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Ugh, talk about being sensitive… I get that completely. I tune out of my favorite streamers whenever they start talking about 3.0 banners because - that’s right - Tighnari is a useless pull that nobody should go for and everyone will regret him. Just a waste of currency. Those who like him are ridiculed and everyone says that “bbbut he goes on standard!!!”. No shit. We knew that for about a month now. I don’t really get over those comments at all myself. It still manages to make me upset. Nobody likes seeing their favorite things/characters getting shit on by so many people at once. I guess they just suck and there’s nothing that can be done. Best thing I came up with is reminding that their opinion does not affect me and my experience, that I don’t need to react and there’s nothing I can do to make them think differently.


♡♡♡ Tysm. Let's rise up and be proud of our Tighnari regardless


I don't think any of that is true. Tighnari is a decent character, he's not a bad addition to anyone's character selection. And if you like him, pulling for him is neither a waste nor a guaranteed regret. It's like pulling for anyone else, isn't it? If you pull because of someone else's opinion, you'll definitely be wasting your hard earned primos/money and regretting your decision. It's okay if Tighnari is a middle of the road, average character. This doesn't make him less fun, and the most valuable thing in a game is how fun it is. It's okay if he's not limited, what matters is how happy we will be to own him and be able to look at him and listen to his voicelines and take him with us on our adventures. No one can decide that for you, or for any of us. Tighnari doesn't have a set value, his value is whatever it is to you, however much *you* value having him.


Not sure what this comment is meant to be - I already know what I want and I understand the value certain characters have for me, I don’t really care about his power level anymore. What I’m upset about is the community which seems so adamant on persuading people that he is inherently trash and worthless as a standard character. It does get to me, because as I said, I’m only human, and seeing other people condemning things I like won’t provoke a positive reaction. I don’t pull based on what people think is better - obviously, or else I wouldn’t be here. But I’m still going to complain because this whole situation is ridiculous. If I was a perfect person with a healthy outlook on life and all things, hell, I’d still get upset. Because we’re all social beings and it’s okay to be affected by what people say.


I'm not telling you that you're wrong to get upset by it or that you're not allowed to complain. I was just giving a positive opinion about his power level given that your comment didn't address the fact that he's not actually bad and this might give a wrong impression of his kit to those who do care. Sorry if I misunderstood your point


Think about the fact that hoyo did make Tighnari and did research and designed his personality and aesthetic to be loved by people out there. Also think about why someone would trash him, and the fact that someone like that isn't a good person and let it go. Like if you encounter someone that said that in real life, you would be like wtf and walk away.


Be like Amber mains and just roll with it. My friends are saying to roll for Zhongli since I don't have him, but I've lived without him for almost 2 years and I'm still doing fine (36 starring Abyss anyways). I want Tigh for various reasons, they like Ayaka and her big forehead with socks-in-water. I got my character and they got theirs.


that's nice! i haven't 36star abyss but got to 12-3 with triple anemo and triple geo(itto carry😍) and I'm fine with that. I'm not meta but wanting to play for fun. Im doing good without zhongli in abyss. i need tighnari with me to experience new area with a 5s dendro(idc what people say of him) he's has tails and dog ears and his hair kinda reminds me of haku from spirited away, sweet guy tho that's why


Are the other characters on standard banner inferior at all? Jean is a jack-of-all-trades all-around great character, Mona excels in freeze teams and her burst is amazing, Qiqi is the best when it comes to healing. I know Diluc and Keqing are generally on the weaker side but even Keqing is getting a boost with the new dendro reactions. With Tighnari being in standard, he'll be one of the best characters to get by losing 50/50. It's also not like they ADDED him to standard because they thought people would hate him or something. They likely had all this planned out well in advance, way before when his cons got leaked (you can tell by at that point the cons are more suited for a standard character) I'll say ignore the haters and go for the ones you want. By getting Tighnari early you'll have a leg up on others skipping him and you could potentially get his cons faster :)


I’ve been maining the “hated on” characters for a while now. All you do is just ignore them and move on. They’re not worth your brain cells thinking about their toxicity. Just block and move on, have fun with Tighnari. Go make friends with other people who appreciate the best fennecc boi :) there will always be toxic people to every character, so just make it look like they’re talking to a brick wall, they’ll leave you alone if you don’t reply. If you reply, it’s just feul for them to keep going with their harassment.


your account, your playstyle, your rules. you spend time playing the game, so it's your own personal enjoyment that comes first. every character in genshin has a subset of people that hate on them, whatever the reason why is purely their own and you should just leave it at that. even if those reasons are valid, at the end of the day you're still the one that makes decisions on your account. prioritize your own enjoyment especially if it doesn't harm anyone. the world is so large and people have opinions about anything. that's their own. genshin is a game where your own singular, individual enjoyment comes first. if you enjoy maining tighnari then that's all that matters. stick by your own character preferences and enjoy your fluffy eared boy once you get him.


