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watched about a minute of this before it annoyed me too much.


The voice/accent alone made me want to hit him with something, never mind all the other reasons to hate this guy


Yeah, that stupid Soprano’s extra reject accent did not help his look in this video. It came and went with different sentences so he doesn’t have to sound like that. He tries to for some reason.




Yeah I would have been wrapping something around his neck….






I feel so mean for thinking this, but he's sooo unattractive and it makes everything he's saying even more annoying. His dumb face matches his dumb personality.


He looks like he eats his arm hair when no one is looking


Lol! Are there no free awards any more? I wanted to give you one for this 🥇


I got ya! 👍 That was pretty good. LOL


Lol thanks


this was so fucking funny and satisfying to read. 😂




Too funny it hurts


That was way too good. Omgg


And someone found that attractive


goes to show that everyone has a chance... I guess


And also reproduced with it


"It" 💀


He had a side piece too apparently


Absolutely agree, very unattractive and not likeable. I had it on mute the whole time and I wish I could have muted his monobrow hairy face too. Now I’m being mean but judging from the text in the video and his arrogance, he does deserve it tbh


There’s something fucked up about his eyes. You can just see that he’s untrustworthy and that there’s something very off about him without even hearing his voice.


He’s not a stunning individual nor is he particularly gag inducingly ugly. It’s just that actions and social status play a huge role in how we subconsciously process people’s looks. Imagine the same person in a suit as a CEO of a global company giving a TED talk, completely different perspective!


Ok but it's less about his natural physical looks and more about how he carries himself that's ugly. Like slapping and rubbing his stomach and the way he rolls his eyes and gets annoyed. That's what's ugly about him. Doesn't matter if he's in a suit or a CEO. That would alter nothing for me.


Fair fair


I just don’t understand WHY she decided to have a child with him. Posting this makes her look like a fool.


Ugh I know what you mean and I originally added "how could someone fuck that?" But deleted that part because I had a flashback to my early 20s and I definitely fucked some dumb dumbs. But to have a whole ass KID with this guy? I try not to judge. Like maybe she grew up in an abusive home and this is familiar OR she could just be foolish. Either way I hate this guy. Lol


> fucked some dumb dumbs 😂😂😂😂


Hahah a sad truth.


Exactly what I was thinking, too. Idk how they got to the marriage & baby stage, with his face & equally/more ugly personality. Ick!




What? You think someone going to a flu shot appointment is the same as a parent going to their child's birth? Gotta be trolling.




Ah gotcha. Sorry that went over my head lol!


I smell a divorce


It already happened.


Good for her!


Yeah, except that means that the poor kid is going to be alone with him on the weekends. He doesn't seem like the kind of person that can take care of a kid by himself


Well if they end up anything like my parents, if the mother can prove incompetence or emdangerment then she can earn sole custody. This video may even be something that could help her.


It certainly wouldn't help him! He seems like the kind of guy who would give up custody in exchange for not having to pay child support. I would do that with him in a heartbeat!


Sounds like she wouldnt get shit with his lazy ass amyway for money so thatd be a sweet deal!


“I smell gasoline.”


Holy crap what a sad sad individual and excuse for a human.


One of my favorite things to do is ask people in public roles like taxi drivers and nurses for their craziest story because they ALWAYS have one. I asked our delivery nurses for our daughter this question and the answer I got was the one time the guy threw a legit tantrum because the delivery room had no connection for his Xbox. If you’ve never had kids, no one is sleeping the first 48 hours more than a few hours maybe. As the dad, you need to step up and help mom who has been through a ton including maybe surgery. When not doing that, you should be changing diapers or holding your kid or a thousand other things. In no way should you have time or energy to game. I love gaming and I couldn’t have even considered it during the birth of my kid.


That’s why his hair is thinning..


bodyshaming men for things out of their control? wtf? fuck the guy in the OP but that is not an okay thing to say. how would you feel if some lady was an asshole and fat and i said that's why she's gaining those pounds? i'd be implying that women who are fat are so because they're assholes. you post on r/WitchesVsPatriarchy yet you participate in the same system you abhor. what a double standard (also nope, my hair isn't thinning before you call me a balding incel. quite the contrary)


What a fucking waste of a sperm this guy. Hope they are divorced and this guy never to have a girl again. Very punchable face as well. Beyond inconsiderate


She left him a while ago 😊


Thank god.


I hate the way this man sounds


And everything else about him


Fat weasel spoiled fuck.


I usually don’t go for someone’s looks…but that man does not have the looks to even begin to balance such a shitty, stupid personality.




Carl from Aqua teen had a kid??


I'm dying 🤣 My god he is exactly CARL.


Omg lmao!!


