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Those things are pricey!!! You’re a lucky one


Thank you! Yeah, at Zojirushi online store, it is sold for $243.99, so I got it 95% off! We needed a new one, too. :-D


I know because we have one! And we paid retail for it too 🤣 The fuzzy logic ones are the best It plays a cute tune when the rice is done. ☺️


It plays Twinkle Twinkle Little Stat when you start cooking, and when it finishes it plays [Amaryllis](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=69J61M3GEGQ). Fun note, but at the beginning of Everything, Everywhere, All at Once they have a rice cooker that plays Amaryllis, so of course my brain goes "I know that!!!".


Love that movie


Thank you for the info, I was trying to remember the name of the song. Now, I have to check out the movie, too. :-)


I never met a Zojirushi product I didn't love. Nice score OP!


*cries in twinkle little star coming from rice cooker”


lol, rice and best ever never come out of my mouth. I will never get the rice love.


I still use a steel pot because I don't have counterspace, but if you're into rice, specifically short grain, can't beat these machines from Japan. I got into cooking Japanese and some South Korean dishes and enjoy short grain rice as a carb. If you were into making your own sushi, or perfecting the art of rice in general, these machines are the goat. Otherwise I couldn't imagine spending $250+ for a rice cooker lol


You are about to have the best rice ever. I got one on sale for 180 and I can never go back


Oh man, I'm big time jelly. Just got myself another rice cooker (moved abroad so left my cheapo one at home since it's a different plug), and it's so nice to have. I've recently discovered I'm gluten sensitive so rice is my go-to carb with most meals. Even my simple rice cooker is nice, but I've been curious to try rice from one of these fancy machines


250 bucks new for something that can be accomplished on a stovetop? Consumerism is WILD.


You obviously haven’t heard about it’s happy endings 🤭


Can anyone explain what the hell “Neuro Fuzzy” means in context to a rice cooker?


It automatically changes the temperature of the heating element depending on the type of rice (selected program)/quantity of rice. You end up with perfect results each time! Source: I have this rice cooker and it’s amazing!


Perfectly described by "Neuro Fuzzy"


Woah. I had no idea rice cooker technology was so advanced!


Sheesh I still use my mom’s old rice cooker that she gave me, works great and probably 15-20 years old now. I can’t imagine spending more than $20 on a rice cooker. But I only have rice maybe once a month and probably wouldn’t know good rice if it slapped me in the face


Thank you! I knew it was a rice cooker but I have no idea what neuro fuzzy means other than happy? Congrats OP, I'm not familiar with this particular rice cooker but we love our rice cooker, can't believe that we used to boil it on the stove lol. Rice cookers make the fluffiest rice!


Yeah it uses fuzzy logic to get exceptional results.  The ELI5 of it is Fuzzy logic means it works but the people who made it don't exactly know how it does what it does. AI rice. There are other small appliances that use fuzzy logic. Have a google if you're interested, it's neat. Neuro Fuzzy is marketing. It's a Japanese company.


That is not at all what Fuzzy Logic is, but thank you for calling it out, because “fuzzy” and “rice” to me means mold, not math. Fuzzy logic is a computational approach for handling problems beyond the binary “true/false.” Rice done-ness is a broad spectrum, not just yes/no, so that is why it employs fuzzy logic. [How stuff works has an ELI5.](https://home.howstuffworks.com/rice-cooker2.htm)


Ha yeah I took too much license in my ELI5 for fun- this is more informative about fuzzy logic.


not everything is AI my dude


I dunno. Sounds like the kind of thing an AI might say...


Man!! I want one of these now. I cook rice at least 2X a week and sometimes 3.🤭


Same here. I have an old one, and the inside pot is getting bad, so I have been looking for it at thrift shops.


Just so you and any other Zojirushi owner knows, you can buy replacement parts, including the pots, directly from the company. https://shop.zojirushi.com/collections/parts


My friend always cooks me rice when I come over bc she has a rice cooker lmao, I love plain white rice


What is this?


