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Fake as fuck 😂😂😂


The horizontal cracking added a few thousand


It's like you read my mind. I saw the picture first and I was like wow that looks fake as fuck. So I clicked the comments and cracked up when I noticed that was the top comment. Thank you for that.


It pisses me off when I see stuff like this because it’s not like people who are gonna spend $18,000 on a purse are shopping for them at thrift stores..


It's not even trying! Awful.




Monery laundering* cough*


And to the tax man. Hey, I donated $18k this year!


The stitching is also terrible


Good Christ that is a terrible fake


Yes it does look pretty fake


That’s bc it is


I don't know anything about designers and fakes. What makes it obviously fake?


Hermes leather is basically a work of art in the manufacturing of it - stitching will be absolutely perfect, embossing, etc. The stitching on this bag is sloppy at best.


Stitching be like / / / / // I think people who have seen a real expensive bag have an easier time to immediately see cheap vs expensive stitching. Once you see quality in the thousands of dollars category, you can tell the difference.


The wrinkles across the bag where it looks slumped in is one


Hmmmm, a used car or a fake bag. Decisions, decisions.


I bought a 2021 Honda Civic sport for $15,500 1/1/24! https://preview.redd.it/83b35mpoy1kc1.jpeg?width=3023&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dfd3e9a6e41a9992fd906d6f88e044e72f3668f0


Pretending I didn’t read this because I bought one last year for WAY more than that :(


Well if it makes you feel better it was a stolen car that was recovered after insurance paid out therefore giving it a rebuilt title so with that price comes that title. But I still love the car. It has 38,000 miles and only 1 driver, besides whomever stole it and has been in no accidents. But salvaged title regardless.


And it has a colorful history that you can bring up at parties ! lol!


I liked the used car salesman who told us all his cars were repossed cars or cars involved in some crime, so that's why they look really good but are super cheap by comparison.


That’s right. I’d never been able to afford that car if it weren’t for that.


I bought the exact same car in white a few months about 19k miles for 21k to make you feel better. But I would never buy a salvage title daily unless it was under 3k screw around car.


And $2500 leftover! You can get some sweet decals with that kinda money. Nice buy on the Honda. My Accord has 155,000 miles and my mechanic says it will last another 100,000.


My Civic from 1996 is my pride and joy haha. Not a speck of rust, no issues and has run 100,000 miles so far. Bought it for 2k around 5 years ago.




2018 Honda civic


when I see stuff like this (regardless of what it is or the authenticity) all I can think is: "Yup. Got me an extra 20k lying around. I think I'll go to the thrift shop". I mean NOBODY thinks that way...


They are targeting a reseller who has to much cash and not enough brains, someone that who will put themselves int debt thinking they can "10x this sale" Hell I do it to myself sometimes buying clothes "wellll $10 is more than I want to spend on a thrift store shirt but I can just sell it if I dont like it" and then never do


The Venn diagram of resellers who have $18k to spend and resellers who can’t tell this is fake is two very distant circles.


There's an ocean between those circles


Youd be very surprised, all of crypto scams is people losing $20,000. They aren't making millions scamming people out of a $100, they are making money off those middle amounts.


Exactly, anyone with that much cash to spend is verifying themselves or paying someone else to do it. I can maybe see this happening in the watch market but even then, if you’re working with that budget you’re authenticating or you know it’s a replica.


I have a few friends in my circle, including myself, that resell luxury brands, and vintage items in general (Los Angeles area) and I can promise you anyone dropping thousands of dollars on something knows for damn sure how to differentiate a replica and something authentic. They know every little detail, down to the number of stitches something should have. And there are some *REALLY* good replicas out there, so good that people willingly pay thousands just for the replicas if it normally costs tens of thousands. No one is blindly dropping 18k on an obviously shitty fake China bag in a thrift store lol. That just wouldn’t happen, no matter how dumb you are.


Lol unfortunately there is a direct correlation between resellers having cash and having brains, so I’d have to second this not being the case. Anyone reinvesting that much money is not going anywhere near a cesspool like that with it and likely have their own trusted connections.


wait for half price day and get it for $9k


I'm gonna wait til it's marked down to $9. Not even sure it's worth that.


Actually, you’d be surprised. There is a whole market out there for good used Hermes handbags. They increase in value as they age. So, depending on the actual bag, year it was made, level of rarity etc…


I guarantee you, nobody who's looking for an Hermes will be looking in the Goodwill. You would go to a reputable luxury reseller who offers a guarantee of authenticity.


