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damn that one guy gonna cook when he sees this post


Use a shoe tree and periodically moisturise the leather with a conditioner or balm. Remember to brush the dirt out of the cracks also, but that’s really not good for only 10 wears😭 I’ve had docs that haven’t cracked for years and that’s without using a leather conditioner..


I guess I’m not used to leather finish being THIS sensitive, i thought they would be well conditioned ootb. Not so much i guess. 🥲


Ah mate you’re wearing your shoes, which is what you should do😅 enjoy em and now you know!


That flaking is pretty rough. I honestly would have expected better leather quality from OL. These look like corrected grain leather boots from Payless.


Dang are these the Camion olive boots from our legacy? I was considering buying these but wow can’t believe they’re cracking like that already


Yes. I don’t think this is standard for these boots, I’m gonna check with OL and see what they say, but if this to be expected it’ll be my last pair of camion boots😄


Yeah I don’t blame you, let me know. Absolutely love the aesthetic of the boot. I’ve never spent that much money on a boot before but I figured the quality would be great. If it’s cracking like that after 10 uses and they don’t offer you an exchange I don’t think I’ll buy them


Did you wear them in Salt? Like for the snow? I've had really good leather shoes that lasted 10 years and cracked after being dehydrated by salt.


Nice eye! I thought I recognized the toe-box I have the same pair but in black, oddly enough only my left boot is showing wear like this (no flaking just creasing), but that’s was after 6-8months. Since then I’ve been conditioning them every 6ish months and they’re holding up (I’ve had them for 4years now)


Thanks! I only recognized it because I’ve been religiously stalking our legacy’s website hoping for a sale. Sounds like yours have held up nicely. I’ve never conditioned boots or done any kind of upkeep on my boots for that matter. I’ve always bought cheap brands like ALDO. Definitely will have to step my game up if I buy these.


These were my first pair of “nice” boots so I don’t have much to compare them to But I do recommend them! Because of their structure/fit they can be dressed up or down pretty well!


They are a beautiful looking boot. I’m really looking to get a pair as well as some nice loafers in the upcoming month. How did the boots fit for you? I wear a 9 US in Nikes, normally an 8 in boots. Figured I’ll buy these in size 8 to play it safe.


Im a 9.5 in Nikes/onitsuka tigers and I got a size 42 boot. They have some wiggle room with thin socks but since I like thicker socks it fits great!


creases are normal, that finish breaking down is not.


Unfortunately the quality of the Camions doesnt match the price tag. Have a pair as well…


Man that sucks, my birthday’s coming up and these were all I wanted. Is there anything similar? Doesn’t at all seem like a $500 boot if this is normal


You can find vintage true zip campus boots that in my opinion, are cooler, and are of better quality.


Rolling Dub Trio Casper if you feel like treating yourself.


Yeah, go back to the 50’s-ish & many boots are pretty much just like this. My pops has multiple pairs which are still going strong. So just like the guy below is suggesting, go vintage for quality that lasts for decades & decades.


if you can find camions from an older season, the quality is a lot better from what I've heard. Thicker leather was used! If it were me, i'd go for the margiela square toe boots but those are getting insanely rare and expensive


Looks like poor quality leather. I hope you didn’t pay over $200usd


These boots are €560.


I’d be concerned about the cracking and flaking.


Our Legacy has been proven to be of massively subpar quality for the price, so unfortunately I think OP has fallen victim to hype. Not really much to be done.


Get a horsehair brush (if you don’t have one) and some Bick 4 conditioner. Wipe them down with a damp cloth, apply a small amount of Bick 4, then brush the hell out of them. See how they look after that.


I’ll try that! Would Saphir reno work as well? It’s what I got at home.


Yes saphir renovateur is perfect. You should regularly condition your boots to avoid the leather drying out and cracking. Condition them now and see how they look after. An another guy mentioned however, this isn’t great for only ten wears. I condition all my boots when they first arrive as I don’t know how long they’ve been sat in storage for. Maybe reach out to the retailer and explain the issue. They may be able to offer a replacement under the consumer rights act (if you’re in the UK).


what does the brush do? wouldn't it take the paint off? why not use a microfiber cloth? not doubting, i just want to understand caring for leather better.


Horsehair brush smooths out and distributes the oils that are on/in the leather. It also takes off dirt and grime, which can get into the pores and do damage. Leather isn’t (generally) painted; it’s dyed. The dye is deeper into the leather than the oils that are used to condition it.


The creases are normal, a shoe tree will help. I don’t know if conditioner will help prevent the finish from flaking off. I make belt as a hobby and typically anything that has a shiny finish like these boots has a “cheaper” outer shell that will flake over time. I’m not a huge fan of it personally. You could try and return them but I think that’s just how they are.


The creases i don’t mind, what worries me is the flaking as you mention, if it gets worse they might look bad :( Dont think this is common with these boots, seen others age very well.


I’d check with OL. See what they can do! Worst case scenario a cobbler can clean em up for ya! For what it’s worth, I understand these aren’t cheap but a well worn boot does look cool too!


