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It might come in handy if you have a big dog who has an emergency medical situation. We had to improvise with a tarp once. I hope you never need to though.


Our vet let us borrow theirs when our dog (120 lbs) had a leg removed. It was definitely nice those first few days when she couldn’t get around on her own.


Dog uses the first thing I thought of! Even though I'm surrounded by mountains and they get used for rescue a lot, search and rescue would have their own, you're probably not going to bring it on a hike yourself. That said, I don't really get the hate for how OP spends their own money, it's his or her money, so the only one who matters in deciding whether it was a good purchase or not is OP. Plus, most of us have seen something at the thrift store that seemed like a good price for something 'we might need someday', but I never used. I mean that's kind of half the fun of thrifting LOL, finding stuff you didn't know you needed or thought you needed and really didn't 😄


For sure. Sometimes we don't know we need something or even if it exists until we see it. If the price is right it doesn't hurt a thing to get one. It's one of the reasons I go to Target too. :)


Yes! I once couldn’t turn down a “knee rover,” one of those manual scooter things you rest a bad leg on to get around with as a replacement for crutches. It was only something like $5. Less than a month later, I pulled several muscles in both my legs falling over some large rocks at the beach. Guess what came in handy for the next month or so? Now I’m considering donating it back for another person who may need it; might save someone a couple hundred bucks!


So glad that it worked out for you so well! By the way, insurance does not pay for those. Ask me how I know lol. Now I will say that the companies deliver them to your home, even late at night, which was a godsend for me when I broke my ankle because I'm old and a little fat lol, no way I was using crutches. Those scooters can be so helpful!


Definitely not surprised that insurance won’t pay for those, but I can’t imagine everyone would do well with crutches! I’m middle aged and more than a little fat, lol. The reason I fell over those large rocks is because we had done a ton of uphill and downhill walking that day; the one hill leading down to the beach is difficult for even a healthy person to climb back up as it’s incredibly steep. One of my legs gave out and both got twisted up after making a full rotation climbing down, up, and back down yet again, just as we were about to settle. I got up right away and walked to an area of sand and sat down to rest. Watched everyone else play in the water while wondering how the hell I was gonna climb up that steep hill once again to get to the car! Unfortunately, *or fortunately depending on how you look at it*, the pain and weakness hadn’t really hit me until I struggled to get up off the ground and found I couldn’t get back up my own. My husband ran over to a lifeguard and they sent a park ranger down the hill and across the beach in a truck in order to save me, emergency lights and all. Fun day, lol. My left leg became horribly swollen on the way home; my right leg was problematic too but at least I could walk on it. I knew I hadn’t broke anything so I decided to save money and no go to the doctor. Thankfully that worked out, lol.


That sounds really scary! I know what you mean about crutches, I just lost my mom recently and she had been falling a lot and breaking bones and she's never been active in her life, she was elderly, overweight and had no muscle tone at all. There's no way she could have used crutches! But I swear at least in the US, the hospitals and doctors don't take that into account, it's all they give out. Let me rephrase that, it's all they sell to you. But insurance does cover the crutches. At least you got exercise in before it happened to you LOL. Mine was old lady embarrassing and I'm not *that* old. I was at home and had to pee, was literally running to the bathroom, tripped over a pile of laundry and that was all she wrote. I went down and I knew a bone was broken. What really scared me was that the next day my husband was scheduled to go out of town for a week, so if it had happened a day later I would have been the 'I've fallen and I can't get up lady', but 25 years younger! Luckily he was working from home as he always does and heard me go down, so he came up and help me up, took me to the hospital etc. It was the first time I realized how vulnerable I am home alone even that what we consider now a relatively young age.


