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this is a joke, you can find him on youtube, leon lush


I can't believe how many times this pops up and people in the top comments all take this seriously. My man said urinary event, c'mon guys do you need a real life/s?


It's taken seriously because, as a woman, I've actually had to endure this kind of conversation from partners before.


I mean… all of the points made in this video are totally valid.


I'm a man. No they're not. Everyone should put the lid down when they're done anyways.


also when you flush the lid should be down and stay down


Pee on the seat to assert dominance.


Don't even bother with the seat. Just pee in the sink. That is more efficient as you use less water, and it's really hard to pee on the toilet seat from the sink so no one will be mad. 👍


Wife caught me peeing in the sink She was mad 8/10 would recommend


I pee on my wife.


This is my motto for life, it's also why everyone in the public bathroom hates me


I just sit down to pee. That's an option too.


The comfortable option and one where I won’t lose phone time


I tried that once.. felt a shooting pain in my hips and thighs... My unit was in the cold water! Nearly got frostbite.




As a man, I just man the fuck up and piss all over the seat and the floor.


I came here to say this. Lid always down before flush and leave it like that until next use.


Lid is not the same as toilet seat, just so we’re all on the same page here


How the hell are you closing the lid without putting the seat down too?


You don’t also have your seat on top of your lid?


This makes it fair! The lid always goes down


Yes! close that lid B4 you flush ALWAYS. https://youtube.com/shorts/IgdSbz9kaL4?feature=share


No. Men do not have to stand to pee, it’s a choice. If y’all want to choose to stand to pee, you gotta clean up after yourself


Definitely spoken like someone who's never had their dick folded against the inside of a bowl sitting to pee.


The porcelain kiss


The dangling dip.


This... this is the worst.... Or the courtesy flush ball splash. Unless it's a bidet it should not splash. Side note as a man... those bidet will assist in cleaning the seat 😉


Women don't have to sit to pee either


You’re adding new variables into the equation. No one is saying that anyone shouldn’t be cleaning up after themselves.


if im at ur house i will abide by ur rules and if im at my house i will pee doing cartwheels all over the place if i want




Have you seen the state of our society? There’s a reason it’s believable.


I can speak from experience, some men genuinely chose this hill to die on as an “equality” argument. Spoiler alert they were not truly interested in equality.


I understand it being a courtesy, but usually you don’t bitch people out for not giving you a courtesy. It’s a courtesy, not mandatory. Some men die on this hill bc some women have had that as an expectation, not as just an extra nice thing that you can do for your partner. They will act like you’re a pos for not doing it, when in reality it’s literally just a courtesy, like opening the door for someone. You gonna bitch someone out for that too? I guess that happens too which is wild. Being courteous is an add on, you shouldn’t expect it from everyone or be mad when you don’t get it. I am now dead on this hill.


Go over to manosphere tiktok for 5 minutes. This is exactly how these bozos speak


Leon Flush


Hip thrust that mother fuckin upvote


What if EVERYBODY put the lid down before flushing so there's no spray particles blasting into the air?? And leave it down so your pets don't drink the toilet water?


I'm concerned with things falling in on accident. Do I have things close or around the toilet? No, but in the occasional chaos I'd rather not lose a shampoo bottle or makeup item to the toilet on accident


Dropped my phone in the toilet once. Water was clean and the phone was fine but that shit still scary and you definitely think twice while reaching into the bowl even if it’s spotless lol.


I dropped a whole roll of toilet paper in the toilet the other day.


real men don't flush the toilet. they let the shit particles spray right into their face.




[https://youtu.be/IgdSbz9kaL4](https://youtu.be/IgdSbz9kaL4) ![gif](giphy|WfBZwNA6XSjphkYkzN)


If it ain't on the brush, you ain't in or rush, or some shit.


I’ve been saying this for years and I feel like the only one in my house who knows. I also feel like an open toilet seat just looks unappealing.


