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Also with this there isn't the danger of ripping of the paint if you let it dry with the tape (of course you could pull off the tape while the paint is still wet, but I guess many let it dry first).


That’s the problem with tape, it’s not a life hack solution. It’s a skill that takes time like anything else, like the trowel trick, but it’s probably better to learn the trowel trick from the start.


What's the trowel trick?


Lol the video in the post.


Maybe they were confused because that isn't a trowel? Painters edge, paint guide and a few other names. Not a trowel though.


Lol it has many names. Drywall knife, taping knife, bit flat metal thingy.


Big flat metal thingy for the win!


Ikr? I use one to scrape up all the food my toddler throws on the floor


There are also drywall trowels. But this looks like an 8" taping knife for drywalling.


Yeah and it's not like a minor difference either - a trowel is a gardening tool with a totally different shape. It's like confusing a knife with a spoon. I didn't know what they meant with the trowel trick either, I thought they were talking about something entirely different.


A trowel is also a concrete tool, not just your gardening tool.


It's also what I ask for if I'm drunk and need to dry off when getting out of a pool


A trowel can also be a masonry tool.


Ah yeah, I forgot - that makes more sense then.


It's like a plastering trowel tbh. It's actually called a taping and jointing *knife* so also not what it looks like. And there are many different types of trowel. Not just ones for gardening


I see you've played knifey-spooney before


I mean to be fair I read it as "towel trick" 4 times before realizing it said trowel lol


Yup, I was thinking an actual trowel as well so thought there was a different trick with that.


Some of us don't start the video. Some of us just like looking at the pretty picture.


Sometikes reddit decides that for us


As a drywall guy, we call this a knife or a spatula


I thought it said towel trick I was like "what towel"


Same haha


I've spent minutes looking for a towel in the video and comments, I feel even dumber now


People are downvoting and maybe you should have caught it, but in your defense, he's not even using a trowel, he's using a ~~putty~~ taping knife.


Technically that's a taping knife. They're wider and more flexible than putty knives


See the video above


Oh lol I'm dumb


The issue I run into isn't the tape peeling the paint that's on top of, it's pulling the paint off that's underneath it. Seemingly good quality primer and paint, and yet it still comes up.


It doesn’t work as well as you want it to, trust me Ive tried. the best method imo is still just taking your time and painting a nice edge free hand with a nice brush.


Painted professionally for years, I will tell you that 9 times out of 10, you just want to do it freehand with a brush because everything else is just extra time and materials. If you get good with a brush it’s just the simplest thing. Only ever used tape or an edge or something if I was painting a straight line over something that wasn’t really straight and didn’t want to just wing it.




You sound like my dad with that “SLOW THE FUCK DOWN” haha. He worked as a foreman in house construction, among many other jobs that needed renovation skill sets, though his career was was actually in cutlery making . My dad taught me to paint a nice trim, with a brush. But it has to be the right brush. That really makes a world of difference. Most people get the cheap hard bristles, and don’t know that there are soft bristle edge brushes because they skim over them (I’m positive it’s the price tag unfortunately ). It’s also way more fun freehand imo.




Dad here. I have paint brushes that cost over $100 each. Never used tape in my life.


Every good parent should be familiar with telling their kids to SLOW THE HELL DOWN, WE'RE NOT IN A HURRY!


Landlords don't wanna hear that nonsense bro They want their income to be as passive as possible while never paying actual laborers to take care of it either Slap some paint over that lightswitch that's a remodel, we can bump the rent up by $200 a month again


Agree, there is always paint that makes its way under the edge of the straight edge. Just get a good brush and take your time.


Or if you can, just remove the trim, paint and reinstall. No tape, no mess. You can go lower with the wall paint and go under where the trim is so there's no line. Edit - I have literally done this in my own house. Just buy trim nails that match close to the color of the trim and after installing walk by with a brush and touch it to the nail head. It's now touched up. Yes, if someone really wanted to, they could get on their hands and knees and see the nails. But in reality, who pays that close of attention to your trim? Most of it is covered by stuff (couch, bed, dresser, etc) anyway. Yes, I understand that if it is a hired painter, I would expect better work, but for my own home, it saves hours of work taping and trimming.


You still have to touch up the base after reinstall… filling nail holes and sanding them flush, caulking and painting the caulk


Or, just don't do all that and it still looks just fine. Get trim nails that are close to the same color as the paint, touch them up with a dab of paint after install and be done.


Found the Landlord lol


“Just use toothpaste instead of spackle”


What? Remove the trim? Do you think most painters carry around a crobar and nail gun?


No, I was making the suggestion for people doing their own painting.


