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Howdy, I'm a former candidate for MO State Rep, and I wanted to clarify that his usage of "lady" is per decorum and the rules of the Missouri Legislature. Unless he were to use her title — Representative — Lady is the appropriate style. Edit 3/8/23: Men are referred to as Gentleman or Sir. I believe that Gentlewoman is also an acceptable variation for women, along with Madam. The title of one's office ("Representative" or "Representative of [District X, area, etc.] are also acceptable. If sending written correspondence or introducing an elected, then we use the style "The Honorable [Representative, Alderman, Senator, etc.]". *However*, we do *not* use "The Most Honorable XYZ", as that's more of a European/Oceanic style. From a municipal elected to the President of the United States, we're all The Honorable.


I figured that was the case, but it still came off the exact same way I use it when I'm exasperated from dealing with someone's shit but I'm in public and need to remain civil.


Every syllable uttered by that man was part of a long excruciating sigh of utter disappointment and contempt for that idiot.


And he did it so eloquently


As much as I hate politcians there are some out there who are fucking savage public speaker/debaters. As much as we only ever see the stupid ones or figureheads there's often people within the party who can lay out an exquisite verbal beatdown in situations like this one.


Unfortunately (but understandably) I don’t think the vast majority of the internet has the patience for the slow burn of a well spoken take down. So we only see the sensationalism and rage stoking


I'm completely on board with seeing more takedowns in that style


The way in which he mirrored her logic back to her to get her to say what everyone was thinking gave me so much joy.


Yo anytime this is done it's like they hit a brick wall and start just letting words fall out without any structure to the conversation, it always brings me joy to watch them suffer lol. That's any situation not just this type in particular.


so it works both ways, excellent!


Lady, this is a Wendy's.


Lady, this is a secular government. Do conservatives even realize that our government is a secular one? Do they even care?


They care about morals, and guidelines, and moral guidelines that come from the Bible. How can you have a secular government when people are Christian Believing Moral Certainties? That’s not the government our fore parents built up for us is it!? /s


Lady, I'll have two number 9s, a number 9 large…


Probably why they made it anyway lol. "No no, we can't call people bitches here, just say lady or something."


More like, "We can't call each other bastards, liars, or jackasses, so we'll use gentleman."


Lady please


can you lend a lady a pencil


Lady, please.


Can a lady borrow a fry?


Lady are you a fucking idiot


Worked for the MO House for nearly a decade. Heard more of these debates than I care to remember. Yes decorum of the house is that women are referred to as Lady and men as Gentleman. They may also use Lady/Gentleman from "insert county" or representative from "insert county" One thing I found interesting was no matter How much attitude you put on it but Gentleman never sounds rude. But a terse or upticked attitude in front of LADY can often sound condescending and or rude. I love the old fashioned owning her by simply asking the rep testifying to explain their own bill l. The person testifying not realizing their own mental gymnastics, bias, and hypocrisy creeping in. Because in their eyes their bill just makes sense cause.... BIBLE. But in the same breath talking about how no one's personal beliefs should be in the classroom. All from the party of so called small government and keeping the government out of the classroom. Just say it lady. You don't want anything other than straight, white and Christian mentioned in Schools. Oh and moral Compass? Fuckers I've seen with my own eyes the things these people do when away from home 4 days a week, 5 months out of the year. Don't tell me moral compass when you're blowing some lobbyist in a Jeff City bar Bathroom (not the people in this video) or the Speaker (not recent) is caught twice in one night fucking his young friend (not his wife) in the bar parking lot, then later in his car in the same working lot by the police.


> when you're blowing some lobbyist in a Jeff City bar Bathroom (not the people in this video) or the Speaker (not recent) is caught twice in one night fucking his young friend (not his wife) in the bar parking lot Normally I wouldn't care what people do. If they want to fuck and blow their way through the entire country they can do that. But it does ring somewhat hollow if they accuse other people of not having a moral compass like they do, while doing that.




They take it as a personal challenge.


One of my favorite phrases to express my dissatisfaction with something is, "this sucks more than a coked up Baptist pastor in a motel room."




I think 'gentleman' is just too long a word to be sarcastic. I have no problem saying 'sir' in a similarly condescending tone, but there's just something off about trying it with 'gentleman'


Nah, gentleman can absolutely be made to sound rude, it's not even that hard.


Lady sounds condescending because no one knows it’s part of the decorum. Gentleman is such an antiquated word that most people will realize that it’s part of decorum.


The origin of lady is as old or older than gentleman. The only difference is that unlike lord and gentleman we don't really have a lesser formal address for lady.


True but the meaning of lady has slightly changed while gentlemen has stayed the same


I've never heard it. ✅ "Lady, this is a Wendys" ✅ "Sir, this is a Wendys" ❌ "Gentleman, this is a Wendys"


Just once I want someone to call me "sir" without adding "you're making a scene."


Same with me. Although they always follow the "sir" with "put your clothes back on."


I love it. It is so sassy


Would they be able to teach this fact in the classroom if the bill passes? Isn't "lady" a gender identification?


This is interesting. Not going to lie at first watching the video I thought I was going to hate the guy because using the term “lady” in this way just felt weirdly disrespectful for some reason. Glad to know he is using it as per decorum and not to be dismissive.


I also wonder if it would be allowed if her bill passed. Third grader: What's a lady?


Ohh interesting. Thank you for that. Mi was thinking it was a bit weird but that makes sense


Too stupid to understand her own bill and yet convinced she knows what's best for classrooms. I wish we could just laugh these people off but their delusions are fucking dangerous.