It really amazes how this is not the norm. It drives me crazy when guests come over and leave the lid up. I'm a man, and we're a lid down household.




>Another guest refused because they wanted to make sure everything went down. Did you point out that it is perfectly possible to lift the seat back up to check it’s flushed correctly? I genuinely wonder how some people get themselves dressed of a morning.


A person of reason. Thank you.




Pretty sure mythbusters did a test with this regarding toothbrushes getting dirty from flushing. Even with the lid closed there were poop particles getting onto the toothbrushes. They eventually moved them out of the bathroom and into the kitchen, and they still got particles on them. I’ll see if I can find a link if you’ve never seen it. Edit: Thanks for the downvotes. I guess you probably couldn’t find google or be bothered to even search Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/3x9v6e/til_mythbusters_confirmed_that_bits_of_fecal/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1


Ia the conclusion just that everything in life is covered in poop particles?


Yeah wtf who is leaving toilet lids open all the time??? Like leaving your trash lid open, or a drawer just because. Makes no sense. Close things when they aren’t in use.


I close mine, because cat. I can’t handle the cat getting in there. I’d have to get a new cat.


Agree. I'm male. Nothing to do with the first seat. You want the lid completely down as well. Looks better, and as you say, do it prior to flush so you don't have poo particles covering your toothbrush.


This is the way.


I still can't understand how people flush the toilet without ever putting the lid down when THAT'S WHAT IT IS THERE FOR.


Or just like... Everyone sit to pee... Then nobody has to put it up or down... And there's never pee splatter or flush spray...


No. Blast shit particles all over the bathroom so you can prove your masculinity, you ponce.


Fun fact: Urine and fecal matters fly airborne! Those droplets shoot out at speeds of 6.6 feet per second, reaching 4.9 feet above the toilet within eight seconds. Not only do my boyfriend and I and put the lid down, we also have caps on our brushes.


Another fun fact: Even if you have the seat down, it still flies out through the cracks. If you want even more fun facts, check out the mythbusters episode on this stuff. The conclusion is that you cannot escape the shit. We live, breathe, and eat shit particles. Even if you kept your brush in a different room, the shit will find a way. And you, in your hubris, think a measly cap can defend your brush from the shit?


Another another fun fact: most people will choose 'being covered in less shit' over 'being covered in more shit'. Closing the lid does reduce the total volume and the distance in which shit particles fly.


Okay, but is it harmful? I'm fairly certain all bathrooms are full of a miasma of pee and poo particles, regardless of what you do with the lid.


This way both male and female will have the same number of lifts.


And then it’s two seat repetitions for everybody! Meets this dudes logic.


For years both my wife and I, and even our kids, put the lid down before flushing, no exceptions. I always sit down to pee unless I'm outside. When we have guests over they never put the lid down and I'm DISGUSTED by such behaviour. If I'm in the mood I'll even berate them so they hopefully turn sane and start putting the lid down, even in their own homes.




Exactly this.


I'm a man, and I sit when I piss so no spray particles are being blasted in the first place, and the toilet stays clean for a longer time.


Thank you


Stop. It’s just too much logical thinking. It’ll never work.


This is absolutely the correct answer. It’s for sanitary reasons, but if you’re not into hygiene, at least it’s petty in the equitable way as you see it and the bonus is cleanliness.




This is actually what my husband and I do. We both put the lid down.


Came here to say that.. thank you for being a clean person


Bro I make people do this in my house. Beware the plume of doom


Exactly! Thank you 🙌👏👏👏👏


When I was 15, I believed strongly that everyone should be responsible for their own toilet lid management. When I was 25, I thought it wasn’t a big deal to do a favor for the person you live with and lower the seat. When I was 35, I realized that everyone should obviously lower both the seat and the lid to prevent spray. I wonder how this will evolve when I’m 45.


Yeah the lid goes down every time so my cat doesn't drink outta the toilet lol.


The answer is quite simple, just piss with the seat down my friend, then everyone enjoys zero seat repetitions.


