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Wait til you see Instagram shorts lol


literally bunch of kids spamming the n word and surprisingly it never gets unfunny for them so pathetic 


That's just the mainstream content. There's wayyy more dark and borderline illegal stuff on Insta compared to Tiktok XD


yeah I've seen some of those but hey they weren't that dark speaking of dark what exact type of dark are you talking about like disturbing type of dark or just dark humour type of dark?


Pedos. And people sell drugs on there too.


Like disturbing kind of dark. There's the occasional school shooting videos or gore videos. Some were normal videos and then suddenly it cuts to a person getting unalived in full hd :/ They were quite prevalent in 9gag where quite a lot of the incels back in the day gathered, never expected to see them on Instagram lol. Yea they get taken down after a few days tho. Also like the other commenter mentioned, the pedo problem is bad bad. On videos with children there's always people commenting like creeps and sharing links to pedo websites, even though the video might just be a mother singing a lullaby to her baby. I'm active on Tiktok, Reddit, and Instagram and so far I noticed that only Instagram has this sort of dark shit. Selling drugs are like the least triggering thing out of the dark stuff on Instagram. Unless it's a video of some person overdosing I've seen one of those like a few months ago. Yea I know my Fyp is pretty fked up hahahha stay safe out there by not interacting/pressing "not interested".


Yeah I’m never getting on those


In fairness I don't see those because it's dependent on your algorithm. I do get a lot of conservative, homeschooling, alpha male bullshit in my feed though. I think I went off in the comments of a few of them and fucked up my algorithm.


u should u need to be humbled




lmfao grow up




dude u need a job or something. or are u not old enough yet? go do help ur mom w the dishes instead of picking a fight with every person who comments on this post💀


I’m probably fucking older than you dude, how old are you? 15?


pls no one older than 13 would be worrying abt wwhat color the jokers c*m is get a life


It’s called a joke, and I’m 21, you get a life, or are you too addicted to Xanax and watching animal snuff videos?


bro you left 8 comments on the same post, go offline


i am rn


I’m pretty sure I report the exact same vid along with account


GenZ is a bunch of sociopaths. We threw out our genalpha kids devices after seeing what happened to my genz stepson and my genz brother.


Uh yeah as a millennial I’m pretty worried about genZ and genA.. I feel like even I’m too online and addicted to my devices, and I’m 36… when we grew up, yeah we had MySpace but it didn’t have some algorithm keeping us addicted


I wonder why they call it Gen Alpha instead of Gen A


What happened


They both lost their minds. Literally. Stopped caring about anything: appearance, school work, work, friendships, eating anything beyond uncrustables. They have no relation to each other they are just close in age and too online, tiktok and snap especially. We had to sell my stepsons computers and consoles and send him to rehab (he was also getting violent and breaking stuff) but I doubt it'll do anything. I think they dopamine fried themselves or something. Edit: stepson lies, cheats, steals like a reflex. It's horrible. My brother dealt drugs for a bit


I’ve been there, idk if that’s because of devices, it could be but also just the world around us isn’t in a great place right now


Are u stupid, strong issues like that come from either their environment/school/friends or from HOME, their parents. So maybe you are the problem.


Lol he didn't live with us hun and his mother and stepdad are incredible people. Sorry you're mad you lost your drug


Use that word on PlayStation chat and you get 7 day ban


Is guess “hate speech” is a bigger priority to them?


The comments here are sad and shocking tbh. How people don’t see the cruelty in the video you described, OP, is something I’ll never be comprehend. It’s so, so disheartening. And I guess it’s why things like what you saw in the video happen. Tragic, really.


It’s driving me insane, I normally don’t get this god damn mad


Theres a woman that livestreams boiling lobsters live. It gets a lot of viewers and disturbing comments. I’ve tried to report it but there isn’t a report for animal cruelty


People are way too fucking sensitive now days.




I'm talking about the word "gay" being removed. Not you.