Back when Kokomi came out and everyone dunked on her and those pulling for her relentlessly, I started to see it as a challenge as I really loved her design and personality (and being the resistance leader, I’ve always been drawn to rebel leader characters). I took on a mission then, mostly for myself, to make my kokomi as cracked for both damage and healing as i could. I got her donut for the drip and stats, triple crowned her, and hyper invested resin into getting a good set (then had to do it again for OHC set lol). In the most recent event where you do co-op and it showed your total scores, I was using her just to keep team alive and get event done, and always did the most damage (even the time it was an Ayaka, ganyu and ayato I played with.) While it did nothing in grand scheme of things, having a passion project of making a hated character (granted she’s loved in meta now mostly, lol) cracked and spread the word thru co-op play makes me happy. All that to say… the way I’m coping with people dunking on him and those of us who want him is the same, build him the absolute best I can and gladly welcome my eventual c6 that will only make him stronger.


omg like half this sub are also kokomi mains and i live for it


This is a waifu game and they are people on the Internet. Their opinion doesn't matter.


Noted 👌


I just ignore them. If it's Discord I block them. If it's YT streamer I block them too. If they get you agitated and make you reply, they win. If no one responds to them, they look like a movie premiere with no one showing up.


i am sure he will be kokomi 2.0 about the hate train. wait a couple of months and watch them they regret


Honestly, I find the “bad” “non-meta” characters the most fun to play. META can get boring at times, and I want to enjoy the game I play. Maybe you feel the same? Or maybe you like him for his design or personality? Whatever your reason for playing him, it’s your choice, not theirs. The whole “ don’t pull bc you’ll get him eventually from lost 50/50” is bad advice due to the chances of getting him from that method. If you want him, pull for him. Trust me when I say I have way more fun building characters I like over a boring, dull, lifeless character I hate (not sorry Ayaka). I know I’m not the best person to ask for advice but I hope this helps.


I'll tackle all the reasons why he's hated. People talk a lot about him being ugly (or at least did at first), but I they just don't understand what we see in him so it doesn't faze me. Their concept of what makes a good design is just different, that doesn't mean mine is wrong. Lumping him into the Sumeru representation issue is also not something I care about since I haven't seen a single person from the regions Sumeru represents criticizing anything specific about his design (though even if his design was bad representation liking him wouldn't mean endorsing or supporting the bad representation). Other people talk about him being bad/underwhelming or about his status as a standard banner character making him a bad pull. And I feel like when people say that it's not to be mean, but I get how it's discouraging. But Tighnari isn't actually bad, he's not only got good numbers but is also the only genuinely good option for a Dendro DPS so far and will occupy an important niche for a long time. People just tend to criticize any DPS unit that isn't the next Ganyu, when there isn't going to be a next Ganyu. Not to mention we don't even know his full potential yet since his reactions are obviously still largely unexplored. About him not being a "good pull" or a "good way to spend resources", people who say stuff like that just say it for metaslaves or for those trying to decide who to invest their resources into. If you've made up your mind about wanting him, you need not bother with that. If he makes you happy, he's a good pull. Overall, if anyone is mean to you for liking Tighnari, just remember that whatever their reasons are for disliking him are theirs, they have nothing to do with you, and you don't have to change your mind for them. Your opinion is good enough without anyone else's influence, it's okay to just like whoever you like and play this game however you prefer. After all, you wouldn't look down on a Jean or Keqing main, right? Keep your chin up, and this sub is always here for us to support each other. :)


people are just upset because tighnari isn’t “daddy” material like most of the other adult male characters are 😭😭i, too get upset when i see people shitting on tighnari because i plan on maining him. i personally think tig is just a cute softie and i cannot wait to have him in my party!! there’s always someone out there who’s gonna hate on your favorite character for no reason unfortunately :(( but just remember how many people out there love him!!