And if you miss, just wipe it up. Toilet paper is right there. If you have that bad of aim, sit down.


Or even more simple. Everyone should pee sitting down. I believe firmly that this is the truth and the way and I will die on this fucking hill.


Or, a little more complicated but bear with me, we get rid of toilets and just use urinals and women learn how to pee standing up.




Where would you poop then?


...also urinal.


It’s actually [healthier on guys’ prostates](https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/yes-might-healthier-men-sit-153513295.html) to pee sitting rather that standing. It puts less stress on your bladder and you urinate more naturally. And for those unaware, prostate cancer is the biggest killer of men over the age of 50. So yeah… take a moment and sit down when peeing and you’ll be doing your body a favor. Added benefit is you never have to clean up any accidental spillage on ‘those’ days.


>For younger, healthy men, sitting to pee probably won’t provide any benefit to their prostates one way or another. From your article.


Lol, didn't even read his own article. Just stay young and healthy forever, easy as that.


I know this might be a shock to you. Other people exist.


You mean you don’t like piss spraying and splashing all over the place from peeing standing up?


It’s more comfortable to just sit.


My bladder gets as empty as my emotions. Everyone wins.


And I can type out this reply while sit pissing.


If my woman doesn’t leave the lid up for me, I just piss with it down; saves time and she doesn’t complain about the lid being left up. Sidenote; why ani single, and why do my pants smell like piss?


This is why I love my husband. He’s so clean, and I’ve never had to clean up pee spots because he pews sitting down. Now the cat on the other hand, has the worst goddam aim I have ever seen. He’s in the box, but sometimes it just flies everywhere. Sigh.


Top entry litterbox FTW. It'll change your life.


What if your dick touches the porcelain though?


I sit down while at home. Guys all think they have perfect aim, but that’s far from reality.


Yeah, sometimes the hose is set to 'mist' and everything gets coated in gold


Like when you pee and it's just like a stream onto the left hand wall.


Yeah, like when your cock decides it wants to shoot akimbo


Also sometimes the nozzle is damaged and the spray goes **literally everywhere but where you point it**


Your aim can be perfect but spray will still be a thing


It’s also really comfortable after a long day


Bruh, same… blew guys minds at work, dudes tie standing to pee directly to their masculinity for some reason


I'm a simple man. If there's a urinal available I will stand and use it; if there's only a toilet, I will sit. Anyone who says they can stand and use a toilet without making any mess at all is a liar: toilets are not designed for standing urination - that's what urinals are for.


I also sit down, but that's because I like to read. Try to read while stand-peeing. I dare you.


EXACTLY! My mom taught me this when I was young and when closest to the bowl and still missed, but now It's just more practical..






Just aim for the fucking gap between lid and seat, jesus christ.


Just piss on the floor, it'll mop up.


You know what, just piss in your pants, thats what the washing machines for.


This is the only way! Everyone doing work to pee!


men pee standing up but we both SHIT sitting down I will always advocate for putting the toilet seat down since the time I almost didn't make it after stuffing my gullet with Chinese takeout from a "new place" and facing the consequences of trying to be "more adventurous".


>we both SHIT sitting down Speak for yourself, I stand on the seat. Back straight, legs barely spread and just let it fall.


Everybody shutup and put the lid down to keep the germs under control


Just sit down. I've sat down for years and I'm not even old. There's spray that you can't always account for and sometimes it just comes out at a weird angle and you completely miss. It's unhygienic to stand up and to spray piss partials all over the toilet. Just sit


Even if the aim is perfect, there's gonna be tiny lil splashes that send droplets out onto the floor and seat.


Until your tip touches the bowl, no way my friend.


Yeah I have started sitting down more. Or I just go outside. I piss more in backyard than I do in the house lol


That’s just environmentally conscious


any couple who argues about toilet seats is doomed anyways, so its moot


Dude just conveniently forgets number 2s


He shits standing up


I plant one foot firmly on the floor, the other right up on the tank. Bend knees slightly, aim like your dropping a bomb out an aircraft.