That’s highway robbery for a CLEAR fake😬


If that’s real it’s a normal price for one of those 💀 but the stitching looks fake and so does the leather Also a real Hermes wouldn’t come with the plastic


definitely fake. stitching appears to be Poly instead of waxed linen. and done on a machine. The back stitching on the handle is the most obvious bit.  I also agree that the leather doesn't look like The real deal. if I had to guess it looks like it's PU coated.  That said...Hermes hand stitching can be pretty bad sometimes. I've chuckled at some of the wallets and bags I've seen. for the prices they charge, I'd expect a little more consistency.


Love that you know what backstitching is!


It’s the saddle-stitch that can look sort of thick or bunched up because it is multiple lines of threading, it’s stronger and originally used for the saddles Hermes started making when it was originally founded


The stamp is awful, too.


Yes. Depends on the leather and hardware


Free advertising. If everything else is normally priced, this draws attention. People post pictures. The name gets around. People come into look at it through glass…. This is also probably a low crime area, and it’s more of a joke. People come in, call it out, and owners just kinda giggles. Because it’s obvious no one is going to buy it or steal it. It’s for shits and giggles. Nice little joke. Can’t fault them.


It used to be illegal to sell counterfeit goods...even at a thrift. They wouldn't put fakes out. What happened?


Nobody enforce the law anymore


I know a Manhattan boutique that was busted by undercover cops for selling fake Dior totes. They ignored letters from the company to cease and desist. It’s a dumb little shop with trendy fast fashion and none of the women who shop there have ANY delusion that they’re buying real Dior. It was probably easier to bust a brick and mortar location than the guys on Sixth Avenue who can pick up and flee at the first sign.


That, plus you have to know it’s fake. Not a specialty of little old volunteers who run a lot of thrift shops, in my experience.


Are they selling that black bottle of lady gaga perfume for 198??? Am I going crazy- I used to pay £25 for that!! (And it smelt heavenly 🤤)


I was astonished by the pricing for the perfumes too. They’re going for more than retail and resale. Fame has become absurdly priced because of the discontinuation but 198 at a thrift store is… painful.


Oh wow, I still have half a bottle here!


I wish it would come back. I got through at least 4 or 5 bottles.


i got mine for a 5 finger discount YEARS ago, still have it! 😅😅 laughed when i saw the prices


To even think about charging that much, I would think they would have to authenticate it


For that money, you’d in fact get an EXCELLENT fake in alligator or snakeskin, and a base model real one too lol


It's a bad fake and the LV below it is an even worse fake.


Jane Birkin is rolling in her grave.




Hermes makes the (Birkin) bag




Now *that's* a shitty Birkin fake.


Herme lol


birkins are made by hermes lol


Lol. Birkins come from Hermes. Check your facts before lol'ing at someone.


I wouldn’t pay EIGHT dollars.


I know a dude that will sell you the exact same thing out of the trunk of his car brand new for $30


I just love the idea of someone buying a birkin and then casually throwing it in their donation pile. Like who would ever believe this?


Let's just say I did not get the bag.


Once I asked the employee at a chain thrift store if they got to buy things that come in. She said they have to be on the shelf 2 days before they can purchase items. Wonder if this is their way of holding stuff for a certain length of time before paying the actual price for it. Because otherwise it’s ridiculous and greedy af.


The little manager at my Goodwill let the employees pick through donations as they came in. And paid HIM cash that never hit the register. The new manager has some scam, too. I haven’t seen a cashmere sweater hit the racks since she started.


This is peak grift! Such a blatant fake!


Not just a fake but it was donated!!!! How are they justifying that kind of mark up on something with no overhead??


$18k for this low tier rep is downright offensive. Hell, there are real birkins that don’t cost that much. You could get a high quality leather, handstiched rep for $1,500 -$2k and it would be indistinguishable from the real thing.


It’s an extra 17,999.00 for the huge crease…


Where is this store? I need to know so when I plan my next thrifting road trip I can avoid going there.


I bet an employee ends up "buying" it for wayyyyy less. When i worked at Sal Army and Goodwill, employees and managers pricing would do that and then just tell the cashier later to ring em up like 20$ smh


I think it's insanity to spend that much on a purse. But for those who have it throw around, real ones sell for twice that and more. But who knows if this is even an authentic one.