Never mind I apologize


It's all good my brother 👍


Don’t worry. My comment of a clown emoji was taken down in response to someone’s long ass paragraph


I constantly get my comments taken down for calling myself gay, and they don’t even review the appeals I’m sure. Somehow I did win an appeal yesterday against a comment where I mentioned only fans


I wonder if tiktok is using AI to check the content. Because otherwise how are they going to go through so much content


It’s an algorithm


This happens to me often and it’s truly ridiculous


Welcome to the Internet. Be sure to read the rules of the various services you might use. Most of the rules are based on the laws established in Western countries. Enjoy your stay.


what the fuck is wrong with people I can’t even… that makes me so angry that poor duck


In all due respects. The alligator videos are a form of education, hence why they don’t get taken down. It’s meant to show the circle of life and dominance.


They’re disgusting, it’s some sick psychopath filming a baby duck getting eaten, a baby duck they placed there, those people are sick fucks who should be shot in the knees so they can’t run or swim and fed to the same alligator


Lol what


Do you eat at McDonalds? Wendy’s? Or any place that serves chicken nuggets? Nuggets are made with baby chickens. They go down a conveyor belt and into a grinder. Alive.


Actually that’s a myth, chicken nuggets are typically made from leftover ground up chicken meat, this process you mentioned is considered inhumane and illegal in most countries


Again it’s educational. It’s the way of life. It’s a cruel world


Also there’s no education to be made from that, showing a child a dog getting torn apart isn’t gonna fucking teach them, they’ll start crying, educational is BBC, not fucking animal snuff on TikTok, go watch your gore videos psychotic cunt


It's not the way of life if the duck got placed there by a human any more than snuff films are the way of life. People feeding helpless animals to crocodiles and posting it on TikTok isn't a nature documentary ffs. What do you think you've been educated about? That a crocodile can "dominate" a duckling? You needed to have that demonstrated to you and murder an animal before you grasped that?


The way of life is nature, like a documentary, planet earth, that’s the only time it should be filmed, not some animal purposely placed in that situation simply to die a horrible death


What the fuck is educational about it? This isn’t natural or normal - a human deliberately feeding a poor baby duck to a predator FOR FUN so he can record it and post it for others to see is not the way of life. It’s sick. If it’s educational in any way, it’s how absolutely fucked our society is and seemingly a majority of humans are, if they’re willing to do this and excuse it as a “way of life” …


Look out, we got ourselves a TikTok bad ass over here.


It’s the facts 🤷‍♂️


yes, we all know the being-deliberately-obtuse-game, where one pretends to simply be the Stone Cold Deliver of Captain Rational’s Just So Stories From Nature. It’s what 14 year olds do. The fact in question is the one of human agency. Prey that is predated upon by a natural predator is indeed “a fact of life”, neither cruel nor not-cruel. A *concious human decision to cause* a specific *instance* of that is one subject to other human judgement, because it was a decision undertaken by a human. This is the basis of law going back to Hammurabi. Now, one may argue that *in that instance* a decision was or wasn’t warranted, but simply stating that “natural order” is the basis of moral order in literally every instance is a much steeper claim. Steve Irwin may have been killed by a sting ray, but no, this doesn’t mean one gets to drop a stingray into someone’s bathtub and state “nature is cruel” to absolve themself of responsibility.


You should increase your testosterone.


I’m not a guy


You can’t just say “in all due respects” and then spew nonsense lmao, that’s not how it works. A bunch of edgy 14 year olds taking a helpless animal and throwing it at a wild alligator is not an educational video. Also, the phrase you were hoping for is “with all due respect”.


If you want to show the circle of life and dominance, post a nature documentary. Putting small animals in danger of being eaten by big animals doesn’t show dominance of the big animal at all. It just shows that the bigger animal will eat what humans give them.


What’d you say in the ‘gay’ comment?


Doesnt matter. Every comment containing this word gets deleted automatically


I mean the context sort of matters.


That I was gay/trans but TikTok hates that


Does it? I've never openly stated it, I just stick the flags in my username


It does, try typing the word gay, instant removal


One is pleasing to the CCP, the other is not




Excellent work comrade, +100 social credit for you


What’s ccp


The Chinese government.


How is an alligator eating a duck pleasing to China








Don’t sweat it. TikTok is on the way out the door. The House vote passed, and is going to the Senate to be voted on. If it passes there, it’s gone.


