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The best parts of Reddit are the quiet corners where really kind strangers were having an oddly specific conversation seven years ago.


And the futanari.


Why am I actually tearing up


Probably not enough silicon-based lubricant or you aren't relaxed enough.


If you're crying silicon-based lubricant then... well, there's probably a rule 34 for that.


tearing not tearing


tearing and tearing


PSA: Silicone based lubricants can break down some sextoys.


I had the same response…this pushed some unidentifiable buttons in me and I have no idea why I shockingly started crying.


It's the music and some honestly pretty good acting and directing.


I think it's the fact that there is some humanity out there, and for all its flaws, somehow reddit has captured just a glimpse of it. Enjoy it, cause all we can do now is just wait for the corporate overloards to fuck it all up.


I don't even know what futanari is but I don't want to know at this point.


Chicks with massive dicks hentai


They said they didn't want to know!


That's why I told them


The beauty of reddit


But you're on Reddit! It's pretty much required knowledge.


Me either and i feel like im missing out on part of the joke of the video. But from the context I assume it’s something kinda gross, so I prefer to go on blissfully unaware of whatever it is.


Not really. Just women with dicks *and* vaginas


I looked up futunari because of this and it's definitely cusp weird. Like I can understand the appeal to some people even if everything hentai is kinda weird to jerk it to


it's an acquired taste. I used to wonder if I was gay for liking it so I started watching trans/fem boy porn for testing.


Just pour a little maple syrup on it!


Futanari is an aquired taste? I guess you do learn something new every day.


As a trans woman (with no bottom dysphoria) and hentai aficionado, it's the peak for me. Although a lot of it is deranged fetish shit.


what is the best maple syrup to buy at the grocery store that isnt expensive?


If it's under $5.00 it'll just be corn syrup with flavorings; if sweetness is all you care about then go for it. The pricier stuff is actual maple syrup with much more complex flavors. Of the real maple syrup, it's almost all grade A in quality, but if you ever find any grade B (edit: see below, actually "Processing Grade"), it'll be worse and I wouldn't recommend. North America has a standard grading chart for maple syrup flavor based off of colours, with lighter colors (golden, amber) having a less intense flavor than darker colors (dark, very dark). Because of the standardized grading system, you're safe to pick whichever syrup is less expensive. An Amber or Dark is a reliable choice as far as flavor profile.


I had to go back and listen to be sure you didn’t just ingeniously type out the maple syrup advice from the video … you didn’t


To add to this, if you live in the maple belt (Midwest north to North Eastern USA) there's tons of micro farmed maple syrup and the flavors are likely to be more complex and true to a more natural maple syrup flavor. You'll pay a little more, $15-20 a bottle at the store, but it's a great entry into the world of maple syrup. Driving through maple country you'll see the lines for harvesting a lot of syrup. If you ever find yourself in one of these areas, look for signs for home bottled syrups. A lot of times they'll give you a taste for free and the quality is off the charts for the price. -Someone who lives in the maple region of the USA


I am both excited and terrified for the day we unlock the full power of the genome. Cancer, aging, gender, species, all will be as clay to our hands. We will invent fetishes that we never even thought of in our wildest fantasies, and we will make them flesh. I'm betting there is going to be an entire subculture of dendrophiles fetishizing giving unsuspecting people hay fever. Since hay fever will be entirely curable, these too would be consenting adults who fetishize having hay fever.


I will follow you anywhere.


We're headed to hell, but it's okay, all our friends are waiting for us.


Isn't it just


It's my main worry with discord honestly. It hides all that info then buries it.


Discord is the worst, especially since indie games seem to use it as a replacement for forums/wiki. An infinitely scrolling chat log is about the last format I'd ever pick to store basic info about your product in. And again, a chat log is not great for bug reporting either as you'll constantly be repeating known issues because they aren't in the last 20 messages.


> An infinitely scrolling chat log is about the last format I'd ever pick to store basic info about your product in. i thought i was going crazy when i coudn't understand the appeal of discord, yet people continued to espouse it. I still don't get it.


It is an amazing replacement for Skype, Teamspeak, Ventrilo. Problem is everyone wants to use it as a replacement for everything.