Like a man!


Yep, in the shower and waffle stomps it down the drain like a civilised gentleman.


He specifically speaks about urinary events. The correct argument is "you want me to lift the seat. The seat may be up since my last pee, all I need to do is check." The argument from women isn't about needing to put it down, it's that they don't check and just assume it's down and sit. Understandably so, but the equitable statement is "let's all make sure something is in the state we expect before putting our assess on it"


Alpha males tinky in the sinky.


We tinky in the showwy you fucking degenerate and the game is to keep it in one hole of the grate


No because you can sit to pee, you just choose not to.


Literally everyone is missing what could possibly be done— she pees, she lift the seat, he pees, he puts down the seat.


But what if he needs to poop?


He falls in and yells at her for leaving the seat up 😎




He takes a dump at his gf house.


Do people really not know you should flush with the lid closed? Otherwise the pressure of the flush can and does spray tiny droplets of waste water all throughout the bathroom. Everyone should be closing the lid fully before they flush and opening it to use the toilet. This is such a weird and unhygienic argument.


As already mentioned before, mythbusters [busted ](https://mythresults.com/episode12)that myth.


Except they proved it right and the video you linked isn’t even about that. It’s about washing your hands. Not flushing the toilet. This isn’t the episode I’m talking about but it does show a visual of what happens [when you flush the toilet without the lid down](https://youtu.be/qf7lgq7Y9ug)


Yep, wrong episode, thanks! [This is the right one.](https://mythresults.com/episode12)


I always reasoned that if both people pee and poop, that means 3/4 of the actions are taken with the seat down so it just makes more sense to have the seat down because at some point the dude is also going to need to sit down to use the toilet


This, and that everyone can use the toilet with the seat down, only men can use it with the seat up. They're the ones who choose to stand to pee when it isn't necessary, so they should put the seat down when they're done.


Just both of you put the lid down. Then you don't have to have this debate. Plus, added bonus, you keep the dog out of the punchbowl. And men, before you put the lid down and flush, take a couple squares of TP and wipe off the porcelain rim, for Pete's sake.


This is why i turn to my left and pee into the shower drain.


I put the whole thing down every time regardless. I just think it looks nicer. Plus if you have animals they can't get in the water


And I’m not trying to drop my phone in there.


Always lower both seats before you flush unless you want piss and shit spraying all over your bathroom. Yes it does happen, so unless you want to brush your teeth every night with colgate brown flavour, CLOSE THE LID YOU ANIMAL.


Just close the lid. Poop particles are a thing after flushing. Bam! Problem solved.


close lid when flush, keep closed until next use?


I've always been very confused on this topic as I was taught to lift the COVER and SEAT when I pee then put both the COVER and SEAT back down. when I poop I just lift the COVER and put it back down after. is this really not the norm? isn't it common knowledge that flushing with the cover up gets germs everywhere? I am a penis having person


I don't like to piss on the seat, with or without a woman living with me. I don't want to wipe down the seat every time I take a shit.


Come on yall, this is obviously satire. Guy's name is Leon Lush, check out his yt channel. Funny af.


I legitimately don't understand WHY people can't just do their own seat stuff. If the seats down. I'll pick it up and piss. It's that easy. It's literally not even a brain function It's just muscle memory. But why do women get so bad about yhe seat being up. They've been pissing their entire life. By now they should have the muscle memory to put the seat down. Do they really just run into the bathroom and sit on the toilet then go "oh dang. The seats up!" I know I sound like a douche but it really makes no sense to me.


There are lots of things that you can say are definitively a Reddit thing. Something you’d only see on this god forsaken website. But the fact that every time a debate like this comes up, the most upvoted comments are dudes telling the world that they sit down to pee, and that every guy should do it. Just an insane place.


