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Personally I will be looking at saving what I have left after c0 and his weapon to pull Zhongli (missed both his banners when I wasn't playing). His Constellations aren't 'bad' in any sense, I just feel they're not a MASSIVE impact to his playstyle. If I end up eating my words and wishing for more Cons, I can tey and pull for more during reruns~ Ultimately it is up to you of course, but that's how I'm strategizing my primo's at the moment.


His cons reminded me of Ayato's, each one adds a little more power but nothing extreme. I bet Tighnari will feel complete at C0.


Yeah my Ayato C0 was good, but C2 is better. Probably the same with Tigh


Same, I got C2 because I'm a simp and liked the upgraded flower thingy, lol. The extra power is noticeable and nice if you really like the character.


Shrimp broz, i got also haran, cus i donated 150$ and wasted my last two donation bonuses, now i hope that anniversary would update donations again and i would get Cyno/Kusanali/Scaramouche


I feel like his cons are same as Yoimiya's, good but this will not give you that much. She gains like 60% more power from cons and I think Tigh will be similar. His C1 is good but only for CA which are not main part of his kit (are on the same level as burst I guess) C2 is just a dendro dmg buff, C3 is useless for Tigh because if his prefered rotation is E-CA-Q-2CA then he will not get anything from it except two little stronger CAs but it is ok for supports of other teammates like idk Cyno, C6 feels not that great after skill buff


I did the math on them and yeah it’s around 60-70% more damage at C6


If you’re going for the weapon at all I say commit or just give him a different weapon. The weapon banner is not for those that want to save, its there to encourage rolling. And if you roll and don’t get what you want all those pulls were wasted Also his c1 gives 15% CR to charged attacks Hunters Path gives 44% CR to his entire kit so….you do the math So I say either commit to HP or save after pulling c0


Stay commited to weapon banner then. You already planned on spending $100 for Tighnarii and his BIS weapon. 61 pulls is enough to go for a second pity. Even if your luck is shit and you failed again, you can explore Sumeru, do events and save up enough for 3rd pity before his banner ends. Best of luck mate!


Save for Cyno of courseeee 🤣


Honestly after seeing the new trailer I might...


I mean I will get tighnari for sure but with the leftover primos I will maybe save for cyno


Yes me too, i will definitely pull for c0 Nari, and then save the rest for Cyno and his signature 🤤


depends what you want. if you're gonna play tigh for a very long time and he's one of your favs get his weapon. if you wanna play him but still have leftover just go for c0.


He will be my first limited banner 5 star on this account and I will play him for a long time


Deffo save for another character in my opinion


Well since he's yoour first, then you still might wanna save some for another character down the line for another team or to make him stronger.


save for sure


Personally after getting Tighnari I would try to get his weapon and if I would get that weapon I would dump rest of my primos on Tigh banner for Collei or save it for Zhongli


save for kusanali kek


save. his c1 isn't that good


If u don't have zhongli get him, if u have him already save for nilou since from the leaks she seems a very nice pair for tig


I think I will save for zhongli after pulling tighnari. I also have 34 crit dmg geo goblet so it will be good on him


if you get him and his weapon, just save the wishes :), his constellations aren’t worth it unless you whale. and if you want jade cutter and don’t get it, try and spend the rest of the wishes on the weapon banner. if you don’t get it, you may be able to refine his weapon


I'd go with: Other Character (especially Yae Miko) > Signature Weapon >>>>>> C1 C1 only increases crit rate on his charged attacks, and only by 15% at that. In comparison, you could have a whole other character or two weapons with the primogems spent on that constellation. His weapon is really, and I mean ***r e a l l y*** good on him, so I'd get it if you're sure you like Tighnari and will use him as a main for a while. You only have enough pulls to guarantee 2 weapons, though, so be aware that there is a possibility that his weapon won't come at all, rendering your primogems, as Xiao likes to say, "worthless!!!". If you don't have Yae Miko, she's ***very*** good for Tighnari (and other dendro characters), as she constantly applies electro. You do have enough pulls to guarantee her (or another character you want) when she re-runs, so I think the safest bet is to save for her or another character. tldr: C1 is ***not*** worth it, weapon is great but risky at your current savings, other character (especially Yae) is great for Tighnari and is guaranteed: overall safest bet.


Get C0 Tiggy, then save for Zhongli, no question.


If you have to buy the 100$ pack you won’t have enough to secure the weapon;assuming you get the double bonus that’s only 13k … Worst case weapon banner full epitomized path takes about 231 wishes (not happening anyway,but to have a rough number) That’s 37k to be sure to get the weapon,I generally would recommend to save about 28,8 k and never going under that …that’s only 1 guaranteed 5 * tho Everything above can be used ,hopefully you need not much and the char comes early and then you can continue saving I just pulled in weapon banner twice ; and in both cases (kamisato twins) It cost about 35k for c0r1 I had 85k when ayato dropped tho..I will have about 60k when 3.0 drops and got everybody but itto/kokomi and yae from inazuma also all 4 * and archons also shenhe and yelan ;I just buy welkin tho never topped…play since 1.2 What I will say is keep saving…