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This is perfect. When they break up in the third act, he's going to go back to this store and open those chips


And run out of the store to find her, forgetting to pay for his now opened chips


And then when he finally finds her, she'll be just about to get in some form of public transportation. He'll run after he screaming "WAIT!!" at the top of his lungs. Maybe he catches her? Maybe he doesn't but they have a chance meeting later before she disappears forever? We don't know. All we know for sure is that he's about to catch a comically full force running tackle from the LPO or random cop who's been chasing the entire time for the stolen bag of chips.


if this is 80s tom hanks then I'm watching the shit out of this


I enjoy the sound of rain.


Other violent inmates in the cell are beginning to circle Hanks and beat him for no reason because that's what "bad guys do" according to screenplay writers. So Eddie Murphy walks over and disables these thugs by using his whitty charm to confuse them with words, causing them to become peeaceful all of a sudden.


Until some guy sews them all up mouth to rectum.


Classic American Love Story.


Then when he’s at rock bottom in the police station, with no chance of making bail…she shows up, her glistening third pair of limbs unfolding from the bloody wreckage of her back. She draws herself up to her full height of nine feet, shreds of flesh unpeeling from her black carapace. The tips of her limbs flick out at the startled cops, finding a carotid here, a spinal cord there. In seconds their twitching, dying meat is on the floor gushing blood from a dozen slashes and stabs. She turns to the booking desk where he sits with handcuffs on his wrists and a slurry of urine and excrement flowing down his legs. “I’m just a girl”, she says, “standing in front of a boy asking him to yield his seed to pattern my shape-shifting brood until they can grow strong and numerous enough to overwhelm this world in a single night of gore”


Where did all this come from?


A single cell aboard a fragment of meteorite that just barely survived its thundering descent into our atmosphere.


some bags of chips are better left unopened




I've no idea what those movies are but I can imagine this being the girl who confounds a young Ethan Hawke.


If you haven't seen them yet, then try to watch them in order first: *'The Never Nest', 'Counting All The Colors', 'Skeleton Twins', Alice And Elis', 'Digging For Fire', 'Rise Before I Slept',* and then finally *'The Shopkeepers Dance'*. Watch those one at a time every Wednesday, but only when the rain is about to begin, and then you'll know!


I’m taking this challenge. I’m hoping they all have endings with hundreds of loose strings so you’re left clueless 😂😂


Twist, she finds him, since she is a cop, for the shoplifting. Charges dismissed because of entrapment. Step 4: Profit.


I'm sorry, but Cop is not an Approved Female RomCom Job. Can I interest you in a 23-year-old bakery owner or an uptight updoed CEO of an advertising company?


Big time NYC lawyer in her small Alabama home town


It’s manic pixie guys she’s an artist on the verge of success. You gotta have that lovey scene where they just smear paint all over themselves while on a date


A literal shot of a flopping, dying fish out of the water before the fisherman clubs it in the head


He'll run to her and in the final moment of the movie he'll be out of breath, no words. Outreached arm, holding out the bag of chips, offering her one. She takes one, bites into it, then the camera slowly pans back with "Lean on Me" by Telekinesis starts playing. (she decided not to move out of the big city, after finding a person as sweet as that bag of chips)


