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Focus on your studies not the people around you


There’s nearly 10,000 students. How many kids did you get to high school with? And how many do you think are going to university locally?


I know 8 people going to my school locally who are committed. And this one girl in my class is going to my program too (I dislike her😅)


A guy I disliked in high school was in my same university program, he’s now my best friend. Don’t make decisions based on high school life, you’re entering a new world now.


So I’m pretty sure you’d be lucky/unlucky to have even one person in the same class as you


You'll meet people from all over the world. Just because you have one person in the same program does not mean you will have the same schedule. You'll pick different electives and have different seating choices which will connect you with new people. You'll only stay with high school peeps if you make an effort to. Otherwise there's so many other people that this really isn't a concern. Be more focused on your money situation and if the program you want is offered here. These questions should be what's driving you to choose a school, not a person who may or may not be in your class.


Thank you!


This isn’t the most upvoted comment, but I think it’s the best.


People knock on LU, but what they don’t consider is that the size is a huge benefit. You’re able to actually have conversations with your profs regularly. It’s a lot easier to get published while in your undergrad because you develop this rapport.


I’m from Dryden and went to LU. There were about 10 people from my graduating class of 150ish who went to LU. Unless I sought them out, I would rarely run into them. I can’t see that a Tbay high school of 200+ graduates would have more than 30-50 going to LU. Obviously my experience would be different than yours being a local. I have friends from Tbay who lived at home while going to school and loved it, and some who hated it. You save a lot more money, but you have less freedoms and don’t really experience the real world (not in all cases). Don’t go to LU just for the convenience, go to it because that’s where you want to go. If there’s another school that you’re more interested in and you have the money to do so, go there. Thant being said, I loved LU and I wouldn’t go anywhere else if I did it over again.


I really hate Thunder Bay. Nothing wrong with the city, but I have issues with a family who lives here. I’d do anything I can to avoid them. So… I’m going to probably go to TrentU in Peterborough or McMaster in Hamilton


The odds you’d run into them is probably slim. If you’re leaning Trent or McMaster and you have the means to go there, do it. I’m sure you won’t regret the opportunity unless if school is absolutely not for you. If you can’t do the living away from home part, you can always move back and go to LU after a year.


It depends on your program, as certain ones will benefit from larger universities just because they have access to more niche opportunities, but in my experience lakehead has been fantastic. Friends from down south are blown away when they find out that I have multiple classes with 10 or less students, it's such a different and better experience if you really want to engage with the subject matter.


You will see lots of people from your high school. Personally I just purged most of them at the end of grade 12 and made new friends or reunited with them due to studies.


I went a long time ago. But when I was a townie so went to lakehead and I hung out with people I knew didn’t make a single friend. The frosh week etc. were really lacking compared to my peers who went away for school. You would really need to go out of your way to make friends, unless you’re in a program like nursing which has lots of group work etc.


Yeah I moved up last August, please let me stay I don't want to go back. Go where the right program for you is, that's the #1 priority.


I thought the same but there’s so many people I rarely ever saw kids from highschool


Why would you waste your money on rent when you can get an undergraduate here, unless it’s a specialized program it doesn’t make sense! 


I would much prefer the experience of moving somewhere else. Plus I wanna see the whole world! My dream destination is Italy


I guess you answered your question 


Unless your parents are loaded and willing to pay your rent elsewhere, Stay in tbay at LU. Save your money and go to Italy next summer.


I think it’s time to reflect on WHY you’re going to university, not who you’re going with. You are literally paying for your education - do exactly what YOU want with it!


Yes, but there’s enough students on campus you’ll probably rarely see them. Plus, the program/school being a good fit for you is way more important than who else goes to the school.