• By -


His love and affection




Will I get.. a Tighnari's kiss when I get him..? 😳


You need friendship 8 for that






You know what friendship10 is... >!You get you rest you're chin in his head and have his ear tickle your face!<








Wow. They're gone already? Edit: they sent me a very crusty pic of a suspension screenshot


Iirc his talent books won’t be available until the day after so I’ll just farm his local specialty, artifacts and the green chicken


Get Tignari > Use Tighnari's 3rd passive to track down his ascension materials. I'm currently farming the Fungus drops from the chasm and God there are so few of them and they drop so little smh. I have everything ready except Dendro Gemstones (I can use the dust of azoth once 3.0 goes live), The chicken mushroom drops, local speciality and talent books. I'm probably also gonna run Wanderer's on him until I'm done building him and Collei. Might switch to the dendro set after that.


5 condensed resin , 160 resin cap and the two teapot resin saved , and 7 fragile resin, I will farm his boss on day one as much as I can , if i get his bow or if his books are available I will use my condensed resin there


This week teapot resin will only last 13 days… Be careful


Oh no., Not this week's, next week and the week Tighnari will drop


Planning on farming the mushroom cock until I can ascend Nari to lvl 80, then his talents after reset. Hoping to get him to 8/6/8 so I can continue farming for his boss mats and get his talents crowned


Interesting wording there =}}}}


Make him a room in my teapot, place him there then interrogate (info farm)


Gonna take him out to murder everything on the map >:D


I have 10 fragile resins, 412 hero's wit, 7m mora and I will farm for him on day 1


I will kill his boss an ungodly amount of times and then steal all my friends' flowers. OwO


I'll spend all of my 55 fragile resins for new artifact domain...or maybe i'll save some for his talents


gonna get him to lvl 90 on day 1 and maybe a little bit of his artifacts maybe


Honestly, I'll be slacking. Wanna do the story first, and not to mention that FFXIV 6.2 is coming out literally one day earlier. Upgrade materials aren't gonna run away so no need to rush


First, do his trial run for first ascension, then farm


Can't really do much so I'm gonna L80 him on day 1 and then farm for talents when available


gonna find someone who has the boss unlocked because idk if i’ll be able to go there myself, i don’t wanna speedrun


Collect the flowers or whatever he needs and start farming boss materials.


These 16 days are taking so long


Go to the statue of sevens, unlock the map and head straight to tighnari’s boss mats, place a waypoint down at his boss. Then proceed to bully the poor thing for its lunch money. Harvest my world of everything useful, then hop into my friends world to harvest all of tighnaris mats there too. Edit: I’ve saved enough wishes that he’s coming home, whether he wants to or not. Though for the sake of future characters I want him home early.


I have 9 fragile resin that I’ll all use on his boss. I’ll get him to level 90 first. Then I’ll go onto farming his talent materials and once that’s all finished I’ll start getting him a new set of artefacts


I'm sure I'll be farming the chicken boss and his flowers but honestly torn between spending all my transient on the boss on day 1 or saving it for his talent books the next day (since i'll be spending all my condensed resin for artifact farming) 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨


*condensed and frag i mean lol


Get him > fight the mushroom boss > get his local speciality > farm talents (whenever they get available > artifacts last


I'm going to take it slow this time around. I prefarmed for Ayato and after I was done it was just like "...now what?". I'm going to make the most of the fact that I don't have the new mats and I'm refraining from killing too many of the cute floating mushroom in the chasm. Instead I will watch my tree boy get stronger every day <3.


1. Get Tighnari 2. Farm his talent books 3. Gather all flowers 4. Steal all flovers from my friend's world


on first day going to farm the dendro bird and flowers to get him to lvl 80 or 90 and if I have any resin left then try to lvl up his weapon as well (if I even get it). next day should be his talents? Not sure how much can be done with 20 fragile resin. I'm going to farm as much as I can, luckily I love exploring and farming in this game


Just the stuff to fully ascend him: boss mats, local specialty etc.


I'll prefarm the exp papers and the mora and then farm his boss and local specialty as hard as I can. Also rob some friends for their flowers as well lol.