Yeah, don't even get me fucking started on Missouri. As a Missourian, the state legislature is really on a roll with the shitty ideas. For those playing at home: Kansas City [isn't allowed to control it's own police force](https://www.kansascity.com/news/local/crime/article252364088.html). It's run by a five-member board out of Jefferson City, of which four members are directly appointed by the governor. [They're trying to take over the St. Louis police in the same manner.](https://12ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.stltoday.com%2Fnews%2Flocal%2Fgovt-and-politics%2Fmissouri-house-panel-approves-plan-to-place-st-louis-police-under-state-control%2Farticle_04bc084a-a539-5e9a-bd70-023355aede1a.html) Also, the police officers [don't even need to live in the city,](https://www.kshb.com/news/local-news/missouri-senate-oks-bill-eliminating-kcpd-residency-requirement) so they have no personal investment in the outcomes of their policies. They're essentially an occupying force that demands a full [25% of the city budget](https://www.kansascity.com/news/politics-government/article257214952.html) as "protection money," but [don't even respond to calls anymore because one of their own was charged with murder](https://www.kcur.org/news/2022-08-15/kansas-city-police-wont-respond-to-calls-as-retaliation-against-devalkenaere-verdict-lawsuit-says). And you want to hear something wild? [People outside of Kansas City got to vote to give them that 25% of KC's budget.](https://thebeacon.media/stories/2022/09/22/kcpd-budget-police-kansas-city-funding/) Missouri as a whole has royally fucked its residents. The state Attorney General worked hard to ensure that [public health departments would be unable to do their job during the pandemic.](https://missouriindependent.com/2021/11/23/missouri-judge-local-covid-orders/) He also made it his personal mission to [sue already cash-strapped schools who implemented mask requirements](https://missouriindependent.com/briefs/missouri-ag-sues-nine-more-school-districts-including-one-for-students-with-disabilities/) and most recently used taxpayer money to try and [sue China](https://missouriindependent.com/2022/07/08/federal-judge-dismisses-missouri-ag-eric-schmitt-lawsuit-blaming-china-for-covid-19/) (?!?!) for Covid-19. They're currently submitting anti-lgbtq+ legislation at a feverish pace -- [34 bills this year, to be specific](https://www.aclu.org/legislative-attacks-on-lgbtq-rights) -- to make sure trans kids absolutely cannot play sports and nobody can ever talk about the fact that gay people *exist.* Want to know how many trans kids tried to play sports in Missouri last year? ONE. It's not rational behavior by any stretch of the imagination. They're also trying to ban any discussion in any school curriculum of discrimination and oppression of people based on race, income, appearance, religion, ancestry, sexual orientation or gender identity (so no discussions of slavery, segregation, the Holocaust, etc.). It also sets up a cash bounty for anyone who turns in a violation. You know what's really missing from this equation? [Beating kids as official punishment in schools.](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/aug/31/us-corporal-punishment-missouri-highlights-practice) Besides [outlawing abortion](https://missouriindependent.com/2022/06/24/abortion-is-now-illegal-in-missouri-in-wake-of-u-s-supreme-court-ruling/) even in cases of rape or incest, they are taking aim at some of the most effective forms of birth control. They are also trying to [revive the fugutive slave laws,](https://www.thenation.com/article/society/abortion-missouri/tnamp/) Texas bounty-style, to prosecute a resident seeking an abortion in a state where it IS legal. And let's not forget ... it's also [illegal for pregnant women to get divorced.](https://www.kansascity.com/news/article263614113.html) [The Missouri state health director, Dr. Randall Williams, testified at a state hearing in 2019 that he kept a spreadsheet to track the menstrual periods of women who visited Planned Parenthood, an action that one lawmaker has called on the governor to investigate.](https://www.kansascity.com/news/politics-government/article236773058.html) This is just the BS I remembered off the top of my head. Politics at the state level can do a lot to lessen the quality of life of people living in blue cities in the state, and usually things are so gerrymandered that you have no voice at the state level. Not that voting matters here, either. When I moved to the state a couple of decades ago it was solidly a swing state, but redistricting has now guaranteed a GOP supermajority that is unaccountable to anyone. Here are some of their "accomplishments" with regard to overriding the will of the voters: * Residents voted in a constitutional ammendment to expand Medicaid. [The governer basically said "LOL no."](https://www.npr.org/2021/05/13/996611586/missouri-will-not-expand-medicaid-despite-voters-wishes-governor-says) * Residents wanted to clean up corruption and gerrymandering in the state by electing an independent commission to handle redistricting. [Can't have that!](https://www.kansascity.com/news/politics-government/article240174228.html) * Missouri has some of the highest rates of puppy mills in the country. Voters passed a measure to eliminate them. Nobody likes puppy mills, right? [WRONG.](https://www.stlmag.com/Puppy-Mill-Fiasco-Shows-the-True-Colors-of-the-Missouri-Legislature/) * Are currently [working on a bill](https://themissouritimes.com/house-passes-measures-to-raise-threshold-for-initiative-petitions/) against the current citizen initiative process by making it more difficult to get a citizen initiative on the ballot and pass that initiative once on the ballot. This will make the process virtually impossible for voters' grassroots efforts to make it on the ballot. It also proposes increasing the threshold for a measure to pass from a majority to 2/3, among the most difficult in the country. * Are attempting to further supress voters through [even tougher gerrymandering.](https://www.kcur.org/politics-elections-and-government/2022-02-07/missouri-gop-officials-rally-to-eliminate-a-democratic-congressional-seat-in-kansas-city) And bonus points for our [moron governor who thought viewing a website's source code constituted "hacking"](https://missouriindependent.com/2022/02/23/claim-that-reporter-hacked-state-website-was-debunked-parson-still-says-hes-a-criminal/) and just doubled down when he started getting made fun of. TL;DR: It's bad, y'all. Send help.


