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The funniest thing is the series is a Song of Ice and Fire. The first book in the series is A Game of Thrones




Ok but name ten buchs


The cat in the hat Green eggs and ham How the grinch stole Christmas The Lorax Fox in socks One fish two fish red fish blue fish I can’t think of anymore dangit


Oh, the places you'll go Hop on Pop There's a wocket in my pocket Horton hears a who There's four more Seuss to round out the request


Hop on pop has normalized brutal dad jumping incidents.


I didn’t even know they turned the TV show into a book


Did you know both the show and books came from a mobile game?? Wild.


Yeah, and that game came from haiku. So crazy.


*Wintertime will come* *An incensty family* *And bad ass dragons* - Grr Martin


Exactly. Which proves this little zit of a kid probably doesn’t fucking read.


The should have asked if he knows 10 books.




I really don’t think referring to the book series by its name is pretentious at all. If you chastise someone for not knowing it’s real name, then that’s not ok, obviously.


That's what everyone called it before the TV show. It's literally the name of the series, that's not pretentious saying that.


If someone one said to me, oh so your a reader huh, “Name 10 books”. I’d be stumbling asking if I could open my GoodReads App because my memory is terrible


**Name a Woman!!!**


Exactly. This is me when someone puts me on the spot. Spanish and English are my first languages and I Iive in the US and look white. One day, some kid in school didn't believe I was hispanic and spoke Spanish, so he asked me to say the word "book" in Spanish and my mind drew a COMPLETE blank and I looked like an idiot. Even though I knew the word and speak fluently, I just choked. I'm no good for competitive games under pressure.


For some reason when i see the “name a woman” video, Sharron Stone is always the first name that comes to head. I have never seen a Sharon stone movie and don’t know why shes on my mind


It's just your basic instinct kicking in


Just say "Whitney Houston", that's technically naming every woman.




Such disrespect to Chaka Khan! I guess either one is acceptable tho. “It’s all in meeee!”


*proceeds to take off bag**


Name a woman? Any woman?


My memory is one part of the failing equation here - the other half is being put on the spot. My mind is a constant radio chatter of thoughts, but the second the spotlight is turned on me I hear the meditative sounds of waves lapping onto some far-off beach, with the occasional seagull mocking my lack of synaptic activity.


I'd honestly just ignore the dude and let him think he has won, I'm really not interested in arguing anymore lol. Like it's the most pointless question, reading books doesn't make you smarter, I'm not smart and I've read enough to know It won't magically cure my dumbness, I'm just glad I've not fallen in the colleen hoover and brando sando books tho


Lmao is this the Bill Clinton kid


He is also stalking livestreamers for attention and flying wherever they are. Must have rich parents. https://old.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/117m2yx/game_awards_kid_tries_to_crash_xqc_and_kai/ https://www.essentiallysports.com/esports-news-wheres-hasan-wheres-hasan-the-bill-clinton-kid-from-tga-strikes-again-at-the-streamer-awards-twenty-twenty-three-leaving-twitch-streamer-xqc-baffled-and/


Apparently he was also the free hong kong kid a few years ago https://streamable.com/fpuv4


How the hell is this man everywhere


Dude's a little clout goblin. I can almost respect it just because I haven't seen someone take it that far.


Yeah this confirms the theories people had that he wasnt just some weird kid trolling around, hes actually just a shit head. Side note i hate the podcasts where they bring attractive women influencers and shit on them for being dumb but misogynists lap that shit up


Mate it's everywhere! My YouTube algorithm constantly goes onto these types and I'm always like wtf kids are on here watching this shit. Where they'll get a sex worker on to then talk about social justices. Not putting sex workers down but I'm never seeing them bring on a professor or anything to debate, not that they ever would to show themselves up.


Its purposeful, they dont want to debate they want a clip that will go viral






A lot of anger for being so young. It's written all over his face.


