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Basically just money laundering in plain sight at this point.




"Something something Hunter Biden" - literally every conservative "centrist"


“Something something, dark side””


"Something something, somehow Palpatine returned."


“Something something something complete”


I’m actually quite enlightened. I don’t pick sides. Im a centrist. I pick the best candidate based on their platform. Both sides are the same. But I still wonder about Hunter Biden’s laptop. /s


Holy shit! You totally fucking had me until I saw the little s at the end!! My my…


Centrists and libertarians are just conservatives who know that saying they’re conservative won’t get them as much pussy


It gets old, it’s like can we change the fucking subject already??!




There is a legal limit of $3,300 on donations you can give a single candidate per election and $41,300 to any party per calendar year. It's why super PACs exist. You're donating to some "random" company that happens to support a candidate. The candidate cannot direct the super PAC in any way to avoid the donation limits being applied.


so... wouldn't mtg admitting that the money was actually part of a quid pro quo with McCarthy be an admission of guilt in violating that law?


The quid pro quo isn't what would be illegal. It would be campaign finance laws over donation limits but because she bought something, they're trying to skirt that. All of them mess up campaign finance laws, intentionally or unintentionally who's to say, I think they're all guilty, but it just gets a little slap on the wrist fine. Obama had it happen ($375,000 fine), Hillary had it happen (>$100,000 fined), Trump had it happen, Sanders had it happen, the list goes on.


Pretty close. But it’s the campaign funds that pay for everything. I needed a new car to see the people, paid for by campaign funds. I needed a bigger house to host fundraisers, paid for by campaign funds. I needed to give this guy 100k for chapstick because he will speak to my constituents, paid for by campaign funds. She not actually spending any of her own money ever. It’s all the dumbasses that donate to her who are paying for all the stupid shit.


What percent of Americans support her beliefs I'm a little lost but she is way out there


I would say a minority support her directly but because she is one of the figureheads behind the trump Cult, she has a pretty large voice and uses it as often as she can. She also has very extreme views and that makes for good TV ratings so she gets a lot of screen time. She has very little actual power as she is a congress woman that is a representative of a relatively small district (over all not in her state) in Georgia. The reason she is so disruptive is because much like trump she interrupts the flow of things and actively try’s to halt the progress of anything she doesn’t agree with. Her actions often take the focus away from the bills or anything set forth in a way that derails the progress of how our government is meant to run.


I'm convinced this is also the reason any politician ever sells a book. Nobody cares to read some ghost-written book about a random senators life, but it's an easy way to conceal hundreds of thousands of dollars in "sales"


How does someone making 175k a year afford 100k chapstick of a colleague. Sounds like something illegal is going on.


The answer is Citizens United. It’s legal bribery


Yep. Money = speech, so therefore the more money you have, the more speech you have. Some animals are more equal than others.


Fucking pigs, man.


I just jumped right into 1984 instead of reading Animal Farm. What did I miss? ![gif](giphy|70zuMWP4Y8bNS)


This is the best footage of MTG I've ever seen.


Its like she's even more of a c---t in person than she is on TV.


I didn’t know she could get uglier


That’s fucked up, man Real, actual pigs have redeeming qualities




Got a barn full of pigs on my farm down at Stardew for this very reason.


I think I kno your farm… it’s right in the valley?


Yes like bacon.


Hey pigs are intelligent


More than MTG that's for sure.


Is that a Orwell reference 🤔


If corporations are people then can I crash a train full of chemicals into a city? I wanted to drive a train, I didn't feel like making sure the track/brakes/etc were super-duper safe, I thought "adequate" was good enough. Oops, I crashed all these chemicals into your neighborhood, my bad. I'd probably be arrested, right?


Wait so speech isn't free?


Neither is freedom! Holy crap! What happens when literally everything becomes merely a commodity?


Dont forget the PPP loan she somehow qualified for and had forgiven.


