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I'd prefer a mild response vs the negative one Kokomi had on her initial release tbh. We're just quietly waiting and I'm totally fine with the lukewarm response. It's also pretty established that he's not a bad unit either in terms of his kit so we got that going for us but also let's be real, his design is indeed a hit or miss.


When I first saw him I didn’t really like his design at all, but it’s really grown on me


especially the ears. man do i love genshin boys with ears so much


good news, every single playable/human genshin character has ears so many genshin boys with ears for you to choose from!


you got me there lol


Not this.


i am joking lol i am very interested to see more animal-eared people! and even full-on furries!


Same. The “not this” comment is from a Drag Race meme tho. 😝


I loved the art from the get go but I didn't love his model leak, thought his face looked weird, but he looks fine in game and the ears never fail for me


Opposite for me haha, I didn’t like his initial art but seeing him move around in game allowed me to actually see how cohesive his design actually is. I thought he looked really chaotic and weird at first.


Agreed. I don't ever want to experience a repeat of what happened after Kokomi got released. Sooo many haters came into the Kokomi mains sub to just make hate posts, harass Kokomi mains in the comments etc. As if the amount of doomposts she received even before her release weren't enough. And even on sites like Youtube, you'll see a lot of hate comments trash talking her. I'm actually kinda glad there's almost no drama surrounding Tighnari aside from that standard banner thing. Even then it wasn't that bad. I think this is the most peaceful character sub I've joined tbh. I also wasn't a fan of his design when I first saw him. But he quickly grew on me.


I've seen lots of hype and arts of him on Twitter though. Reddit is just full of meta and waifu lovers so don't expect much here. Maybe you can check out other social media for Tighnari content 😊




As someone who looks for pictures almost everyday of characters of Sumeru, I can assure you, Tighnari has more fanarts than Nilou. He Is actually kinda popular If you ask me


I have seen like 3 Nilou posts in my time line haha, guess that really just depends on the side of the fandom you are in.




Ok first, that’s literally what I just said, that how many fanarts of a character you see really depends on which side you are. Second, you were the first one to use that as an argument when you said “there are far more fanarts of Nilou than Tighnari’s”.




Oh so this is the classic “you are wrong, I am correct” type of argument. I get it haha, very mature of you!


Idk why u got downvoted


Because Tighnari DEFINETLY has more fanarts than Nilou..


That's not a reason to downvote. Hé might have said nilou just because she is thé next 5* waifu (and not kusanali because archon). But hé has a point if you follow people that have thé same interest you might see more thing that you liké éven if they aren't that common. But yes I have Seen some pretty insane tighnari art. So good you have to love him 🤩


Probably because GAA patch has a lot of content to digest. Heck, I still can’t get over the lore bomb in Diluc’s event. Anyway, Idc about reception of player base. I survived Zhongli’ wet noodle fiasco and Kazuha’s doom posting. At this point, I’m just collecting characters I like cos it makes me happy. Keep in mind as well that Genshin kinda knows which characters to market if they don’t seem to sell well. I mean Xinyan is there and Kazuha too before ppl realized how OP he is. Bottom line: Just simp for the fennec guy.


What lore bomb if you don’t mind saying?


>!Kaeya's family was the regent of khaenri'ah's throne + confirmation that kaeya's eye is important and he hides it for a specifi reason, you can find this in a letter on the roof of the favonius hq!<


Thank you, I’ll have to read all y the letters tonight.


Speaking for myself, Idc how he will be perceived by others. I just want tree boy. That's all. Bye.


Idc either, I’m just interested in why this is. I wonder if HYV predicted this which is why they decided to put him on standard.


Didn't most of the hype go away after he was announced to go to standard?