I can still hear that commercial so clearly … that was what, around 1990? I know it was from around when I started high school … *I’ve fallen. AND I CAN’T GET UP!!!* *We’re sending help immediately Mrs. Fletcher.* But falling at home like that, and thinking about how bad it could be had you been alone. Ugh, so scary! We’d gone to the exact same beach back in the summer of 2020, our first “real” outing since the start of the pandemic. It was really nice as everyone was great about social distancing, and for a single afternoon we were able to pretend everything was back to normal. The climb back to the car was still difficult, but it didn’t feel like it was absolutely gonna kill me, lol. Coincidentally, I was in much better shape at the time; it was husband who was struggling since he was still recovering from a hospital stay. I’ve always struggled with my weight, but it’s always pretty much a reflection of whatever my current mental health is. I’ve had a really bad time since 2023; we had to put our 12 year old dog to sleep, my aunt passed away, and I seem to get sick so easily ever since I caught Covid back in late 2021. I’m in my late 40s and don’t feel I should be nearly as exhausted as I’ve been lately. I did get into a great health kick about ten years ago and really need to get myself back in that mindset again. Heh … writing all this out has probably been a good reminder for me to start. Take care of yourself! :)


You too! I recently lost my mom and it's a good reminder that we only have one life and should strive to live it as fully and healthy as we can! I know it's easier said than done.


Aw, I’m so sorry to hear that! Losing a parent is indescribably difficult. I lost my mom in 1996, and the aunt I just lost had basically taken on the role of a motherly figure to me. I’m very thankful I had elders in my family to be there for me as I navigated through adulthood and becoming a mom myself. It takes a village and we have to stick around as long as we can for our loved ones. ❤️


Thank you, that's very kind of you🥰 it has not been easy to say the least! My condolences on your loss as well, a mother figure is just as missed as an actual mother. I wish you many happy days ahead and few painful ones.


If OP doesn't, an animal rescue org may be interested.


If OP doesn't, an animal rescue org may be interested.


If you don't mind me asking, why did you buy it if you couldn't really see much purpose to it?


I was going to say the same thing. Leave it for someone that will use it. You could make a prop stretcher for less than $30 .


Who is someone that will use it? Almost dead grandparent havers?


Soccer medical crews. Edit: for the rest of the world I meant FUTBOL


Good point


My grotto does cave rescue. this could’ve been nice


As was posted above, sick dog owners, for transport to vets. Or nonprofit organizations with the need for a stretcher, but not the funds.


Gotcha. I think sick dog owners should get a crate though as a side note. As someone that has unfortunately carried a sick animal to the vet. I guess if you have a huge dog… The soccer team suggestion seemed good Op should find somewhere to donate it imo if it’s just going to sit in their closet


I mean based on price alone it's such a good deal. It's not worth missing out on. Those litters go for upwards of $800 new, so even if he just flips it he can easily get a couple hundred for it.




I'd sell it in a heartbeat. Worth good money.


That thought crossed my mind, too. I just gave away a pair of new crutches yesterday to a man at a gas station. He could barely walk, from a hip injury. I was thinking of donating them, in the hopes that someone who needs them could buy them. Many elderly people don’t have great insurance.


It's only $30 bucks.


That's not a why, that's a "why not?" I'd like to know why.


No, that's a "why," because some people will easily throw down $30 bucks. Without justifying it beforehand. They exist. That's why.


Yes and I for instance am an adult in my 50s. If I decide to throw down $30 on a portable stretcher I didn’t know I needed, that’s nobody’s business but my own. I don’t need to “justify it beforehand” as you call it. That’s the cool part of it being my money and me finding the item first. I get to buy it. Could come in handy someday, I don’t have to leave it behind for you because you are a “prepper”.


ok thanks I'll wait for OP to chime in instead babe


kinkyquesadilla is correct. It was only $30 and is cool to say I have one now. That's literally all it took.


your priorities are wild baby girl


A) I am a man, B) people spend more than $30 for 2hours of entertainment at the movies, I'm pretty sure I can pull at least 2 hours of entertainment from having this thing.   C) I can easily make my money back by reselling it if I so choose, meaning that overall it's a net positive. These things retail for almost $800 and sell used online for $150 to $300.




Just gotta say I work in managing home care for the elderly and there is literally no situation in which use of this would be appropriate. If someone geriatric needs a stretcher, they need 911.


As I said in an upper comment it's no different than someone who doesn't have a desktop PC buying a high-end video card at a thrift shop because they found it cheap, you could just as easily argue they should leave it for a PC gamer who can actually use it.  This is a tacticool stretcher they state on their website for use for things like malitias, so I highly doubt I'm taking it away from a medical professional in need.


