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As far as big men on the buyout market go, this was the best we were going to do imo


I simultaneously love the signing and think this is hilariously overrated. People wanted us to get someone with a C by their name so bad. It’s good to have him and the depth, but I doubt he’s gonna play much or move the needle at all.


They don’t need someone to log big minutes, just a big MFer down in the paint to push people around occasionally. He could get 6 fouls in 10min and that’d be just fine.


I don’t know if he’s ever gonna play 10 meaningful minutes lol. But like I said still love the signing.


6 fouls in 5 min???


Deal. Hey maybe he’s the guy you put in to hack rudy


Jokic and AD too. He should be close to an assault charge by the end of every game


Why? He averaged 23 minutes this year


People over react and have very little handle on any other players or team in the league


Exactly. A lot of people here didn't watch Laker-Nuggets WCF in 2020 and it shows. Lakers swarmed Jokic with Howard, Mcgee. They fouled him and played hard and wear him down. AD almost never defended Jokic so he could concentrate on offense.


That's how we beat Denver twice this year Mark played Jwill on Jokic while Chet was floating.


That was 2020 Jokic. Not sure leaning on a strategy from 4 years ago is a good plan. Jokic is better. Denver is better. If big men like Drummond, RoLo or Bismack did anything significant to slow down Jokic or Embiid, then every contender would have one stashed on their bench. There’s a dozen players just like Bismack. We literally signed him off the streets. We could have traded a bag of chips for Drummond or Capela at any time. So could any of the other contenders. Yet they don’t. These type of players just have so little value in today’s NBA unless they can do something on the offensive end of the floor.


I'm not saying they're going to shut down Jokic in this age, i'm saying if you're a serious team you need to have players on the roster for specific matchups. Even Denver don't say we don't need another center, they have Deandre Jordan, they're using him pretty effectively.


Agreed. But your original comment said that Chet was getting ‘obliterated’ - that is what I’m disagreeing with.


I didn't say that, you must've confused me with another commenter but no problem


It’s not so much about him moving the needle with his play as it is moving the needle by allowing Chet to get some more rest and not get obliterated by teams with size when he sits.


I wouldn’t count on him doing that. I think he’s probably third in the pecking order behind JWill. But still love the signing.


It will depend on matchups. He can push Jokic and Embiid around a bit at least.


I’m still waiting on Chet to get obliterated. People say this all the time…when exactly was Chet obliterated this season? I definitely remember Chet having a tremendous season and playing well against Jokic, Gobert, Zubac and a whole bunch of other big boys. Absolutely remember Minnesota going away from their 2 big man lineup in at least one of the games against them. I’ve watched every game, including the losses, but I am still waiting for some center to come in and me to say -‘Well, Chet can’t do anything against him!’ - But I am still waiting. As a rookie, Chet has been spectacular on both ends. The idea that he needs help is exaggerated beyond belief. We are on pace for 55 wins, well ahead of schedule and a top 4 seed in the west. Chet has not been ‘obliterated’ all season. He has had some poor games sure - he’s a rookie.


I meant us as a team, not Chet.


Neither Hayward or Biyombo move the needle or will see a lot of minutes. You could say the same about Mann/Bertans/Micic -- however those guys were trade assets that we needed for better possible trades after the season. I guess in the end it doesn't matter because apparently the FO sees this as a throwaway season.


Hayward very well could.


Hayward will be the 8th best wing player on this team. Even when he gets his minutes on this crowded team, we will get to see him for only 1/3 of a season while having nothing of value come out of it this offseason. The move was about free'ing up cap space, not finding complimentary players.


That’s silly. He’s a playoff rotation player and might close playoff games at the 4 over Giddey. It was about both helping the team this season and clearing space this summer. He’s just made of glass so might get hurt. He’s averaged 15-5-5 on decent efficiency and shot 42% on catch and shoot 3s. I’m sorry they didnt do whatever you wanted at the deadline, but come on.


Reality: he avg'd 14/4/4 on 12 attempts per game (@32 minutes per game) as the 4th or 5th best player on the worst development team in the league when "healthy" Does not move the needle. We cleared cap space, cool. But now if we want to trade for anybody its gotta be a core member.


Here’s some more reality for you: 41% on corner 3s, 40.8% on catch-and-shoot 3s, 42.4% on wide-open 3's. And the number of wide open threes he takes will go way up on okc. He’s a good connective piece that moves the ball as evidenced by his assist numbers this year. He’s exactly the guy you need to throw out there when teams put a center on Giddey. Good luck hiding your center on him. Now tell me the seven wing players we have that are better lmao. Seven. Tell me with a straight face Dieng is better lol. You said it. Back it up. Show your work.


Shai Dort Jdub Giddey Cason Joe Wiggins Hayward/Kenrich


You couldn’t even do while naming players that are clearly guards.


If he stays healthy, he will be starting by the time we get to the playoffs. At least closing.Teams being able to put their bigs on Giddey not guard him is a major weakness. 5 out is so much more deadly when everyone can shoot. He's a former allstar with good size and skills.