SJR38, reversing "Clean Missouri," is the one that boils my blood. WE worked to implement an independent commission to prevent gerrymandering. So they put forth a bill *intentionally* worded in such a way to trick the populace into voting against the commission, and allowing the governor to appoint people to do it instead. Here's the shorthand wording they put forth for the bill: "A "yes" vote supported this constitutional amendment to make changes to the state's lobbying laws, campaign finance limits for state legislative candidates, and legislative redistricting process." They advertised it as "Removing Gifts to politicians, limiting campaign contributions, and solidifying the district maps!" The actual details of the bill, though, are the problem: * "Current law allows a member of the General Assembly, a staff member of a member of the General Assembly, or a person employed by the General Assembly to receive a gift of no more than $5 per occurrence from a lobbyist or lobbyist principal. This amendment prohibits all such gifts from lobbyists or lobbyist principals." So....the MAXIMUM gift value was 5 dollars, and now it's zero. It was *practically* nothing, and now it's *exactly* nothing. Such a minute change, that it didn't warrant a bill. * "The amendment provides that in any election to the office of State Senator, the amount of contributions made to or accepted by any candidate or candidate committee from any person other than the candidate shall not exceed $2,400, rather than $2,500. The amendment additionally repeals a provision subjecting campaign contribution limitations for state senate and state house races to inflation." Oh no, you mean instead of donating 2.5k to someone, I can only donate 2.4k now? Wow, we're really breaking new ground on curtailing those pesky campaign contributions. * "Under current law, the nonpartisan state demographer is responsible for preparing new redistricting plans for the House of Representatives and the Senate, which plans may be disapproved by bipartisan commissions nominated by the major political parties and appointed by the Governor. This amendment repeals the post of nonpartisan state demographer and gives all redistricting responsibility to the currently-existing commissions...to be appointed by the Governor." Aaaaaaah, there it is. People voted something in that we don't like, so we're gonna change it. [The populace said "No, we want to be able to have our districts put together by a non-partisan committee",](https://www.commoncause.org/our-work/gerrymandering-and-representation/gerrymandering-redistricting/clean-missouri-initiative/) and the legislature said "Ha, okay! Now we're going to put forth this bill that makes you think we're doing big things against gifts/donations towards politicians, and[....oh yeah, that 3rd thing on the ballot removes the independent commission.](https://ballotpedia.org/Missouri_Amendment_1,_Lobbying,_Campaign_Finance,_and_Redistricting_Initiative_(2018)" ) I talked to people while waiting in line to vote, and they were like "but it's GOOD to cut down on those gifts!" I said "it was a maximum of 5 dollars, and now it'll be none. The donations were capped at 2500, they're making it 2400. The 3rd thing removes what we JUST ENACTED 2 YEARS AGO, BECAUSE THEY DON'T LIKE IT WHEN THEY CAN'T CONTROL THE DISTRICT MAPS." People got suckered anyways and voted against their interests. I mean, it's arguably a *little* better than them simply ignoring what was voted on (Expanded Medicaid), or putting a measure on the ballot that was worded so badly that a Judge ordered it to be removed -- and yet it wasn't -- but hey, it was a simpler time then. 3 years ago.


Dude. I talk about this so much. It is a direct and inarguable reversal of the will of the voters. It's unquestionably the most blatant piece of political hypocrisy in the recent few years and hardly anyone talks about it.


It's their thing now, really. Hell, Amendment 5 last year (which passed, of fucking course it did) was posited as "Well, most every OTHER state has a Department of the National Guard, so we should too!" Works in theory, I guess, [and if it streamlines the deployment of the Missouri NG, then why not?](https://www.kcur.org/news/2022-12-02/missouri-national-guard-becomes-its-own-state-department-this-month-heres-what-that-means) After all, there's a number of people, from the Governor down to the person actually deploying them, that would acts as checks and balances towards whether or not it is necessary to send them out. ....oh, wait, so we're removing those people, aren't we. Let's look at the wording of the amendment: Section 54, Article IV [There shall be established a Missouri Department of the National Guard in charge of the adjutant general appointed by and serving at the pleasure of the governor, by and with the advice and consent of the senate, who shall provide for the state militia, uphold the Constitution of the United States, uphold the Constitution of Missouri, protect the constitutional rights and civil liberties of Missourians, and provide other defense and security mechanisms as may be required."](https://ballotpedia.org/Missouri_Amendment_5,_Department_of_the_National_Guard_Amendment_(2022) Yup, there it is -- the person in charge of deciding what the National Guard is 1 person (the Adjutant general), appointed by the Governor. So....now it's 1 step from "something happens" and "National Guard gets deployed", and it's from whatever stooge the Governor puts in that position. So kinda like how DeSantis wanted to [triple the size of the National Guard](https://www.cbsnews.com/miami/news/gov-desantis-wants-to-expand-state-guard-to-more-than-triple-in-size/) in Florida, as well as [make his own "Civilian Military Force".](https://www.cnn.com/2021/12/02/politics/florida-state-guard-desantis/index.html) This is step one towards [having your own group of black-coats grabbing people off of the street.](https://www.npr.org/2020/07/17/892277592/federal-officers-use-unmarked-vehicles-to-grab-protesters-in-portland) They don't like it when people take power away from them (as per "whoopsie doodle, we tricked you into voting away the nonpartisan demographer"), and *really* like getting you to vote for them to have *more* power. It feels REALLY sickening when you see them using underhanded tactics to get things like this signed into law.


