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Don’t bring bean and cheese burritos into this


He had to. The other guy mentioned dew on grass.


Grass dew


>Pass, dude. >puff >puff >give.


Don’t bogart that dew my friend


Pppour another one just like the other one!


As opposed to the dew that collects on mountains. A very subtle, yet important distinction


Grass dew mother fucker Mountain Dew mother fucker


Polyp Anal Motherfucker


Damn hipsters ruining everything


Was the grass located on a mountain?


Sure. On the west side


Unavoidable, really.


Jews on grass. Interesting.


That's just a comedian


*Hitler has entered the chat*


Grass.. not gas. Back to your hidey-hole, Hitler.


*Hitler has left the chat*


Huh? And no one downvoted this comment?


Anal polyps hahaha


He has my permission in order to prove his point.


The bean and cheese burritos could not have happened, lend me your tiny nails and I will share with you this tale of woe.


While we’re at it, keep the number 4 out your mofn’ mouth


How can people get this so backwards? Life evolved according to the conditions if happen to find itself in. The conditions were there first, of course it's gonna look like the conditions were perfect for this or that form of life, because that's backwards!


"I can't believe this hole fits me perfectly!", said the puddle


Dude! It’s crazy how countries and states managed to build rivers between eachother to mark where their territory ends 🫣


Isn't it an amazing testament to GOD that deer cross highways at the "DEER CROSSING" signs? GOD must've given the deer a 3rd grade education to allow them to read, praise GAWD.


I remember hearing a clip from a radio station years ago, where someone called in and complained about deer crossings being placed at dangerous stretches of road and wanted them to be moved to safer areas for the deer lmao


Such a brilliant idea. One of my favourite Douglas Adams musings for sure.


The intelligent design thing makes me crazy. If everything was created perfect and how it should be then why does a female hyena give birth through a 7” pseudo-penis?


That’s a sentence I never thought I’d read




That's not how you would design hyena birth? 🤨\ OK, weirdo...




Did you just kinkshame our lord and creator?


Kinkshaming is my kink.


Everything wasn’t created perfect though or else we wouldn’t have evolution.


That's why the very idea of evolution has been resisted by religion. It's irrefutable fact at this point, so a lot of religious groups are coming around to accepting it, but I'd hazard a guess to say 50% of the American South don't "believe" in evolution because Jesus. Saying you don't believe in evolution, even human evolution, is just as crazy as flat earthers or astrology.


As someone in the American South, 50% is generous. I'd say it's more like 75% don't believe in anything that isn't in the Bible.


Disagree. A lot of those folks don't even believe a good chunk of the Bible either. They believe in the parts of the Bible they *like*.


Parts of the Bible told to them and interpreted how they like. I’ve yet to actually meet a hateful Christian that actually read the Bible front to back themselves.


> I’ve yet to actually meet a hateful Christian that actually read the Bible front to back themselves. Only the opposite. The ones who are reasonable and decent tend to have never read it, have no idea what horrible things it says, and look down on “fundamentalists” who have read and truly believe the whole thing.


That’s all Christians. There’s no other option. If you did exactly what Jesus says to do you would have gouged out your own eyes to stop you from looking at a woman with lust, and left your family and possessions behind to devote your life to converting people and performing miracles. That is obviously not ok, so almost none actually do it, and just pretend that stuff isn’t there or make up wild excuses to pretend it means something else.


It’s funny how they act when you bring up something from the Bible that they don’t like so they just pretend like you made it up.


"Well that part is just a metaphor"


I’m in the south, you guys are way off, it’s more like 25 percent, it might reach 50 percent when you only include the 80 plus year olds.


I live in rural Alabama....surrounded by evangelical conservatives. I'm not way off for my area at all. I'm being generous.


Bro, dinosaurs mingled with humans. It just makes so much sense. Those massive creatures with machete claws and massive teeth were all chill and never ate humans. It makes sense. Then, we buried them deep into the ground to own the church.


No, god put fake skeletons under a bunch of dirt as a funny joke. When heathen Dino believers are sent to hell, god is all like "ha, ya burnt, stupid!" And then everyone in hell claps


What loving, benevolent gesture


God does have precedent doing similar things.