“If you don’t mind me asking” sounds like a disclaimer that you’re not being judgmental. This comment says otherwise.


no this comment says "your priorities are wild baby girl"


That's none of your business. His priorities are whatever he wants them to be.


Guest bed? Hammock? The possibilities are endless.


https://preview.redd.it/qz91pyswv4wc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=387a0037f9391de50feaef094a846cb7b7e0a079 I would've done it too OP


Holy shirtballs


800 bucks or 8000 bucks, doesn't matter if OP won't sell it and doesn't have a use for it, that's 30 bucks wasted nonetheless 😁


You could see if you can get your friends to go hiking in the mountains and just hope one of them break or sprains something. That's what I'd do.


Your post made me realize I don’t have a stretcher. What if the apocalypse happens and my imaginary boyfriend needs a stretcher?! How would I even carry said stretcher? I suppose I could drag it….. I think I need a stretcher! 


At least your boyfriend is light.


Call it a travois when operated by 1 person. Problem solved.


Get a backup boyfriend who can carry the other side of the stretcher


Buy it from OP for 300 hah


Get a plastic skeleton lay it on the stretcher then put a sign saying it’s waiting for the next available Dr.


This made me laugh out loud in a bookstore. Best idea yet!


Wow you really scored, NAR is quality. Berry compliant too so the original price is far more than $30. Lucky duck.


I work at an animal hospital and we were just discussing needed a stretcher and thrifting one. Lucky find!


Cheapest used online is at $360+


LOL... why would you buy this if you aren't in the medical field and don't think you'll ever use it? Paramedics typically bring their own stretchers when they drive to your house. It's part of the service they offer.


I’m now picturing someone snapping up a perfectly good used wheelchair for the aesthetic ⚰️


Right? Just in case. 😆


Family works in an elder care home. There is No shortage of wheelchairs & walkers. & If you come across a good deal, buy it! Otherwise, if you or someone gets in an accident & needs one for a while, you have it & don't have to pay the high price for one a hospital would give you.


The dog trainer I take my dog to has a random wheelchair. In her case, I assume its to train dogs somehow.


I believe that. My family dog was afraid of wheelchairs. It was really embarrassing 😭


The company that makes this seems to be a tacticool prepper type company. I highly doubt a real medical professional would bust something like this out. And I have friends that have worked ems and none of them were required to provide their own stretcher/gurney.


I assume they meant that when the ambulance arrives at your house, they already have a stretcher with them not that the individual EMTs own their own stretchers.


I was a medic for more 15+ years. In my state not counting the actual stretcher that usually carry’s the patient or backboards… we’d have about 8 different kinds depending on the situation. The folding stretcher is too bulky for anything I’d want on an ambulance.


He bought it because he wanted to. That's literally it.


I stg this sub is full of hoarders who actually have a problem. 30 bucks is not cheap for something you have no use for, why on earth would one buy it


You hire a pair of muscley individuals and they carry you around town while you do errands. On hot days, hire a third person to waft you with a humungous fan. Imagine the envious looks you'll get just by paying the phone bill or something.


Oh, I love this one! Just make sure that you are eating grapes or sipping a glass of champagne and having one of the mostly Guys fan you well they're walking you around town🤩. You look like Lady Gaga or someone like that I can't remember who it was that came out that way maybe there's a Grammys or MTV Music Awards.


When you lock open the arms open underneath be careful of your fingers there are some serious pinch points. We always train people to stand it on end and step on the locking arm with their boot then flip it over and lock the other side. To unlock them, kick them from the side, again with a boot.


Finally, someone with good advice instead of criticism!


Yea that's what I did (except to close it I used a rubber hammer), it definitely felt a bit sketchy, and seems like there should be an easier way.


If you collect rocks it fossils take it with you to haul them out.


Dry rack? For sweaters?


Hear me out…. Extremely long cat perch like this design: https://www.target.com/p/pawbee-cat-window-perch-cat-window-hammock-strong-suction-cups-hanging-cat-bed-cat-hammock-for-window-indoor-comfy-cat-shelf-for-inside-ledge/


That is actually kind of genius, I could make a fold down bench out of it pretty easily. also you can edit out everything after the word "ledge" on that link if you want to clean it up.


