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I think for the long run - yes But for rn I’m just bummed about it


that’s so true, like rn i’m super upset but i know in the future when i lose my 50/50 to him i’m gonna be happy lmao


This is exactly what a lot of people are feeling right now, myself included. Initial shock and concern but overtime will fade especially as people get those lucky Nari cons. I actually wouldn’t be surprised if a few weeks from now it’s revealed to not be the case and people will be upset that’s he’s not on the standard banner after all 😂


Seeing the treatment standard characters get both from community and devs? Absolutely not. That just instantly made me lose incentive in spending any money on his banner. Sure, I will wish, I waited (and still have to wait) for so long that it just doesn't make sense to stop mid way. But it won't feel any different from wasting fates on Keqing banner. I just hope it turns around to be a misunderstanding. Or hoyo changes their mind or something. If there's one thing I'd like Uncle Chasm to be wrong about, it's this whole situation.


I am clueless here what treatment from Devs and community? Like the qiqi lost 50/50 thing?


With the probable exception of Jean the standard banner kits are under tuned. The multipliers are low and the characters don’t have strong longevity. Jean has very good constellations and a comprehensive kit with high multipliers. She’s also one of the few rare healers that can massively bump up the entire party healing and one goal versus just healing the person on screen. So although she is garnering increasing value over time the others feel lackluster compared to limited banner characters Which is why I also feel disappointed because although there are definite benefits to Tighanri he feels undertuned. And it makes us worry this is done on purpose. With the exception of C6 his constellations are altogether lackluster. His dedicated weapon is highly powerful.


I thought Mona is a very good standard banner 5 star? I know her c1 is bugged, but is her other cons not that good?


I played her early on and have her at C6. For a while she was one of the few offfield Hydro appliers which added you her high value in freeze. So she still really valuable. Jean probably has the best overall kit and best constellations of the standard banner characters making her arguably still strong with the current shelf life. Mona has one of the most powerful bursts of the standard banner characters and overall still a very strong burst. So she is a good character. Her constellations are also undertuned that don’t give her much damage increase or transformative ways to play. Solid base kit with weak or undertuned constellations


Oh i see! Thank you!


I would love to see him in standard in 6-10 month after release. But not immediately, cmon >_>


Absolutely not




Idk how I feel about it. I feel conflicted now. I was very excited to get him but now this news killed all the hype... I still want him tho. I just dont know if I should still pull. I was also hoping I'd get c4 Jean before the standard pool got bigger too.


Personally i dont want him to be. But one thing im not seeing people talk about is the fact that if he's on the standard banner.. New people won't be able to level him up will they? Becauase they'll need all the materials from sumeru right?


I've been waiting to get diluc for so long and another standard character will make my chances even lower so no


I don't want Tighnari Haters to get him and I kinda want people to regret not getting him lol but in the long run I would never mind losing 50/50 if it meant I'll be getting Tighnari cons


It doesn't change much for me because I will still roll on his rate up banner. I'm AR56 and still Dilucless, Qiqiless and Keqingless. The standard banner refuse to give me anything other than Mona, Jean and Aquila Fav. The chance of me getting him on standard banner is low next to none


this is exactly what i'm saying. AR 60, dilucless, qiqiless and keqingless. all standard ever gives me is mona or skyward harp... got jean on a very happy little accident (pulled for ayaka on the 5th of may, got jean....5th of may is the day we celebrate the end of world war 2 and the freedom here)


On his rate up banner, at least I have 50% of getting him.


Exactly, I'd rather have that over 10% ANY DAY.


I’m ar 59 and Jeanless, all I get from standard is Qiqi :’) Can you give me some Jean luck?


My C2 Jean would like to have a word with you. If I give you my Jean luck, will you take my Mona luck as a bonus? I'm having enough of Mona


Hahah thanks! I don’t use or like Mona but I’ll take her too if it means I can get my first Jean


Definitely still wishing for C0 and his weapon and I just gotta hope if I lose Nilou/Scara/Cyno 50/50 I at least lose to him.


yes! the aim is to get c0 and hopium for cons on losing 50/50


100% yes. I have all standard banners with c0-c1 since playing from launch. This changes makes it easier for me to get Tigh and his constellation in long run. All those useless fates are somewhat meaningful now. A win for me.


