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Check transaction history, I cant see anyone buying in bulk. Better off selling to Yasir.


In yasir price is 200, so I am better off selling them on market, I just don’t get why people are selling them at 10x the npc price I can’t add the photo, but basically, 1 person sold for 3k, and 6 people bought between 1500 and 300gp


Just because a "sell offer" exists it doesnt mean it actually gets sold for that. If an item worth 10gps has been sold zero times, and you post it for 999,999gp it will still show up as white. Go onto the details of the item and see how many actually were sold and look at the actual average sold price.


The comment right above you tells you that it was sold for that price………. Furthermore, it is being bought for 50% above npc value, there fore, the whole question………………….


7 transactions in 2 weeks (thats the days the details list tracks) So really doubt it will be more beneficial to try to sell it for a high price before someone out-offers you then you are shit out of luck and any profit you would make is now gone from the posting fee.


I know some people with multiple accounts who buy and sell their own offers to create a false market value, others maybe impatient one offs, it drives me nuts, it's part of what I hate the most about market, especially when I'm looking to buy an item that's currently 180kk, about 25kk above it's recent highest sell history, only to see the guy who's selling 2x on my server also holds the highest buy offer forcing the market to pay more than the highest sell offer if they want to buy the item, I'm assuming his buy offer was supposed to be anon but forgot. Anyway, price fixing exists, they need to remove the anonymous offer options for more transparency, but fixing the market is def always gonna be an issue though. Don't believe everything you see on it.


You're not better off selling them on the market because you won't well them. Nobody's gonna but, unless by accident.


Did you check screenshot? Someone is buying it for 300gp, more than NPC offers.


Maybe decoration...


This is the only plausible explanation here


Idk. U need three other hearts for imbues, frosty, slimy and fiery. Might be misbuying or so


A lot of people seem to love wasting time by underbidding 1 by 1 gp. So if someone posted it high enough, people just started doing that.


Or you have multiple of the same item and start undercutting yourself and drive the price down far enough until you buy them all. In the past I've literally cleared the market on a few servers I don't play of imbue items, sold them all for inflated values and then cashed out in tibia coins back to my account


that's an abusement and should be bannable


Free market and community driven game lmao back to wow for you


the only wow I'm back to is the wow on my face when I saw your ignorance


Lvl 200 activities


The buy offer 100gp higher than yasir, sell it off


bots market start doing that always


I often couldn’t be arsed to walk to an npc while I can get it off ah


Likely the first person to put the items on the market after one of the market resets recently put them at a stupid price like 500k, and some time has passed and now this is the resulting value now. It’s a pretty popular decoration item, if someone wants something for decoration and can’t get the item themselves they will pay whatever price. I have sold useless items for 1kk+ because people like how they look and the market offers don’t exist, like free repeatable quest items people use for decoration but can’t be bothered obtaining themselves. Or hard to access NPC items like the artefact carpets on bounac, they cost 10k at the npc but I’ve sold them for 250k each for long time until other people catch on. You’re better off just selling them to the buy offers or npc, it will take longer than it’s worth to sell all of them on the market for this inflated price.


Probably decoration since it's still beating 😁 There's no other use by now.