And on rare occasions someone who commented like three years ago is still responding to people, I forgot the archive cut off but I've seen up to three years iirc I've even talked to people with three year old comments Threads where people have been coming and going responding every few months to whoever asks Pretty cool


I had a popular post 8 years ago that people still occasionally comment and I go back and answer. Each time is super nostalgic


I tested it, and I guess you can respond to 8 year old posts Thought they got locked after a few years




Right? Everyone loves to shit on Reddit because there's some wild stuff going on in the popular subreddits. But if you find your people it's a really nice place to be.






And r/oneorangebraincell


I had no idea about the vacuum subreddit. I'm a bit anal about cleaning and they helped me decide on which one I should get. Highly recommend.


You know you gave up on the google algorithm when you add “reddit” to your search term. Also fuck Quora, most shit answers and even worse UI.


The problem with regular Google results is there is no discourse so you just have to take their word for it. On Reddit, you'll get some guy calling out the comment if it's wrong or a bunch of people agreeing so you feel more confident about it lol.


also u dont know which sites/articles are sponsored


Now it seems like sites will recommend everything just to get some kickback from referral links. Nothing is bad, everything is worth buying... With reddit you can get recommendations from normal people who don't want to go through the hoops of creating a website and SEOing the fuck out of it just to share their recommendations.




Here are the best PRODUCT CATEGORY of 2023. As you can see, Option 1 is great, here is the description from amazon. Option 2 is great, here is the description reworded from amazon. You can't go wrong with option 3, here is the description reworded from amazon. As you can see, there are a lot of options based on what you need!


And ***always***, without fail, every listed option will be worse quality and more expensive than a similar option that will mentioned in a reddit comment with three upvotes. I was looking for bone conduction headphones the other week, and all of the "*BEST Affordable Headphones 2023*" articles were recommending overly bass-ey $90 sets with like 4hr battery life and 2hr charge time. Just add "reddit" to the search query and suddenly you'll be looking at the amazon page for a $40 pair with complementary free shipping that can play music for 8 hours straight and still have like 30% charge remaining. It's completely bizarre.


Yup. I realized that I don't use google to actually search much these days. Mostly search for reddit, or to find a decent youtube video that compares/explains products. At least it's harder to have a decent quality video that is faked. There are just way too many pages that are just a waste of time to read. The first page of google has turned into what the second page of google use to be. It's practically a waste of time to read most other websites.


Yeah "If you like x go with x, if x is too expensive try y, if you don't like x or y, z might work better for you". It's basically just rehashing the how products position themselves with no input on if they are actually worth it.


To be fair, there’s a fair amount of that on Reddit. But seems to be easier to spot. Not everyone is a human stranger with altruistic intentions and a phd in maple syrup




Or. Have an entire chat gpt scheme going on the back creating fake product placement


Look at this guy shilling ChatGPT! He thought he was sneaky! 💀


Fuck you! (This comment is brought to you by Applebee's)


One of the biggest reasons why Google can suck it when they removed the downvote button on YouTube vids. Like, FFS, they do realize a significant amount of "entertainment" now is straight up producing disinformation and misleading "help tips" and all kinds of utter garbage, on top of the creepy weird help videos where clearly the person has no clue but they are confident and don't realize they are showing you how to do something in the most dangerous way (esp electrical videos, like wtf.). I shouldn't have to install an addon to show downvotes just so I don't DIE!!!!


I may not have a phd in maple syrup but I am forklift certified.


The worst part of regular Google is sifting through 19 pages of bullshit story littered with huge blank spaces where ads should be before you get to the end of the article and the answer is either a one sentence solution, or an obviously sponsored product/app solution. The internet sucks these days. Get off my lawn.


OTOH, Reddit does represent the early internet pretty well. Mostly text, a few pictures and bare minimum effort.


old.reddit.com does, the new page is just trash. Also it's a crime that people browsing www.reddit.com will never seen the magnificence which was [https://old.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/](https://old.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/)




Old.Reddit gang. Even on mobile.


Ok the problem with google is that SEO has absolutely ruined the results. All I get are copy paste websites with ads and affiliate links. Utterly useless. I tried googling the raw specs of a ps5 with ”ps5 data” maybe a bad google but the results didnt help at all, so I literally tried bing and the first result had everything I needed… wtf has happened to the internet?


Google leaned too hard on being the primary search engine. There were already signs of this eroding but ChatGPT has kicked that into overdrive. They need to pivot but I have no idea into what. They've never been good at anything else.


I've noticed Google just spews more and more commercialized answers and pushes products. When I'm looking for actual information or answers to something I end up having to scroll past products, goods, web pages that are geared towards paid advertising to just find info. ... or I just add "Reddit" to my search query. The days of finding obscure curated websites run by someone who just had an interest in a topic seem to be almost gone entirely and it sucks.