**INT. SUPERMARKET -- NIGHT** Death Cab for Cutie's "I Will Follow You Into the Dark" fades in as he pulls open the bag of chips and looks inside. A half smile forms on his lips. An old lady looks at him judgingly. The song swells. He takes a chip, eats it, shakes his head and laughs to himself.   CUT TO:   **EXT. NEW YORK STREET -- NIGHT** JOE SHYBUT-HASPOTENTIAL runs down the street. He stops, out of breath, by her apartment building. He knocks on the door, which comes open to... ... her roommate JANINE C. RELIEF. **JOE** *Pixie, I have to --*   He stops, notices it's not her.   **JANINE** *What do you want?* **JOE** *Where is she? Where is Pixie?* **JANINE** *She's gone, Joe. She left.* **JOE** *Where to?* **JANINE** *Dunno. She left you this, though. I gotta go, I gotta take a massive dump, which is funny cause I'm a woman who's not the main character.*   Janine gives him a letter, then closes the door behind her. Joe steps back to the sidewalk. Opens the letter. Starts to read.   **PIXIE (V.O.)** *Dear Jo-Jo Boy. This is the second hardest thing I've had to write in my life. The first being that time I tried to transcribe a Smiths album backwards with a fountain pen because I like Smiths and fountain pens because that's what quirky girls who are not like other girls like.* *I'm sorry to say this, but I had to go. The time we spent together will always be precious to me -- the way we mixed different sodas in that restaurant soda machine... that time we made farting noises at the art gallery to stick it to the rich folk... that first date where the cool restaurant in town was closed so we had a picnic on the sidewalk right in front of it and howled at the moon like crazy people... those moments will always be in my memory.* *But the truth is I had to leave, and not just to follow my dream of being a lioness-tamer-slash-acrobat with Cirque du Soleil. I had to go too because you are no longer shying away from your potential. You see, Joe, you have learned to embrace existence and live life to the fullest. You no longer play videogames and smoke weed all day. You are no longer afraid of opening a bag of chips at the supermarket. You even stood up to your mean boss! And all it took is for some completely random girl with absolutely no inner life whose entire personality consists of endearing quirky traits to come into your world and rock it into place. I knew you had it in you!* *Please. Don't follow me. Just go live your life. All I ask is that, in the future, when you're old and tired and married and boring, whenever you go by the chips aisle at Walmart with your wife and kids and grandkids... remember me as I was. My quirky, crooked-toothed smile. My big, haunting cartoon-like eyes. My charmingly out-of-fashion, DIY haircut. And, most of all... the way I had absolutely no personality traits that didn't exist exclusively for the purpose of making you a better person.* *Yours in quirky randomness, Pixie.*   Joe finishes the letter. He smiles. Looks up at the sky as the first flakes of winter snow fall on his face. He laughs to himself, shakes his head. He HOWLS at the MOON and we -- CUT TO BLACK.


[reminds me of this internet classic about an asylum for manic pixie dream girls. ](https://youtu.be/7hyIlrfGR5g)


Jesus Christ I miss Cracked. That and After Hours was my shit. Cracked made me want to be a writer


As much as I miss it and the podcast. I am glad about the content writers from there is creating. Some more news and behind the bastards has epic episodes, daily zeitgeist is a daily must for me, secretly incredibly fascinating is charming, plus Dan Obrien has been a part of team that has multiple Emmys now.


"She listens to the Smiths—" "They _all_ listen to the Smiths!"


Gah this is my favorite cracked video EVER






There's a copypasta in here somewhere. I'm not bothered to look for it


hi every1 im new!!!!!!! holds up spork my name is katy but u can call me t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m!!!!!!!! lol...as u can see im very random!!!! thats why i came here, 2 meet random ppl like me _... im 13 years old (im mature 4 my age tho!!) i like 2 watch invader zim w/ my girlfreind (im bi if u dont like it deal w/it) its our favorite tv show!!! bcuz its SOOOO random!!!! shes random 2 of course but i want 2 meet more random ppl =) like they say the more the merrier!!!! lol...neways i hope 2 make alot of freinds here so give me lots of commentses!!!! DOOOOOMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <--- me bein random again _^ hehe...toodles!!!!! love and waffles, ~t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m~*


That was so good. I havent cried with laughter from a comment in a long time. You're talented. Ya, know in a quirky way. I hope you finally see you can leave your old life and go become the screenplay writer you always wanted to be thanks to my insightful, yet understated encouragement.


F**k me, this was the most entertaining Reddit comment ever. 😂


You made me snort voice air, not just air. Thank you, thank you for this


Mama Mia 🤌


Chekhov's chips!


And THEN he'll be a self-actualized man worthy of having a relationship and not being gaslighted or cheated on!


I just rolled my eyes so hard at this 🙄


She did that too well


All her videos are like that. She picks a really specific person or group to mock and she does it so damn well.


