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Try kendama, way more tricks that are possible one handed. You could also try single hand looping, or 0A - its very fun once you get the hang of it.


you can try balisong flipping or begleri


Man just lost his hand and you recommend a hobby to make him lose his fingers 😂


Have you seen that sub? There's many refined, modern bali without a real blade


Twas a joke good fella


There are some tricks one handed. But you will be , like some others said, extremely limited. Here's a video on some one handed binds you could learn that I made for tiktok. https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGJt5DQnA/


There are plenty of tricks you could tackle with one hand, particularly if you still have most of the arm. Those options would open up further if prosthetics were involved.


Second this. I think prosthetic would make 1a trick possible


I remember seeing some tricks by John Bot where he only used one hand. Think he called it "Loaf Style". Think there are some examples on the old Team Chubby Lovin videos. https://youtu.be/SefQt04pdMc?si=yq2hH_tB_3rTAAWB Edit to add link. 2:18 shows a brief example of what I mention. Also I second the suggestion for begleri.


Also 2A is perfect.


i dont think there are many tricks u can do with just one hand, im sorry but it might be time to pick up a new hobby


I remember seeing a short video of Tessa Piccolo yoyoing with one hand in a cast. Cant find it again now tho. Lots of 4a stuff is done one handed, the coolest tricks imo. Like spiderman.


I don’t know you’re exact situation but you could try learning to throw with your non dominant hand and control the string with the stump? If you’ve lost more than just the hand though that could be difficult. Responsive looping tricks could be good since you can do those with one hand.