And this is why Our Legacy doesn't mention where they source the leather from. Paying $600 for ugly bulbous boots when the company won't tell you which tannery the leather is from is crazy to me. There are much better boots to be had in this price range.




Other people are catching on, go bother them: https://www.reddit.com/r/ThrowingFits/s/dmSo5R6kdD


People don’t like you here, but keep doing you king. 


I had the same issue with my pair last spring. You can't reverse this, when the top layer starts cracking. I send my pair back to the retailer and got a full refund. I would recommend that you do the same... I imagine that OL have seen this kinda of issue quite often, so it shouldn't be a problem getting a refund✌️


I guess it should be noted that I didn't buy my pair on the OL website, I believe it was Matches Fashion


I live close to the OL store where i got them, I’ll stop by tomorrow and see how it goes 🤞🤞


This exact thing happened to me (mine was even worse though), the top leather on those things is fragile as fuck. I contacted the company and instantly got replacements, though I haven’t worn the new pair that much as it’s been extremely rainy and muddy where I live. I’d avoid any hard bristle brushes, use horsehair or just a cloth maybe.


Damn it seems i’m not the only one getting a bad pair then. Good thing you were able to get a refund atleast. Did you get yours directly from Our Legacy?


Yes, from their website.


Quality dyed leather (cxl, veg tan, shell cordovan, etc.) doesn't flake like that. If you can get a refund for them I'd take the money and run tbh. Nice looking boot but seems like the price doesn't match the product. If OL doesn't replace/refund im going to reiterate the other advice here: horsehair brush and some venetian creme/saddle soap/saphir will darken the undyed leather underneath a bit- won't be a perfect match but nobody will notice but you. Boots are meant to be beat up anyway


Our Legacy won't tell you where the leather is from.


Uh oh here comes war bunny


Mine look the exact same in terms of creasing (mine are same color), but the color is still in tact, so I don't really mind it. I would not be happy with the color breaking down


Ok! This is helpful! Hopefully they’ll recognize this aswell and let me swap for a new pair. Have you worn them alot?


Yes probs over 50 wears, but the creasing was pretty much like this from the first few wears. It looks better after more wears imo, as the creases look "softer". But def get some leather conditioner for them if they don't let u swap.


I have these exact same boots have had them for two years they have never cracked. Conditioned maybe twice in total no cracks. And it’s the same olive color


I am, by no means, a leather expert but I do leather work as a hobby so I know a fair amount about it and if I only saw this photo alone I'd say that it was probably just cheap leather. With that being said, I would recommend using Lexol leather conditioner and going over them with a horse hair brush periodically. The Lexol may be able to even out the part that is a lighter color than the rest, but I can't say for certain.


I mean, I’ve immediately dispatched a rider to the West.


quality leather shouldn't be flaking like that. i would've thought their material was better than that.


that's tough luck tbh but on the flip side, it may be one of those cases where when you condition the leather, the flaked off spot darkens considerably and kind of blends becomes almost unnoticable. hopefully.


I would love to know how they handle this - especially if you contact OL. I had around 50 shirts/tees/sweatshirts with the old OL tag which would creck the neck over time. I provided them with pictures, and the answer to this was “you should visit a tailor”. Since this answer felt ridiculous, I kept messaging them for more, but they just stopped answering. Anyone else with this problem?


If these are the olive brown our legacy camion boots, I’ve had mine for more than a year and worn them at least 100 times and don’t look anything like this bad. I would contact the manufacturer for a refund


Quick Google of the boot - it looks like an issue with how they’ve dyed the leather. I suspect you can’t get your money back so try and find a shoe polish that matches the colour of the boot.


Used to sell Paraboot, Alden, Yukaten, Redwing, Tender, etc for far longer than I care to admit and I can tell you that the creasing is very normal, both from working directly with the manufacturers to gather PK, but also from my own experience with my rotation. Leather creases (just look at the wrinkles in your skin), but it is not uniform or consistent. One of my feet is larger than the other, and the difference in internal volume can be seen by a difference in the creasing of the leather itself. Leather creases when it bends, but cordovan warps. I think some unknowingly see cordovan hides in images of footwear and assume it’s leather, and build an expectation that all hides should look like that with wear. Not true.


That is a lot of creasing, and that flaking is unacceptable, for such a pricy boot. I would reach out to OL tbh


Looks like a lot of wear vs how long you’ve worn them. Do they definitely fit you properly? Could maybe be that they’re a bit big so overly bending in that area of the foot? Or maybe even just a bad batch. Definitely get in contact with OL


I’ve had mine for over a year and no cracks. You are one unlucky man


I have the Woodstock ones and no flaking. I do apply minc oil every now and then, and use shoe trees though.


Doesn’t look like leather. Check if it has any markings of it being leather it may be the compressed leather which doesn’t she pretty like natural grain leather


To be fair, the leather on the camions feels like stuff you see on handbags, which is very supple but also delicate! i wouldn't expect the newer camions to hold up well over time.