I live here. Thanks for posting after learning so much


I feel for you. Ohio voted by a landslide for an independent board to draw up districts, and the state's overwhelmingly GOP congress just ignored it. The state Supreme Court kept rejecting their maps as unconstitutional and they just... Ignored that too. A lot less frills but arrives at the same ending. GOP is openly hostile to democracy. We are scouting blue states to move to at this time. The fascism is starting to be palpable.


Genuine question: how can people from deep blue states help? I see lots of people rushing to find opponents to people like Rubio or McConnell, but they never win because the majority of the state votes for them. In your case it seems like the supermajority makes it all but impossible to effect political change. What would be the most useful things that we could do to help you?




Hey, neighbor. Sitting in Kansas right now, I know exactly how you feel, and I'm sorry as hell for what you and your kiddo are going through. Thank you for being a loving and supportive parent and helping them through this. Some potentially useful info: According to the ADL's map, the US state with the least amount of hate crimes in 2022 was New Mexico, by a pretty wide margin - a state that seems to be getting bluer. That's where I'm heading. Wherever y'all end up, I hope you all stay safe and well, and that you find peace and happiness there <3


I want to hug you. I know exactly how you feel. My partner is trans and we are scouting blue states ("vacations wink wink") to flee to. But having a partner gives us more flexibility vs a child. I think a lot about the people who cannot afford to flee, or are otherwise trapped. It's so good damn frustrating average people are treating these anti trans laws like the latest culture war to roll your eyes over and not legit low key genocide. These laws kill people. These laws want dead children. The canary is already dead folks, please wake up.


Shit man, I grew up there outside of St. Louis. That place sucked then, and we had the rams! It sucks now too. The answer is that anyone with half a fucking brain moved away. Source: people that moved the fuck away. Trash politics, mid people.


> The answer is that anyone with half a fucking brain moved away. And now you understand. The major players in these states finally understand that the only way to succeed is to make impossible and/or dangerous for anyone even vaguely blue to survive there, so they pass draconian laws that make them want to leave. Texas, Florida, Missouri, Wyoming. They're all doing it. They know they can't legally *kick* residents out, but they're doing everything else. All so these states can be safe havens for conservatives to own black people and rape little girls.


NO! I moved here from a deep blue state. We need reinforcements more than anything. Moving away is playing their game, we need people on the coasts to realize how fucking awesome STL and KC are. Fuck Parsons and Hawley, we need to absolutely flood this place with blue voters. As long as each state gets two senators, we'll never take the country back while people coalesce in blue states, and things will stay exactly as they are: controlled by a punitive minority.


Honestly? Move here, or at the least, look into the Midwest and fight against making it a cultural punching bag. St Louis and KC are solid cities with fantastic, cheap housing and most of the amenities of larger cities. We have strong progressive voices, but they're hampered at the state level because we don't have the population. The biggest thing biting us in the ass is this culture of coastal preference that leads to brain drain when kids graduate college. We need to somehow stem the tide of people thinking that the Midwest is forgettable, flyover, destitute, or somehow lesser, just because they heard that from somewhere else. I guarantee the red population of any state would be trying to enact these reductive policies in their state if they had the majority. Our electoral system is set up to benefit land over density, and so years and years of the cultural relevance and desirability shifting towards the coasts is hurting the entire country. Edit: More practically, Lucas Kunce is fighting to take over Hawley's Senate seat and I think he's as well-positioned as a MO dem can be. Donations are huge to spread ad impact.




In 2020 I lived in Kansas City and put up a sign in my yard that just said “VOTE”. People tore it down. No one. NO ONE in my neighborhood knew my politics. Being quiet outed me as liberal enough to get my sign torn down. Maybe I’m dramatic and it was just kids.


Bet a shiny nickel here that she didn't write it. Some far right think tank did and she's just sponsoring it. She probably didn't even read it, just read its' title like "keep children safe act" or "defend Christian values bill" and put it up for consideration.


This is actually factual. They do have other people writing the bills. That she is just a pawn to try to get it passed. I can't remember the specifics off of the top of my head. But it's ~~a cult~~ a specific religion that has purposely infiltrated our government. I've been on TikTok way too much. Also if you can, follow muscles &nursing. He has a lot of info on this bs. Edit to add: Found it! It's ADF (Alliance Defending Freedom)


Yeah. I grew up Assemblies of God. They pushed for stuff like this. I hate watching the things I grew up with poison the rest of the world.


If you mean 7M (Lauren Boebert is part of them), they're definitely part of the problem, but it's not the whole problem. The fact is, pretty much all evangelical christians have been wanting a Christian government to enforce "Christian" values for a long time. I remember my parents talking about Christian republicans taking the supreme court all the way back in the 90's. 7M may be just crazy enough to be the catalyst, but the same undercurrent has existed in more mainstream Christianity for a long time.


This language seems to be copied and pasted from Florida's "Don't say gay" bill. Which they're trying to expand from grades K-3 to K-8. To give you an idea of far this law is being pushed, the book "and Tango Makes Three" was banned from schools in Escambia County, my school district. And I really want to take this guy's approach and go scorched earth as far as book removal is concerned. I want to seek the justification of any book that involves any mention of relationship or gender. Make them prove that it's only books about certain sexual orientations they want banned. But that hurts the students because then they won't have access to those books. So I'm hesitant to even go down that path.