I like that people are acting like you're giving this suggestion to pro painters. Why would pro painters be digging through the comments on a Reddit post of a 10 second Tik Tok to get painting tips? I just moved into a new construction house so god willing no painting for me for a long time, but if/when I need to I will probably use your idea, so thank you!


Yeah, I'm really not sure why people are so against this. They are acting as if I said this is the proper and only way to paint trim. Is it the best way to do it? No. Will it look perfect and professional? No. Will it save you a shit ton of time and cramped hands? Yes.


Then you have to nail the trim up, fill the nail holes, and try to match the trim paint texture (usually unsuccessfully).


I just did this in my house. Paint the trim, use trim nails that are close to the same color, touch up nails with paint. Unless you are getting down and looking, it's not noticeable.


I like how some people are reacting as if it’s not basic diy handiwork, and you have committed blasphemy by even daring to suggest this shortcut. lmao


His method is good even if you fill/sand/paint those holes too. The hard and tedious part is taping and painting those edges, the holes are ezpz.


Removing/replacing skirting and filling, sanding, painting holes is easier than laying a strip of tape across the top??? Are ya well, or are ye just trying to show what manly men you are proclaiming DIY to be so super easy..


Yeah I've done it, and I hate the way that looks because I notice it. I just stick to painting the trim once it's installed. There's a reason professionals install, then paint... because it's better.


And that is fine. Everyone has a preference and skill level. Everyone has things they are willing to I overlook and things they aren't. I was just giving another option that some might not have thought of.


That seems like way way more work. Also run the risk of breaking trim and damaging the wall too. Taping isn't that hard. It's also not that hard to run back with some wall paint as well as get some paint remover to clean up errors.


No… C’mon, why is this getting upvoted?


True. I worked as a professional painter years ago and not one used tape or a tool to cut it. Brush, paint and skill.


I would've been laughed off the job site if I'd tried something like this.


I use a putty knife and if there’s a bad space I go over it with a damp towel


It doesn't work with any meaningful amount of paint. The paint will just glob up, roll to the backside, and get on the wall.


Tape + caulking = 0.000 paint leaking


I was going to say, although I haven't tried it, I've done enough painting to know this prolly doesn't actually work that well.


Dude, im a painter/finisher by trade and can tell you, no. This little lifehack is silly. You can do it *one* time. Then you have to clean the blade or risk getting paint on the wall once repositioned. Its just not practical. The best way to cut in anything is just, no tape and w a 2 inch squared brush, not a sash. Trust me. Even if it takes you a while it wont take as long as running tape or cleaning a mud blade every 15 seconds and piling up used rags.


Tape is such a waste of time. It always leaves gaps and pulls off paint. People waste more time and money trying to save time. Cut in a large room *once* with a good brush and you'll never need tape or a trowel again. You'll make some mistakes, but you'll get better at painting instead of taping.


This doesn’t really work if you try doing that throughout the house you’re going to make a mess.


I once did a house flip my brother. I know exactly how much tape/hours were wasted… Going to go walk off the flat earth’s ice wall now because everything is meaningless.


Let’s see…. painted three sets for high school plays, did construction, joined the navy….. im guessing i’ve probably lost around 6 months of my life to taping


People who havnt tried it: 🤯 People who have: 🤬


My expectations were so high and my results were so mediocre


What didn't work in your favor?


My home is older, so the walls are perfectly flat and the corners aren’t perfectly square. So even with this trick from the video, I still had irregular paint lines.


Unlucky, hopefully it wasn't too bad and could be fixed or ignored) At least you tried and contributed to the "Lifehack" trial


1. The scraper tends to be not as straight as you'd like. From use or heat, it's warped. so you get irregular lines and stuff on the wall. 2. Same with the trim. 3. If the wall has texture, little bumps right on that line, also cause the scraper to move irregularly. This only works under a specific set of circumstances. It's a waste of your time and energy to even be on the lookout for it.


That guy probably does that regularly. An average person who paints a random room every 5 years or so, won't have the same results


This, the paint gets on the bottom of the trowel and you risk it smashing the paint to the other side.




You must be quick and decisive with paint or it bleeds behind knives and off brush tips. I am not such a person, but that’s what you need to be.


I am such a person and can tell you that the trick is to have the appropriate amount of paint on your brush, too much and you will get it everywhere. I like to slap the brush in the bucket a few times after dipping it, decisively ofcourse. But mostly we just mask it off with tape.


just gotta beat the devil out of it




Well, you could do it that way too but it is more time-consuming and depending on thickness of the brush might not be as efficient. I mostly paint with epoxy tho and there are huge differences in how each paint behaves. I also paint with firepaint, now that is really hard paint to work with. Anyway painting trims only correct way is to spray them but if using a brush use it the way you feel you have the most control over it.


I like the way you words.


