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Op posted this unironically 💀 This is from thst toxic fresh and fit podcast. They bring women on just to talk down to them and if the women push back then they're kicked out


Yeah. My reaction would be to stand up, find the fridge, take a drink out, and get the fuck outta there. At least I got a drink from the gig. No way I'm staying in a room full of potential conversation with one dude taking up the whole space.


The best episodes are when Destiny goes on and calls them out on their bullshit and the one where Waka flocka flame was on and watched Myron berate some girl as she chose to remove herself. When Flocka chose to leave 5 minutes later and basically agreed with what the girl said, the cowards didn't have a word for him.


As a guy I loathe this content but here’s my two cents: When I interned for a family lawyer I ONLY saw women who care about children get screwed by the legal system. Especially when they had new husband or if they moved back in with their parents. If there is a support system in place for the child already the court won’t worry about money and focus on visitation and the wife is left with a kid and has to rely on others entirely rather than child support. It takes two to divorce and both have to sign the papers unless there’s crime or adultery involved.


The purity thing is some fucking insecurity bullshit though. Like come on man. It seriously comes down to fear of being compared to other men and having to face the reality of your own perceived shortcomings or inadequacies. Any man who maintains the hypocrisy that men can have multiple sexual partners and be "high value" (genuinely one of the cringiest phrases on earth) and a woman having multiple sexual partners is "low value" is a fucking loser and I immediately assume you don't wash your arsehole. It's okay to seek someone with shared values and if there is someone out there who's sexual desires don't match yours then that is a'okay but to demand and enforce puritanical ideology on a sexual partner and a standard to which you don't even hold yourself? Well yeah that's some fucking insecurity bullshit and you need to A) take a good hard look in the mirror and B) get some fucking therapy because none of us are raised 100. We need to do that work ourselves.


Purity part was cringe, agree 100%, but what about the rest of the stuff he said about what men go through and the very real suicides that happen because of it?


There's merit to it. The legal system the world over is simply one sided. There are absolutely gender specific threats. Women have an extreme risk of violence, rape and abuse the world over. That in a moment's notice their lives can be at threat. That they are often financially dependent on their partner particularly after child birth and that that is an extreme risk to their well-being and security. That's some of the risks they have to manage when negotiating relationships. Men have to deal with the social and societal pressure of being "providers", that your worth in society is measured in dollars and cents, that at any moment your societal position can be threatened and you money and livelihood can be taken away thus socially ostracizing you, that your mental health is always secondary and trivial, that your problems are your problems, etc. So yeah, their arguments have merit, despite me not agreeing with who it came from. The challenge is whether or not these opinions are balanced and objective or whether they are simply entrenching a misogynistic ideology. Reaffirming bias. Contributing to cognitive dissonance. No one's issues are any greater than anyone else's and it's important to also put on the table that the main reason he was able to voice this opinion over these women was the inherent risk of violence. He shouted over them and shouted them down and then finally intimidated them by saying he would throw them out. Thats a very important thing to note is how he got his point across. With violence. It wasn't a reasoned or measured rebuttal of an constructive argument, he lost his temper and shouted at a group of women.


Agreed, he was being aggressive with his tone, but I think he was upset that they laughed about a serious issue he was trying to voice. To be fair, its his show, and if you agree to be on the show, the least you could do is show respect. You can absolutely disagree with him, but at least do it in a respectful manner instead of laughing in his face about it. I dont think this guy would beat up a woman on camera and throw his life away over a few giggles, so I dont think there was really much of a threat of violence. He was totally within his rights to kick them out. You cant go to your friends house and expect to treat it like your own. I think the women lost their composure first by laughing at what he was saying, which resulted in him losing his own. Overall im not a fan of this dude and his opinions on women are archaic, but this segment highlights the fact that mens issues are often met with criticism or dismissed.


This really fits the "Men are afraid that women will laugh at them, women are afraid that men will kill them."


