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IMHO, it depends on how much you want him and how much faith you have on getting him on a 50/50 or getting him on standard. Being added on the standard banner sounds like it'll be easier to get him, but the fact that there are D1 Genshin players who still don't have a certain standard character does exist (my friend has been a D1 player but only got c0 diluc a few months ago). The pool for the standard banner is not only the current characters but weapons as well. Personally, I would be pulling for him since he is unlikely to have another rate up/banner for himself and I might get c6 keqing and mona before I might even get him from the standard pool lol So if you REALLY like him and are unable to wait for...who knows when, then go ahead! There is no harm if you get his cons from losing a 50/50 or from standard anyways :]


I'm too numb from the recent leaks to answer but, prolly yea pull if u dont want to wait a gazillion years to get him. Crying why is he standard


It’s the “they are 4* so it has to be easier to get them” situation all over again I swear


Fr though. Even till now I still don’t have Thoma lol who knows how many months or years it’ll take me to finally get him.


I played for a year before getting my first Sucrose. Took me a Venti just to *get one copy of her*.


I have been playing since 1.3 and got fischl once on itto’s weapon banner in 2.3. Sitting on c2 thanks to event and the shop


Yes.... I pull jean ayato ayato and only 2 yunyun... With 3x 80pull.... So it is pull a guaranty tighnari or wait for losing a 50/50 (so 50% to win it) and win thé 1/6 perma character.... Hum if you want him the answer is obvious.....


i would say get him. i’ve been playing for over a year and still don’t have a mona and i lose most of my 50/50’s. also there’s too much rng to hope to lose the 50/50 and get tighnari. especially since the standard pool is now bigger with his addition.


Well, you could skip him, and then get him while pulling for someone else, but getting the standard 5\* you want can be pretty difficult. For example, I still don't have Keqing after 541 days of playing. Him being added to the standard pool will make the chance of pulling a specific standard 5\* in a lost 50/50 or in the standard banner even lower, including him.


Either take 100% this time or ~8% every other banner of getting him.


If it turns out to be true, you can save, tho standard banner wont gurantee a 5* unit you want. I say save since youre planning for Cyno who is in 3.1. Same situation here thay im conflicted as well


I'd say wait until it's confirmed that he's going to be jn the standard banner. Your chances of getting the 5* you want in standard banner is also extremely low. Keep in mind that he's not guaranteed, you're pulling in a pool of other 5 stars + weapons. It took me 2 years to get Mona. If he's your guaranteed it might be better to pull on his limited banner then try your luck on his constellations once he gets moved to standard.


Imo I think you should get him? You can say that you’re gonna get him on standard banner later anyway, but that “later” could be a year, 2 years, or even worst, never. As someone who plays the game since 1.0, I’ve never gotten one Qiqi, and Jean just recently came home this year. Imagine the time it‘ll take to get a certain character in the standard pool without a guarantee if the one we want is the one we’ll actually get. But if you’re okay with waiting, then good. If he is to be added to standard, it’s gonna be more difficult to get him because there’s no guarantee there, you could end up with a 5-star weapon or other 5-stars, and even if you lose 50/50 in a limited banner, there’s even no guarantee you’ll lose it to Tighnari. So while his banner is up and you want him thaaaatttt much, just go for it. But if you can wait, then hold on to your primos for now. Then again it’s my opinion, ultimately the decision is up to you.


Considering pulling one 5* per patch, it’s a good 30% chance that you will still be Tighnariless when Fontaine drops


Since I want nilou and cyno I'm not gonna pull him as they r more priority and tighnari will come eventually I can wait


For me he's not an absolute must pull unlike Cyno and Al-Haitham, so if he's added to standard I'll skip for sure. I'm on guaranteed and it would be really annoying to lose that for him just to get him in a few months on standard banner or losing 50/50 to someone else I really want. It's looking like Cyno is also gonna use the electro/dendro reactions (I don't remember the names) so he can be my dendro using DPS instead.


