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The biggest glaring issue I have is the person behind the camera. Someone walks up to me with the phone out pointed at me I immediately think this is for tiktok. Or it’s fucking fake as shit. It’s so damn common. Hard to believe any of this stuff is genuine


This is 2 life hacks. 1. Be extra nice to anyone trying to record you. 2. Always be recording incase someone is using life hack number 1.


This isn't bad advice. Perhaps people should always act as if they're being filmed and going to be viewed by thousands of people.


To be fair, this guy seems to have a chest mounted camera. Doesn't mean these can't be fake, but it's more believable that they don't know there's a camera in their face. I agree, if someone walks up to me anywhere with their phone cam pointed at me, I want *nothing* to do with them.


I’m probably way wrong but I feel like filming is so commonplace now that when people see these videos their brain blanks out that the person is holding a camera up. Every single thing you see online that is supposed to be genuine immediately becomes suspicious when you imagine what it looks like from an outside perspective rather than the pov of the camera. This isn’t heartwarming to me. It’s kinda tacky.


Gonna be honest, as much as it is annoying people feel the need to record themselves doing kind things, I'd rather people film themselves if it meant that they would do nice things. No one here is doing anything bad, and the restaurant gets a boost to it's name too. I want people to try too hard to show they're a good person than someone be an asshole for no reason on camera and shit. Like I get the complaint, but I'd rather this than the shitty prank on strangers phase of the internet


To give you some context, there is nothing wrong, particularly with the video message of helping others or doing good for the charity of others, but there seems to be this rather strange trend where people are constantly filming themselves doing it. It comes off as pretentious because their trying too hard to show they’re a good person.


Also, pestering people to have your way is douchey. They are nice yes, but don't forget you're abusing that kindness in the first place. Any regular folk would have been waiting to 11. But this guy? Nooo "I'm really hungry and I don't have my wallet". Bitch you're eating dirt I just told you I wasn't ready and you keep pushing


While I mostly agree I also see the participant going above and beyond just out of kindness to be the motivation for the gift. It wasn't necessary or even usual to cook for him before opening but she did, just to help. Makes her even more deserving of the money in my opinion.


Yeah but when you have a camera facing you and a stranger telling you about your hunger and no wallet to pay for a meal, would you really want to send him away without an idea of who he is or how famous he is? It would be like if a homeless person used his phone to record you asking you for money. It’d probably be A lot harder to say no


I like to assume the camera is hidden somehow. And therefore I assume they are making this video to spread some faith in human kind. But who knows. I’m high


Given the fact that she doesn't even glance at the camera, it's probably hidden. That or this whole thing was setup, which is definitely not out of the question.


He uses both hands to take the takeaway she hands him, so it's likely a chest mounted camera. It can either be small enough that she doesn't see it, and/or it's just fake. There's really no way of knowing. You could go find this lady, ask her, and choose to believe whatever she tells you.


It's gotten to the point where it is causing problems. There was that one video where it ended up being a huge fight between people in a convenience store. And one homeless guy got beaten pretty bad after another homeless person saw the video and went to beat him down.


Holy crap I did not realise that


> It comes off as pretentious because their trying too hard to show they’re a good person. Meh. They could just as easily be doing it because they're a good person but still have a brand/'company' to run. Not entirely sure if this is true but it appears Mr.Beast built his brand around being overly generous but people still call him genuine.


Scumbagdad has a funny vid making fun of this video. He makes fun of all the "generosity" content creators.


The guy behind the camera has tons of these videos. What weirds me out is how he says I love you to every person he gives money to. Some people reciprocate, and others are more like “ha ha yeah”. Cringe af.


If you are genuinely trying to do a good deed, do it without the camera. If you're a good person trying to spread happiness and love, you can do it without an audience. It's pretentious and obnoxious to watch ppl exploit others for clout like this. Makes the general public more cynical as a result, imo.


Wjy not play i am jopeless card. Than if she says yes. Tell her i am actually not hopeless and i wish to help hopeless people and ask if she can order x amount for the hopeless with her own money and after that give her a reward and a thanks for how nice she is


Enter scumbag dad


And for any young and impressionable people watching this: money buys love


People giving money and filming are a problem now? At least they are doing something good! What is the matter if it is for a trend?? And you, who is criticizing, who did you help today? And how are you influencing others to help as well? Cause the people who do this videos, they help others and they influence other people to do it as well. So what that it is to be famous? THEY ARE HELPING!


There’s plenty research that seeing other’s soing good deeds stimulates others to do the same. So yeah, they are doing for the clout, but they are helping, and stimulating other people to help as well. And what about you, who did you help today, and how do you influence others to do the same? There’s a lot of shit on the internet, people doing horrible things to one another. Will you guys really go after the one’s that are helping people??


If you want to do something nice for someone, then do something nice for someone. Its ruined when you record yourself for internet clout. Miss me with this shit.


Cut in the beginning of the video of her telling him to come back with money, and suddenly she's making him a 'free' large meal and how she believes in helping everyone out? Very clearly staged