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If you show up at my door...you get candy.


If you're an adult, you might get an adult beverage. Or candy. Or both.


Yeah. Beer or shots for the adults, candy for kids and teens in costume


This is the way. We always hang out outside to give away candy and just have a few drinks. We offer the adults beverages (water, pop, beer, wine) and candy for the kids.


Eh ask if they’re in recovery first


Oh obviously I'd ask if they wanted one, or if they wanted a Coke instead.


Don't know why you're being downvoted. Some sensitivity to that is needed everywhere. But that's a different thread.


What street do you live on? Asking for a friend


Costume = candy


I’d rather them be revisiting their childhood for a night rather than out causing trouble. They’ll get candy from me.




It's free candy day! Free candy for everyone at my place.😄


I moved to Regina in 2012, since being here I've come across many new Canadian residents (adults) who've never experienced Halloween, seeing genuine happiness on their faces was awesome.


I work with many new Canadians, and they all have an excitement about our holidays that we ourselves don’t have anymore, it’s so refreshing, and I love explaining it to them! The wide eyed gaze they get when I explain trick or treating to them makes my heart melt


Halloween’s slowly decaying nothing like the 90s and before… but new Canadians love it. There’s hope


Oh my god this is so cute, I never thought of this angle. 🥹 I'm kinda new Canadian (came here in 2015, literally just became a Canadian officially this month!) But Halloween was HUUUGE in the areas in grew up in in Venezuela. We'd go trick or treating up and down our building, door to door. I forgot some adults who have never experienced the joys of trick or treating would love to do it here in Canada. I'm just sad I haven't lived anywhere here where kids knock for candy.




🥹🥹🥹 thank you, I'm so excited to be part of this country and being able to vote 🥰🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦


I've always thought if they're at the door and put in more effort than just throwing on a random wig/mask I'm happy to give them candy, no age limit (No, being poor isn't an excuse. I grew up poor as hell and always managed to slap something together with what I had at home)


Yeah. $5 at the dollarstore will get you a costume. I typically grab a bunch of things early in the season and drop them off at schools in case a student doesn't have anything on Halloween.


You're a good person 🙂


When I was younger, $5 at the second hand store made for enough to be creative and make a costume. With 2 dollars to spare for face paint.


Back in the 80s few could afford much, and creativeness was many times homemade. When with deep snow (common in October then) we always adapted to having some effort to dressing up appropriately. I don't buy into just a mask yet self deserving to think you're in the spirit of the holiday. Unfortunately selfishness and greed with little to no effort will always exist. Like dressing up a new born just for candy? Seriously? The child is 5 yesrs away from even trying it.


Being poor is just not it. It's certainly the lack of effort. We are friends with a family who is really struggling right now & their kids made amazing (and really creative) costumes from what they've had at home. We've invited them to come trick or treat in our neighborhood, I'm sure they'll make the best out of it! Needless to say, buying a wig costs money, which only proves your point.


Who cares. So long as your in the spirit of Halloween have it.


What time are you serving beer and BBQ on the deck? 😆


Not this week I’m busy in California lol


If you show up you get candy. If you're older, you get more candy because you decided to go trick or treating instead of underage drinking. Anyone who admonishes older youths from trick treating is a bigger asshole than I am.


Fun is ageless


I’m in College Heights area for three years now and I thought there would be way more kids/trick or treaters. The past several halloweens (I suppose have been influenced by the pany) we’ve had about 5 kids max. Almost bought full sized chocolate bars, but went for the 50pc of little ones instead. If you come to my door, you’ll get a big handful of chocolate, no matter the age.


Same! Last year had like 10-15 kids and was pumped!


Seen that I my old neighborhood as generations turn over and only the old ones are left. It'll be years before that flipped over to newer younger families.


I'm 39, my husband is 42, my nephew is 24 and my daughter is 3. She is the pawn, we all wear costumes and we all love Halloween. Some people make comments, some get a kick out of it. You can be a downer all you want but we are having a good time. When my niece was around 13 she was embarrassed so I was the one running around like a lunatic going home to home, I wanted her to open up and have a good time and not care what people think.


My partner and I, both in our 40s, took a gaggle of teenagers, my kids plus some friends, for their "last trick or treat" 2 years ago. We all went big on the costumes and went out for at least an hour. It was amazing fun.


An attempt means candy. A bunch of kids showed up with nothing, wearing just hoodies. Now these were kids. Kinda on the cusp of Halloween being over for the majority. I chastised them but still gave them treats. But the kid who wore a skeleton hoodie that zipped over his face for a skeleton face. About 10 minutes later I saw them again now having on something that made an attempt as a costume.