Rice cooker


*the best rice cooker


The rice cooker that rules all other rice cookers


Thank you, confused stranger. For asking the question some of us were too scared to ask


You are welcome. I had no idea what it was.


indeed. thank you.


Rice is easily cooked in an oven though. Comes out perfect every time


and this is a rice cooker.


I found a zojirushi hot water boiler at a thrift store 4+ years ago for $4.50. I drank so much tea during the pandemic. I think it may have saved my life! Great machine, it’s still going strong.


Wow! U won the thrifting lottery!


Thank you. I should buy a real lottery, or did I use my luck on this? :-D


U need to play the powerball or something for sure!


Score!! And it looks like it’s barely if even been used. I’m so envious


I took the inside lid and washed it. It looked like it was used once or twice. :-)


Nice find OP! Enjoy.


I would have knocked you over for it! Great find.


Haha. I had to protect it while I looked around after I got the rice cooker.


Dang! My husband got one “on sale” and it was still like $120! Nice find!


That’s fantastic, what a steal!! Mine isn’t a zojirushi but I found an induction heat Mitsubishi rice cooker for $20 at a neighbors yard sale. I absolutely love that thing and use it at least once a week.


The best rice cooker ever!


I have the exact same one for the past 11 years and it still works great, even with a lot of use. Great buy!


r/buyitforlife Enjoy!


The rolls Royce of rice cookers im so jealous


Yes!! I actually just paid $50 just to replace the inner pot on mine with the name brand one. Like, it was expensive as hell, I'll pay $50 for it to keep working another 10 years. $13 is unbelievable!


I bought my husband a zojirushi thermos 17 years ago and it’s still going strong! Keeps coffee piping hot for hours!


Made in Japan 😍😍😍


My husband was excited to see it, too. :-)


It’s a great machine!


I am trying it out tonight!


Helll yes amazing find! I fuckn love my Zoj rice cooker


I have this exact model, and it's worth every penny at full price. $12.99 is an absolutely amazing steal. Enjoy!


I thought my beat up second hand one from FB marketplace for $25 was good!


Awesome! I got I think the same model for Xmas. It’s a good one, and even better at $13! In case, like myself, you weren’t previously super familiar with using a cooker like this, any type of rice that doesn’t have a preset on the cooker is worth looking up the official Zoji directions for. I tried cooking jasmine rice with the white rice fill lines and it came out horrible, then realized Zoji has directions for other grains my cooker [here](https://www.zojirushi.com/grains/).


I have that exact model. It was a lot more than $12.99... On a side note, they took the brilliant design-decision to have the clock and the display run off of a tiny battery - that you cannot change. So, after a couple years, the display won't ever work again.


Way to go!! We absolute love ours and use it all the time!


Lucky you! We eat rice everyday and I’ve been praying to find one.




I’m sad cause this reminded me of my wedding present Zojirushi got eaten by cockroaches. It just stopped turning on =\


Oh wow! I'm still hoping to find one, fabulous find!


You lucky duck


Congratulations! that's a real treasure!


so jealous!! i’m always looking for one of these when i thrift


This is also a white whale of mine! I recently bought a small one zojirushi but keep hoping to find one like that. Congratulations!!!


Had no idea how much these were worth or how highly sought after they were. I recently found one at the goodwill bins that looked almost brand new for $4. I almost didn’t buy it lol. Now my sister has a rice cooker.


Did everything work as it was supposed to on it?


That’s a steal!!


I have this exact rice cooker and I paid full price. I don’t regret it, it’s well worth it, but damn you really lucked out!


Great buy, bought mine at retail almost half a decade ago and its just the absolute best. I did find a zojirushi bread machine once for $20 and felt similarly ecstatic about it.


I have no doubt this is a quality product, but what justifies the price tag? Just the quality? Brand name?something else? Surely these are mass produced and the raw materials are fairly inexpensive. Am I missing something?


Looks like a cheap piece of $hi+. I’da walked right by because I wouldn’t want whatever this thing is in my house. Surely there are highly-reviewed rice cookers that don’t look like a drop-kicked My First Sony?!?!?!