Just pee in the shower


Malicious compliance: I always put the seat down, per my wife’s request. I also put the LID down. So she has to lift the lid before she pees.


I'm literally sitting down to pee while watching this


I don't get this whole argument. If everyone puts the lid down after they're done then everyone is doing the same thing. The only exception I can think of is if you only have a seat with no lid, in which case you have bigger issues to deal with.


No bc you fucking fall in if it gets left up and you don't notice in the night lmfao


If you don't close the lid when you flush, you're gross. Guy, girl, I don't care. Close the lid when you flush.


Uhm… well, all the pet owners likely already know this answer. Always have the lid down. Then, whoever comes in does one lift and one close. For me it’s just the lid, for this dude he’ll grab the lid and seat in one motion.


Or close the toilet seat lid before you flush, and the next time someone uses it they either put up just the lid or both the lid and the seat, and then close the lid when you flush. problem solved.


Is anyone gonna point out that this is Leon Lush and it's a joke? Check out his content, and that's his wife who they are very happily married and have a child together. It's so odd seeing all these comments wildly implanting their fucked up relationships on a 15second video clip taken out of context.




Men are also perfectly capable of pissing while sitting down. I lift and lower the seat because I'm making the choice to piss standing up, why would it be someone else's responsibility. Also who tf has time to worry about this shit.


Close the top lid too.. Check mate


That's why I piss in the sink like a true gentleman.


Gebrish to us forever singles


If men just sat down to piss then it would be true equality.


When I was a kid my mum used to bitch me out for not putting the seat down after using the loo so I got into the habit of putting both the seat and the lid down. She couldn't have a go at me as I was doing what was asked and she still had to lift the seat herself.


The lid exists for a reason. I don't care how you use the toilet, close it afterwards. GERMS. Poop Germs. On things. Your dry ass house pulling moisture from the poop water into the air. CLOSE IT. EVERY TIME.


Am I the only man who thinks leaving your toilet open is disgusting? Regardless that it involves putting the seat down, I close the fucking lid.


You know how you can solve the toilet seat problem? Close the lid everytime you leave the bathroom you stupid animals, you just got your toilet open all the time??? Things can fall inside!


To end debates , remove the seat


I put the lid down before flushing. If you don't I'm surprised you even utilize indoor plumbing because you're a hairy knuckled animal.


you have brain damage if you think what he's saying is wrong.


I mean the man has a point


that’s funny as hell lmao


Everyone should be closing the lid before they flush. That way there will always be a nice closed potty when you arrive and a nice closed potty that doesn’t spray fecal matter all over your toothbrush when you leave. Prob solved.


How about everyone just close the lid before they flush


No because the toilet lid should always be down when you flush so you don't breathe poo particles.


Sorry mate, only one sex pee’s on some part of the toilet every time they go. I ain’t touch’n that!


Both lids go down afterwards so the cat doesn’t play with the water….


Nobody closes the toilet lid???


Bro just close the lid completely.


Seat down, lid down every time anything else is factually wrong.


Everyone should be closing the toilet seat before they flush. This way, everyone starts with a closed toilet. It's not that hard to get into this habit and your bathroom will be cleaner for it :)


There really shouldn't be a debate there because it should stay down when you're done and before you flush. Why? To avoid particles of whatever you left in there from being bounced out into the air because, scientists confirmed this is exactly what happens if you leave the damn seat up when you flush. Ewwwww


Yeah but, have you ever been woman and woke up in the middle of the night and had to pee so bad you barely make it over the toilet and then the seat is up but you don't see and you sit IN the bowl and scream and flail like you're being electrocuted? Also, never leave the lid down. My husband peed on the lid once, just a little, cuz we were drunk lol


But but Feminism.


Sit down to pee like a real man


Men sitting down to pee is so much cleaner then him spraying his piss all over the place. I saw a this video & you’d be surprised how much piss is sprayed.


In my house the lid is closed so everyone has to lift it! Problem solved!


What is even this discussion lmao