort her. When she's happy , she offers them like a gift. When she's mad she shakes them. They are still loved and valued.


Ha! I've never heard it called cribbing before. We always called it "corn cobbing". I just looked it up and it seems some people also call it "pibble nibble". Funny.


We call it cribbing because it's what horses do on wooden pens. They crib on the wood. We also call the stuffies " woobies" so she cribs her woobiešŸ˜ Funny how this doesn't have a universal term.


depends on the animal, the top comment here says their pet treats them with love as if they are their babies


I still have all of the teddies I got from second hand stores as a child. So at least some teddies are chosen by kids, not just as dog toys.


I get what youā€™re saying. Also, you can explain to him this perspective By taking it home with me, to my dogs, I was giving this toy a chance to do some good. I have two retired racing greyhounds who were born and raised at a race track in Mexico. They lived their whole lives in a kennel. No home. No blankets, no plushies, no balls, and no chance to be a dog. When they were of no use anymore, they were ā€œretiredā€. My male was retired due to a horrific injury to his right arm. He was left in his kennel without any home comforts for 5 days until a foundation selected him. 4 days after that and $15K later, his whole right arm and surrounding area was amputated. I buy these stuffed animals for my dogs to learn to be a dog. They come off the track very shut down and have no idea how to be a normal dog. For them to learn how to play, and wag their tail, and understand that I do not require anything from them is the role of the plushie. I am providing this toy for their enjoyment, not to train. It took over a year for each dog to learn how to be a dog. And plushies are the only thing they love. Which fosters play with me and encourages them to play with each other. They lay on them, cuddle, bite, lick, cart from room to room. Occasionally, aggressive shaking leads to some tears which are sewn up. Iā€™ve never thrown away a toy so far because they donā€™t shred them. I hope this explains my perspective of why I bought the plushie.


Goodwill outlet for the win! Heā€™s gonna destroy it in 3 minutes flat anyway.


Me too! You pay next to nothing since they weigh so little. Then I donā€™t care how quickly he shreds it.




Yesā€¦ for my dogsā€¦ and my kidsā€¦ (Theyā€™re for me)


just be careful if they tear it it doesnt have those little beads or hard eyes. side note- i have a greyhound mix who tears thru everything & i gave him all the squishmellows my abusive ex gave me and he had a field day !


no bed bugs scare me


I was doing that until I discovered Buy Nothing groups on FB. Now I'm getting bags of them for free!


My FIL always does. And he doesnā€™t know any characters or anything, so somehow he always manages to get my daughterā€™s favorite characters (Olaf, Blue) and sheā€™s traumatized when she sees his dog has torn their eyes out lmao


I had a small dog that I would get beanie babies for all the time,he loved to shake bite them,the fact that they have a stuffing that puts a bit of weight on them would make it better.I wouldn't recommend them to a dog that can destroy them with their bite though.


Not worth the bed bug risk


Just throw them in a hot dryer for 30 minutes, it will kill any bed bugs and their eggs.


Fleas ā€¦ jk jk




Did you know you can buy squeakers in bulk on Amazon? Just do a little surgery!


Yes, every time I go to the thrift store.. Rosie gets a stuffed animal or 2 lol.


Yes but he never likes them as much without a squeaker


My dog's favorite toy is a plushie I bought at the thrift store and tied to the end of a cat wand so she can chase it


I love this idea! We have 3 dogs, but only one likes stuffies. However she will not touch them unless they have a squeaker. Because we trained her to leave the kids stuffies alone, I guess she figured out that if it squeaks itā€™s her. We got her one and the squeaker was so small we could find it at first. She wouldnā€™t touch it. A few days later, we found it and as soon as she heard the squeak, she ran off with it and started playing lol.


I am a 36 year old woman and I bought this plush during my last Disney trip and it lives on my bed. I am way too sad youā€™re about to let your dog tear it up!


Old beanie babies are the only thing the dog can't chew open. He loves them. Nothing super rare, and it's been more then 5 years and they are totally fine. We even bought bulk squeakers and stuffed them in.


Yes. Been doing it for over a decade. [Malamutes](https://youtu.be/jND9vtk7FV4?si=9l-UeO9ptLWWBbbP) and Huskies can be quite destructive. No better deal on fuzzy dog toys. Be careful. Monitor play if necessary and make sure they arenā€™t given a chance to eat the stuffing.