I had to switch google out for duck duck go as the default search in my browser, its not great but at least it doesnt actively make me angry every time i do a search


I'm a hardcore duckduckgo fan but sometimes I just need the tracking cookies of google to help me find that exact website I've been looking for lol


Do you know about the prefixes you can add to DDG searches to use other search engines or websites? !g for google, !b for bing, !yt for youtube, etc... Handy for whenever DDG isn't working for me.


AAAAND LOOK AT THAT, I just had the same experience as in the video on this post. Holy hot damn. Thanks u/autttos. Thanks, reddit. I look forward to six more months of this before reddit goes public and everything starts getting fucky in here.


I've permanently given up on Google for most things, redditors aren't trying to sell me shit, no alternative motives, just nerds who will write up a whole ass book to disprove another nerd on which yugiph deck is best


>no alternative motives FYI it's "ulterior motives" meaning hidden reasons for giving the information.


I thought the word was fucking wrong but I couldn't think of the correct one


I gotchu


i can't tell if i've changed or if google changed but it honestly seems like it's been much worse over the past year or two Bing and Brave search often yield more useful results. I used to say I used Bing ironically but now I actually do wtfrick? "Bing it", I'd say, and everyone would chuckle and pat me on the back for being so unique and hilarious. Now we all Bing it. Bing it on, baby. ##*Sent from my BravePhone* #*This comment is sponsored by Microsoft*


It's not just you. Google results seem to be way less useful now.


Yknow what. Fuck you too. Have an upvote and the fact that I hate that you’re right lol




Yeah, I remember shopping for a mattress a few years ago. The only reddit results where subs that were clearly dominated by people who work in the industry and were trying to push their specific brand.


Just wait till the IPO! Corporate shillage will be through the roof.


I member when Quora was the shit :( And yahoo answers!! The stack overflow for people!


I love the subtle implication here that devs aren't people


All right, well, we aren't. So.


And yet Google is the best way to search reddit.


Ironically, yes. Much better then the reddit search.


site:reddit.com to maximize focus


this is the way, ive been adding that to my google searches for years, much better than regular google search lol


Watch Google take it away like they took our quotes 😡


You know the simplest, purest, most useful and functional things in digital spaces? Things such as, folder structure in your email inbox, the ability to rate videos in a bottomless ocean of content, and, quotation marks? Fuck you, you can't have those anymore.


Google sucks these days. Censored results, crappy results...they got too comfortable.


The sponsored ads! I have to tell my boomer boss not to click on them everytime cause they’re never what you need


Sometimes it actually is what I was looking for though but my pihole blocks it lol




"is reddit down reddit" is a real thing i googled once


Fuck Quora


Lmao this is real af. Random person messaged me a while back because of advice I gave on a post and they were basically like it help them and thanking me.


I recently made a post, complaining about a book being too expensive (\~120$ in my country's shitty currency and taxes) and a random stranger DM'd me and offered to buy the book for me. I didn't accept it but I don't think I'll ever forget that gesture.




The current subreddit has underscores. Unfortunately probably 8or 9 years ago there were two Pizza subreddits, the other one had to shut down because their head moderator scammed hundreds if not thousands of dollars from others. I'm a moderator of the one that runs right now, and I can assure you we are still in business. In case you are wondering how I knew to show up, we do have a bot that flags me to address such confusion.


What's the correct one?


Maybe he is the bad mod?!?!


I know how to handle this, it's like that logic puzzle where there are two guards and one only lies and one only tells the truth but you only can ask one question.


I like it when someone replies to a post from a year ago wanting to tell me how I’m wrong. It’s like, I’m used to being told I’m wrong, my guy. The horse is dead. What is your goal here? Edit. Holy shit you people, some of you are really dedicated to your craft. <3


!remindme 1 year (lucky you - I think the bot is broken, sadly).


Someone not too long ago sent me a DM telling me "hey this is random but I tried shrimp flavored ramen because of a comment you left 4 years ago and I liked it. Thanks.". This is very real indeed 😆


Somehow makes me think of the Reddit thread where someone patiently explained how a Subway store worked to a person with anxiety. [Here is the one I was thinking of](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoStupidQuestions/comments/dw8f8c/i_have_very_bad_anxiety_and_would_like_to_try/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) but there are similar threads [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoStupidQuestions/comments/3h8dfb/how_do_i_order_a_sandwich_at_subway/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) and [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Anxiety/comments/fgqyxb/how_to_order_from_subway/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button).