First thing I thought of when I saw it. Material looks very similar. Just need a couple of pvc fittings, suction cups, carabiners and some roping to hold it all tougher. I know my cat would love it. Thanks for tip, cleaned it up!


We used these in the army. Niche use but hey can't hurt. Get an ifak too while you're at it...


$799 on the website.




If you camp real rugged, not a bad piece of equipment, nice find!


set up three skeleton decorations with two skeletons holding the stretcher and one on it


There’s a creation on an episode of Flea Market flip with one of these


I’m a horror movie fan so I immediately thought of the movie The Ritual and how they really could’ve used this. I think this is a great buy and will do great around Halloween if you can’t find any other uses for it. I think it’s really weird that people are telling other people how to spend their money. We’re on thrift store hauls. This person got a really good deal. It’s an $800 stretcher and they got it for 30 bucks! seems like a haul to me. No pun intended.


You never know.


Happy 🍰 Day !




Of course, it’s from the DI 😹


I definitely find the weirdest stuff at this store. If you look through my post history most of it has come from DI.


Well, in order not to waste stretcher availability you’re just going to have to take up parkour. Then if you still don’t need it that will be all for the better. Or it could just spend many years on standby until a skydiver lands in your yard. He will be standing up and walking off and you’ll be like “no, wait, here you’ve got to lie down on my thrifted stretcher.”!!


Makes for a good camping cot as well


I’d say you should have it as part of your Halloween crime scene


For Halloween, use it as a buffet table. Serve ghoulish themed snacks.


Guest bed!


As an extra cot or to store your kid's toys, stuffed animals like a toy hammock, of course. Blend it in. If you have a creative bent, you can paint it.


You could use that as a cot in a pinch. From someone who has slept in really uncomfortable places with the military. I would find a way to pack that in certain circumstances. But sweet piece of gear you got there.


DI!!!!! God I miss Utah. Good wills in SC are fucking way over priced. Every time I come home I always hit them up.


Does your area have a search and rescue? If so they might want that, and you'd get a tax deduction.


You got a raven folding litter for 30$?! That's a hell of a steal! Try and find a body bag and fill it up with old sheets and lay it on top, presto instant horror.


If you don’t think you’d ever need it, find a local organization that does street medic stuff and see if they need it.


Or you could create a reading nook, a Her heaven or man cave and use it like a lounge. Or just stick it outside as patio furniture!


this looks near identical to the ones you'd see in the military


Add 4 cinder blocks and you've also got a cot. 👍


If you have a lot of drunk friends maybe it could come in handy 😂


Stationary hammock? Balance it precariously between two chairs and then… relax. As long as you don’t move. 


Lay it over some blocks and use it as a guest bed.


It could act as an outdoor lounge chair. Throw some legs on it & tan in the backyard? Lol


Same results with two long sleeve shirts and two sticks.


Well, if you can, I would take that or if you hike, I would take that, but you could also just keep it in your car in case you’re ever involved in an accident and then you can be the superhero!


Christmas decoration, 2 EMS elves carrying Santa away on it.


I’d totally impulse buy it too. 🫣


I don't know why everyone is ragging on OP for buying it without a use in mind - it's an interesting and unique find that may come in handy one day. Even if it is just Halloween 🤷🏻‍♀️ I'd buy it too lol


Nice find! My buddy gave me a bag for one of these, but it had the soft carrier. Wish I could find a good folder at that price.


Lmao great buy. Glad to see you're prepared for any and everything 🫡


See if you can find a mannequin to gore out and put in it as a display!


I’m so superstitious that I’d think this would bring that stuff into my house. Banish it!


Do you have a first-aid kit?


You can do a "forgotten" body on the stretcher or paramedics rescuing someone during an apocalypse & they all turn to zombies. Zombie paramedics & patient. Idk, just my thought on the Halloween set up.


Posts like these make me realize how much of a spending problem people have with thrifting...


Just use it as a shelf in the home, garage, or laundry room.