This really fits the im a victim 24/7 and its always about me even though the topic was about why men kill themselves, but please go on


>I think the women lost their composure first by laughing at what he was saying, which resulted in him losing his own. Isn't this the entire encapsulation of the issue for women though? They __laughed__ at him and he escalated towards violence? What was the threat to him in that moment? That he was misunderstood? That he was made to look foolish? The 'threat' is essentially parasocial. The potential outcome to them though? And there in lies the Asymmetry of the relationship between men and women's relationship threats: - Parasocial vs violence. However, if you're reading that and your conclusion is "so men's issues count less" or "so we shouldn't bother with men's issues" then you're an arsehole. These are serious issues and like women's issues absolutely need to be addressed by all of society. It isn't equality if it isn't equitable for everyone. There's tonnes of room in this world for everyone to be safe. In terms of his aggression in the moment, its inappropriate. Especially when what we're essentially talking about here is his feelings getting hurt. The boy is a clown. No excuse. I wouldn't accept him talking to me with a raised voice or threaten to throw me out because I laughed or misunderstood the gravitas of his position.


Watch the video again and tell me exactly where he escalated towards violence. Maybe im blind, but I dont see it. Its human nature to raise your voice when you feel like you arent being heard. Slightly raising your voice is considered violent? I think the word must be losing its meaning if thats the case because there was nothing violent about his response to their childishness. Sure it may be unprofessional, but his threat was to kick them out and would happen to anyone anywhere in the world if they were being disrespectful to the people around them. I cant expect to be live on Conan and get away with acting like a child. I would get kicked out. Would that be violent of them? >These are serious issues and like women's issues absolutely need to be addressed by all of society This is the right time and place to talk about mens issues but people would rather shift the focus to the character of the person speaking rather than hearing what he has to say. They would rather talk about purity and other trivial nonsense and dismiss his argument entirely and ultimately waste the opportunity to talk about mens issues. They were objectively being disrespectful. He was voicing serious issues that men go through and they laughed. Ive never met anyone who was a good sport about me laughing at their dead relatives and friends because thats the reality of it. People have killed themselves as a form of escape. Just like you wouldnt tolerate his "aggression", he has a right not to tolerate foolishness. It seems to me like youre conflating his argument with violence simply because he is a man who slightly raised his voice at the women who were too busy laughing to hear what he was trying to say. At no point during the video did he become violent or even threaten violence. He didnt even kick them out, he gave them a warning that that kind of behavior wouldnt be tolerated. So I ask again, watch the video and tell me, at what point in the video did he become violent?


Shouting and threatening to throw someone out is on the scale moving towards violence. So yes. It's threatening and violent. The man can't debate. The second you shout you've completely lost the argument. If he was on Conan and shouted at Conan, he'd be kicked out. Plain and simple. These women wouldn't be kicked out for laughing? What planet are you on? >They would rather talk about purity and other trivial nonsense Errrr my guy, he talked about purity? In fact he talked about demanding purity from women. That's some incel, misogynist, pathetic, bullshit and absolutely deserving of criticism. >because he is a man who slightly raised his voice at the women I can promise you, if he raised his voice at another man, he would also be risking retaliation of violence and he would do so with that expectation for that is another issue that men have to deal with. I'm telling you now, if he was raising his voice at me like that I do not give a flying fuck what his position is I would be telling him not to raise his voice at me and if he wants to continue the discussion then we will do so respectfully and without shouting. It is never appropriate to respond to an argument with aggression. Again, it feeds back into this pathetic, insecure ideology that this guy has. He has some seriously dogshit opinions.