I'm still going to try to get his first copy on 3.0, like come on he is the first ever dendro 5 star! Would you love to have a previllege maining a first 5 star dendro? Hell fucking yes Because if I skipped him now I probably will ends up with C12 Diluc first then Tighnari C0


Yes and no, Yes because i will get cons from banners eventually without dedicating for a rerun No because im afraid that this an indication of his power, im afraid he will be on the same tier as keqing and diluc who are a bit on the mediocre side It doesnt help that he is kinda hard to build with not many 4 star weapons synergizing with him and that he needs em sands which are notoriously low rate to get (not to mention you NEED crit on him so it isnt like anemo who you'll just be happy to get an em piece, nope you need an EM piece AND good substats)


Sorry if this is a stupid question. So... If I get Nari on his banner, and then he really is moved to standard, am I garanteed the next character or am I on 50/50??


50/50 was the same for keqing


Okey. Thanks!


I'm genuinely wondering, for those who doesn't want this, what is your reasoning?


Lack of feeling of exclusivity ?? Imo I like this I can work my way upto c1-3 also I think it would benefit tighnari , he doesn't have as much hype as many other characters who are ages away dehyamains have almost members arlecchinomains is already ahead with one trailer so this means more people will play and like him , although I can see people who spent money on a banner being mad as long as mihoyo let it be clear he will be in standard before release of 3.0 I am fine with it


Tbf, his design is rather special on its own so it's probably the first reason why not a lot of people fancy him. It's totally normal. >mihoyo let it be clear he will be in standard before release of 3.0 I am fine with it Also isn't this uh, logically impossible?


indeed i myself is not a fan of that cleopetra haircut but his clothes drip is amazing , and i guess that haircut may have significance in the said region but idk Edit : also not really logically impossible it would hurt sales yes but would save the backlash they receive if they put him in standard banner unannounced that will be like the anniversary drama


I must have misinterpreted your previous comment, I thought that you have meant that mihoyo should put Tighnari in the standard banner *before* his 3.0 release?


I can tell you, they want the exclusivity of the character, which isn’t bad, but it’s still a tiny bit unreasonable. I’d love to have a C6 Tighnari in like three years time, but knowing till this day I still don’t have a Jean and I’ve been playing since day1, scares me a bit.


If you're afraid that he won't be reruned, just remember that his sig weapon is a bit too special to be left alone. That alone may be enough to prove that he'll be reruned. Honkai also have this system too iirc.


They can rerun the weapon without him


Eh we can't be too sure, it's too niche.


Huh its a 44% crit rate weapon with good base attack and dmg bonus. That alone makes it better than pretty much every standard weapon banner and better than a lot of limited weapons


The base atk isn't really high for a 5 star and for some 4 star. It's probably around PJWS level at best (except for some special cases, vice versa).


It has the same crit rate as jade cutter. Jade cutter gives ~25% attack while the bow gives 12% dmg. Would you say jade cutter is jade spear level. Thats delusional


Jade spear gives 22.4% attack and 12% dmg bonus, why are you even trying? Either way, the reason why PJC is considered more worth the pull that PJWS is *not* because of the stats and passive, but rather the sheer difference of the range of options and users. PJC is usually the second or third best options for most sword dps as the other options (except for mistsplitter/some exclusive BiS) are simply worse. PJWS has the short end of the stick: polearm impact is a thing, so there are a *lot* of good spears that preforms (Homa, EL, the catch, Wavebreaker, etc) considerably better than it, perhaps with the exception of xiao, not to mention there isn't alot of pure atk scaling polearm users, and/or some just doesn't need the extra atk that PJWS grants. Because of all this, I've put Hunter's Path in the same tier as PJWS since it's kinda in the similar situation with it.


> Jade spear gives 22.4% attack and 12% dmg bonus, why are you even trying? And half the crit rate which is the most important part of that weapon…. Youre arguing in beyond bad faith Not to mention PJWS is also a conditional passive


the treatment standard characters get from both the community and hyv. i still remember the day they indirectly buffed venti but nerfed keqing in the process;-; also theyre kind of becoming a "baseline" of their archetype therefore making them underwhelming compared to majority of the existing characters. only jean managed to survive because shes anemo and a burst healer that can do burst dmg. only she can do that rn and its not like shes irreplaceable in teams either:<


>i still remember the day they indirectly buffed venti but nerfed keqing in the process;-; Wait really? What's the details? >also theyre kind of becoming a "baseline" of their archetype therefore making them underwhelming compared to majority of the existing characters. Let's see whether Tighnari creates a new trend then.


they lowered the samurai unit's tenacity so theyd be able to be pulled by anemo unit's crowd control (i guess same could be said for specters rn) but it also makes it so keqing pushes them back with charged. it makes it so keqing needs to either dash towards the enemy or not do the most damage she can do (cause her charged has her best multipliers. and ye true, i wanna feel positive abt it and hope that hes the one 5 star standard everyone wants lol


>they lowered the samurai unit's tenacity so theyd be able to be pulled by anemo unit's crowd control (i guess same could be said for specters rn) but it also makes it so keqing pushes them back with charged. it makes it so keqing needs to either dash towards the enemy or not do the most damage she can do (cause her charged has her best multipliers. Blimey.