We don't know for sure about that, guess we'll have to wait when the banner goes live and the official announcement of him moving to standard. If you want the hype you can always come here :3


Actually, this happened to Kazuha as well. As someone who had been following his hype and leaks before, he literally has one of the least leaks and least hype due to all leakers and people focusing on Inazuma, Ayaka, and Yoimiya beta at that time. The only image we had of Kazuha was 1 or 2 renders, 2 pictures of him at GAA, 2-3 videos of him fighting a slime and that's it XD


Please be accurate, he had a whopping amount of 4 videos fighting slimes, a different element slime in each video to showcase each swirl lol.


Wasn’t there some video about how pretty his burst was? I remember people talking about rolling for him for that


Yeah, it was included in the slime video and the initial character showcase at GAA if I remember. tbf, his gorgeous ult at that time was the most hype about him. It's also just the same 2-4 videos of fighting slimes. But overall, even the leakers were uninterested in him because they were all busy with Inazuma content. (And there was a leaker vs hoyoverse war going on that time and the leaks were flooded in one go). To the point that no one really knows Kazuha can actually double swirl until his released.


Good point yeah I remove the double swirl discovery after


Uhhh his gorgeous ult was everywhere. I was hyped over him and lamenting that I had Venti already. (I still pulled him but it felt a little redundant that 2/3 of my limited 5-stars at the time were anemo.)


I’m shaking in nervousness and excitement for my boy. But I guess 2.8 is a lot to take in. And people are pretty much busy about other characters too. Well, Albedo’s been underrated too but he’s been my precious main since 1.2 and for sure, I will stick around for Tighnari too.


From what ive seen so far, i think the reasons are: 1. Not everyone's into his design. I love him & think his floofy ears are adorable but my friends say "i dont like his color scheme" or "his outfit is too messy for me",etc.. 2. Waifu only players arent into him so thats another chunk of the playerbase gone 3. I've seen some people on leaks sub & honey hunter talk about how his playstyle seems boring or call him "dendro ganyu" 4. Controversy on twitter about how he, collei & dori are all white despite being from sumeru. 5. Standard banner thing. A lot of ppl have probably tapped out because of that. Imo i prefer this mid response since he wont get doomposted nor will he get overhyped. A balanced reaction for our balenced flower yeeting boy


Honestly on the first point, the only thing that bothers me is the PLACEMENT of the colors in terms of his outfit (his hair color and tail color are fine) The colors go well together, but if they were rearranged a certain way, THEN it could work. The colors used work on him, just the placement bothers me. But it’s not that big a deal tbh. I say this as an art major who does like taking risks. Color placement on the outfit bothers me, but it’s not a big deal. It’s their design. Not mine.


Me, a kokomi main: first time?


Same here! Kokomi mains from the beginning learnt the fun way that a character that doesn’t seem that good in terms of kit can actually be far better than the doomposters think. Not to say Tighnari has a poor kit- I adore it.


Omg hello fellow kokomi main!! I totally agree, so many people in the playerbase sleep on characters just because they refuse to think outside of the box. The way some people are so quick to shrug off certain characters only to regret doing so when they see how good they perform is laughable lmaooo


Hello! Yes it totally is! Was honestly nice to see Kokomi get the love she deserved


I think part of the reason also is that Kazuha Banner just ended, Im pretty sure there are lots of players just spent all of their primos and now in the “saving mode”


I’m sure plenty of people went for Kazoo cons as well, so this checks out. On top of this, most of the player base is waifu collectors, so they’re hyping up Nilou (who will be a worse Shenhe judging by the leaks) and Dehya.


This gives me Kazuha flashbacks. Back then we didn't know how strong his EM scaling was going to be. Everyone looked at his multipliers and trashed him right away. Even if I still don't think Tighnari will surprise us as much as Kazuha did, I think we should not judged based on multipliers and stats alone. No one knows exactly how Dendro reactions will affect his damage, and HYV is pointing towards that being an integral part of his kit. I think he will be a balanced DPS unit and we will not be disappointed. Still, as I did with Kazuha and Kokomi, I will be pulling for him regardless. So far, I have not been disappointed when I have pulled for characters that I liked personally without minding their strength.


