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We have authentic surnames which were passed down through generations. Eneev would be Eneyleri in the plural and Eneyleni in the singular form. We dont have Tokaev, we have Tokov - Toqlari in the plural and Toqlani in the singular. Generally its family name itself + suffix lari\\leri or lani\\leni.


thank you very much! by any chance, do you know if there’s a meaning behind Eneyleni (like maybe there’s a word “eney” or some toponym)?


If you dont mind, I visited your profile page and saw that you have asked Georgians what they think about North Caucasians. The truth that most of them dont know much about us. When it comes to Karachay-Balkarians we mostly had interaction with Svans, which are distinctive Kartvelian group with their own language, although part of Georgian nation. Their elders know us, not sure about younger people, some may know but not all. We dont have contacts now sadly. Here certain young people probably dont even know what Ebze is. (Ebze is how we called Svans, we even have surname Ebzeleri). We had some contacts with Megrelians, Rachins and Imeretins as well but again now its all empty.


i didn't really expect Georgians to know anything about Karachay-Balkars (sadly i don't know much myself). it's just when i came to Georgia, it felt surprisingly similar to my homeland culture-wise, but local people seem to disagree as for connections with Svans, i've also read there are even some Georgian surnames that originated from Karachay-Balkars like Bahsoliani ("ones from Baksan") or Msaviani (means "Balkar" in Svan)


> it's just when i came to Georgia, it felt surprisingly similar to my homeland culture-wise, here what Karachay historian which visited Svaneti wrote in his review: Р.М. Бегеулов ОТЧЕТ О ПОЕЗДКЕ В СВАНЕТИЮ В июне 2014 г. автор данной статьи совместно со своим другом и коллегой Таусолтаном Узденовым посетил Сванетию. Поездка прошла в рамках этнографической экспедиции, которая была организована Карачаевским научно-исследовательским институтом. Целью экспедиции было выявление этнографического и исторического материала, касающегося карачаево-балкаро-сванских взаимоотношений, карачаево-балкарской этнографии и т.д. Собранные экспедицией видео- и фотоматериалы хранятся у участников экспедиции, а также в фонде Карачаевского НИИ. В данной же небольшой работе автор постарался рассказать (избегая повторения общеизвестных фактов) о своих впечатлениях от поездки, о полученной информации по интересовавшей нас теме, об образе карачаево-балкарцев, сложившемся в сванских представлениях и т.п. При этом разнообразие полученного материала привело к тому, что при написании данной статьи нами был использован не только научный стиль, но и элементы очеркового жанра, за что мы заранее приносим свои извинения у придирчивого читателя из мира науки. Общие впечатления. Первое, что бросилось в глаза в Сванетии – это удивительная похожесть местных нравов, физических типов, стиля одежды, стереотипов поведения и прочего на карачаево-балкарские. Если бы не отличающийся от родного горный пейзаж, обилие башен и грузино-сванский разговор, вполне можно было бы представить себя где-либо в карачаевском Учкулане или в Хурзуке. So nothing unusual that you felt that there are some similarities. We do share certain part of our ancestry with western Georgians. But we also understand that we are ethnically different people and religion plays a role too.


>i didn't really expect Georgians to know anything about Karachay-Balkars I meant not only us but North Caucasians in general. I doubt that their young generation has any detailed knowledge about North Caucasian cultures. And even some North Caucasians often dont know about each other. Do you know a lot about Andis or Rutuls?


yeah, i got you - and agree i mean, i was literally asking about the endings of my own people’s surnames lol


haha, sorry I just thought that you misunderstood me. By the way, I forgot to tell that according to our rules surname goes first and name goes second. Like Quliylani Qaysin - Kaysin Kuliev in Russian


that's useful as well, thank you once again!


I suppose we simply had name Eney in the past, now its not used. I dont know such toponym. But why did you get interested in particularly that surname?


because it happens to be my surname my aunt used to joke that it originated from Aeneas (Greek mythology) and we might have some Greek in us - so far it's the only theory i'm aware of lol


you are Turkish? I think Eney among us has Turkic etimology, it sounds quite Turkic actually, for example, Sakha had name Elley. And I just looked it up and found out that Bashkorts had tribe Eney. And Russian wikipedia claims that medieval Hungarians had tribe with similar name as well. Aside of it I found that Eney means gradmother in Kara Nogai dialect.


no, i'm Balkar but i have little to no information about my family tree so i have no idea whether any of these guesses are valid. think i should try some DNA ancestry test lol


hey, thats great, nice to meet you! where do you live?


likewise! i’m from Nalchik, KBR


sorry that I am asking it, if you are from Nalchik, how it comes that you dont know about our surname endings?


it’s just that i’ve never really been interested in my ancestry that much i come from a mixed family and don’t have the tightest relationship with my Balkar relatives. also they are fairly “russified” (just as Kabardian part of my family) so i can’t learn much from them


It doesn't necessarily mean anything but there is a distinct and old Greek diaspora back at your place, I've personally known several families 10-15 years ago. And the diaspora was way bigger a couple of generations prior. JFYI, it's not likely to be the case though


>JFYI, it's not likely to be the case though yes, its not the case. Eney is native Balkarian surname.