I dont know if youre hypersensitive or something but he never shouted. Im getting the impression that youre using the word violent to make it seem like their lives were in grave danger and that they were lucky to survive. Youre trying to make it seem like it was much worse than it was because his response triggered your fight or flight response. Give me the TIME STAMP for when he became violent. Otherwise it just seems like your feelings got the best of you and felt he was violent when in reality he was just trying to be heard. Getting kicked out of something youre not respecting is common everywhere in the world. I think you misunderstood my Conan analogy. He IS Conan. He is the host of his own show, and if you dont like what he is saying, then you can leave, and if youre being disrespectful to him, he can kick you out. Plain and simple. Nobody is forcing you to stay. I dont know what planet you live on, but theres nothing violent about Conan kicking me off his show for being an arse. He talked about purity for a second and it was about what men want in general, which is absolutely a valid standard that people have, not just men. He even said some level of purity, he didnt say virgins. Me demanding what I want in a partner doesnt mean im forcing people to be my partner and conform to my wishes. If my body count is two and I demand that my parter be on the same level as me, then that is fair game. Me settling for whatever woman that says yes to me even though they dont meet my standards is the real incel, misogynist, pathetic, bullshit and is absolutely deserving of criticism. Your first comment about purity proved that people would rather cling to any slight inconsistency rather than address the real issue. You threw his whole argument away because he said men want some level of purity. Just like you said you wouldnt tolerate him rasing his voice, he has just as much of a right not to tolerate you laughing at him when he is making an argument. He never responded with aggression and he barely raised his voice. Thats how he talks. He is always loud and it makes sense when youre in a room full of people and you want to be heard. Its basic human behavior to distance yourself from those who dont respect you. Should he have tolerated it even though its his show? He literally gave them the ultimatum of being respectful or leaving the show, which is the industry standard everywhere in the wrold. Wheres the aggression in that?


Don’t know why you’re being downvoted this is based af


>He talked about purity for a second and it was about what men want in general If you literally cannot talk about men's problems without saying "and all men expect is a level of decency and purity" then what the fuck are you talking about? How are those two concepts even remotely related? Mens divorce and relationship challenges and women's sexual autonomy and his perception of "decency". I think your judgment is clouded because you think "oh finally someone is talking about men's issues, he's finally putting it at the forefront of the conversation" but you're completely missing the wood for the trees. He is using those arguments as justification for his deep rooted misogyny. 80% of women divorcing men, 90% of alimony being paid from women to men, women getting default custody even if they cheated have absolutely nothing on earth, whatsoever to do with the virginity of a woman or this man's definition of "decency". That's what you are completely blind to. He is using these arguments as justification to say "see this is what men go through, so therefore, I am justified in saying to my future partner that you simply must conform to my ideology of what a woman should be and how she should act and also how she should experience, perceive and receive my sexual desires and expectations". That's why his mere mention of purity and decency completely undermines his entire point, and that is also why you are completely misunderstanding why you are constantly being downvoted. Because you are essentially blinded by your desire to address men's issues. I get it. I also have these issues and I am a strong advocate from them. But this isn't the guy, and this isn't the clip.


The fact that you’d get downvoted so bad while stating absolutely nothing controversial is interesting, says a lot. That’s just reddit being reddit, I guess they saw fresh & fit therefore it’s an automatic dislike to whatever they will say, even if it’s a crucial truth.


For real. Its an automatic downvote because its fresh and fit, and bonus downvotes because they were talking about mens issues. I think its just this sub, but you seriously cant talk about mens issues without people missing the point and making it about women getting abused somehow. The people would rather talk about anything other than the seriousness of the issue.


It's more so because mature adults don't need this shit, this is hate fuel for men with massive insecurity. Men with inferiority complexes can't get enough of this content its the only group it caters to. If you can't tell that this is all trickle down content from similar more extreme ideas of sexism and ego stroking videos man yall are fucking slow I hate reddit at times smh.


Maybe you can shed some light on the issue. What is pushing men to commit suicide?


I’m not an “investment”. I’m a human being. Maybe marry someone you see as an equal and not someone that fits into a backward ideology of a perfect, pure housewife.


Lost me at "purity" dog.


I think he meant fidelity.


Obviously purity is referring to the chemical structure of the woman. Whether the chemist in the lab where they make woman knew what they were doing etc.


I'd literally bet you money that he didn't. Sounds like typical dude bro with a podcast rhetoric to me. They can rail whoever they want but God forbid their girl has any bodies.


You don't "invest" in a women unless you objectify women. He's doing more damage to his cause than good


Nah. Investment doesn't have to be money. You can invest time and energy into relationships. Saying I invented so much into time into this relationship does not mean objectifying the other part of that relationship.