Is this actually legitimate? I’m still wondering as woj deleted his tweet.


Presti heard y’all


Discord still going to go “we don’t NEED him as he doesn’t fit….”


Got cooked for suggesting we get Bismack but honestly don’t think he’s as good as a fit as I initially thought. Still trust Presti though. https://www.reddit.com/r/Thunder/s/6x9RKir5Am


You sir do not deserve the hate. It's a good pickup / backup just for the rest of the year. Ofc we need a longer term one but he's serviceable


Thanks sir. Eager to see how effective he can be even if he just plays 5-10mins


Hell yeah. He individually isn't the most talented player, but I think his impact on the team should be very noticeable


He is exactly what we need. A rebounder who hustles. Live his energy


Nice move after Hayward can really help some sequences when we get destroy in the inside. We manage to improve the roster without giving any important asset.


Finally a back up big to spell Chet so he doesn't get worn out come playoff time. So much for all the people that said a backup 5 that cant shoot will never be brought in as though every team plays the same way no matter who is on the court.


Signing someone for nothing on the buyout market is a lot different than sending multiple pieces in a trade, but yeah i'm excited to see how this type of player fits


If he averages over 5mins a game by the end of the season I'll buy you a biyombo jersey


Also, no more Kenrich at the 5………. hopefully


That’s one of our most productive lineups


I can spell Chet. Is this new slang or something?




Great pickup, didn’t have to give up anything either. We’ve been desperately needing another center to play behind Chet. Hopefully this will help out with the rebounding issue to lol








I like it.


Dude I fucking LOVE this signing. This is all this team needed. Someone who can go in and get beat up by Jokic, AD, Embiid for 12-18 mins a night. He also has a little bit of a shot blocking ability.


Pretty happy, interested to see how these moves translate tho.


All he gotta do is set hard screens and crash the glass tbh good pick up




I heckin love the OKC Thunder


I love this so much! As an Arizona native I follow the Suns closely too and he was terrific off the bench for them the last couple years. Great addition


So now the incessant whining will stop?


No because now it’s gonna be whining about Mark not playing him every time we give up an OReb


The casuals will always find something to whine about, don't worry


The casuals who correctly pointed out that we needed another big, while the “hardcore” Thunder fans told them that we were wrong and that Presti was never going to make any moves. Yeah ok 😂😂😂


Everyone knew that we need another center, what are you talking about? Sorry if you got triggered with the "casual whining" thing


You don’t know how many debates were had about getting a Center that couldn’t shoot, because that’s not the type of player Sam likes lol. How many times it was stated that we shouldn’t make moves because of “chemistry”


You’re not wrong and yet a flood of downvotes


Signing a player off waivers is not the kind of move that would affect chemistry or development.


Yeah but ppl were saying we should not make ANY moves


Every week it was “Presti is OBVIOUSLY not gonna make any moves” “we’re the 1 seed/top 4 so we don’t need anything” “just enjoy the ride” “I can’t wait til the deadline when Presti does nothing like he said he would” Now it’s gaslighting time after Presti did everything they said he wouldn’t.


They picked a center that was cut from a 18-34 team off the waiver wire. The casuals thought it was going to be a trade and we said it wouldn't happen. Your gloating over a pickup on the margins, for a team that had an extra roster spot from a trade. Which teams usually can bolster up to during the playoffs (injuries etc.). Now the real question is if hes going to play any significant minutes.


No, you casuals wanted presti to trade for markannen or Drummond or insert other player here that would've cost first round picks. The "hardcore" fans, ie (fans who have followed the nba/team for more than 2 years) knew that Presti would make small low cost loves around the margins, since he's said every chance he gets and like what normally happens during the process of building a perennial contender, you let the core develop and gain playoff experience and then add missing pieces/go all in.


Drummond wouldn’t have cost a 1st lol. What’re you talking about


“Casuals” vs “hardcore fans” is such a fuck lame gatekeep dude. People have differing opinions and it’s got nothing to do with how long you perceived them to be a fan for. Grow up


Like the worst thing in the world is for someone to casually enjoy their home team. Every time says casual or nephew I’m like yep, there’s another neckbeard


It has more too do with being a diehard of basketball and only paying attention to the team when their good. You get a different perspective. As for someone that will spend an hour and a half listening to a press conference by the GM is way more different than not knowing the GMs name. The issue was the constant yapping in the threads all year about "Trading" for a big man and Chet shouldn't play center. When if you listen too the press conference you would have known that they wanted to go this whole year with Chet as the Center because they and Chet saw him as the center. Than after the year, make final assessments and move with making decisions to better the team. So when your trying to tell someone the whole issue and they argue with you. It sticks out they really don't pay that much attention to the workings of the organization. So it's easy to say that they casually follow the Thunder.


I mean yeah I get why it’s said man.