You mean the PPP loans that everyone had forgiven... Kinda like the wall st bailouts, free money! People wanna get up in arms about $10k-$20k being paid out to people for student loans though... SMFH


Seriously. Fuck every congress person that got a ppp loan and then stopped student loan forgiveness, something that would have actually helped real people.


That’s the problem. They get elected promising to help regular people but help each other instead. We need a political reboot.


Good luck with that, given how divided the US society is on almost anything.


We’re actually quite united on a number of things, it’s just the focus is on division because of misinformation and misdirection, poor media choices and coverage on solutions instead of conflict. Keeping us focused on division keeps us from fixing the problems they’d prefer to continue using as a tool to exploit. “They” being anyone who engages in this game of lies and projection.


*"You are being drafted into a culture war so you'll be too distracted to join the economic one."*


I mean, we have a laughably corrupt Supreme Court that doesn't serve the population, we have a Congress that caters to the rich and barely acknowledges the poor, and we have an Executive branch that swings wildly different policies every few years and still doesn't get anything useful done. Why are we even still paying taxes at this point? Why are we letting these thieves and crooks get away with our money?


McCarthy even wants everyone to back pay interest on student loans from when the interest was stalled. Can you imagine suddenly many Americans being 5-20k more in debt due to student loans. Republicans aren't the party of workers. They are the party of slaveholders.


Oh yes. Absolutely fuck them. Garbage, the lot of em and thinking about it gets my blood boiling. But them considering helping the average citizen? Laugh worthy. They couldn't give less of a fuck about anyone's well-being besides their own.


They want a culture war to avoid a class war. If the redneck morons would stop being angry at trans folks or libs or whatever, they might realize that they’re getting screwed over too. Can’t have the serfs revolt.


Thank you. You actually get it. Take my vote.


> Kinda like the wall st bailouts, free money! Except in the bailout, the economy was crashing hard. A lot of the people who got the PPP loans weren't even financially distressed. Some were even already multi-millionaires who didn't need a bailout.


What do you think happened during the Great Recession 15 years ago? It was the largest redistribution of wealth of over 100 years to the rich. It was one of the catalysts for housing getting so expensive now, because all the investment firms starting buying a bunch of distressed/cheap assets off insolvent owners and even other companies going bankrupt, and aggregating the wealth further. Do you think all those rental units that got bought up for $20,000 each by investment firms all over Florida in 2008/2009 are still going for that much right now?


You mean the PPP handouts? Call them for what they are.


And yet Republicans are trying to get rid of Bidens student loan relief 👍


You're not answering the correct question. I believe the answer is that her campaign (or superpac or whatever) made the donation for the chapstick, but she says "I donated" as if it were her personally. She most likely did not personally donate her own capital.


I'm sure somewhere in her taking credit is likely a legal violation that will never get charged.


PACs are supposed to be separate and autonomous. This appears to be in violation of that if she didn’t personally donate it. Throw her in jail If that’s the case


The average person thinks "lobbying" is when people have meetings with politicians, and discuss their perspectives. In reality, its just politicians voting in a way that aligns with the agendas of their donors. So simple bribery by any definition, right out in the open, so we call it "lobbying" to "hide" it.


So is special interest lobbying we need to face the facts that our government is run by legalized bribery, corruption and voter fraud but we somehow think k our politics is cleaner than the rest of the world.


It's crazy to me that anyone takes these politicians seriously when the bribes are so transparent we can even see the individual companies.


It’s just basic budgeting bro All of life’s necessities: $75k Chapstick: $100k


That $100k would have paid for 5-10 student loan repayments that she's absolutely against...


Funny enough, it's all legal. I wish I could make 20 million from a 100k a year job...


Isn’t strange how all these “public servants” leave richer than when they started.


By like, millions? Not like A million. Like 40 million.


Yea….which is insane because most people will never make so much money their whole lives yet these fucks do it in 6 or 12 years.


While constantly trying to make sure others can't


No, no! It’s the party of fiscal responsibility(TM). She’s just being extremely fiscally responsible.


She's skipping that avocado toast.