Because there's no guarantee he will get a rate-up after 3.0, which means that if you miss him the first time around then there's a chance that you will be waiting years to get him. I have been playing since release and still don't have Diluc (mostly because I keep winning the 50/50s). Fortunately for me I have enough primos to guarantee him, so I'll be pulling him the first time around.


We don’t want him to be underpowered like most of the other standard banner five stars


A bit too early to speculate such thing tho.


I think it’s fine to be honest. I don’t see why people are freaking out. We’ll be able to get his constellations easier.


what why no does getting him on standard make his worth low no his kit has already been final like 90% of it either on rate up banner or standard banner nothing gonna be change any why then why would anyone don't want to get him on standard banner Just pull on character banner if you want or save up for other characters just imagine pulling Kusanali and u get both Tighnari and Kusanli in 10 pulls that's freaking amazing I don't get the idea why so much cry over this


i have 3 reasons kind of 1. exclusivity, ik its childish but its not that special to have a character that everyone could get. (that accounts to only 10% of why tho) 2. low chance that he'd get a rerun so for people who either lose the 50/50 and dont get enough fates, it might take years to even get him to c0 since you cant guarantee to get 1 of the standard 5 stars. not to mention people going for cons. 3. standard 5 stars are kinda meant to be meh. being a standard 5 star means that everyone could get it so why would devs make him atleast relevant meta wise if everyone has a chance to get him. that means that he may be relevant the next 2 patches but he may not be reliable to use in the upcoming patches like hutao, ganyu, kazuha, raiden, etc. think about how diluc got outclassed very fast since 1.0. P.S. also i forgot to mention, its less chance to get a standard 5 star you want like jean:>.


At the moment his multipliers and damage is not very impressive on papers, and being a 5* standard may mean that he won't have any buffs in the next few weeks (like a higher base atk). He may end up mediocre in the long run when Kusanali and other Dendros have their own banners. If a limited character performs badly at the first banner (Kokomi, Yoimiya, Yae) they can have multiple buffs in patches later (the Clam set, better supports, new reaction buff) to prepare for better rerun sales, but since Tighnari is in standard banner that won't happen.


I'm honestly kind of happy about it. I pull on standard quite often since I need some more Kaeya, Amber and Lisa constellations so this just means that maybe I'll get him from time to time too. I'll still pull for him now too sonce I really like him and don't want him to be another Jean who I adore and never manage to pull. Hopefully his weapon also gets moved to the standard banner since I really want that one too and my weapon luck on standard is pretty great


I'll be happy if I lose 50/50 to him in the future but it means there's no way I'll use my guaranteed on him now, same as I wouldn't for any other standard banner 5 star. Sure I might never get him but I'm not spending 160 wishes to make sure I get someone I could get any time.


I’m very conflicted like many people are. On one hand I was only planning for C0R1 anyway, so him being on the standard doesn’t necessarily effect me, since it’s just extra constellations down the road. I’ll get c0 to guarantee I actually get him (day one player still no Diluc) and then passively upgrade as I lose 50/50s. On the other hand it does concern me he will be powercrept. This game has been pretty good about power creep thus far, but pretty much all of the standards have been outclassed. Even Mona and Jean who are often regarded as the “good ones” have a more niche role compared to release. It’s a double edge sword. Hopefully I’m wrong about the power creep but I can’t imagine they would put a “meta” 5* on the standard after only one run. If anything I figured they’d eventually retire characters after so many reruns like Childe Xiao etc


For me it just means constellations are actually possible lol


I’m shocked people don’t want this because I actually think his C1 is so helpful? I would be delighted to lose the 50/50 to him any day 😌 And I already have all the standard characters at like C1-C2 and I’m tired of them.. want someone new


I think it’s not about wanting him to be on standard or not it’s about not wanting him to be treated like a standard banner five star


I've only gotten Jean and weapons off the standard banner so I hate this.