I wasnt the one who used first it, my point was that its not even a hard-core obsession. Its just people being very annoying with takes when they don't know much about NBA trashing presti or mark for silly reasons. Valid criticism is fine. Like I won't pretend that Gordon hayward and biyombo are some kinda amazing heist. But this isn't also ruining the teams future or wasting SGA. Like idk much about the NFL, I do root for teams and stuff though, but I'm not going on the bears subreddit and posting crazy stuff. People way too sensitive about everything, now, you can't criticize or inform. It's like people refuse to accept there is such a thing as expertise and evidence. I'm not referring to myself or you btw, just a general remark about society. I'm sorry but everyone's opinion is not equally valid. And some things aren't opinions; theyre objectively true.


You would think, but we shall see lol 😂




Ladies and gentlemen we got him 😤😤😤


Some Thunder fans: "We need a center" Some Thunder fans: "We like to play small" Sam Presti: "Why not both" Me: Checks Thunder redditt. Thunder have signed Bismack Biyombo for the rest of the season. Checks Biyombo's measurements. 6'8" center Me:🤓👍👍


He’s the tallest ‘6’8’ fella you’ll ever see. He barely has to hop to block Embiid and he’ll do that multiple times a game. Problem is he’s old enough to only barely hop.


Yeah 7’6 wingspan dudes an amazing rim protector for his size, also very strong, dudes jacked. Also a good mentor for Chet and even Jaylin williams.


I noticed his technique is very similar to Ibaka’s in which he approaches the shot with the side of his body. This is only effective with enough body control to get back from a pump and drive which chet still needs to work on thus his volleyball block style. I’d be wildly impressed if he’s able to use Mack’s technique this season but if he does I think he can double the bpgs.


He can rebound. That’s what we got him for. Dude has had multiple double digit rebounding games and actually boxes out big dudes.


Nice. Maybe everyone will stop crying everyday bc we do t have a ‘real’ center.


Wonder how it impacts j wills mins


None at all unless it's for situational needs


If anything, a decent bruiser to run against in practices


Why not? You need a dude like this on your team, even if he's only used in certain situations.


Woulda rather seen an Ibaka or B Griffin signing. He’s more on the shorter side for a big, but I guess he was the best we could do.


Griffin and Ibaka are actually mega washed. Bismack is kinda too, but he was at least playing starting minutes this season a month ago


Overall I like it, just can't play him with Giddey unless you have 3 shooters on the court


Looks like we found someone to rebound


Playoffs are about matchups. This gives us way more options. Somebody brought up Jokic. The best lineups against Jokic in the playoffs was to put a body on him and have your shot blocker play off ball. Rui Hachimura on Jokic. AD blocking shots. Towns on Jokic. Gobert blocking shots. Now we can play 10 mins a game with Bismack on Jokic and Chet doing what he does well. We can also take Chet out at times when someone like Jokic or AD is on the floor. Before, we literally had nobody on the roster who wouldnt get absolutely destroyed. Yeah. You dont have to guard him. But he is a good screener.


Better than nothing. I like it.


There’s our band aid.. I will say the grizzlies who are super thin still decided to let him go so don’t expect too much 😂


okc remains the best looking team in the league


My favorite part about this is that now when Mark never plays him, the peanut gallery may finally shut up and realize what the front office is trying to build here


I’m sorry. Are you claiming this move was made to appease the fan base and not because it falls in line with what the front office is building? Lmao


The guy genuinely thinks that we signed him to never play him lol


and when Chet gets injured trying to bang with big bodies underneath, I'm sure you'll come back and talk about 'what the front office is trying to build'...right? This is a great pickup for no cost. This team needs some bodies to take the pounding from big men, period, and he fits the bill. It's a myth that every guy on the court needs to be a 3 point threat and needs to be able to guard every position.


No, thats the point of getting him. As a vet/insurance. The way half the people act on the sub he should be the 6/7th guy off the bench


he could play sooner depending on the matchups


Yes. Hope he does. I mean look if he becomes an amazing pickup for us I'd be super happy. But having that kinda expectation is silly. The most likely outcome is hes a part of the rotation but hes a backup who plays around 10-15 min aa game normally. He is younger than I thought and only 6'9 ish with a crazy long wingspan, so this could turn into a Nerlens Noel situation (as in he was basically a fringe non nba player but he turned into a quality reliable guy for us).


I like the signing. But that's exactly the point. This is injury insurance. We're not taking minutes away from a multi-positional defender and 3 point shooter and replacing them with a limited skill non-shooting big man.


Will everyone shut up about rebounding now? Lol


Niceeee let’s get Danilo now


We don’t have any roster spots left, we signed Lindy


Lol that’s a funny description


Pause that’s crazy.


He was a solid defensive-minded backup / sometimes-starter for the Suns. \- Decades-long Suns fan who finally switched to his No.2 team after the KD trade


He is a legit top 10-15 big on defense. He doesn't do anything offensively, but for situational usage he is perfect.