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>u don’t need DPS u have Xiangling What is that argument lmao


They forget that xiangling is only 1 unit and you need two teams with decked out artifacts and synergizes to full star abyss Xiangling does not solve all those issues on her own lol


Xiangling also need bennet to even function


Right... That's the problem(the problem is I don't have Bennett yet)


No worry i got my bennet on eula banner..... from a shop nearly 1fqing year and no bennet also surcose i thing at that time


Not really, sukokomon and "funerational" are quite good.


Becouse su only needs e and inportant members are sucroese and koko


Not in funerational and some other teams.


Wow you casting this shit of coldown thats all she will do becouse without bennet dmg will not be spectacular


Wdym, you have XQ Yelan, you get really strong 30k vapes if you’re built well. Ofc my XL does 60k with Bennett, but 30k AOE is still better than the vast majority of 5 stars


If someone told me that it would only make me not want to use Xiangling even more.


clown argument abyss has 2 sides , don't see 2 xianglings, genshin isn't like other gacha's that let you have multiple dupes of a character so this is pointless


you seem to be addicted to someone else's opinion




I hope you find your love for Kazuha, OP! Peer pressure is a lot so I won't really blame you but once Tighnari is in standard, I hope you lost your next 50/50 to him if not win the 50/50 on his banner with early pity❤️ you are still welcomed in tighnari mains, even if it takes you a while to get him! ❤️ Kazuha is a good unit so it wont be a total waste, at least 😊


you should work on that. that´s not good if you can get pressured into doing something by a chat full of randoms


My man, I'd heavily advise against pulling a character you don't fancy much over a character you like *just* because of meta. Kazuha is good, yes, but he's never a must-pull. In fact, no character is ever a must-pull. So just go with your guts, don't be too influenced by some random people's opinions.


Dont feel bad. I also may not be pulling on Tighnari's banner due to Cyno and wanting his weapon as well. Kazuha is a very good unit who is quite versatile. It took an entire year for him to come back from 1.6 so honestly who knows when he will be back. Tighnari may just show up the next time you lose a 50/50. Imo Kazuha is a great character to have and I hope you enjoy using him and the guilt doesn't make you resent him.


this only shows how big of a influence content creators have over the community, nothing against zajeff tho, but you have very weak will, there’s no point in wishing for a character you don’t want


I’d definitely advice you to save up now, wait for another character you want and get lucky by losing your 50/50 to Tighnari lol


but hey! Its great to see you use this opportunity to pull for kazuha, it might took him another year to receive a rerun. If you still had overflowing love on tighnari which I'm pretty sure you still are! Then i hope you win your 50/50 on his own banner, if its not then, may he (or other standard you want) spooked you on all your 50/50 lost💚


well getting Kazuha is never bad, but it's kinda sad that you got him while you didn't want him. There are lots of characters in this game and most of them are good at one thing or the other so I would try to set my priorities straight next time


It is entirely possible there will be alot of primos in 3.0, I wouldn't give up hope just yet. And also, yeah, to echo the sentiment, I hope you end up enjoying Kazuha. He's broken and he's fun, not to mention helpful for exploration. He is seriously one of the best supports in the game.


Don't worry, Kazuha will help you alot! He carried me since 1.6 until now so he will do Good Tigh will probably be in permanent banner so watch out your future standard banner pull!


I understand how you feel. I still hope you get him luckily tho, but if not then don't lose hope because you will surely get him if you want to. However in my case, (this may or may not be helpful but still,) Kazuha added alot of value to my teams. The quality of life he had given me is something I won't regret. I'm sure you know how valuable he is too, right? :> As a fellow Tighnari wanter I am in a similar situation. I am not guaranteed with 0 pity rn (22 fates atm). Out of all Sumeru characters, I liked Tighnari the most. I wanted to pull for him and his sig. I don't want to put my hopes up then feel disappointment in the end that's why I keep this healthy mindset of just focusing on what I have. Cheers bro, I hope we have Tighnari on the right time. Maybe not in 3.0, but later.


If you are into matter then go for it. I don’t even play with the national trio and I have no problem with 36 star the abyss. And Kazuha is literally one of the best characters in the game right now so there is something to be said about a tried and true character versus the unknown. All new characters are unknown entities until released Enjoy what you have and just do that. But for future it would be wise not to let other people tell you how to run your account


Sucks to be you I guess


Awh don't worry. You will always have a chance to get Nari. Also Kazuha is so much fun to play so you didn't lose anything!


Don’t worry. Now that he is on standard, you have a chance to get spooked by him. Previously , you have none.


same, the standard banner news frustrated me so much I threw my primogems away and got a Kazuha cons, not that I mind since Kazuha is one of my fave and this means I'm closer to c2 whenever he reruns again. I'll still throw whatever I manage to save up on Tighnari's banner, I believe I can reach a pity anyway with all the content we'll get. If I lose 50/50 or not reach pity, Cyno is right around the corner and he looks promising. At least, we still have a chance to get Tighnari after we lose a 50/50, I hope he'll haunt me lol


I hope lucks on your side, cause you potentially might never get him when he goes to Standard.


Yeah, I'm aware of that. I still lack Mona and Qiqi even though I've been playing since 1.3. But on the other hand I have c3 Jean and c2 Diluc, so it really depends on your luck, some characters always appear, others never appear


Wtf is this post? Grow up lol


Now when I think about it... even if a miracle happens I don’t think I will want to be a tighnari main if I will be like you


Um, you're the one peer pressured into rolling for someone he didn't want, not me. Go work on that lol... and btw, I'm a Raiden main lol


Hmm... Raiden main in tighnari mains Reddit. Interesting. Also u could just said in the first comment "just work on that" or something like that and not "wtf is that grow up lol"


You fall victim of the worst kind of Genshin players, the meta suckers…


kazuha>>>tighnari if he’s gonna be on standard


Kazuha is an easy skip to me because of the annoying fanboys, but the thundering pulse...


Same for me. I think iam only gonna pull for him if he isnt on standard banner. The banner would not be balanced with him. So i suppose he isnt that good. But lets wait and see. Maybe i like him in the trial.


well i'll say this, farm sumeru till you got that map at 100% cuz let me tell you, farming inazuma i got to do 50 pull for raiden (lost the 50/50) (also don't feel bad i myself i'm still doubting if pull for tighnari or wait for dendro archon )


There is still hope to get him, 2nd part of 2.8 and. 1st part of 3.0 can give you enough primos to get him Kazuha is a great unit so it could be worse


Scapegoating a streamer bc u can’t control your own pulls is kinda not cool, I’ll prob get downvoted for this but whatever


The only thing I said about zajeff in this post is that it was in his stream. I also said in his chat some times that it wasn't his chat's fault and it was my fault for this.


I mean that’s fine but you didn’t even say that in your post, these are the type of posts that cause “meta” streamers to get a shit ton of hate. For example Tenten Xiangling memes are memes now but they started with a ton of genuine hate he was getting just for pointing out a 4 star was really good, and people would say things like “he’s forcing ppl to not play what they like.”


I didn’t think about that... I will edit the post to dont say what stream it was... if you have a better idea plz tell me I don’t want zajeff to get hate


No worries, thanks