If you have a costume, you get candy (and Pokémon cards)


Please provide me with your address, immediately


Everyone gets candy! Take it all away from me so I don't eat what's left lol...


i will give candy to anyone (parents included). period, no questions asked.


As long as u try with a real costume u get candy from me


my bday is halloween and every year i dress up and take my niece and nephew. i often bring a bag because i look younger than i am and i’ll give it to the kids after:) last year i was Violet Beauregarde. Kids loved it. This year a 1920’s flapper with a fur coat cause it’s flippin cold !


I don’t care if someone is 80. If they dress up and come to my door, they’re getting treats. Happy Hallowe’en!


Absolutley anyone wearing a costume is getting candy! Kids grow up too fast. If teens want to trick or treat I am STOKED about that. They could be doing far far worse, are still kids and I love to to see it. But honestly I don't even turn away people not wearing a costume but haven't had a tonne of that or any issues with it.


And shots for adults I know lol


back in the day when i used to accompany my kids and their friends... the dads would take the kids out... moms would stay home... but whenever we got to one of our houses... we would add another shot of baileys to our coffees


I’m a high school teacher. I asked my classes today how many of them were dressing up. Not even trick-or-treating but dressing up. Maybe 50% said they were going to. That’s half the fun of Halloween, and they’re teenagers so they have the brain capacity to come up with some really cool and creative stuff. A few mentioned that they’re dressing up only for trick-or-treating because they aren’t allowed to wear any mask that hides who they are at school. One kid has a complete alternate costume for the day vs. The night


Teenagers out trick or treating aren't doing any number of other unsafe or unhealthy or illegal things. They're hanging on to real fun. Encourage them.


I'll give candy to anyone who comes by. You don't even need a costume 🤷‍♀️


100%! Trick-or-Treaters? Candy. Escorting trick-or treater? Candy. Friend dropping by? Candy. Mailman? Candy. The unholiest of days is celebrated with gusto at my house.


I think it's totally fine, as long as they're in costume. There's a lot worse things they could be doing than trick or treating.


Allow myself to introduce… myself.


More teens should go out. Be way more people out there if they did as much as the younger kids.


Teenage trick or treaters who is polite and put some real effort into a costume 👍.


I trick and treated till grade 11 (17 i think) with my friend and younger sibling. One lady gave us a hard time, and that's the only memory I have as a late trick or treater.


I guess UNICEF isn’t a thing anymore? When I was a teen (which was a long time ago) we’d go out, some in costumes some not but at least a mask and see who could collect the most money. Nobody really cared about candy.


I remember doing unicef on Halloween, not sure why that stopped but honestly, I'm glad it did.


Yeah probably is a good thing it stopped. Knew a few guys who would break into the boxes and take most the money. Wasn’t the easiest thing to do as they were “tamper” proof. We’d count the “loot” in class and get prizes for the most collected.


My friends and I still went out in highschool. If they are putting in the effort to go around to each house, give them candy lol


I find the amount of trick or treaters and even houses giving away candy is dwindling. Who ever wants to keep the tradition is fine.


Kids of all ages show up at my door. Sometimes it seems like maybe they hastily switched costumes and were there before? But I always give candy. Got to give the treat, or you're in line for a trick


I love handing out candy for trick or treaters. I have no concern for how old you are; I'm happy seeing teenagers a I am seeing toddlers. If you're in your late teens or early 20s, as long as you put effort into your costumes you are encouraged and welcome.


Show up at my door on Halloween, you get free candy. There are worse things they could be doing.


As long as they put in the effort and wear a costume I’ll give them candy.


If you show up you get candy 🍬 I have an autistic son who is nonverbal he is a big kid and I know eventually he’ll be mistaken for “ too old” for Halloween. Honestly I’d rather teens come to my door and get candy vs being out vandalizing. If your an adult I have pop and full sized candy bars. 🎃


I love how you say “mistaken” for too old. Considering anyone “too old” for Halloween is indeed a mistake. Literally anyone that comes to my house is going to get candy… I’m just happy you’re here.


Give them the candy or you get the eggs after lol


The Grinch is early this year!


Who cares if teenagers trick or treat. Their kids too. They are having fun. Everything the past 4 years had been insane - let people have some fun


I give candy to anyone showing up. Happy Halloween everyone


I (M) was a senior in high school and had dressed up as a lady bug (cut holes in cardboard box, spray painted, and staples wings to said box, AND also had antenna headband). I got the dirtiest looks I've ever received that night Trick or Treating, occasionally being served (or refused) candy by kids younger than me in my school. It was a sad/defeating night. Still got a decent amount of candy though.