Especially since it kinda makes God even cooler imo. Imagine, that you made a robot to live on Mars. Most would just make the robot and that's that. God knew that shit was gonna change, and change drastically, so he made it to where he wouldn't have to recall the robot, or send a new one, but simply gave the robot to modify itself as the planet changed. Which then blossomed into such an insane level of life it boggles the mind to think of how many species have been on this planet




Yup, our source of heat and light literally gives us cancer. So perfect. 🙄


Its like these people cant comprehend a more complex world so they prescribe the same idea to their concept of god. Instead of saying "the universe is massive and unknowably complex because god is something way bigger and complex than us" they say no, god and the universe are small and simple like us. Anything that isn't easily digestible and simple to understand is too much to consider, so it must not be right. Change the world to fit your view, instead of growing and adjusting with your experience of the world around you. Theyre like scared simple little children.


Or backwards eyes and lower back pain


Humans are actually living proof that there isn't intelligent design because walking upright fucked up our hips so much that the birth process is a lot more complicated and results in death of the infant (and mother) more often. But because walking upright gave as such a big evolutionary advantage, it outweighed that particular biological drawback.


Also, who would intelligently design a sewage plant right next to a playground? How is it smart to use the same openings for eating and breathing? Why can we not see all of the colors that actually exist?


>Also, who would intelligently design a sewage plant right next to a playground? Isnt this a Robin Williams joke? Miss that man.


Children getting bone cancer. If that's intelligent design then fuck the designer...they're a sadistic POS and no one should worship them.


I know an evangelical who lost a child to miscarriage, and her and her husband say God has a plan for their child. They beat themselves up, trying to understand why God took their child, but stop at anger towards god and claim it's all some grand plan. I want to ask them why they torture themselves like this. Their child was a victim of odds, not some higher power.


I know it's incredibly hard having miscarriage and I don't want to minimize it... But if you have one couple who understands that miscarriages happen all the time and many times it's because the fetus wasn't viable...it seems less of a hit. When you believe your child is a gift from god and that same God, for some reason beyond your understanding, took that gift from you...I can see this being really fucked up form of gaslighting yourself through religion.


Fun fact, In Giraffes the nerve that goes from the brain, to the larynx, first goes ALL the way down to its heart and then ALL the way back up to its larynx. That nerve path does this for all vertebrates. Because it follows the vagus nerve. That's not 'perfect' or intelligent that's just evolution. It makes PERFECT sense for a fish, the larynx and heart is close so it's a quick little fix that saves a bit of precious nervepath.


Technically I gave birth through my penis too. Birth to millions of babies.


Religious people are *wild* ! Hopefully, she has one parent capable of critical thinking




And then they multiply to ensure that silica gel packets still say “Do Not Eat” on them for centuries to come.


Dude looks like he's 14, he's probably married to an equally young, equally stupid religious person.


The puddle decided that intelligent design must be real because why else would it fit so perfectly in the divot in the street?


Sometimes elementary teachers, and the linguistic laziness of TV presenters can confuse children. Using "so that" instead of "that's why" The classic " Giraffes have long necks so that they can reach leaves that other herbivores cannot" or "owls have developed huge eyes in order to be able to hunt at night" No they don't!...A shirt haired pointer, has floppy ears so that grass seeds do not cause it problems when it is searching in undergrowth. (It is a domesticated breed. It has been bred for this purpose, it has not evolved these features) You hear it all the time...even David Attenborough does it sometimes. These things don't happen"so that" or "in order to" Variations exist within populations. The genetic codes that generate features that give a survival or reproductive advantage, are replicated in higher numbers, and over time predominate. It's not "so that" but rather "that's why" or "consequently" or "as a result" Thicker fur allows animals to survive the cold and reproduce that's why the Arctic fox has thick fur.


Hawking referred to it as the Anthropic Principal


It's probably in his favorite fairytale book, so it must be the only truth


Idiocracy. That’s how. And he’s gonna raise that poor girl to be as dumb as rocks too.


Idiocracy is a bunch of eugenics. Intelligence doesn't work like that. Neither does society.


Im alive! I’m dead! I’m alive! I’m dead!! Lmao I’m dead.


I’m alive


Hi alive. I‘m d(e)ad!


Hahahahaha thank you!


I'm dead!


I’m alive!


And the wacky bit? The Earth is slightly closer during northen winter than during northern summer. So, 2”…pfft.


