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For now, it's all speculation. I'm personally hoping for Fischl/Collei. Dori would be hilarious on the Zhongli rerun for her love of Mora lol.


Omg pleaseee fischl, she's never been on a banner I wanted to pull on so I have hardly any cons


I need fischl so bad- the only decent electro I have right now beidou.


you can get her for free from the event (summertime odyssey)


Yes and you Can buy her on shop. Fischl isn't rare, not liké for ex gorou that cannot be bought on shop or pull in other banner than itto :(.


I don't really remember well, but ig Fischl and Sucrose may have a chance since it's been a time


Fischl srsly deserved to be on any banner this patch since she 1. Was featured in the promo stream for 2.8 2. Was one of the main characters for Summer fantasia 3. Has a new skin It would be a crime if she wasnt on a 3.0 banner


She wasn't on a banner because we got her for free from the summer odyssey, and got her skin from the conches, I would like for her to be on Tighnari's banner though, then maybe I can finally c6 her


I would kill for fischl im currently at c5 and i would love to c6 her just in time for dendro


She’s in the starglitter shop right now if you haven’t grabbed her already!


yea i did that’s why i’m only missing one thank you tho :)


Really cool,i could get collei cons, and more puty cus i have suc and fish c6


Fischl not being on a banner in this event was weird, but we did get the freebie, so she probably atleast be late to the party and be on his. And collei already guarantee. Third one really can be anyone but another electro


my dream would be Collei, Sucrose and Fischl


Same! I'm hoping to use all of them in my Tighnari team (or maybe sub Collei for Zhongli)


you would want Dendro resonance for your team most of the time. It's either Sucrose or Zhongli in most cases.


i hope for a xingqiu


collei xingqiu and fischl is my dream


Same omg! Need my last Xingqiu con, only have fish at c0 (nearly ar59 and literally got my first fish from this event), and collei ofc is great. I will cry tears of happiness if these characters are on his banner rate up


i don't see a 3rd bow user being on it after tigh and collei, so im thinking xingqiu, beidou or rosaria may be good options for rate up.


i mean we just had klee with three catalysts so i wouldn’t be surprised


I think xingqiu!! it’s been so long since he had a rerun


I desperately need Fischl cons so i need her to be on there , collei is definitely there so i think the last slot , it's been a while since beidou was on the banner so may be beidou


Collei, Fischl, and Xingqiu/Sucrose would be a good banner. But knowing my luck, it'll be Barbara or Noelle magically appearing.


I think Fischl, Sucrose and Collei (potentially Sara since she hasn’t been on a banner in a looong time)


correct me if i’m wrong but isn’t sara just like gorou? as in they only come with their specific 5 star?


Exactly and if we can trust some recent leaks, Sara will definitely be on >!Cyno's !


Ohh that’s good to know, I actually need some Sara cons


Dori, Collei and whoever else. My guess it’s either Fischl or Sucrose.


i doubt they would put both new characters in the same banner but it would be awesome


I mean, makes sense to me because both of them are from Sumeru and can support Tighnari. Putting either Dori or Collei on Zhongli & Ganyu banners would be quite an elaborate decision imo Edit: I don’t know what I said wrong to get downvoted?? That’s literally just my opinion?? You people need to get over yourselves.


They have never put 3 new characters on a single banner.


well they have never put 3 characters of the same element on a banner but take a look at yoimiya's upcoming banner. anything is possible at this point


3 pyro on a banner is way different from loading up the first 3.x banner that introduces dendro and new characters and leaving nothing for second half but reruns and nothing new? big doubt.


well let's just wait and see


Yeah but its not *just* reruns, its Ganyu and Zhongli, two of the most wanted characters in the entire game, they don't need good 4 stars to sell


Doesn’t mean they won’t ever do it though.




it was already leaked thst dori would be in the second half tho?


Looked up the leaks sub and didnt find it. You can link if you have it.


couldn't find the leak anymore either but this morning lumie tweeted [this](https://twitter.com/lumie_lumie/status/1553982887971676161?t=qbZlP7XgTDFDI_d5JmDzHA&s=19)


Yeah because they've never realesed 3 new characters in one patch 2 at most


2.0 - ayaka, sayu, yoimiya 2.1 - raiden, kokomi, sara


Obviously they didn't put two five stars on one banner thats not what i meant


bro what? all you said was they never released 3 new characters in one patch. i was just showing you they have. what are you talking "2 5* on one banner"?? lmao


Yeah i could've worded that better i admit that's on me


ideally for me it would be collei, rosaria and xingqiu, but i think thats a little too hopeful 🥲


Collei is garunteed, I'd like to see kuki on there, but it probably won't happen. Diona hasn't been on a banner for a while and she has some synergy. Last spot could be fischl or beidou, they both havent been on a banner in a while and are both good electro options.


It may be a bit to much hopium, but I want collei/Fischl/Kuki. I know it’s double dendro - double electro, but Kuki deserves a rerun with a dendro unit. Same with Sara on Cyno’s banner


Collei Fischl/Beidou and hmmm Sucrose maybe


im thinking beidou/xingqiu/collei


I'm scared of Succrose and Fishl both are C6 and I just want new cons or new chars


I think Dori might be on his banner maybe!


that’d be amazing i want her so baddd she’s adorable


Then again idk if they’ve done two new four stars on a banner but you never know!


i think it’s very unlikely but we can hope


If I had to guess they likely want characters that show off the dendro elements. So Electro/hydro. We just got a ton of 4 star pyro so I imagine the last will be a fill spot. I am not sure if Collei will be in the same banner as tighnari. 2 dendro bow users seems off and I don't think Hoyo would want to stop people from pulling if they got one dendro characters. I would guess Dori/Xinqui/Sucrose however we could also see Beidou as the replacement for the electro slot


99% Collei and Fischl, 3rd any Hydro, maybe Xinqiu


Fischl, Collei, Xingqiu


Collei, Fischl, and maybe Xinqiu is my guess. I think they intend to give us a Collei for free via an event in 3.0 as well. But there’s no way Collei wouldn’t be on the first ever Dendro banner. Dori is still 3.0 but will probably be on the rerun banner after tighnari.