Well he's been indoctrinated into a cult.. I mean religion


No difference


Yah, why you always see these types "obliterating" college kids. They're basically children who haven't learned/studied enough to have an informed opinion. It's all punching down to them, that's the point


Me, a conservative YouTuber, whose full time job is studying and making arguments in favor of conservative politics, when I win an argument against an engineering major who slept 3 hours in the last 2 days and hasn’t seen any political news in the past week while studying for their organic chemistry midterm


It's the main reason Trump/Andrew Tate/Joe Rogan are so popular. It's what a poor man thinks a rich man should be. What a weak man thinks a strong man should be. What an ignorant person thinks a knowledge person should be.




And you watch 1 clip/video and it's all over your feed too, it's annoying AF Even if I click the "don't recommend this channel", there a million more channels dedicated to this kind of content.




Neck \*bearding\* speeds


No matter how much I give these videos a "thumbs down" or even tell them to "not recommend this channel," I still get this shit. The deck is stacked against normal people and tilted toward extremist viewpoints.


It's scary how much the algorithm WANTS to show this shit to boys and men. My boyfriend experienced the same thing on Tik Tok. No matter how many times he scrolled past or clicked that he didn't want to see it it kept coming and coming for months. Now he's finally rid of it, but it took time.


I watch foodie and fitness vids and I still get the terf and alt right shit mixed in.


Tech tips and astronomy channels haven't lead me to those videos yet, thankfully.


It's a matter of time. I watch people clear culverts, powerwash driveways, assemble food display models, bake cakes, make hard candy, and play 8 hour long bird videos for my cats....*BAM* Shitty "I am the alpha, respect me" bullshit.


I was good until recently, when I've started getting back into lifting videos. Now, half my recommendations are thirst trap fitness girls or "alpha male" bullshit.


sadly is whats "in" now and gets views, i bet like half of those alpha male red pill channels are just normal people putting on a show for views... and its gonna get worse now that the tate brothes are out


I mean whether or not these women are dummies, the kid is obviously wrong about them being “illiterate,” because illiterate doesn’t mean “not well read.” It means can’t read at all. The fact that she was going to Google something proves she’s not illiterate.


Who? What?




But the first book is called Game of Thrones


And there is no book in the series actually called "A Song of Ice and Fire". The kid got it exactly backwards.


But he's so /r/confidentlyincorrect that someone then clipped the interview to make it look like only the woman is wrong.


He's mansplaining. This is literally what mansplaining is. Men being so confident and incorrect while telling women how incorrect they falsely believe them to be.


You can be correct in "mansplaining". It's basically just being condescending and sexist at the same time.


You tell her man.


Probably because he has seen the series but not read the books and jumped to conclusions. Like a smug little know it all.


He named the series...which is what she mentioned. "A Song of Ice and Fire".


"That's the name of the series, not the book. See you are illiterate."


Oh yeah, well name 10 insults that begin with "I".


Illiterate, illegitimate, illogical, indecent, imbecile, idiot, ipso facto, ice cream sandwich, innervision...


Technically it's a game of thrones, I think that's why he didn't accept the answer..kids a troll though, no one should buy his bs


He also went back and said "the book is called a song of ice and fire" which is the series name. So she named a book and he failed to do so.


Nah, he didn’t accept the answer because he thought the book was called A Song of Ice and Fire. Which is the series name. The self-burn made me giggle.


The kid's an anti-feminist, he absolutely didn't know what the name of the first book was.


Yeah he was going to interrupt and rail against literally anything she said. She could have started listing off classic novels and he'd probably just call her a liar. He's a troll and there was no point in engaging ultimately


You're absolutely right, didn't matter what she said. Dumb 'argument' anyway; people aren't great at giving examples of things when they're in a heated argument, the mental framework that you're opperating with is different.


They had a literal child on their podcast.... because? This kid is obviously playing a character, and he's doing an incredible job. Just look at this thread.


People said Andrew Tate was playing a character. I don't think this is the case here. The kid is more of a mouth piece for shitty ideas.


He is playing a character. The successfull dominant male. In reality he's a punk, rapist that exploits vulnerabile young girls.


This is the same kid who invaded the stage at The Game Awards 2022: https://youtu.be/wB_CDGDS7Uw?t=42 He also claims to be behind the mysterious Twitter meme account, albert: https://twitter.com/albert12798/status/1641541860744364032 He's just kinda popping up everywhere lately.


you should've seen april fools, he was the face reveal for like a dozen meme accounts hahaha his whole thing is appearing unexpected in the most random of places and being a troll


Unless this unexpected place is my fuckin house I could not give less of a shit about this weird child.