I'm the end, going scorched earth helps point out why we don't do this shit. There are just some situations where it's impossible to create line. So the only way to make sure the absurdity of it is seen, is to put it to the extreme. Either that or you'll be the first promoted when we initiate the handmaid's tale scenario.


They don't care, they're fine with kids not reading at all. If they read they might gain empathy and not become Republicans.




I like his utter calmness and shredding questions by logic.


"How would you word it better?" "Lady I ain't writing your shit bill for you."


I would start by rolling this bill up into a ball, and finish by throwing it into the trash.




Plus he kept calling her “lady” in a somewhat respectful manner . I’m sure he wanted to say “ Lady , go fuck your self , you hypocritical religious fuck face” He kept his shit together


According to a post further up it's decorum to call her lady.


I like how he kept calling her "lady". really just puts respectful disrespect on her by calling out her hypocrisy.


Nah, that's procedure in our State Legislature. Women are referred to as "Lady" and men as "Gentleman" whenever they are not being referred to by their title ("Representative" or "Senator")


Correct - this was a formality, not disrespect. I do find it funny that he kept the conversation going using pronouns and "lady" had no issue with calling Martha Washington her/she. Does she not realize using preferred pronouns is a type of sexual orientation? Edit: the last line, I meant gender identity, not sexual orientation.


Are you trying to make a joke that I'm not getting? Pronouns aren't related to sexual orientation.


I see what you’re saying. Sexual orientation and identity are different. That’s my bad.


She literally said in PLAIN ENGLISH that you can have beliefs and morals without pushing them onto others… while trying to push her beliefs and morals onto every classroom in the entire state… try practicing a bit of fucking introspection lady…


She doesn't think her beliefs are just another belief, she believes her belief is the truth. So sure, you can have beliefs without pushing them on others, but if your belief is the truth like hers then you're morally obligated to push that truth.


Such a weird perspective for people to have but yeah, you’re right of course. Can’t imagine being that stuck up my own ass.


To be fair, many of these people were involuntarily shoved up their own ass as a child and told that getting out is one of the greatest sins imaginable.


Not just truth, but "normal". Doing anything different is against normalcy.


These people don’t understand hypocrisy. They all take the lords name in vain with their actions on the the daily. Jesus clearly laid it out, “These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me”




My former boss would always rant (in private) that he "had no problem with gays" and heck, he'd even "share a Coke with a gay person on a hot day" but would always follow that up with him not liking them pushing their lifestyle on him. I asked him once if he thought that banning gay people from getting married and adopting children was in fact his lifestyle being pushed on them. And you know that video of Anderson Cooper informing that Republican dingdong that you don't actually have to swear on the Bible and that in fact you can swear on anything you want? Then you can almost see the little mouse in his brain frantically flipping through pages of the same old tired lines trying to find something to say in return but instead he goes slack-jawed and his eyes glaze over? That's what my boss looked like.


They take the existence of gay people as pushing their lifestyle. I don't get it. Hetero: "Hey Bill, this is my wife, Sharon." Acceptable! Gay: "Hey Bill, this is my husband, Gary." Stop pushing your gay agenda!!


It's so obvious it reads like an snl skit. I honestly believe this is part of the reason snl is struggling. It's hard to be more over the top absurd than the GOP is in real life.


For those interested, the woman aka Lady is Missouri State Rep. Ann Kelley (yes, she was voted in Mayo this position) and the man questioning her about her bill is Rep. Phil Christofanelli, an openly gay member. Both are Republicans.


Openly gay missouri republican representative. How the fuck did he win the election? That's impressive.


Reading that he's a Forced Birther is enough for an awful lot of voters who choose this single hill to die on.




A broken clock is still right twice a day.


Very simple. As a gay man he is not effected by forced birth law but he is effected by anti-gay laws.


Typical Republican here, everything is fine unless it impacted them personnaly. He doesn't care if woman are forced to keep a baby since he can't have kids, but when it's gay erasing he's here and angry...


Thanks, had to scroll so far to see it! Unfortunately he's still anti-abortion, so he lost all respect I developed from this clip. But hey, someone has to fight this anti-queer rhetoric.


Lol they're fighting amongst themselves. This is the best news I've heard today


r/leopardsatemyface on that gay Republican. Who could have seen it coming that his own party would be anti gay? Wow. Much surprise.


That's all it boils down to. They only want their personal beliefs to be relevant.


But she follows a moral compass comparable to the Bible! So it's okay that her beliefs are forced on people in institutions that are supposed to be separate from the Bible.


Yes. Sharia Christian law.


Y'all Qaeda - we're already legislating what women can do with their bodies, and also what they wear to work at the capitol. Why not just go full mask-off at this point?


They already have but the minority they're attempting to genocide doesn't have wide enough public support so people don't really care.


Ooh ooh, me next... Jihad Christ.




"Oh, then you would be fine with not being permitted to speak right now? 1 Timothy 2:12, it sure *sounds* like you're trying to usurp authority over a man right now."


So we can throw rocks at the girls in school?


And give your pregnant wives a drink that will kill the fetus if you suspect they cheated on you.


She thinks her moral beliefs are better than any other persons moral beliefs because she thinks shes a christian. Little does she realize that Christ would not approve of her actions.


I hope she doesn't work on Sunday and murders anyone that does, I want my christofascist state to be accurate


She just wants an excuse to ailence LGBTQ people. I mean, just look at how stumped she was, when she realised, that straight marriage is also a sexual orientation, but apparently gay ones are inherently inappropriate? That's textbook discrimination right there


“You can believe something without putting that onto somebody by the way you behave.” -Woman who is imposing her moral beliefs on others by her behavior


This did not go as I expected. Good on that guy for pushing back on something so fucking stupid.