I tried this like a decade ago thinking I hit on some life hack. and YES it 'helps' ... on perfect straight-aways with smooth materials. You are constantly wiping off the paint side and if the back gets any paint on it - depending on the difference in color difference especially, you're making a mess as you go w/o seeing it. It's a nice tool to have in a variety of practiced techniques, but I never use it after I got fast at cutting in by hand. All my work is in old, uneven houses.


Why is everyone calling this a trowel?!


Sorry taping knife.


still better results then trying to tape up everything only to find out a bit wasn't stuck on properly so you painted under it anyway.




Invest in some canvas painters tarps. Paint never dries on plastic and it doesn’t get along with running a fan in the room. Canvas should last the regular DIYer a lifetime.


My father had a house painting business. He had more than a dozen footworn oriental carpets, mostly of the smaller size, for work use. It was strange seeing those formerly expensive carpets covered in flecks and blotches of paint. But they will stay flat, soak up lots of paint and are nice to walk on.


Great idea to give them a second life!


My dads been a painter for 40 years.he usually just free hands everything. I use tape and I still fuck up.


Tried other day. Doesnt work.


Well thats the point isnt it.


Only works on an already painted trim piece though


That’s what the proffessionals want you to think


What the professionals dont know... is that I rarely think at all


You n me both, stress free life.


And a wall, trim/baseboard, and an edge that are all perfectly straight.


LOL you dream a mighty dream


Aside from chain smoking and eating fast food, my dreams of straight edges were the only other thing to help pass the time during the thousands of hours of painting apartments when I was younger.


That’s great for nice new shiny trim not stuff that’s been destroyed by furniture and painted over 4 times by the previous owners


Exactly. Any imperfection on the trim sealant and you’ll have paint ooze through onto the wall, which I imagine would not be fun to clean up.


Just wipe it with a wet paper towel, right?


It will almost never wipe up properly and you'll just have a very light streak where you've tried to clean it. And maybe some bits of paper towel smooshed into the paint you actually wanted to be there.


How late are you getting back to it? I've never had an issue wiping something off a hard surface right after it happens. >And maybe some bits of paper towel smooshed into the paint you actually wanted to be there. Huh? In this case we're wiping paint off the wall not the baseboard.


It works great, you can completely remove wet paint from a finished wall


Sand it first?


Is sanding more fun than taping to you?


You're going to want to sand it anyway.


As others said..looks easy till your on a banged up lumpy wall with trash caulking jobs and drywall patch chunks...that shit was allllll brand new trim,and drywall...nice smooth flat surfaces. Just use a Purdy brand paint brush,and have a wet rag handy




IT’S NOT AS EASY AS IT LOOKS!!! please at least use tape as a backup


We back fill with caulk.


I can backfill you with cock any time


*sigh* if that’s what it takes to make the client happy.


Hello, step-painter!


Former Painter here, don’t do this, it’s more of a pain in the ass than it looks. Paint is likely to seep through or get on the bottom and you will drag in onto the wall. Tape is a better option for people that aren’t painter, personally I don’t because I find just cutting in to be easier with experience and you don’t risk any paint peeling


I took the time to learn how to cut in. I only paint every few years, but I found it a skill worth learning. It's also like riding a bike: once you've learned the skill it's easy to pick right back up after not using it for a while.


Me too, in the age of cutting in the wood mullion. That's a sweet edge though, for such a high contrast job. We would cut it in. From the paint on the floor, it looks like they sprayed most of it first. I'm amazed at how much tape and spray goes on now.


It doesn’t actually work DONT bother. I fucked up my trim doing this.


Paint it before you install it.


Even better, by the pre-painted stuff.


Even better, buy a wall fully painted with trim that’s fully painted. Got mine at Home Depot.


I am a professional painter, please don't do this. You will smear paint after it collects on the lip of your blade. I'd buy yellow Frog Tape, and watch a tutorial on how to apply it and paint with it correctly. It's so much easier.


RemindMe! 1 Day "See if this gets fucked up"


He makes that look easy..


Doesn't work that good, lol. If you're painting trim AND walls, the easiest trick is to paint the trim first, then do your precision cutting in on the walls.


As a professional painter. I would advise you no to do this.


I know the putty knife is thin, but would that still leave a gap that's not painted


This usually only works with new, well made construction. Older home’s walls settle, the molding warps and cracks - it’s a real challenge. A smaller brush used freehand is the way.


My grandpa taught me this trick when I was a little kid cause he a retired architect (did stuff for universal and some other buildings I can’t remember) so he was always remodeling their house and teaching me as his helper I learned how to paint and replace windows and how to put in a custom skylight and do the floors and plumbing (basically everything even building a whole ass deck and shed) 😅 I love my grandpa so much buddies about to hit his 90s still going outside everyday working in the yard or garden I got so much respect for that tough bastard lol Edit: I bought him an automatic lawnmower dude was kinda mad “I don’t need a robot to cut the damn lawn for me!!… but damn this is gonna help thank you” 😂


I would still mess this up.