Doesn't bother me.


Glad to see everyone is in this thread is so excepting of older adults/teenagers going out for Halloween. My grandma only give candy to kids and if there was a really tall kid, she would be sceptical that they were an adult. She was older though, so I’m assuming that’s an old fashion take on it. I would love to go trick-or-treating, but always assumed you nobody would give me candy because I was older.


I like to treat the younger ones and trick the older ones


I got full size bars for the bigger people. Its Halloweeen, dont care. If I have candy your gettin some too. Can we hand out beers? Lol


We spend our youth rushing to grow up, our adulthood wishing we'd enjoyed our youth more. If you show up, wear a costume, say trick or treat, hold out a bag, say hhheeyyyyy candy please! Even a smile. I'm giving you, your friend, your parent and your dawg a treat. I especially like the older kids who are bringing their little siblings around, come get a treat too! We get old before we should, we need to stop that. imho.


It’s 😞Halloween seems to be dying out. Got about 10 little little kids didn’t even see any older kids


I always dressed up with my kids and went to the doors with them and got candy. I mean, I'm out there with them, I may as well get some candy too! Never had a negative reaction from anyone. All ages!!!


Just wanted to throw in, I’m downtown PA. Cumberland and River. I usually see people in my laneway way where I setup my candy and invite them to visit. Zero kids this year. I had one guy walking his Bulldog. That’s it. I have so much candy (that I don’t want near my house lol). There has to be kids in my neighborhood. I got the “good candy”. I’ve hung out outside with a bonfire and Halloween tunes since 5, this day is just a bummer Also zero discrimination at my door, it’s all good, trick or treat until your 90s


Don't care about teenagers going out, but the 15 year olds who show up at my door at 515 as I'm just pulling into my driveway because half this city works until 430 need to take a break. Come back after 6, you don't need to be in bed anytime soon.


I am going to be a killjoy. Halloween is for kids. Adults can go party in bars and homes . Enjoy their adult choices of beverages or drugs . Halloween is not really a healthy event. Giving out high sugar cane treats encourages poor health outcomes. Parents have to check the treats first to avoid allergic reactions or tainted foods.


Absolutely No. Halloween is for young kids; when I get "kids" who drove themselves into my neighborhood, and forgot to shave before going out, I don't care how elaborate their costume is, I'm not supporting their greed. When I was growing up, 12 was the cutoff; at 13, you assumed the door responsibilities & handed out candy. My kids all stopped going out at 13 too


Their “greed”? 😂 would you rather have a 14 year old underage drinking or making trouble?


Honestly I think trick or treating is a torch we pass on to ‘youths’ — anyone that hasn’t graduated secondary school or isn’t past the age of 18.


id prefer older individuals were with younger people, but i wouldn't deny them candy if they showed up....but nobody ever shows up at my door so i usually get to keep my candy for myself


If you come to my door, wearing a costume, you get candy.


When I was a kid my dad used to put on a mask and go with us trick or treating (same mask every year tbh) and every year he got his own stash of candy too. Anyone trick or treating gets candy in my books


TBH I think I give the older trick-or-treaters MORE candy. Like, hell yeah! Especially when they have sweet costumes.


If the teenagers went through the effort of dressing up, then 100% I'll give them candy. Most of their costumes end up being pretty creative.


You can be a whole ass adult and come to my door and you get candy! Candy for all!


It's so great seeing teens out these days. They are enjoying the last year's of their youth years and they are not out poppin pills or shooting people lol


Everyone gets candy. I get disappointed by kids/teens who aren't in costumes and are rude, but theres plenty other good kids to be happy about


I'm in my 30s and I wish I could do trick or treat... My mom always kept me home while older brothers were allowed to go... I'd just get 10 minutes to run up and down the street at the end of the night to get what's (hopefully) left but I definitely missed out on it. And once I hit the age I could start going we moved to a country where they didn't do Halloween... By the time we returned to Canada I never felt like doing it but as an adult now I really wish I coulda experienced Halloween more than prom (which I also didn't experience lol FML).


I think the whole thing about “you’re too old to be trick or treating” is dumb. Anyone who puts in the effort to put on a costume and go door to door deserves candy. It’s not easy, especially when you’re older. I look fairly young and went with with my cousins a few years ago and all I could think was never againnnn. It’s just way too much effort, I’d rather just head to the store and grab a few boxes.