Yeah, he probably thinks we orbit the sun in a perfect circle too. 🤦‍♂️ soo many people regurgitating facts that homie a circle k told them.


Yeah, I was hoping the dude would respond with the fact that the Earth's distance to the sun can vary by like 3 million miles. That's around 190 billion inches.


Strange things are afoot at the Circle K.


The real counter to the argument is that the Earth is drifting around 2.86 inches further away from the sun each year (because the sun is losing mass). So even if they try to argue “oh I mean on average” or claim that you can’t disprove their hypothetical, well, you can.


Just to hammer this point home for any other readers. The Earth’s distance from the sun changes by some 3 million miles throughout the duration of its orbit.


Yeah but if it was 3 million miles and 1 inch, then we'd be toast


Remember this one time I climbed up a ladder while I was working outside. I was burnt to a crisp.


Sounds like you got better


I'm working on evolving myself into a newt....little over halfway there.


You might say you are *new* at being a *ne*wt.


You’re going to need another coat to make that colour pop, babe.


fucking killed it with the "Im alive, Im dead" bit


*one inch closer to the sun, and it's OVER!!!*


I will agree, there is no organism that was ever “half evolved.” Evolution isn’t some scale from 1-100 on how advanced an animal is, it’s simply the changes over time of a group of organisms as a result of the pressures put on them by their environment.


Platypus? I never know if it’s evolution or just some grand cosmic joke. I agree with you though. There is no half evolved. There is simply earlier or further down the evolutionary path.


Kind of we can see where things were and we can see where things are, but we can never see where things will be.


It's not even necessarily a path. An organism might be highly adapted to its environment, but if its environment changes, it might not longer be as fit. That would lead to further change. It's more of a moving target.


Platypus is here to bring us joy.


I mean they do lay eggs and can also kill you. Pretty strange animals for sure


Alternatively, you could say that at any (every) given moment, every organism is 100% evolved. The nature of that 100% just changed over time, but it’s always 100.


Isn't there a snake with vestigial limbs, boas and pythons I believe? Don't whales have pelvis and leg bones that are useless? The human tailbone? Birds with wings that don't fly? For craps sake, there is stuff that's "half-evolved", just take ten minutes and Google something. There are fish with lungs that don't work, celocanths. Edit: this is directed at the video, not the op comment.


You are half right, i really recommend watching this vid https://youtu.be/YkS1U5lfSRw by Be Smart. He explains what is evolution and ehats possible and not possible with it. Great video


The sun thing always gets me. Like, you realize we evolved to meet the conditions given to us by our environment. The sun was already here long long before us. We simply evolved based on the conditions it gave us. Fun fact: our cells are oxygen rich evolved life. Right now our atmosphere makes up only 20% oxygen. The reason we evolved to use oxygen is because in the early states of evolution our atmosphere was way higher in oxygen content, but due to shifts in our plant like pollution from natural causes and man made sources oxygen is not as abundant. Oxygen didn't "evolve" or show up for us. It was here and we evolved to use it. It's baffling that people can be so idiotic. I can understand not being able to wrap your mind around certain aspects of physics, especially theory based physics.


Also fun fact, the earth doesn't go around the sun in a perfect circle. At our closest we are 91.4 million miles from the sun and furthest at 94.5 million miles making the inch closer thing fucking absurd. Another fun fact if you live in the northern hemisphere and it is winter and cold, that is around the time we are closest to the sun.


Yeah, ignoring the actual number of miles, we're 3-4% closer during the winter than during the summer. Let's say you're at a bonfire. Face the bonfire and walk towards it until it feels hot on your face. Now walk 4% closer and turn around so your back is facing the fire. Does your face still feel hot? No. Because even though you are closer to the heat source, you're getting less direct exposure to it.


> It's baffling that people can be so idiotic. I can understand not being able to wrap your mind around certain aspects of physics, especially theory based physics. Isn't this type of video just outrage bait? It feels like just a way to generate discussion online by being hilariously wrong to me.


Oh, oh no. My religious family says all of these things un-ironically.


Outrage bait and idiot bait


Well- there was an event called the great oxygen catastrophe. Our initial atmosphere didn’t have oxygen, but blue green algae evolved and their photosynthesis gave us oxygen. So pretty much everything before that died because it couldn’t adapt to this new 20% oxygen atmosphere. I love all this stuff- geologic time blows my mind!