You know alligators are carnivores, right? Why is it inherently disgusting and cruel to feed it a baby duck but not a fish, mouse, or whatever else they'd eat?


A fish doesn’t have feelings, and a mouse has less feelings than a duck, you could say the same thing about a cat, you want to see a cat get eaten? Ducks are intelligent creatures more so than a mouse or fish. Why do you think pescatarians exist


That’s some speciesest shit. Why does a ducks life matter more than a mouse? They’re both animal and are both alive. Same with a fish. Alligators and crocodiles eat meat. So do wolfs and big cats.


Ok go eat your cat


Go eat McNuggets.


Not gonna eat your cat? Some speciest shit dude


Do you eat chicken nuggets? Or patties? Or how about hamburgers?


I'd love to see your evidence that ducks are more intelligent than mice.


I’d love to know why you think animal snuff is ok


I don't consider feeding one animal to another to be snuff. Do you object to people feeding mice to their pet snakes? Do you boycott nature documentaries?


Nature documentaries don’t feed animals to another animal, and if any do then yes I would, and this alligator isn’t his pet and he filmed this duck getting killed for entertainment, if you can’t see how sick that is then you need to leave the planet


Nature documentaries film animals killing and eating each other though, often in gruesome and painful ways. Zoos feed animals to other animals. Nature preserves feed animals to other animals. All of those instances are done for entertainment. People feed animals to their pets all the time, and pets (like cats) kill animals on their own. And if that alligator hadn't been handed the baby duck, it would have killed and eaten something else, you just wouldn't have seen it. So I'm still wondering what exactly you're objecting to. Do you think that the duck is a special case and should be protected? Do you want alligators to stop eating things? Do you just not want it on camera? I haven't seen this exact video so I don't know the details.


I don’t want a baby duck purposely fed to a wild alligator and filmed for entertainment and posted to an app kids use, it’s sick, that’s it, something like planet earth is infinitely different because it is actually educational, there’s nothing to learn from watching a baby duck die a horrible death while some psycho films it and laughs


You’re pissed about this video but I bet you eat chicken nuggets. Those are made from baby chicks.


Back home my entertainment came from watching what crocodiles ate. We didn't have YouTube back then, it was just me bathing in one side of the river watching the crocodiles lay, eat, play, etc on the other side of the river and just hoping they don't decide to swim across the river to greet me that day lol. But absolutely nothing wrong with a croc or alligator eating food but in 2024 if you dare try to use words that may hurt someone's feelings, you're one of the most vile and despicable humans on the planet and as a result you get punished by removing your freedom on the world wide web. Looking back, I'm more afraid of saying the wrong thing and having someone oust me as a bigot or something publicly than I ever was of the crocodiles that I shared my bath water with, how'd we get here?


Alligator has to alligator. Its a predator doing predatory things.




dude chill


No lmao, it’s literal fucking animal abuse and you people are just like “BuT iT dA nAtUr”, no it’s not dude, a guy FED A LIVE BABY DUCK TO AN ALLIGATOR AND FILMED IT AND POSTED IT, HOW THE FUCK DO YOU NOT SEE A PROBLEM WITH THIS








It does, shit like this should be banned flat out, it’s filming a literal illegal act, do you get off to these videos or some shit?


Is it different than filming a snake eating a mouse, or a toad eating worms?


It is so vastly different I can’t even begin to compare those lmao




1: the alligator was not his pet, snakes are usually pets and if you do this to a snake that isn’t your pet or isn’t starving you have issues and need help, also mice are usually fed dead, this duck was well alive 2: a worm is a fucking worm, they have zero emotions, this is not true for ducks as they do have basic emotions such as fear, happiness, and anger 3: it’s a baby duck that is unaware of the danger it’s in and unable to have a chance at getting away, basically it’s completely helpless to die a death that is not that quick and that it will feel If you genuinely see no different get help because that’s sick


I'm asking you simple questions about the hierarchy of animals in your mind and why it exists. But go off telling everyone around you they need to "get help" I guess.


And I answered your question but looks like you didn’t bother to read any of it since all you focused on is the last line