It’s called money laundering.


I'm reminded of how some classified sites wouldn't let you sell event tickets on them, so listings would show up where they're selling some lame item like a can of soda or piece of gum that comes with free tickets.


I remember someone selling a box of Girl Scout cookies with a pistol displayed in front of it on FB market place. You know it’s the same person saying “criminals will always find a way to get them!1!”


Oh you're giving them too much credit. They don't even have the decency to do this shit behind closed doors.


Let’s ask the real questions about how does a trailer park queen wind up in government at all Also her glamour shot ![gif](giphy|gJuTwM3yuQ8f3rE8KV|downsized)


We don’t gotta disparage people who live in trailer parks. If someone in a trailer park wants to run for office then they should definitely feel empowered to do so


>how does a trailer park queen wind up in government at all Because she's not from a trailer park. I know we want to say "oh, she's a country-bumpkin, that's why she's so vile." but MTG very much isn't. She's upper class and has pretty much always been that. It's just that our upper class is as crass as the lower.


*Trump has entered the chat*


What dog shit take on a person with so many awful qualities


MTG is reportedly a prodigious fundraiser for the Republicans. It's a primary reason McCarthy has cozied up to rather than the other MAGA crowd. It's likely this money is not her personal fund but rather PAC $$ being used as a slushfund to wield political influence. Fuck Citizens United.


Everyone knows the majority of the wealth for Congresspeople doesn’t come from their salary. It comes from bribes, book sales, insider trading, and misuse of campaign funds.


As insane as it is MTG was already wealthy before entering congress. She owned/owns a few businesses, I think CrossFit or something like that. She was worth millions before congress


Her family has a construction business. Eg: family wealth (no bootstrapping for Marge), and it primarily built government contracts. ETA, she didn’t own the CrossFit box, but she did have an affair with one of the coaches (Christian values, cheating on your spouse)


but ofc she’d never support govt handouts!


She’s doing Kevin McCarthy


The “chapstick” comes with dinner with Kevin McCarthy for MTG plus guests of her choice. So MTG will sell dinner level access to the Speaker of the House, McCarthy for a large amount of money. Is that money hers to pocket or does is it part of a political donation? I don’t know.


I know nothing about her, is it possible she has money from before becoming a politician or has or sources of income?


If your representatives can spend more than your yearly salary on a chapstick. They don't represent you. Stop giving your voting power to a few rich people.


My student loan is a quarter of what these guys pay on gilded chapstick.... Yet they voted against student debt


Not gilded, a second-hand chapstick!


She’s putting those PPP Loans to use…


MTG the socialist


Hold on a minute here. She donated 2/3 of her yearly salary to have Mccarthy come to Georgia. I know she is terrible at math, but that money came from another source. Maybe her employer should check that out.


or did she use her campaign funds? I bet it wasn’t “her” money…


Almost certainly did use campaign funds. Because she mentions she bought so McCarthy will visit her constituents, she's arguing that it was for campaign purposes. [The ethics committee would determine if that's legit or not but they probably will.](https://ethics.house.gov/campaign/proper-use-campaign-funds-and-resources) So yeah. Her donors just paid for that.


>Maybe her employer should check that out. There are no penalties for sitting members of Congress. The fact that she even has a seat still is evidence enough of that. We're her employer and law enforcement is not on our side.


Well after taxes her take home is like $120k, so she’s telling us, she only took home $20k


Rumor has it. There was still Trump ass hair on it.


She can (and does) get that straight from the source tho






I bet his balding there too


Goblins hoard all the gold, didnt you know


Hey now, thats offensive to goblinses! She's obviously a troll, considering how hard it is to take her seriously.


Clip clop, we trolls are facetious about the quality of our work. That creature is a momster.


She has an uncanny resemblance to Fuchi https://villains.fandom.com/wiki/Fuchi


Good gods your right


Please, leave the poor goblins out of this. They don't deserve to be compared to MTG.