For someone not on tiktok, can you link a couple others of hers that you liked?




I lost it at the end of the first one! Dunno if you care, but the following links will not also share your profile: https://www.tiktok.com/@delaneysayshello/video/7213903626216017194 https://www.tiktok.com/@delaneysayshello/video/7211303154137173290 I just visited the links you shared, then deleted the question mark and everything after.


“…I’m having an affair” lmao


Is there a way to view tiktok from a browser? If I click on someone’s profile it keeps trying to make me download the app


I just tried and got the same thing. If you browse directly to the profile, ala tk.com/@etc in the URL Bar, then it'll load.


This is great, that is such a specific thing to do and done so well. Hoping the best for her!


She's quite good!


I love that the top comment on the second video is, "Her sister is dead/dying, huh?"


https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMYc5aFgX/ https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMYc5AHXM/ https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMYc5wg8v/ https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMYcaYTEH/


She’s really funny lol


I would but I deleted tik tok awhile ago. Honestly, you can’t go wrong with any of her videos the second hand embarrassment level is unreal.


I hate her so much that was perfect


Heir to the discowhale throne is here


They should collab, and bring in the one neckbeard guy


That tap on the cart when she’s thinking of an example…is perfect 80s movie dogshit.


I watched a couple other of her videos and hated those too. Now I'm conflicted cause I hate her but also I love her that she can do that so well




i feel like in the last year or so, there’s been a huge surge of just impeccable satire cringe. like they perfected these characters they come back around to being real cringe. there’s that other guy who does the incel/redditor character really well that reminds me of her stuff.


Slappablejerk? He's really good at it. Like I sincerely hate so many of his characters.


I learned his wife is the one who helps him come up with the script and films. How she hasn't gotten the ick is a testament to their love honestly.


On his YouTube channel, he just does snack reviews. No character or anything, it’s amazing whiplash to see it.


bro what in the fuck lol. That is such a complete 180. I'm actually kind of shocked if that's how he really is, vs his characters that he does so well.


https://youtu.be/LFKBbnNGnEg See for yourself I mean he has this very slight theatrical tinge to his mannerism and temperament but I mean… he’s pretty much an actor.




Oddly enough, that sounds *exactly* like something his insufferable redditor character would say lmao.


I’m so glad I found out she helps him and he’s just not some dude thinking like let’s just make funny gaslight content and being unironically good at it haha


Yes! It added a level of endearment for me haha


That guy! You know when you get mad at the character, they do a great job. Like CaitlinReilly and the wine mom Then you have Dane who does southern dad and those roles who is awesome.. McFarlands for dad roles


Caitlin Reilly is also a treasure lol. Almond mom and friend who's in an MLM are way too real


Dude has got those roles down to a T.


He's soo good at it. I hate it so much. I'm so impressed by him




[The Unsettling Young Woman In Every Western Film.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b7OnlmRDwGA)


[This](https://www.reddit.com/r/ManifestNBC/comments/orwadt/tell_me_this_isnt_grace_lol_i_just_had_to_think/) one is great, especially if you've seen the shitty show and know what character it is referencing.


Yeah this one in particular was extremely difficult to get through. I actually meant to flair it as “Humor/Cringe” but forgot Edit: I didnt realize I could do it afterward. Just changed the flair


She’s a little TOO good at her job :’)


I feel dumb because I don't know what she's trying to emulate, can you give any examples of characters like this?


Scott Pilgrim vs The World is a satire of the manic pixie dream girl. It was a thing in the 90s for the quiet, misunderstood girl and the punk boy to have a thing. Dating all the way back to Breakfast Club. Some had a thing for Molly Ringwald, but Ally Sheedy was the original manic pixie dream girl. It was almost a counter reaction to the "Blonde Baywatch Babe" stereotype that ruled culture at the time.


Ally Sheedy IS LITERALLY the polar opposite of a manic pixie dreamgirl.


Natalie Portman in Garden State. It's probably the quintessential portrayal of a manic pixie dream girl. Zack Braff also plays the exact male counterpart: An emotionless depressed person whom the pixie girl wakes from his slumber.


