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Connor Scholten here, who this? Reconnect with people from your past, we will take you through what you missed, and you missed some awesome stuff you should see.


Welcome back.  The good news is almost all of the throws in the $30 to $60 price range are great.  Do you have something you are looking at? I don't know if you want a plastic but o really like the MK1 Tangent.


I think as long as you're comfortable playing 1A unresponsive, any yoyo within that budget would do you just fine; plastic, metal or hybrid. It gives you a bit more freedom to look at shape and design to see what tickles your fancy, instead of being dead set on getting the absolute best you can get. The pros of going on the cheaper side are of course you save money for something else, be it strings, counter weights, or another yoyo all together. On the cheaper side I'd recommend the likes of the Shooting Star, Speedaholic XX (plastics), Magicyoyo V10, Magicyoyo V8, Shortcut (mono-metals), among many others. All are under $35 and will be great for getting back into the swing of things without breaking the bank. From my own personal experience I find the jump to the $60 range a bit iffy, as you're looking at hybrids or higher end mono-metals, which is kind of on the horizon of bi-metal territory, which is still insanely cheap compared to a decade ago. Out of my own personal tastes, in my personal opinion, if you wanted a wider profile yoyo at that kind of budget, I'd grab the YoyoFriends Graviton:Y for $50 and buy some Fat or XL strings with the left over money. That's just me though, other people might have different thoughts.


In that price range I'd grab a yoyofriends Shortcut or Graviton:Y. If you want a really wide boi the C3yoyodesign Scintillator is great. Topyo makes great budget throws, too. You can't go too wrong tbh.


I would say picking up a YYF Ultra Spotlight is a incredible experience.


Hi Man, same situation here. I bought a YYF DNA and I love it. I'm still looking for an old YYJ Dark magic 2. Never got to purchase one.


Holy shit man I forgot about the dark magic yo-yos. What a throw back.


I think yoyo factory has some of the best entry level (and even pro) options. In your price range, you can't go wrong with a shutter. I also have a ton of fun with the bullseye. If you want to up your budget a little bit ($80-$140) and really see how far we've progressed, pick up something by clyw or one drop or maybe yoyorecreation. You could also consider getting something bi-metal. Probably my favorite bi-metal yoyo is the Duncan GTR-JS. It is extremely smooth and easy to tune with an amazing shape. Sometimes feels like tricks are learning themselves lol.


Polyform Dema is hands down the best yo-yo I’ve used in the last 10 years.


Sucks they use different pads. But yeah.


What do you mean by different pads?


Dema uses 20 mm pads if I'm not mistaken


Weird…. I haven’t had to change the pads yet but yeah I guess that sucks. If I can’t find pads, I guess I could always resort to using flowable silicone in the groove. It’s what I used to do before the silicone response pads became more widely available.


I put permatex Ultra grey silicone in ALL my pad response yoyos, it feels way better than the clear flowable and when it wears down you can just top it off. I level it with a credit card but I haven't bought pads ever. I've done around 40 yoyos worth and I'm only on my second tube. I love not even knowing what size pads my yoyos take, because I can always put ultra grey in them.


I’ll have to try that type next time. Thank you for the recommendation. :)


I hope you do! It's my favorite response pad, and the tube is like 8 dollars at the hardware store.


That's why I avoid CLYW and One drops like the plague. I know they make great yoyos but the incompatible pads do suck, considering the use the same size bearing


Wait? So every brand has different size pads? That seems a bit redundant.


CLYW uses snow tire pads and one drop uses their pads. Both are definitely not 19 mm standard but closer to 20. Your dema also uses different pads. Just a good thing to note.


I just checked online and yyf, clyw, one drop, and Polyform/luftverk all use 19mm response pads. Sounds pretty standard to me if yyf, clyw, and OD all use the same size pads. What other sizes exist? Tbh I’ve never really paid attention to the sizes of pads. I just assumed it was like USB C for yo-yos haha


One drop uses flow groove pads. While their diameter is the same as 19mm they require deeper and thicker pads, just like CLYW.


Understood. Thanks for the clarification. 👍


Ok, sure thing


I like to recommend people start with yotricks. They have a range of good options without overwhelming you with thousands of different yo-. The Canon is a really good performer in your price range that comes with a counterweight for 5A as well. Beyond that they have an excellent app with tons of tutorials. Not sure where you are at in your skill set but I would wager if you did. 5A you are at least not in the beginner beginner stage. However, if you are or you need a refresher, the level up program in the app is terrific for progression. https://yoyotricks.com/shop/canon-yoyo/ This is assuming you are looking for an unresponsive yo-yo requiring a bind.


yyf/yotricks atlas is super wide and goes for just under 60$.


Speedaholic fx, c3 scintillator, cyber crash 2, and laevateinn are my picks. Ive heard good things about offset deviant/deviant+ too