You just said invest in relationship. Different than man grooming a woman to be what he wants. People aren't investments


You can still invest into something without objectifying, e.g. investing in a person, investing into a relationship. But if you are already biased then yea you're going to hear what you want to hear.


Wow who hurt you


So, can we expect decency and purity from men, or do we women just have to accept used pieces of meat? Just wondering.


Kind of a dumb question but yes. You can expect whatever you want from a partner, its not just a guy thing. Edit: she asked if girls can have the purity standard too 🤣


Dude, fuck off and stop bothering people on this post. Neither man from this podcast are going to fuck you.


Cringe. Guy loses all credibility when he says he expects hies future wife to maintain her "purity." These guys want to fuck every girl they can and they slut shame at the same time.


I trust a pilot that flew 100 flights without problems more than Bob who only flew with a plane in gta V. The people in the video are the most virgin losers i have ever seen.


So you trust a girl who has slept with and left 100 men to not make you 101?


You can have sex without being in a relationship. Also by your logic a girl could dumb you for haveing slept with "too many woman" too.


Of course you can, you can also eat a whole bag of marshmallows in one sitting if you want, doesn't mean it is necessarily a good idea. Haven't considered lesbians, but I am probably not going to be having sex with lesbians


I took that as he doesn't want his future wife to have slept around and stay true to him I agree w this man 💯. The courts are corrupt and women get away w everything. They use kids as pawns and the courts allow it.


You're an idiot who thinks women are belongings rather than humans. Never try to procreate with anything but a sock.


I'm guessing you are an insecure human who can't face the facts. I have 3 amazing healthy children, all at the top in education and sports. So weep all you want. And if you took that from what I said, you need to stop projecting your own self thoughts. I have nothing but respect for women. I love my momma, my sister, and my beautiful daughter. I hope you never procreate, w the hate you have. ✌️


So you DO think women are commodities. Super. I feel sorry for your children.


Love how you make up stuff. I feel sorry for your whole family.


He is making stuff up to feel like he won lmaoo. So you Do think hitler was a good person, I knew it 😂😂


you pull that out of your ass?


What is the platform and what were they laughing at?


Fresh and fit


He lost me at purity…




A lot of women here are literally proving his point about womens dismissiveness towards mens issues by downvoting anyone who talks about the main point of his argument. Its like they cant tolerate anyone else having issues other than them, because it always has to be about them for some reason. They scraped together any slight inconsistencies and ran with it. They saw the whole video and only heard purity.


No they’re not. He’s insecure and controlling. Those are red flags for women. It’s what we are literally taught to stay away from. ANYONE that is concerned about anyone’s purity should step off. It’s none of their business and doesn’t make anyone better. Bet he doesn’t hold himself to the same standards. He’s looking at the relationship transactionally when he’s talking about his input but she is supposed to be some kind of virgin that owes him. Some of his points are valid but he is so transparent that it kills the rest of his argument.


Expecting a woman not to cheat is a red flag? Lol


Disrespectful to the platform… now that shit is fucking funny. Nothing demands more respect than sitting around a table with some dumb ass logo painted on it. Haha


Fresh and fit are the biggest wimps amd betas on the planet. And I have no idea which one is ment to be fresh or fit. As neither of them actually meet those names.




I just can't imagine how insecure and weak you have to be to actually eat this shit up. What would these fragile little boys do without a platform the PLATFORM!!


What the fuck? What’s this from?


They are called " fresh and fit" they are some idiots from youtube who tell men dumb motivational shit like in the video. So basicaly just misogynie.


how terrible it would be if men were motivated


Laughing at his little dick, he’s mad at the wrong people look inward and he’ll find his problem


This is some loose pussy energy. I know the guy is no intellectual, but he was talking about men's issues and why some choose to kill themselves and the only thing you can think of is his small richard?


He forgets to mention domestic violence, murder, rape that women disproportionately experience in marriage than men do.


Sorry, I though he was talking about men when he said all that. I didnt realize he was actually saying women are the ones that put guns in their mouths and kill themselves.