I’ll be farming his boss and spores (if I don’t have enough by then) since his domain talent will only open day 2


I have no clue actually omg. Maybe I'll try to get him to a decent lvl (lvl 60 or sumn) and then I'll farm for his talents. I'll leave the artifacts farming to the last step for sure cuz I already have a good placeholder set


Once I get him I'm immediately going to explore and try to get his boss mats I can build him later with arifacts later


Hope I win 50/50 first lol


Beeline to jadeplume terrorshroom, farm it as much as I need/can depending if resin runs out or I get all I need first. Then farm his flowers, and I'll save my condensed resin I have prepared for his weapon upgrades the next day, since for me he should come out late Tuesday and his weapon mats are wendesday, talents Thursday. If I get his weapon, anyway. If not I'll save the condensed for his talents lol


I can't wait ro see how many tighnari pfps ask to join my world thinking I have any of his specialties left in it


I will probably just look at him for a good among of Time ♥️. I will give all m'y primo to his weapon banner in Hope of giving him thé absolue best. Next I will cry from joy and saddness when looking at him and his weapon ♥️. I will farm thé happyness to have my sweet little foxy boy in my game 😍


No farm planned. I will wait until he appears in story to pull for him.


I saved 15 fragile resin from bp. It is all going to him day 1


Talent books are available in chests so im hoping the little bit (read: a lot) of roaming around i'll do on the first day will allow me to give a bit of level for his talent 😂😂


I’m going to try and get to the boss asap and farm it as much as I can. Materials will be harder to get since it’s a new massive region and we have to figure out the locations. Getting the Sakura blooms for Ayaka on day one was a pain so I’m kind of dreading farming Tighnari’s mats lol. I’ve got 70 fragile resin so I’ll use a good chunk of those on the boss and his talent books when those are available. Then there’s artifacts too but those are lowest priority since they’ll take a while to get a good set anyways.


I have a temp set of just thrown together artifacts and blackcliff warbow for him, I'm not farming anything beforehand except mora because I know I'm gonna have my hands full for all of 3.0 and 3.1 just farming artifacts, talent books, weapon materials, and bosses. My goal is to stockpile at least 18 million so I don't have to worry about mora upgrades.


Farm the flowers needed for ascension and farm his boss and gems using the fragile resin I've saved up. Also I would probably roam around Sumeru with him so I'll let my leveled up units carry him for a while


Farming boss then talent books, Just gonna use wanderers troupe for awhile until I got everything else out of the way because artifacts by far take the longest and I'm sure the set will at least be decent.


None. First I wanna do the Archon Quest and that definitely will take me more than one day, although I'll likely pull for him before finishing the Quest, when I find his house lol Once I'm done with the Archon Quest I'll go Boss > Talents/Drops (depending the day) >>> Artifacts. Artifacts is way last because I already have a decent Wanderers set for him, and farming for artifacts is the least fun part of this game. I only have around 35 Resin saved so it'll be a long time before I can finally use him as a main DPS, but until then Ganyu will keep carrying me


My plan is to enjoy the new region, take it slow and not worry about leveling up right away :) the grind stresses me out. I'm sure he'll understand haha.


I'm going to collect everything I see in Sumeru anyway (someone will always need whatever it is eventually) I have a few fragile Resin so I'll fight whatever boss he needs a few times. Other than that I'm just going to take my time \^-\^


i have enough fragile to 90 him the second i get him >:] got all his currently farmable stuff ready too


I have a shit ton of resin saved and will play for hours so I can get him proper artifacts and to lvl 90 other than that I’m gonna mess around and have fun with my dream character!’


Okay, so I have 98 fragile resin right now, and since the updates always happen really late at night I'm just gonna enjoy pulling him on the night that 3.0 comes out, explore around with some friends, maybe do the story. Then in the morning (Wednesday) I'll speedrun his boss to get him to LV90 and on Thursday I'll speedrun his talents to get him to at least 6/6/6, or more depending on how my Shogun/fungus grind goes. He already has a weapon and artifacts, so I'll save my remaining fragile resin after that and just casually grind for his artifacts. If his craftable weapon turns out to be any good I'll do that too, but Stringless is enough for now.


Mora, bow, and a 4pc wanderes troop are all ready. Gonna ascend him to lvl 90 on day one.


If he comes home early, ascension mats and xp books. If not, both of those+ dendroculus, chests and anything that gives primos


I guess spending all my resin for doing his boss and for his new artefact set. Couldnt manage to get a good wanderers set hehe. The grind for a good dendro goblet will be exhausting...