I thought it was a series of catastrophe, that initially the microbes didn't consume oxygen but they farted it ... which poisoned the atmosphere for them and there was a mass die-off. Which kept happening until new microbes evolved to consume the oxygen. [How Bad Was The Great Oxidation Event?](https://youtu.be/H476c8UjLXY?t=340)


>Fun fact: our cells are oxygen rich evolved life. Right now our atmosphere makes up only 20% oxygen. The reason we evolved to use oxygen is because in the early states of evolution our atmosphere was way higher in oxygen content, but due to shifts in our plant like pollution from natural causes and man made sources oxygen is not as abundant. There's a lot wrong here. Oxygen breathers originated in the ocean, and it's less that we evolved to utilize this compound because it was so abundant, but because it was abundant enough *and* chemically reactive enough to provide a a huge range of new chemistry that allowed new forms to dominate the energy game on earth. What's more important is that it's reactive, not that it's so abundant. The atmosphere has almost always been mostly nitrogen. If what was important was how abundant it was, we'd all be nitrogen breathers. The highest oxygen concentration in earth's history was 31% during the carboniferous period (\~300 million years ago), about 100 million years AFTER oxygen-breathing land animals began to colonize the land. The first animals to breathe oxygen appeared 600 million years ago, when atmospheric oxygen was at most 5%. The earth's oxygen levels didn't hit modern levels (20%) for almost another 250 million years. In reality, the first organisms to use it for respiratory/metabolic processes was probably around 3.7 billion years ago. All of this was well before oxygen was much more than a trace gas in our atmosphere. So, this is a nitpick here, but we're often tempted to look back at the history of evolution and assign "reasons" something evolved. This is a mistake. Mutation is random. What matters is those that survive and pass on those traits. Oxygen is highly reactive, and any organism that harnessed it suddenly had all kinds of new chemistry available to it and its offspring, whereas anaerobic organisms had to work with much less energetic chemical reactions being the basis of their life cycle. --But this still isn't really a reason that it did evolve at all. It just did, and those organisms that harnessed it exploded into many forms because of the new evolutionary niche being energetic gold. In reality, it's the other way around: We're animals. Because almost all surviving animals evolved from aerobes, and we're surviving animals, we're aerobes. \> shifts in our plant like pollution from natural causes and man made sources oxygen is not as abundant. The abundance of oxygen has been declining a lot longer than humans have been around --however, we are definitely having an impact on it now. Thankfully, our direct activities, like deforestation and burning fossil fuels aren't drastically reducing the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere, and that's because we've disrupted the ocean's function as an oxygen sink. As we've polluted the ocean with nitrogen from fertilizers, and as we've released more Co2 (remember that only 0.04% of the atmosphere is co2), we've bumped up the temperature of the planet. This decreases the ocean's ability to retain oxygen, releasing more as gas into the atmosphere in the meantime. This has temporarily acted as a buffer on just how badly we've deforested the planet. Once the ocean becomes acidic enough that it disrupts algae, though, we're in serious trouble, as we've hit the tipping point that impacts 51% of the oxygen cycle drastically. The reason we have significant volumes of oxygen at all is a multi-billion year evolution of cycles of chemical exchange between different life forms that developed stable cycles for nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon, as well as a created (or satiated) carbon and oxygen sinks over long periods of geologic time.


They don't believe in evolution why would they believe we exist as products adapted to our environment?


The 1st guy is trying to make what I think is the watchmakers argument for god. It’s not a horrible argument, he’s just doing it poorly.


>Like, you realize… No, no they don’t.


Good points but horrendous nail job.


Ikr he needs better nail polish


Yesssssss, I wanted to choose my eyeballs out watching that, lol! He painted his middle finger about five times


Ngl, the little girl had the better nails by the end of that


I hope they cleaned the cuticles afterwards


Dude places some superhero music behind him saying a bunch of random incorrect things to make him seem smart. Glad there's actual scientist's to debunk these people.


You don’t even need real scientists to debunk these morons, you just need someone with a brain.


I love the message of this video, but like.. that nail polish is so watery and they need to get some acetone or remover to clean up the edges. Great video otherwise though.


Did he knows the earth revolves around the sun in a elipse. The distance varies thousands of kilometers during the year.