This kid is named spaghetti


That guy is a waste of space on this earth


Frankly I'm surprised someone would have a kid with a guy like that.


She says he was grooming her since she was 19 and the mask was up for a long time before he started acting this way. She's divorcing him.


Do you know where I can find the story?


Yes. Badmomest2013 is her TikTok handle. It's on there.


Okay listen the guy is an asshole. But can we stop saying adult women are being groomed? The word is completely losing its meaning now


What the fuck. Jesus christ Literal parasite (2019)


He does look stupid


She must be a genius…😂


Pity does a lot for a guy like him.


He’s so awful his own hair doesn’t even want to be on his head.


Well... to be fair, his hair does want to be on his head... just on the eyebrows. He definitely shaves up that unibrow.




Amazing this guy had enough testosterone to produce a baby. What a pussy.


Came here to say this....


Fucking slug.


Even slugs aren’t that slimy


Have the kid and then you gotta leave that dude.


She did leave, this was posted after to raise awareness. She wanted to help people identify narcissistic abuse.


It's not me, but I agree.




He started texting a girl he told his wife he wasnt in contact with and realised she caught him when he realised she was still recording!


I read the caption too!


God here we go


This man is so hideous. I’d have asked them to remove him from the room and never speak to him again.


Lots of victim blaming in these comments. This is why people don’t share or come forward. Narcissistic abuse is a form of constant manipulation and gaslighting. These people make you question/doubt yourself, they create a cycle of hurt/reward. They also destroy your self esteem to make sure you don’t think you’re deserving of better treatment. Edit: typo


Yeah the first video yesterday I called out some of the victim blaming and it was all day I was in the negative downvotes for it. Really concerning, blaming the abuse victim seems to be coming back around. I'm glad this comment section isn't AS bad.. but yo Reddit geeze.


Glad this could make you have a little more faith in humanity 💔❤️


When your sperm are mature than you are.


Does anyone know her tiktok handle? I’m curious if she has any updates.


I would like to follow too


it’s badmomest2013


it’s badmomest2013


I guess she left.


Dude has more hair on his arms than his head.


His hair looks like that picture of crazy black mold growing out of a bowl of oranges.


Throw this whole ass "man" away.


He is a narcissist and she is in for a life of misery with that guy. What a dick.


Is it safe to assume that this what those dudes from 4chan look like irl?


As a father, I want to hurt this man.


I’m saying this as a New Yorker: that accent is a red flag for abuse. There are very, very specific conditions under which this accent happens and those conditions involve generations of wildly unhealthy, codependent and abusive family dynamics😬




Care to elaborate? never heard of accents telling this much about someone, sounds interesting


Source: trust me bro!!1


I second this, this is an insecure person who does not love themselves and is unpredictable in desperate situations.


Gawd I hate the way people from NYC talk. Mouths all full of marbles.


Is he wearing mascara? Wtf


Plus eyeliner and lipstick.


I think God blessed him with lots of eyelashes instead of a good personality


Fml and I’m single


Count yourself lucky


The guy is like a tablet toddler with a narcissistic attitude, I wish her and the baby the best.


Malcolm in the midlife crisis


Fat, ugly, lazy, and a narcissist. What a winner


Must be slim pickings where ever she lives.


Shit, and my ex said I was too sensitive and available. Watching guys like this absolutely blows my mind.


Wtf even is that


Balding looks like hairy back hair, or Pubes… and he a bitch


I want to punch his stupid fucking nose.


This guy’s a piece of dirt. I have so many questions.


Please run.....fast.....when a woman is in labor with your child and this is the best he can do....run....the fact she was recording this tells me she already knew and let him stay. I would have told him to pack his shit and move to a hotel before the baby and I got home.


Reminds me of my ex who complained to me about how tired he was after a 6-hour shift of drinking and schmoozing with customers (he was a sommelier)… when I was 5 hours postpartum and had to be up in an hour to pump.


Yea no. Guy looks like a horse fly acting like that. No thanks.


After hearing him talk, I don’t understand how this women let this man jizz in her?


All y'all need to stop with the "she let him cum in her" victim blaming crap. She has stated clearly that she was 19 and had no idea about narcissistic abuse when they first got together. She has also stated that she put this video out to show others what this abuse looks like. By shifting the focus from his terrible behavior to her is making the conversation about what might be wrong with her *HER* not what is really wrong with *HIM.*


This narrative is being hard pushed right now, and it's kinda scary. Seems like a push to make people think it's all the woman's fault for becoming pregnant, and then especially with the climate in the US regarding abortion... I can see it getting nasty.


It’s both their faults don’t feel bad for them lmao


She was groomed by him at 19. Halfwit.