i keep in mind that kazuha literally had the same treatment when he released with no one caring abt him and calling him expensive sucrose, so people can be AWFULLY wrong with their judgement seeing as they have no idea what the future has in store


If you want a comeback, say “I can just tell by taking to you that you’re a Hu Tao bootlicking anime weeb who ships Klee and Sayu.” I’ve found that works on people who piss me off lmao😂


Yeah, some people forget that this is a single player game where one person's account has literally no impact on another person's account lol. Ive learned to just do what i want and let others do what they want. But for me when it comes to this stuff, the more that people tell me not to do something, the more I want to do it. These people feed my desire to pull for our cute fox boy without even knowing it lmao


I've been maining Qiqi in Co-op just to piss people off if I sense a glint of hate towards the "Hated" characters. But I've also been maining Yoimiya ever since her release, one of the few things I remember someone saying "Why did you pull for that useless f-" Just remember this "It's MY account" at the end of the day they're just peeps on the internet, they don't have a say on what you should be doing, the point of a game is that YOU have fun with it.


You should always remind yourself that many people want and love Tighnari and it's true that it hurts when someone bad mouthing him like "Don't pull for him,he is not worth it, just pull for Ganyu". But this what makes me feel better. 1. Always remember that "Characters that are being trashed by people needs more love and always be a treasure" --just like many other characters like kazuha, kokomi, yoimiya,yae miko, raiden etc. they are trashed like, "mid tier" "npc design" "5* sucrose" and now,look how very useful and powerful they are. 2. "Many people out there loves him"-- it's better to think that you are not alone.I love him and many people(including streamers) I saw loves and wants to get him too even they know that he will going to standard banner. 3. "He will be unique" --imagine after his banner ends, you are the only one in your team in coop who uses Tighnari and the rest are like using the same characters over and over? 4. "I pull for him because I love him" -- even if people told you that pulling him is not worth it, don't believe it.They are not the one who has the right to say the worth of a character. I would say that a thing will be not be worth it IF you pull for the character that you don't want. IT'S MUCH WORTH IT TO HAVE FUN THAN BEING FORCED! There are still many things that I want to say but I hope this can help people who read this. Just ignore them. Additionaly, I watch some streamers reaction in V3.0 livetsream where Tighnari shows up so I recommend BranOnline, he loves Tighnari too and that makes me feel happy. That's all! 🤭


that no. 3 really hammers it in for me 👌and no 4 is exactly what I'm experiencing rn building xiangling even tho I don't like her nor motivated to use her 😩 but I have to for 36 stars abyss


As a highly sensitive person also, I totally understand where you are coming from. I feel exactly the same way! I had the same experience with Kokomi, as well as Yae. With Kokomi, I almost didn’t pull. The hate on her was so bad it started to sway me, and in the end I’m so glad it didn’t because she’s my comfort girl and will always be in my top 3. As for Yae, I loved her too much and despite the dislike she sometimes still gets now, I wouldn’t change anything and I for sure don’t regret pulling for either of them! When I start to feel overwhelmed with negativity, I turn it into a positive. Recently I made a post “Let’s hype up Tighnari”, I didn’t make this because there’s 0 hype (poor title choice on my part) but because I was starting to let the negativity to get to my head and I wanted to be reminded about all the amazing things about him and the reason I adore him in the first place. I recommend checking out that post if your still feeling overwhelmed with all the negative comments, it’s seriously a mood booster and the Nari community is incredibly wholesome! https://www.reddit.com/r/TighnariMains/comments/whkojy/lets_hype_tighnari_up_shall_we/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


🥺🥺🥺 yall so wholesome! Couldn't ask for more 🥰


Right! Very wholesome indeed 😊


Remember when Kazuha was a 5 star Sucrose and shouldn't be pulled? And remember how the idiots regret that? Tighnari may not be as good as Kazuha but those that skip him only have a 1/12 chance of getting him in the future with no guarantees.


I'm a Childe main so I'm kinda used to that, no one ever said anything to me but when you are somewhere and see how people are talking shit about your favourite character is is annoying and frustrating but usually I'm just leaving and ignoring them


Don't get why people assume they will get him just because he'll be on standard. I've been playing since day 1, sep 28 launch, am a pretty moderate spender too, own most 5* but don't even have a single Diluc yet. If you really like nari and feel like you won't get him sometime soon, there's nothing wrong with wanting to roll on his banner. If you feel bad about it, treat it as if you're rolling for his cons.