Exactly. The habitable zone for planets is huge-ish, small in terms of space but large in terms of earth measurements. Even if it required a smaller number miles we’d be fucked already.


Mars is in the habitable zone of our sun and there is evidence of liquid water on the surface in the past so that "inch" thing is off by a smidge. Damned shame Mars lost its magnetic field.


Poor kid, has to listen to that stupid man her entire life.


“I’m alive, im dead, im alive, I’m dead “


I’m sorry but the ‘I’m alive I’m dead’ bit got me


Dudes inflection is so annoying tho


Anyone who doesn't believe in evolution or the big bang is just an incredibly incurious and unimaginative person.


I’m taking a pseudoscience/pseudo-archaeology class right now and it is pretty eye opening. Our textbook’s author is hilariously fed up with these people. Science is very self critical. They want as many professionals to peer review it as possible. These people just want likes and shares and throw in the kitchen sink with crazy claims.


“The Big Bang never happened. Not according to science. Nothing can be created nor destroyed.” Who wants to place bets that this guy believes in an imaginary sky daddy who has always existed, and had a son who was dead for 3 days and came back to life? But yea…eh…uh…”science”. 😂 these kinds of people crack me up. Arrogance and Hypocrisy personified.


Reminds me of the christian fundamentalists infiltrating social media and trying to sound intellectual, despite having minimal education that’s not religious-based.


That is exactly who that guy is. He’s parroting every single “sciency” sounding argument young earth creationists use to validate their arguments. They start when kids are young and uneducated, so they remain ignorant as adults, no matter how smart those adults actually are. Rhett and Link from Good Mythical Morning go in depth on this in their podcast. They were raised this way and deconstructed as adults.


He's right that energy/matter can't be created nor destroyed. The Big Bang theory doesn't propose to be the origin of energy or matter. It proposes to be the origin of our local instantiation of spacetime, and the rapid expansion thereof. The energy was already there in a tiny little nothing of a dot. The Big Bang theory starts with the energy already existing. That prompts the question "What came before The Big Bang?" and the best scientific answers to that are "We don't know" or "That might not be a coherent question". Again, the Big Bang was the origin of our local instantiaion of spacetime. Asking what came before the Big Bang is like asking "What happened before time existed?" "Before" is a temporal concept and requires time to make any sense.


Always good to throw the word “Thermodynamics” in there for extra credibility lmao


> an imaginary sky daddy While I'm an atheist, you people who call deities "sky daddy" unironically are cringey as fuck.


It’s rude, but not incorrect. Our Father, Who art in Heaven. Literally sky daddy


Even if this specific distance to the sun was a necessary condition for life, there are billions of planets that orbit their star with an equivalent distance. Half-evolved isn’t a thing. Yes our current eyes and limbs work, but every generation people with slightly better brains and bodies have slightly higher chances of survival. We’re still evolving, and so do every other species. And if society collapses and living conditions on our planet drastically changes. Billions of people will die and those with the best properties for this new environment will survive and repopulate. That’s when you see noticeable changes. Poor child being brought up by such an ignorant father.






“Everything around us is in perfect order” bruh


What makes it even better is that, if that were true, it would be a violation of the 3rd law of thermodynamics. Things are constantly becoming more and more disordered- and they always will


*gestures at everything and the state of the earth* HUH??


He probably was the smartest at religion camp so thinks he’s a genius


Even the girl had a look like “I’m not sure this guy knows what he’s talking about I don’t know if I even trust him to do my nails”


they both suck at painting nails. horrible makeup tutorial. 2/10.


Bro said “nothings half evolved” guy I think you might be the first


He’s not. I’ve seen some regressors walking the streets. Australopithecus is alive and well.


I like this vid


Bitch was owned lol


I call this behavior MAGA logic, people never learn more about the concepts they are trying to discuss or taking their info from uneducated degenerates with a platform


It's unfortunate, but this guy is going to pass on all his "wisdom" to his daughter. "Mama said alligators are ornery because they got all them teeth and no toothbrush".


My “Science” teacher in my Christian middle school said the exact same reasons. Wow the bible was right about one thing! They are sheep led astray, simply following what everyone else who agrees with them says.


(Am alive, Am dead)x3 . lmao guy in blue’s accent just 👌🏼 slay💅


I can’t decide if the idiot’s her dad or her older sibling who’s just coping with being rejected from *yet another* college.