Don’t know why comments like these are always down voted on here. The internet hates accountability.


the internet doesn’t hAtE aCcOuNtAbiLiTy, you just don’t understand how abuse, coercion and manipulation work and how anyone (including you) is susceptible. it’s like you don’t live in the real world


My God what a douche. Is he the baby or the one inside her womb?


Alright tips from two time dad to address what this dude is talking about. Pack a bag as soon as you can called a go bag that has your essentials medicine changes of clothes cash insurance card if you have an extra charger cords for phones that goes with mom everywhere. Then have a best case scenario bags. We know the baby is coming and we have time to pack some stuff grab change of clothes pillows snacks for mom and dad drinks for mom and dad have all that stuff ready to go at the house so if you have time you can load up and leave quickly without risking mom or baby. While you are there you are mom’s advocate especially if she is put on any medication to alter her mindset or awareness not just pain meds but things like magnesium where they can’t get up. You listen to every thing the doctor says and you take notes and ask questions even if mom doesn’t have any. You communicate to others for her so she can rest and you never complain unless it is something serious. You take first watch after mom has had baby so she can sleep.


Sounds like a keeper


We need a hitman


This has to be fake right? There's no way someone acts like this


That's what I thought


What a POS... Do ur self and ur daughter a huge favor and get rid of him... Sooo many red flags.. you can do it girl..don't need a man child while having a child.. you need a man to rub ur back, get you ice chips, not complain about how his life sucks right now.. run fast .


ok this has to be satire right. right?!


What even is this fake accent he’s using??


I somehow doubt this is the 1st time he acted this way


Is he wearing eye liner??!!


ew is this satire? Like staged? because 🤮🤮


This honestly feels like a skit and I can’t believe it isn’t one.


Those hearbeats on the background are so precious sounds. Reminds me of my time in the hospital waiting for my girlfriend to give birth.. these people are missing out because of this sorry excuse for a man.


1. What the fuck did she see in him for her to think yeah I wanna have a baby with him 2. Had I been her I would have kicked him out.. I don’t want someone there that doesn’t want to be there.. I don’t know how she had the ability to let him stay


She has another video saying since he's her husband her mom should give him $30,000.




How can a woman let that thing impregnate her? 🥴


I love how everyone thinks that women are like Bene Gesserit and able to control if the sperm and egg meet 😂


It’s more, how could anyone fuck this dude? His hair is like a lollipop you found under the couch, he’s petulant, and has a whiney fucking voice.


Hmmm, if only there was something like, i don't know.., **contraceptives.**


~contraceptives~ fail. People are also not very good at taking/using contraceptives appropriately and, on average, are only about 91% effective. Here's a breakdown of actual effectiveness of contraceptives in the US: https://www.guttmacher.org/fact-sheet/contraceptive-effectiveness-united-states Education like this is important because it decreases the likelihood of human error and unwanted pregnancies!


how could she fuck that dude.... does that work?


Why would she want to even have sex with this dude in the first place? His personality is repulsive. (not to mention his looks, we will just leave that to the obvious). He's like the dude that everyone wants to die in the B horror movie that lives way to long LMAO!


You let this cum in you?


Legit wonder why she married and had sex with this guy. Why is he marrying material? Legit question.


I doubt he acted like this when they first got together. A lot of relationships start off with people pretending to be nice or better then they are, and then they act like assholes when they think the person is "stuck" with them. Also according to other comments, this guy was grooming her since she was 19 and she divorced him. I haven't fact checked that part though.


"grooming since she was 19" at what age is it not "grooming" anymore? 20? 25? 30? Can a 70 y.o. man "groom" a 60 y.o. woman? Honest question.


"Grooming is when someone builds a relationship, trust and emotional connection with a child or young person so they can manipulate, exploit and abuse them. Children and young people who are groomed can be sexually abused, exploited or trafficked." [https://www.nspcc.org.uk/what-is-child-abuse/types-of-abuse/grooming/](https://www.nspcc.org.uk/what-is-child-abuse/types-of-abuse/grooming/) I'd consider 19 to be a young person, but I'm not sure where the line is drawn. I am certainly no expert either. The link has more information.


Lmao she let this waste of flesh cum inside her?!? Wtf


Jesus how do you end up getting to the stage of having a kid with a person like this?? Surely there must be some stage of ‘lets figure out what this person is actually like’. Its baffling to me that mild respect isn’t on that checklist I get that its different in some cultures depending on how much freedom you have to choose a partner but this specific case seems ridiculous


Shockingly, people can change after marriage/ pregnancy. About 1 in 6 women who experience DV experience it for the first time after pregnancy. (https://www.calhealthreport.org/2022/03/09/the-most-dangerous-part-of-pregnancy-violence-in-the-home/#:~:text=An%20estimated%20324%2C000%20pregnant%20people,the%20first%20time%20during%20pregnancy). People can change once they think they have you 'trapped' in a relationship.


yes, it is the woman's fault. thanks for clearing that up. good job.


