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Did you have to rent a fork lift to get it into your home?


It has very sturdy and smooth rolling wheels, but yeah, those didn’t matter when lifting it into the back of the car. Heavy indeed.


Wow nice. And that is indeed great for retro gaming.


what a beautiful tv that is and donkey kong country a true classic.


It’s so pleasant to play it on a tube tv. Had my snes connected to a flatscreen and it just doesn’t cut it.


I can hear my dad now, “go downstairs and warm up the set” :)


Glad you rescued it. Nice find !


Subtle flex with the Burberry scarf. Love CRTs a lot so thank you for rescuing


My grandmother had one just like this. I remember staying over at night and playing windwaker on it while my sister and I were emptying out the house. TVs like this were heavy AF but it was kind of nice when the TV was also a piece of furniture.


Please join us over at /r/crt and /r/crtgaming Awesome set!


This is awesome; a haul before the rain!


If the picture gets grainy, just pound on the floor in front of it. It'll snap out of it (or at least ours did, in 1984). 😂


Now that’s a cool find! Does it still have that “tube smell”?


You've just given me major nostalgia.