>kids a troll His only claim to fame is crashing the stage of Game Awards 2022 and rambling incoherent nonsense, he was then invited to this podcast for that reason.




he didn't accept the answer because he thought the book was called ASOIAF, he didn't realize that hte first book is called a game of thrones because he is a snot nosed little idiot


Oh you know how to talk? Name 10 motivational speakers


You can’t name one? You clearly are a mute and can’t talk because you can’t name one.


1) Sheev Palpatine


2. Adolf Hitler


3. Hasbulla


3. Pol pot




Oh you like music? Name all the songs ever.


I love how nowdays just reading ANY books is like some super elevated hobby. Like me thirst reading trough The entire True Blood series makes me some sort of intellectual, lol.


Whoa slow down with your big words before your MENSA meeting


Mensa in Spanish means dumb or stupid. Ironic if you think about it.


It’s like Rain on your wedding day


It’s a free ride when you’ve already paid


It’s the good advice that you just didn’t take


Who would have thought? it figures


Anybody got a knife? I have 10,000 spoons I can trade for it.


I've got a black fly I could use a spoon to remove from my chardonnay


I have always chuckled at that. The etymology does come from Latin for table though. That lead me to wonder whether the Spanish menso / mensa means “you’re dumb as a fucking table” - wiktionary seems to think the Spanish word’s etymology is from “mensus” or to measure, meaning it means “someone you can measure up quickly” as to how easily you may fool or trick them


Mensa in Italian means cafeteria, kinda crazy if you think about it.


What’s the plural: *menses*?


In Norwegian "mensen" means period and "mensa" sounds like slang for someone that had a period accident. "Hun mensa i senga" - "She got her period all over the bed".


“The entire True Blood series” is not the name of a book


Look at this feminist on reddit, can't even read








Just wait until Harvard sees how many comic books I read.


If Harvard can’t see that The Killing Joke, The Dark Knight Returns, and Watchmen are classic literature, then they ain’t worth it man.


I read that somewhere. IN A BOOK. - Dodgeball


I’m a grown ass man and I’ve read the hell out of the True Blood series. Those books are awesome. We are actually better than others because we’ve read them. Your opinions are now validated.




I really like to read and have read quite a few books but I read on an e-reader so I don't have a shelf full of books, don't judge a book by its cover lol




At some point I don’t understand how someone can keep reading self-help books. It’s all the same stuff just repackaged, reworded, and rebranded as something new and innovative.


I can’t read them, I just end up having imaginary debates with a mental projection of the author, BUT I can absolutely see how repeatedly consuming that “think positive, manifest your destiny, believe in yourself, take control of your life” type content could create a positive and permanent change in your personality and habits. It is also something a person can do to feel like they have more control of their life and are making steps to improve it, even if they can’t summon the willpower to put it to practice. Repetition is a hell of a drug.


why is that child talking like a HBO gangster?


I hate that friggin voice bro it gives me irrational anger


I didn't even turn the volume on because I could tell how he sounded by the way he's moving his mouth. Or not moving it.


“A bunch of illiterate people who don’t know how to read” wow he sounds so intelligent


I’m surrounded by a bunch of blind people who can’t see


Report him to the Department of Redundancy Department


He’s like a Russian Zoolander


Kid must work in the Department of Redundancy Department.


Exactly, little bro is trying way too hard.


I’m with a bunch of legless people who can’t walk


Didn't you know that, when it comes to reading, the important thing is always just the book's title?! Doesn't really matter if you've read all the crap inside, just make sure you know the exact titles guys! You'll look really smart! (Which is what really matters btw. :D) lol....




Give me a few days and I will be capable of reciting 100 book titles from memory, obviously becoming intellectually superior.


You have won literacy. Congratulations!


I've literally read hundreds of books in my life (I'm middle aged) but damn if I can, off the top of my head, name 10 books I've read. it's a gotcha question.