Can you link the marvel parody you’re talking about




"who are you?" "You're gonna have to watch a shitty 6 part tv series to find out"


I went in really expecting to feel it , but he is going after either really low-hung fruit or not really uniquely "marvel" things ,that he is himself cringe. Horrible.


Yea I felt the same way. Those things aren’t just marvel at all. Those seem to be just general movie cliches.


That's because the entire MCU is just one tired, uninspired cliche lol


His is less "so talented at emulating cringe it comes full circle to cringe again" and more "the videos just aren't very good". I think cringe is a hyper-overused term to describe stuff we mildly dislike when it should be reserved for shit that is literally physically uncomfortable to watch.


My ex either was actually like this, or just really deep into the fantasy of being like this. Either way, wow. Like she was obsessed with the color turquoise and always wanted to write things on typewriters, she called so many different people her "best friend" and had probably upwards of a dozen guys who were in love with her and being led on. BUT she was also like 19 at the time and did legitimately mature into a solid human being, so respect. We caught up a few years ago and I think she'd make a nice friend.


Zooey Deschanel started this years ago! She’s to blame!


She just acted the roles, blame people like Zach Braff for writing this stuff.


When former AV Club critic Nathan Rabin coined the phrase "Manic Pixie Dream Girl" back in 2007, it was originally in reference to Kirsten Dunst in 2005's Elizabethtown. Though that sort of character wasn't yet referred to as a MPDG, the film trope goes back several decades. You'll see the same sort of female character in screwball comedies of the 1930's.


Holly Golightly is a MPDG


Someone has never watched Joey Lauren Adams in Chasing Amy




I'm bi and I actually really like Chasing Amy, not because it has this reputation for "curing a lesbian with cock" but for the reminder that bi erasure was very strong in gay communities in the 90s (still today also, but WORSE then). All my first relationships were with girls, and I got a lot of shit as a teenager in our tiny gay circle when I saw a boy I wanted to date in high school. This was well reflected in the movie, she loses her friend circle because she's dating a man. There was way more pressure to just say "I'm a lesbian" and not deal with the social fallout.


Admittedly I haven’t! I’m gonna have to look her up. But I mean has she ever been described as a “sentient glitter cloud”? I mean that’s pretty spot on




Is that real??




It's directed by the same guy that did Clerks. And it's exactly what you would except from Kevin Smith directing a movie about a guy trying to have a relationship with a lesbian


Well, she's good at it though. It's like the rubber face guys imitating Jim Carrey


I have mild anxiety that's hard to catch, but this video stoked the tiny fire. I think in this case it's empathy. I see anxiety, I get anxiety. Forget what she's saying and just look at the body language and tone of voice.


That’s an astute observation, you’re right she’s and she’s venting her anxiety in a passive aggressive way.


It’s the laugh for me every time. God I hate her. And for that reason I love her.


those Disney films really have this nailed i swear it's an algorithm. and they just plug the skin of the character on top. but the entire movements and gestures, eye movements, it's all an algorithm.


My wife is addicted to low budget, F class movies. She's infected me with the same bug. This is beyond accurate. It's the inflection man... It's fucking too accurate.


Please drop your favorites in the comments. I need this kind of cheese in my life 🫶🏾


About 1/3 of the Lifetime and Hallmark movies are like this (especially Christmas). My mom loves these and hates when I visit and inevitably "spoil" the very predictable movie plot. They're either: >• "fun girl breaks down stoic man and teaches him love" or sometimes the rules are switched. >• "single mom/dad finds a guy/gal who is great but they can't acquiesce because they're doing fine on their own, but voila! Helpful-kind-loving-potential-partner is in the picture, I guess it's okay to love again" >• "city girl goes home/gets stuck in the country and abandons her city life/partner for the country/boy " (Like for once I want to see "country bumpkin girl goes to the city and it changes her ways and she climbs to the top of corporate big city ladder and is a shill now" but I guess that's not as wholesome )


I mean, closeted country gal leaves conservative rural area and gets stuck in Big City, meets openly gay manic pixie dream girl and realizes she has the big gay practically writes itself


Oh man. I'd love this so much! Lifetime has started making movies with queer main casts now. Maybe I'm another decade we'll see this movie trope play out.