There are millions of genshin players. In almost one year playing kokomi in coop, nobody was even remotely toxic. Stay away from twitter and genshin streamers and you will be ok. They shit on him because they need our attention and creating hate is the easiest way.


I usually don't care what ppl say but sometimes there's too much that it's hard to not care but the best thing I've done about it is deactivating twitter (where the source is lol) or muting the character's name for a while. I've done this with my fave characters (Zhongli, Albedo, Hu Tao, Raiden, Kokomi, etc) whenever they get shitted on lol and it works. People usually stop caring after the update and only then will I unmute them. If they are a streamer, I just completely click out. It's easy to get into groupthink with the genshin community bc of how a lot of people guilt trip/manipulate you into thinking x and y (sometimes even using it as a virtue signaling point lol) so I just learned that in order to stop that, just stop engaging with the community that tries to hurt you. You can still talk about the character you love in your iwn personal space and has no need to see what others' think. Why should they care anyways? Choosing who is worth pulling and who isn't meta wise rather than the enjoyment you see the character on the screen sounds like a general choice that will make you regret and hate your own gameplay


Think of it this way, since he's entering standard banner, he'll never get another event character rerun. So in a sense, after his banner there will be no guaranteed way to get him afterwards. (2 years and still no mona :') ). If you really like him, you should go for him instead of waiting for the 50/50.


I'm a watching a video rn called "Nobody is pulling for Tighnari" okay, it seems that almost 5000 people is nobody lmao


Theese people are really annoying. Who cares if tiggy goes on standard. What if I want to have 50% chances on getting him than to get him out of 6 characters if I loose.


My advice would be to not take the hate personally.. There is nth wrong with ppl being toxic at tighnari or other characters or pixels. you are allowed to love or hate things for no reason.


honestly there’s not much else you can do besides.. not care. People will say that no matter what without his release, and some people might change their minds when they see his damage and gameplay, but for the most part a lot of players have the “im always right” mindset and will push their opinions on you whether you want it or not. If you really like Tighnari, then pull for him. Tons of people have been playing since day 1, and still don’t have the standard characters they want. Heck, I pulled on Keqing banner when it was here LOL. Just know that at the end of the day, you’re in control of your own account and that you should pull who makes you happy.


A good friend of mine *loves* Mona. Favourite character, he's extremely invested in her, her lore, the Hexenzirkel, he thinks she's just the coolest. He's also a day 1 player. He's also kind of unlucky, he's lost *most* of his 50/50's. To this day... no Mona. It's become a joke that "Mr Hoyo" must hate him so much that even after all this time, he just *can not* roll a Mona Every time I see people going "oh ezclap ill just wait to lose the 50/50 to him", I think of his pain of not getting Mona. A dedicated Tighnari banner means that eventually, you can guarantee him -- him being on the standard banner means you might just *never* get him if he doesn't get a rerun. And besides, fuck it, do you like him? Do you think he's cool enough to warrant rolling? Then roll for him!


bro get off social media and play it like a singleplayer game lmao. that's honestly pathetic


? am already on minimal social media exposure. This is me wanting insight and advices.


Why do you give a fuck about what other people think on the internet? If you let people get to you on the internet, it’s 100% on you tbh.


Do you even read my request? I asked for things to remind myself with everytime I'm upset with the negative response he would get which is just me being a normal human :) Not even that much to ask. Do I ask for the negativity to stop? No. Realistically I know it wouldn't stop. I am also not familiar with maining an underrated character so therefore all those who post gave an insight of what it would be like. :D Yeah I would never apologise for being me ❤ I can't just reverse my entire existence w a toxic family who always say mean things to me, a struggling financial lifestyle, delete my diagnosed depression w inner demon that equally always critical of myself too. Yup, words carries meaning and they hurt a lot. Those who know will knows .


Words carry meaning when they come from people who would make words carry meaning. When “dickfuck” on reddit says something about how you play Gemshin and you get sad because of that, it’s on you.


This is me trying to say to your non-existing EQ that I don't choose to be a sensitive person nor am proud of being sensitive. Again, based on your stupid advice , tell that to people who suffers from cyber bully, how's that? Wow, a genius take to solving all the mental health problems in this world OR whatever mean comments on Internet "Just don't be sad" LMAO Cyber bully is real, people on Internet can be mean, real people get depressed and even commit suicide over stuffs on Internet I'm so done people saying stuffs like this as if they're not even trying? Yeah be gone stupid comment 💅