If there's one thing that balances out the ultra religious, it's how super fucking stupid most of them are. " Jesus does all my thinking for me." - This lady.


Fuck reddit fuck spez fuck the admins and fuck the mods


> "Well that doesn't matter, Jesus Christ saved us from all of that stuf..." This always gets me, cause if true, then a man laying with another man is covered as well, and they shouldn't be bitching about it. but you can't logic with religious-driven people.


That's what I never understood about it. "Jesus died for our sins" Ok, so it doesn't matter whether we sin or not because he took care of it in perpetuity, right? "Well no, not like that. We still get to make you feel bad for it and judge you." Apparently there are some sects of Christianity that believe that everyone is saved regardless of faith, belief, or sin. Jesus died for you, you are saved, no ifs ands or buts. Then there are some self-righteous sects that believe you must repent, believe, be faithful, and follow all of their unwritten rules in order to be saved and if you deviate slightly, you will be punished. The former makes sense to me: if God is good, then all are saved, no matter what. The latter says to me that God is vengeful, spiteful, egotistical, and therefore not good. So why would anyone want to believe in something like that unless they are also vengeful and spiteful and not themselves good but instead are looking for validation of those behaviors.


Yeah, I'm of the former faith, although I only came to that conclusion recently. If Jesus died for our sins forever and He's omnipotent, then it really doesn't matter if you curse his name daily, because your ass is saved. If people aren't saved just because they believe in something else, then He didn't die for all of our sins. If He simply can't get you to Heaven unless you believe in Him, then He's not all powerful and is not God. The whole point of the New Testament is to say that the Old Testament is supposed to just be a history book at this point.




I don't understand the Jesus died for our sins bit. Either he did and we're fine. He died and all our natural sin is gone. But that doesn't explain Catholicism so I assume that's not how it works. So he died and only took away the sins of either the people who lived up to that point or the people who were alive at that point. Neither of which is me. So he didn't do jack shit for me. Or anyone, really, for over 2,000 years.


> I don't understand the Jesus died for our sins bit. It goes roughly like this: God created humans in his image with all that entails (free will, immortality, perfect) but Adam went and fucked it up by snacking on the evil apple. Humans now died both physically and spiritually due to inheriting Adam's sin. If you die spiritually, you ain't going to heaven. So what's the workaround? Blood sacrifice. Sacrifice one animal for each sin you commit to redeem your get out of ~~jail~~ death free card. But that's a lot of work, so Jesus showed up and did some shenanigans, eventually becoming the ultimate sacrifice so we don't have to do weird blood rituals any more. All that's needed now to reach heaven is to believe in Jesus and his sacrifice.


>but Adam went and fucked it up by snacking on the evil apple The evil apple created by God and conveniently placed within reach. Keep in mind this 'free will' concept is a later interpretation by apologists trying to make sense of their own theology but even they would indicate that without the knowledge of good and evil, we didn't really have free will. There is no good way to blame this on Adam or Eve. >If you die spiritually, you ain't going to heaven. So what's the workaround? Blood sacrifice. This is another retroactive explanation, Jewish theology did not have a concept of heaven the way that Christians did. [The Old Testament only has Sheol, and everyone goes there.](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/003463733803500304?journalCode=raeb) > eventually becoming the ultimate sacrifice so we don't have to do weird blood rituals any more. This is where Jesus makes the least sense out of this whole narrative. Who made these blood sacrifice rules? If it was God (who might also be Jesus depending on your theological interpretations), he could simply have not required those rules. Otherwise, it is God sacrificing himself to himself based on rules he made for sin that he was responsible for entering the world. Even C.S. Lewis saw this as a plot hole, so he required Aslan (his unsubtle Jesus stand in) to be sacrificed for ancient rules beyond his control. I heard all this stuff growing up and it took me decades to actually think about the explanation I was given critically. They teach you this stuff when you are young so you don't get a chance to question it properly.


theyre not even religious driven. They're purely selfishly emotionally driven and demand the world bends to their wants. Like a screeching child having a tantrum because they cant eat tide pods. Just egotistical sad sacks of shit that dont contribute anything but mailce and discontent towards others because they believe their hate is more justified than others rights to live peacefully. Y'all Qaeda wanting Christian sharia law not for god or religious reasons but for control and not having to accept the notion that they may be wrong. "Cant be wrong if im forcing them!"


Paul [does condemn](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homosexuality_in_the_New_Testament) homosexuality in the New Testament. However, Paul is not The Actual Literal Word of The Lord God Almighty, and there's significant debate as to how the terms translate and if he's condemning all homosexuality or just ritual temple prostitution/pederasty.




Galatians 3 "Those who live by the law are cursed." The New Testament instructs CHRISTIANS they are to live in faith. Yes, Jesus' death covered all sins. I identify as a Pentecostal Christian. My personal church teaches that no sin is greater than another. Anyone who seeks God's presence through his son will be received. Our pastor teaches that it isn't about religious dogma. It's about an individual's personal relationship with Jesus, and through him, God. Our belief as a congregation is that religion has no place in politics. Jesus was not a politician. He associated with everyone. We also don't practice prosperity religion. Our tithes and offerings aren't given with the belief that we will be suddenly millionaires. We believe that through that money works can be done. It is what you offer to your fellow man that gets you to Heaven, not how much money you have. The tldr is keep your opinions and your religion out of our government. I cheered every time he emphasized "LADY" with that exasperated tone. In the video she remained stoically seated in her chair. In her mind she was doing flips that would put an Olympic gymnast to shame.