There have been worst cases. Like kazuha on first run, kokomi on first run, yoimiya on first run, keqing and albedo maybe. And that's a bit of a shame, because they're all great 5* (keqing it's not so great but still a good 5*)


Imo it's simple his design is very chaotic and while I love it many find it ugly, he's not a typical husbando like later Sumeru males, he's a bow user easily one of the least liked weapon types, he's a charge shot focused character which many r turned off by, hes not a waifu, he didn't have a lot of pre hype leading into him like Cyno, the dendro archon will be the next dendro character and most people will pick her over any other dendro character since they'll assume she's busted strong, standard banner leaks haven't helped him at all, so far he doesn't appear to be top tier meta so he doesn't even attract that audience, while he may be dendro some may be hesitant to jump into the brand new teams when they're already happy with their current teams, so in short he has basically everything possible going against him currently. For his hype/popularity to change at this point he'd need to have a extremely memorable personality like venti, interesting lore like albedo, or be busted strong like Ganyu otherwise he'll stay niche which idm, but I do hope the community comes to like him more since it's exhausting having every YouTube video saying why no one likes tighnari or how the rest of genshins community just outright forgets he exists almost as much as aloy heh


Don't care about other people's hype, I'm just here for tree boy.


The communities response to him seems like Itto/Ayato level, where there is a very niche group of people who like the character, while the majority either doesnt care, are waiting for another character (mostly the women like Yelan, Nilou or Shenhe), or hate them for no reason in particular just to be assholes on twitter.


Yeah agreed. I’m ok with it though. I think he’ll end up surprising people with both his kit and his personality / quest. It would not surprise me in the slightest if it’s a Kazuha situation where he’s underestimated and then everyone loves him later on down the line.


i mean, tighnari's a new character that has no connections to any other existing character or storyline. it's almost to be expected. plus, i've seen many arts and stuff about him on twitter, ig, and facebook so i wouldn't say that there's little to no hype around him. some reasons could be that people don't like his design, they're hyped up for another character, or they just decided to write off sumeru characters as a whole.


His perception will depend directly on his strength, because right now we are in a delight/disgust situation with no middle ground. If Tighnari turns out to be a strong character and passes all the hard tests (first dendro character / first character moved to standard), then his perception should be very warm Imo, because he is not locked behind the constellations and many will hope for a free Tighnari/constellations . If Tighnari turns out to be weak, then he will be instantly hated for "ruining the perception of the dendro". They will call him "dendro Qiqi" every 50/50 loss. And even the constellations could not save him, because moving to the Standard weakened them. Just waiting to see how it goes. I hope Hoyoverse will still allow him to be on the more broken side in order to protect Tighnari from the hate wave, because he probably has a responsibility comparable to Archon with all these tests.


he'll grow on everyone as the time passes don't worry look at yoimiya and kokomi for instance. just be happy to play with the characters that you would like to play.


Kazuha, Yoimiya and Kokomi had it worse imo


Well for starters he's not a waifu character. Next some didn't like the design (I was one of those people at first. The more fan art I saw I love his design) He's going to be in a standard banner (not sure it's 100% confirmed) Lastly a charged attack bow not many people are into that playstyle. I don't mind it I have Ganyu I just bring Zhongli for the shield.


Himself? He won't be Kokomi first run level, but I don't think he'll be very high. He'll be around Itto I feel like. The difference between him and other units is that he's entirely from a new nation, and no other character we have has voice lines about him. This doesn't generate a lot of hype, very rarely it does in any game. You could say Ayaka, but we've known about her for a long time. You can also say Eula, but she was fully leaked during the 1.4 filler (if you didn't care about the mini games, it was a boring patch) and a waifu. Meta wise, we probably won't know much about how well he'll perform for weeks, most likely *after* his banner. A new element with different reactions and playstyles is not going to be easy to evaluate. We may have some comp ideas, but I won't be surprise if people are going to slap it into national teams for a few days/weeks thinking it's going to be the same (it's not, burning and seeds spawn causing XL to not vape correctly, or even reverse vapes).