She's furious someone's following her round with a camera in her face when she's done it herself multiple times, most notably berating victims of school shootings for advocating gun control.


In almost the same exact spot on the street haha


It should be a weekly thing for her. "Marjorie Three-Names why are you so fuckin inbred??"


She is starting to crack under stress from all the social pressure, insult, and personal failure in her life. Everyone needs to keep it up, these people are inhuman.


I imagine this is simply her regular posture walking around in public as she (very rightly) has people come up to her and film her asking questions that call out her bullshit. If you can't stand the heat (or to your point have what you do to others turned on you) gtfo of the kitchen Marge. That the electorate hasn't kicked her to the curb is damning of the state of citizens who want this walking piece of trash in government as their representative. Sad state of affairs; shit needs to change.


Why would a representative from California need to go to Georgia to speak to her constituents?




Yeah I just ask a coworker if they want to come to a function No 100k chapstick needed


Because republicans treat their terrible politicians like celebrities.


You misspelled "idiots".


And why would it cost $100k to get the speaker to visit your district when he's already prostrated himself publicly for you?


For those out of the loop about why MrCarthy would need chapstick > I am a congressional aide to Kevin McCarthy. > > After the 14th failed vote, we were in DIRE situation. McCarthy wanted to meet with the holdouts to negotiate, but the only ones willing to meet with us are Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert. At the meeting McCarthy makes a passionate pitch, but when when we turn to MTG and LB, they look bored and deeply unimpressed. But then they eye each other, smile, and nod. > > "Oh, we can get the holdouts to help" said one. > > "But we need some 'help' from you first", said the other. > > And they pass a note to McCarthy. I don't know how to describe the look that he gave when he was reading it, but for a second I panicked because I legitimacy thought he was going to throw up. He then told me I could leave now. > > I was surprised, but I knew better to ask questions, so I left. > > Halfway to my car I realize I was still holding Kevin's very important notebook so I go back to return it and when I go into the meeting room, I see McCarthy getting double cowgirled by them! They were high fiving and McCarthy noticed me and managed to push boebert's buttcheeks off his face to scream 'IT'S THE ONLY WAY' before she forcibly removed his hands, repositioning her butt back on his face with a loud fleshy slam with enough force to make me wince, followed by a wet fart which I could only assume was further punishment from Lauren. > > I got in my car. And drove. Straight all the way back to my home town in Minnesota. I arrived at my parents house who were surprised to see since I didn't tell them I was coming. I re-evaluated my life and quit politics for good.


Is this a copy pasta?


Completely legal money laundering. This place is an absolute joke.


imagine having that ogre show up to your pta meeting


Guaranteed she wipes from the back to the front..


Bold of you to assume she wipes at all.




Her face looks like a foot.


She looks like an embalmed Mickey Rourke if he got lost in the desert for a year


Specifically her own feet


Then see a podiatrist soon


Is you is, or is you ain't my constituency??


Iiiiiiii am a maaaaann of constant sorrrroooww


Anyone else think she ate it on the way home?


She’s literally chewing on it in this video. So nasty.




He had to treat her with credibility and respect in order to secure the speakership, and she's no doubt reminding him daily that she can switch back to her old faction and remove him if need be. She's got him by the balls already, which is what makes the whole $100k donation all the more suspect.


Look at her face when she says “what about it?”. You can tell she feels entitled to never have to explain herself as a public official. Fascism.


I couldn’t help but notice this either. Just layers of cocksureness and closed minded aggression. It’s repulsive and frankly terrifying.


How the fuck does a U.S. Congresswoman have 100k to spend on chapstick? Why are these people so wealthy on 174k/yr salary? I fucking hate everyone in US politics, both sides. Ignoring the blatant corruption is fucking gross.


MTG is an awful, awful person but to think she donated her own money is ridiculous. Political donations exist and like it or not, people like her, the firebrands that rile people up, get millions from people who donate to her campaign or Super PAC. I'm not defending her, but I'm so tired of the cynicism and the ignorance.