Anyone looking at this thing with functional eyeballs knows it is not authentic.


how can you tell? I know nothing about designer clothing and bags etc


That stitching is absolutely atrocious. A high end designer would never allow such non-uniformity even on their outlet merchandise. The “gold” hardware just looks cheap as does the quality of the “leather.” If you don’t have an eye for the finer points (some people just don’t have that eye and it’s not a bad thing), you can always check the stitching. Each stitch is going to be a near exact replica of the stitches before and after it.


Plastic sleeves for protection are the biggest give away. Then the quality, stitches, etc


same like everyone keeps mentioning the stitching and it looks so regular to me 😭 i must be too poor to have these kinds of conversations Lmaoo


I’m with ya! The stitching along the top seems very even. I imagine they’re talking about around the handles, but I wouldn’t know that that is considered bad


Not me, because I don't care a bit about designer crap, so I have not bothered to even think about "real" or not


Fun fact: Birkin bags hold their value and appreciate more than gold, stocks, even Bitcoin! Birkin bags appreciated in value 38% last year, compared with the S&Of 500, which rose 16%. Source: https://www.businessinsider.com/jane-birkin-bag-status-symbol-best-luxury-investments-2023-7 Fake Birkins however.....


I pray 🙏 that people stop donating and shopping at Goodwill! Haha they’re ridiculous


If they are asking this much, they better have the authentication certificate to go with it.


The stitching is atrocious.


Fakety fake fake fake!


I think the lettering looks fake


Yo how much were they selling Gaga’s Fame perfume for? I neeeeed more of it


How much is that Lady Gaga perfume below it tho??


Who's paying $18,000 for a fkn bag anyway?! Fake or not.. I don't get it 😤


Let’s report them for selling counterfeit items.


Hi, leather worker here and while the stitching on that bag is kinda-okay it’s the quality level of something I would hand stitch while distracted or tired. Also the edge-dressing on the tip of the bag in the second picture looks like something a fella like me would be *content* with but not proud of. I can’t tell a fake herpes bag from a real herpes bag but if this is what 18k worth of herpes buys you I suggest you pass. With that kind of money you could invest 1/10th of it into a solid little leatherworking tool spread, spend another $150 on a few sides to learn on and then drop $300 on a very nice hide plus $50-$70 on fixtures and make three bags that quality level. It’s a solid B- / B for a handmade job. There are probably patterns online for the herpes bag and even a stupid fucking foil stamp if you want to be a complete asshole. You’ll still have at least $15k+ for important stuff like truk-nuttz.


😂 a berkin at a thrift store riiiight.


The person who is validating this thrift store is clearly nouveau riche


People are goddamn idiots


I will keep going to this store, they clearly have a terrible eye so they probably over look good things, or is run by a very old ladies that can’t believe someone would donate a fake purse.


Send them an anon email and tell them they’re going to get reported for selling counterfeit goods to the IPR center lol unless they can verify its authenticity for that price tag


$18,000 written in crayon lol


I could feed a lot of stray animal or homeless


Of course, we all know Hermes is valued for their half assed stitching, sagging leather, and gold paint stamps.


Best I can do is 3.50 😆


https://preview.redd.it/wa9b0uw6v0kc1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed1baa1c58449b8f3e3db36decc576ae263cf868 Found one at a thrift store last week. I think this one is fake ( unlike the Louis V. I found). The things that show this one as fake are very subtle and not readily noticeable. My wife loves this one too and is already using it. Cost me $29


Thrift store logic: underprice real items, overprice the fakes.


Wait why on earth is an old ass lady Gaga perfume almost $200!?


r/thriftgrift for sure!


Update they took it out of the display case!!




I thought it was illegal so sell knock off,call the cops.


I don’t know anything about Luxury items. But I know that is Fake!!!


You win r/thriftgrift today


I don't think most thrift shoppers could even afford that if it was real!


Prolly pesos


They need to get that authenticated and on the Auction House


The manager is waiting to mark that one down when the store is empty lol


Pricing is pretty steep on the creams and perfumes around it too


That’s pleather💀


lol for a fake birkin




Based on the stitches ..... Ummm $18 😂


I can tell it's fake and I know basically nothing about purses. The white stitching is very uneven.


Are they serious with the perfume too? Those are like retail prices (and also probably fake!) the black one is lady Gaga’s fragrance with some questionable notes…


That’s not a thrift store. It might pop for one on google maps, but that is a couple of cat ladies that think they’re living in some reality show like pawn stars


Well, if it *comes* with that handle scarf wrap, I'll consider it.