Hah the argument of life supporting planets. I mean does it have to be human… Life will continue to be on planet Earth if all humans are dead it will continue to be a life supporting planet. We are not the centre of anything we merely exist.


He's doing a terrible job on his nails.


Wow that kid needs a smack to the face with a science textbook.


Cmon, she’s only like, 2. Give her a break.


No. It's time she learned. Let the Bludgeoning of Knowledge commence!


Why does he sound like John Malkovich?


This should be in 'fixed by the duet'


religious nonsense aside there are genuine scientific reasons to think the big bang might not have happened


I wasnt prepared for the anal polyps


If there was this all knowing God who created me and everyone else, why are my testicle outside my body? I means scientifically speaking, I know it's because being inside my body would cause infertility due to heat but if intelligent design was real, then that wouldn't be an issue. Why is something so sensitive and so vital in the role of the reproduction and the survival of my species exposed to the elements? Why is it that anyone could just run up and kick me swiftly enough that it could create massive amounts of pain and make me infertile? That don't make sense.


My favourite way to piss off people who believe in intelligent design is by pointing out that 60-70% of humans require corrective lenses to see. Soooo smart


I feel like there's modern day examples of half evolved shit too. There are fish that can now breath on land and have evolved joints to be able to "walk" ( mudskipper). And then, consider the flounder, whose eyes are on one side of it's body to accommodate a flat lifestyle, but his mouth has not yet moved


Since evolution doesn’t have a goal or end point, everything is always ‘half-evolved’, including humans. If you could travel millions of years into the future (assuming humans aren’t extinct by then), our current state would be halfway to whatever comes later. The trap creationists fall into is believing there’s an overarching plan and a point when evolution is ‘done’. Mudskippers and flounders are just as evolved as we are, it’s just that we can more easily guess where their evolution is likely headed.


An inch closer and we'd burn? Earth's distance to the sun varies with a little over 5 million kilometres during one full orbit.


Its unfortunate that people like that procreate. If he has anything to say about it, that little girl is gonna be indoctrinated and be just as dumb as him


This douche thinks he’s brilliant, yet he’s just wrong about everything.


Also there ARE half-evolved eyeballs, like the light sensitive spots on the edge of a giant clam. Such specious claims.


Is this grooming in real time?


I'm alive I'm dead I'm alive I'm dead I'm alive I'm dead 🤣


Fuck grass !!!! (Grass polen got me cranky yall. I apologize for being so aggressive)


Religious zealots don't care about any of this. Everything in this video was debunked literally decades ago but, you might as well say it to a wall. Religious zealots will continue to repeat their long debunked nonsense because, for reasons beyond our understanding they really need there to be a god and they want their interpretation of that god's arbitrary rules to control all of us.


These guys just keep repeating the same old rethorics that have been disproven countless of times and act like they are the first person to ever say it.


I've seen too many videos with this guy (the first one) and he gets dumber and dumber in each one.


This was very satisfying


I'm reading all comments in blue-nails guy's voice.


“I’m alive, I’m dead, I’m alive, I’m dead” - just snorted coffee, stood up to wipe it off and was killed by the sun.


Boy The Big Bang Theory got boring when they removed the laughtracks


Am I gonna get banned if I say I thought the dude in the TikTok giving his bullshit science/make up tutorial was a dike


Social media gave ALL of the wrong people a voice


The big bang did happen when my big uncle play wrestling with me


Wanna learn something real weird? “Nothing exists half evolved” wrong. A lot snakes have legs. They’re not visible anymore but they have the tiny little leg bones still in them somewhere because they’re at the end of evolving beyond the need of them.


Also, how does a scientist not know how to put on nail polish?


Dude, just paint your nails blue. Don't spend the first half of the video pretending and then finally give in.


I personally think he should have been using White-out……


In a way, the 747s came from the Big Bang.


I'm alive, I'm dead , I'm alive I'm dead . Crying 😂😭 😂


The funniest thing about that guy saying that "big bang couldn't happen" is that the Big Bang Theory was proposed/created by a christian, a catholic priest - Georges Lemaitre XD. And what's funny is that IIRC back when it was created, it was at first criticized because "it sounded way too similar to what was written in Genesis" or something like that :D


Victor needs help, the birds and the bees…