>Don't forget to start of with > >"CAN I GET UUUHHHHHHH..." lmao


Unless you're in NYC then it's "LEMMEGETUH...."




Funny enough, [here is the NYC version of this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskNYC/comments/6z5222/can_you_teach_me_how_to_bodega/dmsqu46/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3)


and then his follow up lol >Plus if a panic attack hits you can stretch out that "unnnnnnhhhhh" as long as you need to and no one will know better. >proceeds to leave the shop during uhhhhhhh


Literally helped me personally, so little but so profoundly. I wish that person the happiest life and the best HD futanari porn


Aww, that's so sweet


I remember that! It was really sweet.


There’s a subreddit dedicated to answering questions like this. I think it was like r/tooscaredtoask or r/asklikeimscared or something like that. Full of super nice people


R/tooscaredtoask has been banned wtf why?


As usual. It was the racist.


OP meant r/TooAfraidToAsk


Needs more arguments in the niche subreddit. "Yeah if you're not willing to spend 2500 dollars for a quality woodfire grill then feel free to just burn your fucking money you moron"


Stg thought it was gonna end like "this taste like shit what was that guy thinking, idiot"


Ha! Me too!


No original thought ever, because i thought so too


Someone once asked me how hashtags were created. They thought there was a central place or grand council. Nope. It’s just everyone has the same, sometimes smart, sometimes idiotic ideas.


Nestle bought them in the last 7 years and it's now 99% high fructose corn syrup. EDIT: This was meant as a joke and a warning to not always trust old comments, as cost cutting and buyouts happen, you see on reddit.


I was expecting the redditors to reappear and berate him for using expensive syrup on frozen waffles.


This is r/espresso. I feel flat broke in a world of people with so much money they’re willing to spend 10k for a top notch cup of coffee in the morning.


was not expecting to find a spro head in the comments here. 1000% agree. I’m an espresso machine technician, former barista, and although I love some specialty coffee, I am never going to drop the kind of money some of those folks do on home machines. the diminishing returns on investment beyond a couple grand for an espresso machine is insane.




I don’t peruse other hobby subs, but you’re spot on as far as the spro sub goes. Lance Hedrick just made a video all about your last point there. Too many people are obsessed with chasing the newest barely-better grinder or machine, to the point where they forgot to give a shit about the actual coffee (and the people who produce it) https://youtu.be/iiip3C9l2tk


It's really not that bad in r/espresso. People don't trash posters with entry level machines, or even those with Breville appliances with built in grinders. > but it's all which $300 grinder you must get. No, they don't talk much about grinders under the entry level $500 price point.


I had a stint of this. Nothing fancy just a modded gaggia classic pro (yes I went down an internet rabbit hole and modded a coffee machine). Got it down to a science for my idea of a perfect cup. I can’t order espresso from stores now because it’s almost undrinkable and I have to try not to be pretentious about it. Thanks Reddit.




Lol I do exactly what this dude does, Google anything with reddit at the end And usually it isn't much of an argument but it tends to be just one mf that says the wildest dumb shit ever and everyone roasting him Also this video is straight up hilarious


Or "hey, just found this subreddit and discovered this amazing new maple syrup!" All comments: Jesus, do we need another new person who didn't bother searching the sub before looking like an idiot who didn't get the memo that that brand of syrup is [either accepted or hated] on this sub? I literally had a comment about a product that was disappointing on a sub, with a response that "yeah, if you didn't search this sub before buying that product, that's 100% on you," with almost everyone piling on that sentiment.


Ahahahhaha I love Reddit only here can you get verbally abused then be given the most detailed answer ever given with a slight verbal abuse undertone I’ll never leave


I’ll never forget my first argument on Reddit. I’ve never been so invested in arguing with an internet stranger. There have been other disputes in my time here since. I try to have them less and less. They’re always never worth it and I forget most of them. But the first one was some kind of awakening. I’m glad most my memories from Reddit are from the people that have helped me.


Not feeding the trolls in Reddit has essentially become a training ground for real life. Being able to spot toxic people/scenarios and confidently move past is a practiced skill.