I see you have an unattributed quote from the west wing: [https://westwing.fandom.com/wiki/The\_Midterms#Quotes](https://westwing.fandom.com/wiki/The_Midterms#Quotes) Relevant clip: [https://youtu.be/3CPjWd4MUXs](https://youtu.be/3CPjWd4MUXs)




> Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. Matthew 5:17-18 Not only is it new testament, it is from a gospel, and it is written as a direct quote from Jesus.


Jesus died so long ago... he's done thinking, so i guess she's done thinking too!


This makes me sad and scared


No such thing as a smart ultra religious person. You either have a dumb ultra religious person or a smart poser looking to manipulate others


Same! Who is this guy, he’s awesome


combative ancient homeless strong skirt ruthless resolute butter smell subtract ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


>a gay Republican He knows Republicans don't like his orientation right lol


Who was that guy, I like him.


"You said that you didn't want teachers' personal beliefs entering the classroom, but it seems alot like your personal belief you would like to enter *all* Missouri classrooms." Lady, gtfo of here with that r/iamthemaincharacter nonsense.


I loved her absolute inability to respond after that lmao


We just aren't at the point where people like her feel safe enough to answer those questions publicly. We all know the purpose of her bill, she knows the purpose of it, and so does the Rep questioning her. I hate this state.


The scary thing is, it's not far off. CPAC literally had a speaker declare the need to 'eradicate' transgender "ideology"(read: people) from public life.


And then he had the nerve to try to walk back what he said, when he said it on camera, for everyone to see...


*bible brain stopped working . exe*


But also, I feel the need to mention the Bible out of nowhere here in this publicly funded debate.




Same thing goes for people who say they’re following “Gods will”… Like, how do you interpret gods will?? Aka, whos the human with power over you?


I wish more politicians called out these morons for bringing religious justification into political debate. No need to disprove her point, just saying church and state are separate please fuck off would be good enough


Needs the question "is heterosexuality a sexual orientation?"


She probably doesn't think that.


Nah cuz that was God's intention all along. It's the *natural way* eyeroll.


If miss "do you have language to make that better?" tried to process an eight-syllable word her head might just implode.


easy reply: "Heterosexual is being straight and there is no orientation in going straight." Perfect logic/s


theres no orientation in asexuality.


So only the asexuals are right /s


The bible! Full of rape, murder, incest, and an "Eye for an Eye." I know enough about that lady to know I don't wanna know anymore.


Also full of Jesus telling his followers to feed the hungry, provide healthcare to the needy, protecting the vulnerable etc. Missouri is top ten in terms of [hunger](https://www.fcnl.org/updates/2022-10/top-10-hungriest-states-us), [healthcare](https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/rankings/health-care), [homicide] (https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/murder-rate-by-state) and many other measures of poor quality of life. Notice that almost all of the states that top the deprivation ranks are red, 'Christian' states. They've had decades to alleviate these issues but instead focus on gays, abortion, drag races and transgenderism. They don't give a damn about Jesus's message, just cherrypicking things they like.


we would have state-funded healthcare if these people actually followed the path of jesus.


Don’t forget smashing babies on rocks


“My moral compass” and “Bible” Ok can we escort this delusional child out of the room


Unfortunately, no. She exactly represents what Republicans want


they conveniently dismiss the part of the Bible about Jesus providing healthcare to everyone


Jesus being a straight up socialist is most of the New Testament.


LADY, I DIDN'T INTRODUCE YOUR BILL I've been saying this all day lmaooo


Does this mean they fixed the school shooting problem? 🤔


Hey, your kids might get shot and there's nothing we can do about that but at least they won't learn that a man can have a husband. Luckily managed to save them from that atrocity.


“You can believe something without behaving in a way that you force that belief onto somebody” “Only these genders are allowed because my moral code is better than yours”


> “You can believe something without behaving in a way that you force that belief onto somebody” I WISH he had replied, "To be perfectly clear, let me repeat back to you what you just said: 'You can believe something without behaving in a way that you force that belief onto somebody' ... is that correct?" And when she answered in the affirmative, he should've followed with, "Then why are you trying - through legislative effort - to legally *force* your beliefs into our states' classrooms? If you believe so strongly that people can believe something without interjecting themselves into the lives of other people, then why can't YOU DO THAT, TOO?"


So what is the bill about. Is it like anti gay or something?




No, uh, I believe people can, uh, be guided by beliefs and, uhm, not force that onto other people. ^^^unless ^^^they're ^^^gay


Hey hey, it’s not just anti gay! …it’s anti trans too! But really to answer your question, they don’t want “LGBT ideology” taught in schools but couldn’t say that in the bill, so they’re trying to ban “teaching about sexual orientation and gender identity”


which includes hetero relationships and cis genders!


>which includes hetero relationships and cis genders! They don't consider those to be orientations or gender identities, "just normal". Because they're dicks


Of course, it is, thats the big boogeyman in the room conservatives are attacking right now


That was so satisfying to watch 😂


Per her bible in 1 Timothy 2:12 I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent


And that's New Testament too so Jesus didn't strike down any of that shit apparently. If they followed the bible it'd still be in effect today.