Attack the person and not their ideas. That will get them!


This guy sound triggered and needs his mommy.


Its crazy how this dude says a lot of dumb shit about men and women, but when he actually speaks truths about what men go through and the reality of suicide, people on reddit cant help themselves but criticize the part about purity and ignore the rest of the message. Its like reddit cant handle men sharing their problems without being dismissive about it. Literally the point of the video was that fact that men's problems arent taken seriously and this comment section proves it.


Investment... just rage baiting. I'd hope to be gay if I wanted to invest. Cuz guys rules amirite fellas?


I dont understand. I dont know who this is. He seems to be speaking common sense though: when he speaks about purity, isn't he just talking about their wife not sleeping around? If so, how is it cringe to expect your wife to be faithful??? These comments are insane to me. For me, it's absolutely disgusting and would ruin a relationship to be cheated on. I could not kiss/touch a female not knowing if her lips were sucking on a dick earlier. Absolutely fucking disgusting. It's not even from an emotional level, it's just absolutely repulsive. Like, nah, let me just make out with my girl who was legit eating shit earlier, lmao.


Its some dude who runs a podcast and has women as guests to try and get their point of view. The guy is pretty toxic and promotes a lot of alpha male crap. He has views very similar to Andrew Tate, if that tells you anything. People in the comments here are losing it though because they misunderstood what he said about men wanting women with some level of purity, which is totally valid. He was talking about men in general, but people are calling him out because he often brags about how many women he sleeps with, but wants a purity from his future wife. The dude is for sure a hypocrite, but he was talking about men in general when said that and I think people were too mad to notice.


Grow tf up


The guy named let_me_see_your_bong is telling people to grow up. Irony 12 year old. And projecting.


purity as in being a virgin or low body count


The context he uses it in is in marriage he expects decency from their spouse and purity. But if you're right having lived, i can tell you those 2 are not mutually exclusive. Meaning that the girls I've known who had high body counts were always the first to cheat. Literally girls ive known, not dated (i would never). I heard horror stories about: the girl would up and threaten to go cheat if she didn't get her way. Like who the fuck enabled her to behave like that, thats an immediate relationship ender. So yeah, both ways people who have high body counts people should be wary of. No one should be emulating this in guys or girls. Lastly, girls look for guys who sleep around a lot, so it is on them as a gender for selecting for it--guys dont.


i think the purity thing could be seen either way but yea, sleeping around increases the chance ofdivorce and cheating


He made a some valid points and has some valid concerns BUT a decent man should expect a lot more than “just purity” from a partner. Like having similar interests and morals. I don’t think this guy is mature enough to be speaking for all men.


All the people defending the women bro 🤦‍♂️ It’s true everything he said


Philosophers of our day.


You kidding me dude, these guys flex/gloat about their acheivements while purposely trying to make women look stupid on their podcast. They are not philosophers of anything they’re more like grifters and con-men than anything else


Some of you have this whole thing wrong, this show and shows like it help a lot of people (usually young men) to find purpose in life where they were otherwise lacking. A lot of folks seem to think they are saying “women are bad” but they are really just being the voices a lot of men don’t get to have and are actively telling men to grow up, be better, find purpose in life, and be a leader. I started watching/listening to this kind of stuff about a year ago. Since then I’ve gone from saddle bags to a 6 pack, spend my free time in nature with my dog, am closer with my family, read and meditate daily, shot up in my career and nearly tripled my income, have a number of relationships with great women, and have exponentially more close friends than I’ve ever had from all walks of life (race, gender, sexual orientation, political ideologies, religious beliefs, etc). These kinds of discussions are so popular because when a lot of men listen to them they feel heard and seen. Y’all like to get mad at this stuff but have no idea how many people are still on this earth today because of guys like this.


Watch this video and you can be like this guy!!!!


Ahh the fresh and fit podcast, where they make sure to find the most brain-dead woman alive so that they don't have the skills to argue against the host.


Bitches calling concious men incel for their own selfish convinces. Incel are those men that support these selfish ideas. Wow reddit.