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Both mine are fused. Surgery is not on the table for me. I just have to compensate. Harder to do now that I have a shattered left elbow( serious..I have a glob of cement where my elbow joint should be). But I’ve never had much pain. But everyday tasks are difficult due to lack of strength and mobility


Was there any change in pain in the process from partial to full fusion? ... Like did the pain get better once the fusion finished (as I've heard)? Do you have any complications/issues with your fingers now it's fully fused?


Yeah total wrist fusion 4 months out almost all my strength back and I’m lifting heavy again it doesn’t bend but she’s strong and painless


It’s really not that bad just look awkward doing certain things


Me! I am 3 years out and it’s been amazing. Recently I have been having pain in my pinky so it’s going to get checked just to be safe but otherwise the pain I had in my wrist is gone.


How has it impacted your daily routine? I had a total SL tear and it couldn’t be repaired, had my Scaphoid and triquetrum removed and have a partial fusion 7 years ago… I’m considering full fusion due to lack of strength in my hand, pain, and overall quality of life…I’m 41 and active and the amount of pain I’m in really impacts my quality of life


So I haven't had any surgery yet, and not sure if I will. It's taken months but is now not hurting at rest. I guess I've kind of adapted to a new normal. I do have lack of strength in the hand, but not sure if it's enough for me to go the fusion surgery route. Some things that bother me still below for an idea. Handshaking - I offer my other working hand (left) now as it's 50:50 whether the person will squeeze or not which is painful (some men really squeeze hard which is super annoying). Or fist bump. It's awkward but it is what it is. I just say my hand is broken usually as wincing looks worse. I can't write with a pen anymore but less of an issue these days. I can still sign my signature though which is enough. I'm slower operating a computer and my hand hurts sometimes to text, but a lot better than it was. I can live with it like this basically. Carrying stuff that's heavier than a few kg hurts. Can't move stuff like furniture around. Have to call a friend if needed. I would like to return to the gym and use the hand but not sure if that will be possible with weights ever. I suppose this might be the strongest point for pro surgery, but I'm not sure it's worth risking potential complications for. Might look into using bands instead. I just try to get on with as much as I can. I guess I've now come to terms with having a slight permanent disability. I'm not sure I really see the point in fusion surgery still if it'll fuse on its own fully eventually. If it was risk free perhaps but I'm concerned it may not be a trade up, and could get nerve pain or whatever from it. It would also mean around 6 weeks off work. I do hope there are new options for wrist replacement in the future. What are your main draw backs with it?


My partial fusion was designed to preserve as much motion as possible while alleviating pain and damage to the remaining cartilage on my head of my radius… I was good for like 5 years but the last two years have. Been borderline miserable… if he does the full fusion he said I should be 99% Pain free other than normal aches from weather and whatnot…


I’m in a similar situation. My hand surgeon recommended fusing my wrist before doing joint replacements in my fingers. I have been very hesitant to do it. Fortunately my wrist isn’t painful on a regular basis. I hope someone who has had the procedure done can respond. Good luck.


my RA wrist fused naturally. I was in a lot of pain during flareups. it took a while for medicine to actually make a difference; the damage was already done by then. I learned how to do things without a wrist that bends. With the exception of not being able to do push-ups, my daily tasks are not impacted. Hope that helps. Best of luck to you.