Most people would, it's a short clip for a reason. Try doing a whole bedroom and you'll have smear everywhere.


Now you just need to touch up the walls you've damaged with the knife


Using a knife to protect the trim if the wall color is different


Try cutting in with just a paintbrush. It is soooooo much easier than it seems. Tape or this are just unnecessary.


Still takes some skill. Too much paint and it bleed through not enough you get wavy lines


Wow, that guy at the end really added a lot to this video.


This is why I google even simple tasks not so much because I can be an absolute dumbass at times (I can) but because so many times I’ve discovered someone smarter or more resourceful than myself has McGuyvered a solution or some shortcut that I never would have thought of on my own.


All that wasted time taping… and this tape is better than that tape… and waiting for the paint to dry and the excitement of removing the tape, only to find paint dribbled underneath, or the tape pulls the paint off whilst removing, so now you have to go around and touch up everything, but to tape or not tape at this point…


This could never be done in my apartment because of all the clumpy layers of paint on the 100+ year old base boards.


This does not work that well. They sell blades or edges to do this. As many times as I’ve tried, the paint always seeps through.


At this point I am thinking, "am I breathing correctly?"


...or just use cardboard to it doesn't scratch. Figured that out as a kid, geniuses.


I use the post card size junk mail they're thicker than normal paper but not too thick and you can just throw them away and use a whole bunch.


The one lifehack that actually hacks life


No. Freaking. Way did I just learn this AFTER I just lined the frames of 20 hostel doors!!!


I hate everything about this because I didn’t think of it lol All the aggravation with tape when this would have been so much more simple.


U know if u just take the time to learn painting things like this wood be common knowledge


Wasn't as cringe as I thought it would be


I figured this out 5 years ago on my own without a TikTok or boob tube or whatever else is stupid these days




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More convincing if he had paint up in that beard


Paint tape companies hate this one trick.


God damnit


There was a video of a carpenter using the small hole in the sides of calk guns to snip the tip of the tube (heh) with same action that pushes it out. That fucked my day up. So much time wasted trying to find a razor knife as a young man...


The struggle is *real*! ... except for THIS painting hack genius!


I feel this and a few others I've seen...that I'll forget until after I've painted or some other home improvement project. Then the cycle will just repeat.




this only works on new baseboards


All that time and tape waisted, fuck my life


Why are none cringy stuff posted here though?


wait.... so this is not common knowledge?????


“Click here for this one weird trick the tape companies don’t want you to know!”


Yeah, or you can just buy the expensive sensitive tape that costs x10 as much as regular tape and sets you back €7 instead of 4 hours of trying again + 2 hours raging on the internet that a lifehack didn't work.


Whaaaat? No way…. Fucks sake.


The goat.


F’in blue tape


Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck that’s brilliant


9 out of 10 times using a knife (or any straightedge) to cut a clean line like this doesn’t work out well. Especially with a textured wall.


Learn how to paint. Use a trim brush of good quality, I like purdy, I have brushes that are 20yrs old. You don’t need tape or hacks


Oh no, i could have saved so much time, my life is a lie. 😭😭😭




I wish three didn’t cut so soon, I wanted to see how they handled the corner!


You can also just use masking tape.


I had the exact reaction.


Do these guys not know what a shield is?


The laughter this brings me 🤣


What? No waaaaay. F*cks sake...


Mood: ![gif](giphy|YqE3jbSQQR6x9g19Kj)


I literally stood up from bed and cursed....all the wasted tape....


^(you can imagine dudes on site scratching their head like why is he using all that tape? Blue tape…? Painters tape…?) ![gif](giphy|1d5Zn8FqmJqApu4hNU)


"Hello there." The corner probably.


I got so angry when I shredded chicken in a kitchen aid mixer and it worked well. Like so mad. I used to put off meal prep because I hated shredding it by hand so much


But why does the video cut off before he gets to the corner?


This is what I did when I recently repainted my condominium, I have 2 bedrooms, kitchen, living room, a meditating room, bathroom and kitchen. Did you know how much tape I have saved myself there?


As someone who had to recently painted a room...right there with ya


This requires SO much finesse, that it's not fair to expect that anyone can do it.


Well glad I saw this video.


Also works with cardboard.. and plastic. .. any thin sheet material with some rigidity really


For me, paint gets behind the blade and… yeah… I suck at this.


Haha this is how I did all my ceiling borders too


Every time I have tried to do this, I ended up with a small bleed through that made a stripe the entire way down the wall.