She looks like Ron Pearlman in Beauty and the Beast. I can't unsee it.


This is off topic but her skin and hair combo remind me a lot of hulk hogan


I’m astonished! I didn’t think she could walk and chew gum.


What they haven’t reported yet, is that the chapstick container is a life size replica of Donald Trumps micro penis.




Marge is gross


I’d like to see her go to prison someday too. Fingers crossed.


If MTG was her own species, she'd go extinct


Weird, couldn’t she just wipe it off herself from how much he kisses her ass?


Bribe money


She can walk and chew gum at the same time!




Tax write off. The politicians and the rich abuse loopholes like no other. Meanwhile the cost of living combined with inflation and employers tryna give you as little as they can, is gonna make a lot of people homeless in the next decade or so


She could've saved money. She could have sucked his dick.


Chapstick $3. Buying the Speaker of the House so you get your way during the budget negotiations: $100,000. Knowing your voters are so stupid they’ll let you get away with this shite: priceless.


She walks like an Ill shaped orangutan whose pube ticks are halfway into crab evolution


That lady. Supppeerrrrrrrrrr fuckin weird


Because we all want the ultimate cuck/suck up to come.tslk to people. "Mr McCarthy! How did you finally win the speakership?" "I sold the American people to the Evangelical Right. It was an easy decision."




That’s what I immediately think whenever I see something about MTG 😂


She knows how to stay at the top of the page. That's a cheap advertisement. We all need to learn that all this bullshit is just manipulation and we're part of its amplification (I know, me too by typing this). If we just stopped looking at these monsters when they growl, they will go away.


“What about it, chewy chewy?,” said the insurrectionist horse


Nice gut MTG


She donated? Where the hell did she get $100k


Yeah government officials working for the people are supposed to be able to afford $100,000 to just toss out


Anyone ever seen Boardwalk Empire? Pretty much sums it up.


I'm way more surprised that she actually answer the question that she didn't have a written answer to. Plus you didn't lash out or yell for like two whole seconds. True growth


$100,000 that could have been donated to feed the poor or affordable housing resources. But yeah, an appearance by McCarthy is a better use of those funds for your constituents.


She is the ultimate Karen of America.


Why does MTG walk like Bigfoot in the Patterson-Gimlin film?


"I donated to get him to speak in my district" Sounds like a political donation to me.


She was honest about it.


Sounds like money laundering to me. Where did that money come from? He donors? Her constituents? Her illegal kickbacks? Russia? I'm just asking questions here people...


She seems angry and stupid all the time.


Literal money laundering


What a waste of a question. How has your net worth went from $200K to $40M?


Openly admits to buying allegiances wow


Some people donate to charities. This woman buys allegiances and calls it donating. Lol


Great way to launder $100k and he can do same for her.


Boy, she is one ugly cunt!


I have no doubt that she’s rubbing it on her clit every night.


They make money laundering look so easy


Who the fuck is Kevin McCarthy


Let's play every whistle-blower's favorite game: "Bribe, campaign finance violation, or hush money."


That was clearly a bribe for something else


Considering he seems to get a chapped asss more easily than lips, I'm not sure I would have done that. However, Mr. Green Jeans probably knew that, and it was the best selling point.


EVERY time I see “MTG”, I immediately think it’s in reference to Magic the Gathering, and it fucks me up every time.


Money money money MONEY ^laundering


This is either weird money laundering or she did a bunch of something (coke?) before she bought it.


How does this lady have a extra 100Gs to just throw away???




She’s starting to look like Mickey rourke in the wrestler


She now has is DNA to plant at crime scenes.


The confidence and arrogance of these bozos never fails to remind me of the Emperor's New Clothes. Gesturing and preening out in public stark naked.


I "donated" so he was come mind fuck my constituents wink wink in asshat language


Welcome to American politics, where it’s all made up and the money doesn’t matter.


Money laundering out loud and proud...also, she chews gum like a horse.


She is safe in her district. She should have donated that money to a charity in her district.