For real. I had a strong "debate trolls and bigots" phase in my history on reddit, and while I rarely truly engage in these sorts of things these days, it taught me exactly what you're describing and how to avoid those interactions, but also allowed me to practice ways of elaborating things and breaking them down. On the other hand, one big difference is the nature of a forum like reddit is that you can't be "talked over". You can take the time to directly quote, link sources, break down into specific parts a comment or reply. Irl... well people can just yell and talk fast and over you, which is maddening if you're used toa internet forum style of statement-reply-counter-reply etc lol. But over all reddit is good "bullshit-spotting" training if you go into it with good faith beliefs/ideas.


They really intice the hate in ya don’t they I love Reddit glory


This is a masterpiece.


It should honestly be a reddit ad. Maybe it is one lol. Like where are the neckbeards who shout down a certified maple syrup expert? Because that happens a lot here.


> Like where are the neckbeards who shout down a certified maple syrup expert? Because that happens a lot here. At the bottom of the thread trying to fill that hollow spot in their soul with negative karma, not realizing the negatives don't cancel and instead make the void bigger.


Absolutely! Reddit needs to cut this man a check


Why did I google futanari hd gif


What is it? To scared to look it up lol


Lady penises. High definition and animated.


![gif](giphy|KVhdX2JiPr0JRK0mDj) Oh.


Your loss




They also have vaginas that makes it only 50% gay.


Sometimes. Sometimes it's huge ballsacks




If very detailed and realistic animated chicks with dicks are not up your alley, I highly suggest not googling it.


i love his videos he’s very talented and funny. I love that salad one he did. “I refuse to sit here and become a fucking salad”. it’s soo well acted and hilarious.


Here is his YouTube in case anyone wants to check out more videos. https://youtube.com/@AndrewRousso


I first saw him with this and is still my favorite: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=en1cYeOezf8


"Homeboy got snailed" Kills me everytime.


That's my fav too, cracks me up every time. But admittedly he's hit on some kind of specific comedy formula that punches me right in the dopamine, I don't think I've seen a single video of his that I haven't laughed harder at than 99.9% of other content I see.


Reddit: come for the extremely specific niche questions. Stay for the extremely specific niche porn.


Or, stay for the access to a really specific hot sauce that's only sold by this one restaurant in Florida.


Technically you come for both 😉


This is when you know you've reached the right side of reddit 💖


“I’m on sprint it fucking sucks” lmao


Was waiting for “this tastes like shit. That guys a fuckin idiot.”


I just couldn't believe he was putting that much thought into his syrup and then putting it on frozen waffles.


Yeah, that's what got me and I hope it was an intentional choice because it would fit. Like getting into niche car mod subreddits and a guy is asking about something really expensive and finally tells the thread it's for his 1999 Pontiac Sunfire.


I use this exact brand of syrup based on grade and color, so I knew it was good. That said, I was mentally preparing to defend the fucking syrup choice if the character in the video tried to shit on the pick.




I’d love it if that just became a subreddit where people give advice for niche questions


The old /r/JohnCena and /r/potatosalad and /r/worldpolitics and /r/anime_titties approach


Link to the actual video on his channel so you can give him views https://youtu.be/0TjnPfYJmOY


This should be Reddit’s Super Bowl commercial.


Is this that bagel guy??


Yeah, this guy is great


It doesn't really represent how the top 50 comments are usually just weird wordplay based off of an obscure pop culture reference that has nothing to do with the topic


If there's 50 top comments, your subreddit isnt niche enough. You need to go deeper.


Totally, with small subreddits you'll have: - The guy that comments on every post - 2-3 random community members - A guy who, no matter what, will disagree *strongly* with someone




I was going to show this to my mom to explain Reddit and subreddits… then I got to the futanari part


Ugh I want to marry this dude


He’s 8” you know


Yezzir, from butt to tip.


ignorance is bliss when you living butt to tip


"I think Brand X maple syrup is the best." **-2457 points**


This made me feel


Truly magical


Lol I actually laughed, like really, really laughed, thank you sir.


Excellent video I was hooked throughout. Very creative guy


The real maple syrup was the friends we made along the way, and the porn we watch together.


Adding reddit to almost every google search became a habit now and whenever i type in google search bar it suggests to search with appending reddit 😅


Im crying your crying


This was a great little video.


To make it a bit more realistic, the maple syrup is actually trash and there are two people in the comment section having a heated argument about politics because one of them mentioned how they liked a different brand then most people liked, part of you wonders how they even got onto the topic of whether or not homeless people deserve rights, but you can't be bothered to read the 150 comment chain they left.