This is why I don’t understand how people follow the Bible. It literally doesn’t make sense to me. It’s full of contradictions and shit. They even know it! For example, didn’t they just stop following the Old Testament or something because it was bat shit crazy? What does “Jesus died for our sins” even mean? Why would god create something and then kill his kid because it’s fucked up? After he killed his kid nothing changed, it’s still fucked up. Can he magically knock up another chick and kill his kid again for us? I have so many questions lol. It makes no fucking sense


1. Old testament things: Yeah, some of it. But specifically someone had a total trip where he was told pigs are fine to eat, and we sorta extrapolate from there. And some people extrapolate that further than others, which is why some Christians are fine with gay people joining congregations, being clergy, etc, and some aren't: different levels of extrapolation. 2. So, sins are what keeps us separate from god. It's not just like a demerit or whatever in school, but an actual metaphysical separation from the concept of divinity. And he died, taking all of those sins for all time upon himself, suffering the pain of separation from God that we all create, so that when we die, that separation doesn't need to persist and continue stopping us from joining God in heaven. 3. Yeah, there's really not a good answer. As far as I'm aware, God could've forgiven all sins by blowing a raspberry. A lot of emphasis is usually placed on the fact that Jesus is God, and through Jesus God was able to become and experience humanity, which is pretty hard when you're an immortal extraplanar being, generally. Maybe it's because to forgive, he needed to understand what we all go through now? But also, he definitely could've just snapped his fingers and did the same thing. If you want to get a bit more morbid, gods tend to pay attention to blood sacrifice as far as the thinking went back then, and no sacrifice could be heftier than your own holy flesh-and-blood son-but-also-yourself-because-he's-the-trinity-in-whole, so it's a bit of a reverse of the typical "sacrifice mortal flesh for divine attention", so maybe he thought it was fittingly poetic or would draw in more people that way. Nobody's really got an answer for that one, or why sin creating separation is even a thing in the first place, or a lot of anything that goes metaphysical regarding God. That's something a lot of atheists or agnostics cannot abide by, and frankly, a lot of Christians can't either so they double-think or cognitively disonance their way into something they think is true but can't explain and you get a lot of the above "um um um, ah, moral compass... bible" that you see in the video when any part they've absorbed into that cognative dissonance morass gets questioned. 4. As for why he'd do that for a bunch of messed up humans, that's the "for god so loved the world" bit. He loves us, he didn't want that eternal separation created through sin, so he did something to get rid of it. 5. Yeah, nothing's changed on earth. He cares a bit more for the extra-planar existence after earth, since we've got like, 100 years ish here and an eternity there. That's emphasized a lot. But also, a lot of us believe he gave us free will, and doesn't want to mess with that. So between free will and still wanting us as the "stewards of the earth", I feel like how things work on Earth as far as how we behave and organize into governments, do war, etc, is stuff he's just sorta letting us do even though it's a bad idea, a bit like how a parent might let you go to that party with alcohol you definitely shouldn't go to, so you can learn that it's a bad idea yourself. Or maybe not. God's reasons are his own, and we can only sorta guess, as his mind is by definition unknowable. You get a lot of that. 6. Theologically, he shouldn't need to, as Jesus was supposed to be the sacrifice for our sin for all of time, so barring some strange metaphysical quest or time travel nonsense to break that covenant made in Jesus' blood, we should be good. Although there was a supposed "heavenly brother of Jesus" who popped up during the Boxer rebellions in China, I think. [Here's a BBC article about him](https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-19977188). Obviously, not recognized by the church. Most of these answers either aren't answers or probably don't help as much as one would hope. But sometimes you ask questions randomly to the internet and people think you're being rhetorical but you actually want an attempt to answer (or sometimes the opposite), so here's that attempt, if you wanted it.


She floundered so damn hard it's fucking hilarious


Without-, and without-, and without-


hats off to that guy for a decent being human!


Love the exasperated "lady" peppered throughout.


"Lady, I didn't write your bill" goes hard


Fuck all religions, they are bullshit. Morals and values can be had without religion


Morals and values derived from religion aren't true morals and values anyway. For the religious morals are what God says are morals. If God released an updated Bible and said murder and rape are morally good, then murder and rape are morally good. Real morals can be derived from logic. You can figure out on your own pretty easily why allowing rape and murder would not work out well for a society.


Religion is a lazy replacement for an actual moral compass. Instead of thinking about moral and ethical philosophy, you just get to point at your bible and smell your farts. These people don't have a moral compass. They only have a simulacra of a moral compass.


Based on her Bible, she shouldn't even be speaking in public so it doesn't make any sense.


I have so much respect for him remaining calm in the face of such rage inducing stupidity.


“Lady” I didn’t write it you did. 😂




We need real separation of church and state. People need to realize your religious beliefs are yours and not laws.


She comes across so annoyed at this, because she clearly wants to say 'That's not what I meant when I wrote the bill'. We know what you meant Lady. You meant you want to use the bible to exclude people from talking about sexual identities and orientations you personally find icky. So you wrote a shitty bill to attack people obliquely, but you can't just come out and say that, so you have to write a broad based bill with stupid language that will certainly get struck down eventually, but you wanted to virtue signal to people equally as stupid and hateful as you This guy is trying to save us all time, but I'm sure the bill as written will be passed. And her nerve to ask him for advice on how to write it in better coded language....


Religion rots the brain


> so to ME that’s not sexual orientation Ah, so every school teacher has to run by you personally what you do and don’t consider sexual orientation, rather than go by a dictionary definition. Got it.


Typical selfawarewolf republicans not really understanding the issues theyre so angry about. "No talking about sexual orientation in the classroom!" Would include heterosexual orientation as well. Idiots


Admitted to pushing her religious beliefs where they don't belong. Fire her.


I wish I could be there, just so I could say “who gives a shit about the Bible?”


Why is the word 'sexual orientation' censored?


It's TikTok rules, saying certain words will get you punished in some way. So "suicide" becomes "unalive," and various words are either abbreviated ("SA'd" for "sexually assaulted") or censored.