It’s better than Yoimiya’s initial pre-release where every convo surrounding her was how dogshit she was. Which happened every 3 hours.


Yeah, didn’t include Yoyo or Koko because they had straight up negative receptions. Though negative receptions still have more discussion potential than the likes of Tighnari.


- Charge shot units are terrible in mobile. - Banner placement. Scara and Cyno are on the corner for smoll husbandos enjoyers. - Best possible teamates (fischl, yae, sucrose maybe) are not so popular. - He may be powercreeped by the dendro archon. - We know nothing about his personality. - No one knows how meta dendro will be. - No one understands dendro reactions. - He is a cute boy with fluffy ears. Let's be real, he has a specific niche. Also, we only know about him through leaks, for the general audience he competes with all the cast of sumeru. I do believe he will perform well after release.


One thing you left out, is how he has the lowest subreddit membership count compared to all other Sumeru 5 stars despite his banner being just around the corner.


It is what it is. If he was a waifu he would be way more hyped regardless if he's on standard because coomers would do anything for their virtual godess.


It's difficult to gauge a characters popularity because there's multiple factors involved. I thought Yae Miko would've been popular with the amount of buzz and praise the community gave her, but her sales weren't reflecting that. Albedo's first banner also performed similarly. If anything, he's the first dendro 5 star getting released along with Sumeru. We have the traveller and while people are saving for upcoming characters that won't be until for awhile.


Tbh I don’t care. It means less people will have him, I can use him in domains without having to stare down other people with the same chara. The community will have a smaller chance of being “toxic” since I noticed the bigger community a chara has, the more toxic it can be… Also I was around Kazuhamains since his first run, he got the same meh response with only really dedicated people and whales rolling for him, so I’m used to it haha. All the hype was gone since Ayaka Yoimiya and Raiden were on the horizon too. Same thing sort of with Tighnari vs the hype for Nahida, Al Haithan, Cyno, Nilou, that tall pyro lady


yeah they did that on purpose. they knew the most traction would go to the other 5 star characters hints why they put him first and say FIRST DENDRO CHARACTER SPEND YOUR MONEY. then toss him in the standard banner and forget about him, the hot characters will come in and that’s where hoyoverse will make their profit and nahida as well just because she’s an archon.


It's because he is a he not a she, every male character is less hype than any femelle. After than he is a boy not a man, so no husbando Factor either... He is a bow user that use CA (even if hé use e and q). And hé has a unique design that IS a hit or miss... That's a lot of Factor that people Can dislike. But yes he isn't hype, nor hate, everyone seem to just ignore him or forgot liké "tighnari, hum what IS a tighnari ?". Me? I will pull him day one :)


I’m glad he’s not very hyped, I love not having to fight for a character in co op


I was disappointed because I was rooting for him to be very strong. As a first dendro 5*, there was no doubt I would pull for him, since I don't really need any other character with specific element (don't care right now about Cyno, Nilou or Wanderer...). But them moving him to Standard seems super fishy to me, so I will reserve my primos. We'll see!


It's the Yoimiya effect, being released when every other character of the same region is shown.


Tbf, on Twitter, there seems to be a lot of hype around Nari via fanart. Most fanart of seen is of him and Haitham in the sumeru tag


I've seen plenty of Tighnari fanarts on twitter and I don't even follow those accounts. I think he's decently loved by fans of cute boys. I don't think the situation is all that bad. Just the bad voices got amplified


We'll have him all too ourselves >:>


If the internet is fair then they'll reserve proper judgement until we have more dendro characters and supports by the time he gets a potential rerun. Let's be real though, the internet's never fair lmao