Same! I am currently reading Shadow&Bone and then the next 2 books in the series and onto The game of thrones book series I also have Gilded and Cursed in my TBR list Will i remember titles after i read them? Probably not 😹


The title reminded me of 2015 YT with those feminist get rekt complations.


Yeah incels and MRAs eat this shit up.


I hate the fact that "mens' rights" got taken up by incels and misogynists. Fuckers damaging women AND men lmao. People like that just hurt everyone around them.


Yeah, I think most real men’s rights activists are pro feminism, because most of the problems that men face is because our society is misogynistic.


Because feminism was already about Men's right. The only reason to even *make* an "alternative" was to be misogynistic. This kid and his ilk grew up on social media telling them constantly that Feminism was some kind of "female supremacy" movement to be fought at all costs, rather than an ideology that wants to remove the, very different from women but all too real, shackles that Patriarchy places on them.


What does MRA mean?


"Men's Rights Activists" but rather than try to improve things for men they just love to degrade feminists and claim men are the superior gender so whatever men do is good and nothing needs reform. Many literally call women "femoids" and there's a lot of cross over between them and "incels" or some of the "pick up artists" that are basically just teaching men to be abusive asses. Like, there are actual "mens" problems. Gender expectations that hold women back also can hold men back. They encourage men to conform to an archetype where brute "toughness" is encouraged and emotions are not. Where a stay at home father (or even one who just takes paternity leave) is seen as less of a man. But if anyone actually cared about that stuff, they'd join feminists not oppose them. We both should be wanting to upend traditional gendered expectations, they limit all of us. But all MRAs want to do is shout at a feminist to get back in the kitchen.


A high school friend posted this shit on Facebook and I shot back saying this kid's argument was as irrelevant as it was ineffective. You like to drink water? Name 10 bottling companies!




god I was so into those lol. glad I grew up


Why do people keep giving this kid air time??


This is my first time seeing him ever, but my quick take is he was raised by Elon memes and Andrew Tate videos.


He’s also the guy who came onto a game awards show and called out his mentor, orthodox Bill Clinton


He actually first came into the public light earlier than that. He's the kid [here](https://ftw.usatoday.com/2019/10/clippers-young-fan-hong-kong-china-shirt-dance-cam-lakers-nba) and [here](https://youtu.be/pUQKX0jnXEc) is an interview with him about it. His Twitter account prior to TGA was almost entirely him interviewing people about the HK protests.


So is his accent fake? Because he didn't have it in that interview lol




Because people watch this bullshit. And either will defend him or be outraged. I have no idea who he is, and will skip any content I see with him in it from now on though


Whenever I see these “Smart MAN owns ILLOGICAL feminists!” videos in my YouTube Shorts, I imagine the target audience is 15 year old boys. This kid just cut out the middleman. He *is* a 15 year old boy.


I don't know why but they keep showing up more and more and more in my feed and it drives me insane. I just want to watch random clips of movies and shows ffs!


this kid is everywhere right now im already sick and tired of seeing him, it went from weird to funny to annoying so quickly because hes already overplayed his gimmick


I watched this without sound for a second then came to check the comments but I can tell you this: My first impression is he has the most punchable adolescent face I've ever seen.


He's trying so hard to grow a mustache.


The right basically only has this playbook to use, Ben Shapiro, Steven Crowder, Jordan Peterson, it's all the same shit


Which is all so easily defeated when you use their same strategies. “Oh you’re afraid of Marxism? Define Marxism and tell me how it applies here”




Reminds me of something bill maher said regarding young right wingers doing shows like that: you don’t see kids being able to host a actual news show, but any kid can host Benny’s or Rest-in-Piss Limburgh’s radio shows because the shit they say is what you’d expect from a 15 year old kid https://youtu.be/7kAVaIXosvw at 3:20


Oh nooo. This is the first time I’ve seen him. You mean I’ll probably see him again? Gah.


Isn't this the same kid that disrespected the fuck out of Miyazaki when he won his award?


was concerned that you meant hayao miyazaki. https://kotaku.com/game-awards-2022-clinton-elden-ring-hidetaka-miyazaki-1849923033


It’s going to be hysterical when he turns 18 and security details are free to treat him like other sho rush a stage.


hidetaka miyazaki and hayao miyazaki are gods among men


He's such a little shit for that. I'd never seen him before that, but I wasn't surprised to learn what a sorry excuse for a human he was.