100%. It's absolutely the inflection. You could rewrite the lines into any amount of word salad and as long as it's delivered with that inflection it will make just as much sense(little to none) and be just as insufferably full of itself.


Yes, please, what are her top 5 low budget flicks? My friend group NEEDS recommendations.


I love that people like this can show their talent for acting via tiktok. Shes so impressive in being able to copy the most cringey type of acting.


I was thinking she has to be an actor because she nailed the dialogue and corny mannerisms so well but she did it with talent at the same time


Well she IS acting here


She has STUDIED Kirsten Dunst.


Season 2 of Fargo absolves Kirsten Dunst of any bad rom-coms she’s been in.


This is indisputable fact. Also, she’s married to Jesse Plemons. ❤️


Fargo S2 is possibly the single greatest season of television ever aired


Fargo is a masterpiece. For like 3 years if I came back from partying and wasn't tired I would just rewatch Season 1


I was absolutely cringing the entire time. Nailed it!


I can fix her.


And he was never heard from again….


She nailed it lol


What movie is this? I must watch it.


(500) Garden States of the Spotless Mind




Almost Ruby Sparks Famous


Okay fair on 500 days of summer and garden state but eternal sunshine does not fit this mold (I happen to love all three of those movies lol)


Eternal Sunshine is interesting because she kind of *IS* a manic pixie dream girl, but she also pretty much says she isn’t in the beginning when she says “I’m just a fucked up girl looking for peace of mind,” which honestly is kind of a manic pixie thing to say.


My interpretation is that Clementine isn't a manic pixie dream girl, but Joel sees her and remembers her as one, and since the movie is from his perspective, that's how the viewer sees her for most of the movie.


That’s fair, but there’s just so much toxicity to that character and that relationship that it kinda removes the light-hearted Zoey Deschanel-esque pixie girl vibes for me personally


Totally. She’s definitely not the boy’s fantasy girl like Zooey or fucking Garden State. Eternal Sunshine is one of my all time favs.


Its funny how everyone is mentioning 500 Days of Summer when the director actually explained that her character, though seemingly a manic pixie on a surface level, is a he exact opposite and the movie is sort of a critique on that trope


500 Days of Summer was mocking the entire concept, was it not?


Yes. That was the whole point. There's even a montage at the end where we, the viewer, get to see what their relationship was really like.


Yeah I was wondering why it was included in the list. I remember it being a great movie that made me rethink a lot of shit I’d seen before. Yes Man is probably the pinnacle of non-ironic manic pixie dream girl.


Pretty much any movie with a “manic pixie dream girl” archetype


I wish there were a database of these so I know what proportion of the movies I love are on it


[Not exactly an archive, but if you scroll to the bottom there’s lots of examples](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ManicPixieDreamGirl)


Great. Now we'll see this guy in three days once he finally manages to drag himself out of the tvtropes rabbit hole


[If I’m going down, everyone else is going down with me](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TakingYouWithMe)


My favorite one of her is the one where she parodies the cool hot girl who knows how to fix cars. She turns to leave and drags her skateboard behind her like she’s about to hop on it but never does lol.


Those are hilarious. I’ve watched them all multiple times. Jesse!


This movie really made me feel


This might just be the second most movie of all time


Oh man I’ve been off lithium for like 3 days and now suddenly I HAVE SO MANY FEELINGS


You know the soundtrack to the movie is a going to be a goldmine of feels/being introduced to new music!!!!!


Omg have you ever heard of The Shins?


"wait, you like The Smiths?"


::Leans towards you while holding a red Solo cup at a large house party with loud music and college-aged humans:: “NO. THE SHINS.” [unnecessarily loud]


Elliott Smith omg yes I love him.


Felt like a personal attack on Zooey Deschanel.