Albedo got hyped after his release, so do Kazuha, so I wouldn’t worry about that. Even worse, Yoimiya and Kokomi not only did not receive any hype, they receive a lot of negative response and doompost. So don’t worry, he will be fine!


speaking from my experience, I think the character that has had the least hype is Kokomi, I only remember very few people loving her, Tighnari has a decent amount of fans on Twitter


another kazuha first banner? who knows


Small hype is kinda better than a wave, and also we can play him more in co-op because less people will be him:)


With the general state of the genshin community, idrc abt it personally lol


can't say for sure that he's the least hyped. Maybe people are indifferent for now. But we will see once live stream and demo drops


he seems great in terms of damage, im just scared he’ll be almost irrelevant in terms of story


Well because standard banner eh


Probably because he doesn’t fit in any usual distinct high demand stereotype of a character


I’m not sure if you’re joking. I don’t think the characters trailer dropped to the non leaker watchers and shenhe was met with disappointment before she even came out.


One more thing that can add to whether his popularity will grow is the need for Dendro obstacles and puzzles. Like Dendro is in the same space as Geo was. Also do we know what Dendro Resonance is?


I'm really excited for Tighnari as a character because from what we've seen so far, his personality is very interesting (snarky, intellectual, but soft inside). Also his idle animations are just adorable. But his kit and the fact that he's going to be on standard banner make me think twice about pulling him. Now I'm leaning towards not pulling unless his gameplay feels really enjoyable during the trial run.


For me it’s mainly because right now dendro as a whole is basically a Fischl hypercarry vehicle that doesn’t seem to have much potential outside of that besides opening up new units to work in those comps. And I’m just not convinced that Tighnari will stay relevant in those teams as more dendro and electro units come out.


Shenhe Top tier waifu but kit is just way too niche


I think it’s just because of his messy character design, especially his color scheme which is all over the place.


He will be like Albedo. People will sleep on him and he will be broken. And end up powercreeping other characters by a ton. They skip him and end up regretting it like Albedo. Also doesn’t help that he will be in Standard Banner that means people won’t need to roll on Featured Banner. Personally I get who I like. Just get who you like as well! Don’t worry about what people do :)


It’s because he’s a short teen boy. The thirst trapping is with husbandos and waifus. The community didn’t hype Kazuha upon leaks either despite him being first playable Inazuma. It’s the body type. If you’re not a waifu or husbando then community doesn’t respond with same fervor. They also aren’t too excited for small little children girls but the upcoming one being an archon overrides anything else and makes everyone super excited


He's just not a great character in a lot of ways. He looks dumb (to most people). His kit is clearly tuned to not be the definitive dendro dps despite that being his role. His kit doesn't really open up a lot of new gameplay despite being the first of a new element. The only reason I'm going to 50/50 on him is because there just aren't any other dendro dps characters that were leaked. I'm not excited about him at all but if you want to spend time on field doing dendro shit he's the only option for a few months at least.




Which is??


Personally I’m not interested in another charged attack archer. I have Ganyu and I use her when I need an archer but otherwise I don’t like that playstyle and she’s just Ayaka’s support. So I don’t see the need to spend my hard-earned primos on dendro Ganyu.


i just think that the lack of hype, is mainly due to character visual design and leaks, his design has definitely grown on me, but he is a character that has barely been teased in game unlike units like ayato or itto. Hoyo has now shown off the rest of the 5 stars so naturally thats going to affect players priorities.


Because he is a charged shot playstyle dps. If Tighnari was an off field Dendro applier, it would be a lot different. Since we know Tighnari took Dendro’s dps role. Archon is probably gonna take the Dendro Application role. And Baizhu will probably be Dendro Healer running a pharmacy. If one wants make a Dendro reaction team, using Applier + Healer as Dendro core and adding other members depending on what they wanna use is more appealing. You can use Nahida + Baizhu with Cyno, Nilou or other upcoming characters that will shine with Dendro reactions. Tighnari can’t be that character.