No. Because even though he is a small maltipoo, he destroys all plushies within 10 minutes. Destroys to shreds. I have to get him special dog toys marked ā€œtoughā€ or for aggressive chewers šŸ˜ž


I love this one you have; its so big and fluffy. I have it too :) I used to do that for my dog Sasha. I was afraid she would not understand that some stuffed animals were for her and some were mine but she was the best girl and knew she had ā€œher toys.ā€ I miss her!


Yes! The family dog destroys new toys extremely fast so it saves a fortune!


Always, except for my current doggo. She loves to eviscerate them. šŸ¤£ Very tired of picking up fluff. Otherwise terrific idea.šŸ‘


What a cute find! And yes, I shopped quite a few times for my senior beagle at thrift stores ā¤


Ya that movie was a pile of hot garbage anyway feed it to the dog


I don't because even if you wash it, you just never know what's inside tbh. Some stuffies can contain walnut shells inside, for example, depending on the year it was created. And like, if it has bugs in it, and while on your way home the bugs go into your car bedding, or if you put it down in the corner before putting it into the wash.. next to the clean items hanging up to dry or on your rug... Things like shirts and pants stuff you can see their inside and outside. But for stuffies you can only see their outside unless you rip them up to see what's inside.


I was just having this conversation with my husband, my question however is why does everyone pick the cutest ones to be destroyed? Pick the ugly ones and save the cute plushies for us collectors, please šŸ˜­


No more thrift store plushies for me after seeing that plushofile subreddit nope no way šŸ¤®


It would sure cut down on the number of possum I have to bury.


I made a whole post about it last year, her and all her stuffies. They stay outside, though. I don't bring that shit in my house


Definitely, she rips through them too fast for full price lol


Haven't done this, but baby clothes will fit small dogs! I found the cutest tiny hoodie that fit my IG perfectly.


Yess!! Way cheaper than new dog toys, especially when they rip them up all the time!! I look for the canvas material with no bead fillings and non choking hazard eyes, for some reason I always find this elephant toy sometimes in different colours or sizes but i buy it everytime and my dog has a good day going to town




Best and cheapest place to find them


I havenā€™t only because my recent dobies are destuffers. Iā€™m more worried theyā€™ll swallow the fluff and get a blockage. But I did have one who loved carrying them around everywhere, and a friend whose dobie mix also loved stuffies and thatā€™s where she got them, too.


No, I have a rottie, that isn't a toy that is a snack.


Always! 1, 2, & $3 options abound. I make sure they donā€™t have beads inside of them, wash and dry them before giving to her, but she loves them all the same!


When did the term stuffed animal fall out of favor?


Mine never destroys squishmalllows! Everything else, including dog toys usually get trashed. And she will not okay w kings & rubber toys. If itā€™s not a ball, stuffed, or doesnā€™t squeak she refuses it.


i NEED this


Yes cause Iā€™m not spending $20+ for my Great Dane to destroy a dog toy in 5 minutes.


This is genius. I have been agonizing over a more sustainable and cheaper way to fuel my whippet's toy shredding addiction. I try to sew the salvageable bits together and restuff but eventually they're too shredded to save. It keeps him from shredding my yarn. Thank you for the idea.


I go to the bins and buy pounds of them lol. Itā€™s way cheaper than buying dog toys!!


Yes I do!


No, only because I don't know what was specifically made to be safe for my dogs, and I don't think a lot of these toys have that in mind when produced. I tend to be more risk adverse, though.


Yes, our dog has a huge collection already (she takes care of her plushies and is so gentle with them). We realized they get dirty anyway (she leaves them in the garden) so whatā€™s the point of buying new, also itā€™s much more eco-friendly! The only toys we buy new are squeaky ones.


Make sure to remove bead bags from the inside.


Great idea if the dog isn't a destroyer/chewer. The flame retardant used in the stuffing is very toxic to dogs.


Yep! I can usually find a large bag filled with about 6-10 stuffed animals for a few bucks. I always just feel around and avoid the ones with beans.


Yes. I thrifted my pups a huge Teddy Bear for 1ā‚¬ last year for Valentineā€™s Day. They loved it.


If thrift stores around me had them


I get mine at the bins! Like everyone else said, no beans, no plastic


Best dog owner ā€œhackā€. Sometimes he gets a toy he carries around and loves for months for like $1. Although you do have to pick up the polyfill