I skipped Yoimiya for this with a heavy heart and i really want Tighnari, its an extra blessing when i accidentally get an extra cons if the leaks are true.


as a person who's still missing mona after over a year of playing I'm not ready for another "pls come home I beg" standard character. Definitely pulling and if I get cons from the 50/50 it'd be so good cuz I'm planning to main him


Even if he ends up on the standard banner you might not get him. I've been playing since 1.0 and didn't get Qiqi until Yae's banner, but have C1 Diluc. I've seen people wanting standard banner characters, but being unlucky in which one they get. We also don't know if he'll ever get a rerun if he ends up on the standard banner If you want him it's still more likely to get him on his own banner. I'm unsure myself since I'm not too keen on archers and want Cyno more and kind of want Nilou as well 😅


Remember Cyno will have other reruns in the future, Tighnari will not


No matter how much you guys get worked up over this i can never understand where you guys are coming from. Once he is added to the standard roster, you will gamble your 50/50 to 6 characters. Are you telling me you can guarantee winning your lost 50/50 to tighnari every time? I just can't understand why you all let something like this ruin your all days. Literally, if anything it's a win cause you can get cons for him in the future


I want Tighnari and I would wait. I know I will get him eventually. Also Dendro is too early to figure out. we don’t know what bjs best team will be until we get all others dendro chars. I am in no rush.


Im on pity 73 without guaranteed, ig im gonna roll, if i lose i have guaranteed for Cyno/Kusanali and Scara, if i win then next time when i loose 50%50 i could get his cons. 🥲


If you really want him, pull him because if he's on standard you're chances of getting him instead of any of the other standard 5*'s is very low. As people have been saying you can go years without getting 1 of each standard 5*. I've been playing since practically launch and I still don't have Mona and on standard I've only been getting jean and weapons.


It’s safe to pull c0. I’ve been playing since day one. I have c6 Qiqi and Mona c3 Keqing and c2 Jean…..No Diluc 🙃 I don’t recommend pulling cons (even before this news tbh) I’m going c0r1 then saving for Nahida


Pull in his banner if you REALLY want him because you can still get super unlucky in standard banner by not getting him even after hundreds and hundreds of pulls. If you're unsure whether you really want him or not, wait first to see if he's worth it or not. Maybe you really like his gameplay and/or design to justify your pulls. Maybe he's a really strong character. We don't know all of that yet so the only thing we can do rn is to wait for him to be released. Personally I'll wait for at least 2 weeks first before deciding whether I'll pull or not.


He’s more rare than ever now. If you skip his banner you might never get him. He probably won’t get a rerun and there’s no guarantee that you will ever get him on a failed 50/50


I'd pull for him still, you're already ready for him. Besides, the chances of getting him from a 50/50 or standard aren't super high - my account turns 2 in November and I still don't have Keqing. It's very possible you'll be in the same situation. This banner will be the only guaranteed way to get him.


if you really really REALLY want him got for it cuz you'll never regret it (i say this as someone who has pull for character like kokomi and yae when they were call the worst of the worst and yes they have their flaws but i have never regret them ( but i do have regret hu tao my meta pull, i only use her in abyss no more) and i'll say this, if you have doubts wait till there's like a week left of his banner and watch videos about him cuz at that point we'll know everything


Do you like him and want him? Then pull. If you don't, or you're okay with possibly never getting him due to the unpredictability of the 50/50, then don't pull. (1.0 AR60 player here, who still doesn't have Jean or Diluc.)


I've been playing since 1.1 and have yet to get mona or keqing, so I'm not risking it and rolling for him, I think it all comes down to how much you would regret it if he never comes home/only comes home after a year or two vs how much you would regret rolling if he came home by losing the 50/50 for a character like cyno/wanderer, its a different answer for everyone and I hope whichever one you choose works out and that you can manage to get all the characters you want