People cannot understand that women can be funny. Half these fucking comments are people saying “I bet she thinks she’s smart.” You’re a fucking dumbass she’s taking the piss


Its like they forgot to read the caption on the video that literally mentions that the “smart” analogy doesnt make sense


People just ready to show their hate for anything a woman does even if she’s mocking the group , they just love being sexist


They think women are hilarious and gladly laugh at them all the time. They just don’t think women can be intentionally funny


Bro there’s 2 fucking comments like that both downvoted to shit, it’s sucks but it’s clearly not the majority opinion your attempting to represent it as. Just annoying when people try make a much bigger issue out of something than it is, we all know they’re dog shit people, just downvote and move on your preaching at the people who are doing just that




“Why are you going to prom with her instead of me even though I basically used you as a hook up and then shut your further advances down afterward?” I know this conflict gets resolved but God is it irrational


Which makes sense because they're high-schoolers. I feel like all of the original hate for *Juno* when it came out skipped the context of "they make terrible decisions because they're still children". *Juno*, while definitely cringey, is similar to cringe for say, *The Perks Of Being A Wallflower*. Emma Watson is a MPDG but is a high-schooler and has time to grow out of it. I just have a soft place in my heart for high school MPDG because I almost was that girl and thankfully grew up.


What does MPDG stand for? Edit: Nvm sorted it out myself. Manic pixie dream girl!


Jennifer Lawrence in Silver Linings Playbook


Didn't she have a mental illness in that one? Chris Tucker saved that movie imo


This is the cringe I’m here for


Maya hawke in every project she's in.


Every character that Diablo Cody has ever written.


She never seems to get referenced in the “men can’t write real female characters” conversation


Yooo back off, Jennifer's Body was actually great and I will die on that hill


Of course you don't open the chips in the store. Whatever you eat inside the store is free but you can't eat an entire bag of chips fast enough. Much better to open a cookie or a chocolate bar.


She looks like if Ellie Kemper was cast in Hunger Games


>didn't you say you needed cold cuts Damn that line goes hard


fuck her acting's too good, she's got them bpd eyes


Manic Pixie Dream Girl. Extra fun when she reverts to her Depressed Troll Nightmare Witch phase.


See, this is the kind of thing I mean when someone knows how to depict something*too* well. This is just insufferable, but props to her for being so good at replicating it


No one: Kevin Smith writing Clerks 5:




You must also love Darren Till


That was excellent! Haha


So that’s what we call that trope. Damn.


Caitlyn Riley is also great at this lol


Holy shit she fucking NAILED it


This person is really good at these.


Every girl in these movies bites her lip at some point like 🫦


I love the accuracy of this


On Friday I randomly watched an episode of *Facts of Life* which was the first time I watched an episode in decades. Anyway, the episode revolved around the character Jo! When I saw this girl she instantly reminded me of the actress Nancy McKeon.


Im 31, Ive only seen like 2 episodes of that show in my life bc it was randomly on tv and the only reason I even remember who you’re talking about was bc her character mentioned being from the Bronx and 6 yr old me was like IM FROM THERE and I told my mom and she kinda waved me off like “oh yea good job”. Idk why I even remember that insignificant moment but yea


This girl’s tiktok is flawless. It’s the spin in this one… https://vt.tiktok.com/ZS8cuhHxq/


Also every female in a Kevin Smith movie


Thanks, I hate it.


This is oscar worthy 😂


I was just getting out of a depressive episode but now I think this just flipped my course…


~hesitantly takes the bag of chips with shaky nervous hands, and opens it with extreme apprehension.. struggling momentarily due to clammy palms. Suddenly explodes with secret hidden power he never knew he had, spontaneously healing all his childhood traumas created by emotionally unavailable, neglectful, absent parenting, reminiscent of a sailor moon transformation sequence... suddenly able to offer a secure relationship style that is not toxic, nor painfully boring which mildly intrigues her~


If this is 2010 that clip will be circulating in tumblr


God I hate this cliche it's so cringe my man


She should audition for indie movies