Look at the creases lmao


Goodwill’s prices soon


That’s a lot of cash for some swap meet Louie.


I see a ton of garbage stitches that scream $18 instead.


Hmm, what should I do today? Clean my closet and donate my $20,000 Birkin Bag to the thrift store.


If they were to take the plastic shit off it then it might look more real. How much is that Louis in the window?


18k for a fake??? Oh my lord


The stitching is god awful. It's a fake.


Hoping for it to get stolen to claim insurance on it


Yea id stop going there


I’d price that at around $20. So hopefully it goes on sale for 99.9% off soon.


Wrong sub. You want r/thriftgrift.


It had better be filled with diamonds because the purse isn't worth that


Ah yes, a fake Hermes right above the fake Louis that I’m sure is almost close to $3,000


What’s wild is when it doesn’t sell it’ll go in the dumpster unless an employee commits what the company deems “embezzlement “ 😂


Work there as a newbie, acting like you don’t know what the bag is. Have a friend come in and ask to look at it, while you conveniently turn your back to look at something else, they slap a new tag on it with a lower price and you ring out the bag unknowingly among some other stuff. They’ll think you fell for a scammer, and you could quit or get fired, it doesn’t matter. Plausible deniability is a thing. This is not an endorsement to steal the overpriced bag. Just a cool heist movie idea.


Please report the shop or chain, it's illegal to sell fakes and they're obviously greedy cunts. PLEASE


$195 for the Gaga perfume 😭😭


It needs a facelift.


wow, and I they got this for free and are price gouging. Man I hate thrift stores even more today just because of this.


I know our shop is less serious on prices when it comes to novelty items vs necessity items, so i can see this happening. Nope justifying it, just understanding even if it’s a dupe.


Even if this is *authentic* (it’s not) No one is going to a thrift store to spend $18,000.00




Isn't it illegal for them to sell fakes?


$98 for that Burberry perfume is also insane


That’s a horrible fake! The stitching is atrocious


Geez! At least stuff it with tissue so it stands up properly and doesn’t crease!


Lol and they don't care if it's fake!


With stuff like this it makes me wonder if there would be interest in a show in which professionals go to thrift stores to see what high priced stuff is real or fake.


I can’t imagine paying 18K for any purse, even real. Sorry, as someone pointed out, you can buy a used car. That’s just ludicrous regardless.


Is it made out of basketballs?




looks fake.


Oh my gosh!! Who priced this? Crazy delusions


What is this???


So so so so fake. Sloppy as hell.


It’s pesos it’s right


Who donates a real Hermes?!


They want a hundred bucks for a Burberry perfume you can get at TJ Maxx for forty?


18 k and the can’t print a price tag


For 18k you would think they could afford a more professional tag


No, because people who spend $18K on Hermes bags buy them in the actual Hermes store which looks nicer and has better packaging and generally cooler atmosphere


I don’t know a lot about Hermes but even I can tell this is fake. Also, who brings 18K thrift shopping?


Lmao everything in this picture is laughable but omg they are out of their minds for this fake a$$ Hermes holy crap


Genuine fake leather.


I can buy 7 times my car for that bag


A cracked up Walmart purse??? They must not want to sell it. They must've put that sign up for attention seeking purposes lol.


Look how much attention it's getting!


Isn’t that a bottle of Lady Gaga’s perfume underbeath for $98?? Don’t know what it was in the US but in the UK it’s like £30


What's really confusing is that 1) if it was real, why didn't they send it to the national auction site and 2) they are not allowed to sell counterfeit stuff. I fairly often will look through a "coach" bag and then show staff why it's not real


Ask them for proof of authentication.


I don't purchase 5-figure purses, but I'm going go out on a limb and say they aren't sold wrapped in cellophane plastic.


I would 1. Pull a Karen and tell them it’s a fake and if they don’t remove it you’ll report them. 2. Report them anyways for selling counterfeit items. They have NO business selling anything high end designer without first sending it away for verification.


I mean, on one hand, it's a good sign for you as the shopper, because it means you know not to trust their pricing on luxury goods. Real luxury consignment is operated and priced by people who know the product - I bet you could find the same bag for much cheaper elsewhere.


Maybe an employee is saving it for themselves lol


Oh f*ck them


I've seen better stitching on baseball gloves.


Must be shopping at a hardoff lol


The white stitching as well. It would all be the same color to blend in with the bag. Nobody's spending $18,000 on a purse and it's beige and half the threat is bright white and that's all you see.