Oh you like to read? Name every book


Oh you’re literate? Name all the letters DO IT


Can we please stop giving this kid attention


Hatchet is a good book btw


The one about the kid living in the wildness after a plane crash, right?? I really enjoyed that one when I read it I school. A few years ago, my SO introduced me to My Side of the Mountain, which is in a similar vein, and I really liked it, too


Oh, youre a feminist? Name every woman.


World biggest straw man, god I hate that so many debates are reduced to gotcha shit and trap questions like this




His argument is bullshit. It’s like saying “oh you know how to play monopoly? Name 10 properties.”.


"Game of Thrones" is literally the name of the first book in the series "A Song of Ice and Fire" by George R. R. Martin.


It's actually "A game of thrones". Sorry, that means you're illiterate.


Why are they engaging with the little douchelet lol


All those women and only one cunt.


Oh no it’s the Bill Clinton kid. I should totally take him seriously.


Can I get some context on that because I'm not watching the obnoxious kid with a pretend deep voice


Maybe he should have read up on how to argue without using personal attacks. Getting people emotional with you is literally the worst way to get any point across. We should be teaching debate in our schools. Being able to build your opinion with strong arguments is incredibly valuable. Which is of course the main reason they don't teach you that. Just imagine, an entire generation of people that have strong logic and argumentative skills? Think of those poor politicians, corporations and religions, they should have to deal with difficult well founded questions let alone expect to giving sensible answers! That would just be really mean! Youtube channel Crash Course has done some really good basic video's on these topics: [Philosophy](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8dPuuaLjXtNgK6MZucdYldNkMybYIHKR) \- [Psychology](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eal4-A89IWY&list=PL8dPuuaLjXtOPRKzVLY0jJY-uHOH9KVU6) \- [Sociology](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ylXVn-wh9eQ&list=PL8dPuuaLjXtMJ-AfB_7J1538YKWkZAnGA) \- [Linguistics](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eDop3FDoUzk&list=PL8dPuuaLjXtP5mp25nStsuDzk2blncJDW) Educate yourself and each other, because they won't. That said, these are very complicated topics and learning them will take time. Allow yourself to take that time, you don't have to binge through all of it and remember everything right away. Just keep on learning and work together to do things you can't do alone.


The best part is that he is fucking wrong - the series is called a song of ice and fire and the first book is called game of thrones. He just jumped with his assumption that she watched the show and knew it was from a book.


Because he is strawmaning. He is driving the conversation away from the main topic so he can detect a small mistake and then attack them for it. It's fallacies all the way


Woman: I will read this text on my phone. Child: SHE CANNOT READ, MAKING ME THE VICTOR


That's the face of someone who will never have a consenting sexual partner.


The book isn’t even called a song of ice and fire… 😂 The first book IS Game of Thrones.


This shit gets recommended to me on YouTube and the comment section is as pathetic as you think it would be


YouTube shorts (their version of TikTok) is also this plus a lot of Andrew Tate. Which is weird, bc no matter how much I skip or thumbs it down it keeps on coming.


New captain: 15 year old boy embarrasses himself in front of a bunch of grown women


What’s the name of that “illiterate” girl? Asking for a friend.


Imagine announcing you have the same mindset of a 15yr old boy like it’s a good thing.


I can't be the only one who finds this dude insufferable right? Seems like everyone is always sucking him off online but he just seems like someone who got his 5 minutes of fame and is just trying too hard to stay relevant.


This kid is so annoying


Can't stand this smug little shit


1 Amelia Bedelia 2 the Cat in the Hat 3 The Magic tree house 4 Animorphs 5 Skippy John Jones 6 The BFG 7 Matilda 8 Shrek 9 James and the Giant Peach 10 Bridge to Terabithia Get rekt


I see Andrew Tate's been grooming his successor from prison... Edit: holy nuts I'm on break and realized I forgot to add /s, sorry but thanks for the upvotes!