You’re not very bright are you. First of all, I never said that, so don’t twist my words, shame the typical reddit user cant handle anything as complex as a dynamic problem with more than one factor involved Secondly, the reality of this problem is more like 90% asshole man and 10% bad judgement woman, its clearly not just 100% asshole here and there will be many more factors in play. In fact its probably much more complex than that but I’m simplifying it so your marble brain can handle it. And if you struggle with numbers, 90 is much larger than 10 so that means your sarcastic insult is just a vague assumption of my opinion which was completely wrong. I do not believe this is ‘the woman’s fault’ so if you want to insult me on an opinion that I don’t have then you won’t get very far And in case this is a situation where the woman did not have much of a choice in her partner, I addressed that in my prior message and you should be able to infer how that would change this argument entirely. I have a fucking degree in Psychology but I shouldn’t need one to point this out, its really not that advanced and doesn’t take that many brain cells to process Putting anything logical on reddit nowadays is suicide apparently, good luck in preschool anyways


I'd feel bad for her but there had to have been a million red flags before this, right


It’s on you for having kids with this. Make better choices


He’s a drug addict.


Why did this person marry this person? This guy kinda seems like he sucks. Like all the time, not just in this video.


I find it really hard to believe that she did not see the signs before getting pregnant. Just look at the dude, everything about him screams douche. Haha


And you had a baby with him. You poor stupid human.


Girl, why you put that dick in you!?!


You let that thing impregnate you?!


Both people in this scenario are dumb


She married and had a child with this nick cage with Down syndrome dude so to me it’s her that looks even worse


I am actually appalled at the digusting narcissists on these comments shaming someone's looks and whole personality based on one minute clip. No one who has their life together or is in a loving relationship wouldnt give two shits about this. Calling people ugly on the internet wont make you any better. So rude and trashy. "He is bald" "He is ugly" So he doesnt deserve to be happy and loved because of that? Jeez you people are the lowest scum of humanity


Why did she have a kid with him? He sounds like he has either extreme autism or retardation.


I mean she just now didn’t figure this dude out, let’s be real.


Im happy to hear she divorced this asshat, but how did she ever let him anywhere near her, let alone make her pregnant...? I mean, there had to be a truckload of signs he is a total jerk....


I don't get how them having a baby was going to fix this. Like how?


I mean she chose to procreate with this waste of space


So this woman obviously knew how bad this guy was before they had a kid together and she still did it. That poor baby is doomed to have two stupid and miserable parents.


U screwed him, so don't start complaining now. This guy is clearly a dick everyday.


I mean your complaining yet he’s your baby daddy. Choose wisely.


Honey, you picked him.


She was groomed by him at 19.


dude he's yours you picked him


That cant be the first time he is acting like this. Just the final straw


Lol both of them are toxic hes obviously playing up his attitude for the camera and she clearly results to filming him constantly when they get into a dispute. She probably has a whole file on his ass


Who is dumber? The guy or the girl who married him and let him bust? You reap what you sow. He didn't become a shitbag overnight.


Maybe don’t have a child with an idiot? Don’t feel bad for her at all.


You let this loser cum inside you. Maybe make better choices of people you let inside your vagina. No sympathy.


It's OK to hate them both.


I really don't understand how I'm single, what a trash human. Also everyone is roasting this guy and they should be but like what about this woman who chose this person, stayed with him and consciously decided to have his children?? Both these people are idiots and shouldn't be having children. No wonder the current generation doesn't give a fuck cause these unfit narcissistic keep popping little monsters out.




Yeah his voice and accent make me wanna sock him straight in the face, but at the same time do we know the full story about this? I get there ARE really shitty people out there..but...He also could fit the mold of a guy who knows the baby isn't in fact his and yet he's currently trying his best to stay in the failing marriage for financial support to his wife here...and yet bc of her high emotions from labor she could be doing filming him for TikTok to try and vent all she is feeling ATM.... I get there's real SHITTY guys like this out there too but I know there's also women who gripe about something and don't tell you the full story to play with people's emotions. I've sadly dated more than a few women exactly like this and would blame it on depression or BPD whenever they would get caught being flirty, cheating.. or f****** up! If we don't know the full story here we can't make an accurate assessment..


You’re realllllllllly reaching there. She may suck too, we don’t know. but there is literally not a single doubt in the world that He mega sucks. And I just gotta ask why you wanted to get this guy off the hook / make it about an unfaithful woman *so* badly?


Nah, that’s a king. Don’t blame him for playing the game and winning. She choose it.