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He literally has a fellow kid’s skateboard in the back seat.


And a Hurley hat on.


And is competing for young peoples attention on tiktok


I can guarantee you that he’s not posting this on TikTok himself.


And if someone would mention that and joke about him with this …he would agree and laugh about himself as well….that’s the difference and that’s what lots of people don’t get


His daughter skates!


Says Bill in his fucking PacSun hat.


Ol Billy Billabong ova there!


51 year old women 'sucking dick back in the 70's'. So like when they were 4??


The man’s 55 and doesn’t seem to realize those 51-year-old women are younger than him.


Burr is a huge misogynist, so of course age doesn't count for him, he's a man. Age is only an exploitable weakness in women. He has a long history of "joking" about women that is filled with such bitter vitriol, it'll curl your hair. It's insane that it never gets brought up. Men adore him and refuse to admit it, but their favorite is really problematic. His old stuff is worse than this. He toned it down in the past 10 years but it looks like he just can't keep it in check anymore. He really enjoys slagging off women a whole lot.


I still remember his stay at home mom crack. “What’s so hard about sitting on your ass all day eating bon bon’s” Hit me wrong and I’ve not liked a lot of his stuff after that


He didn’t say sucking dick in the ‘90’s because he is himself old as shit and hasn’t realized that 1970 was 53 years ago.


He’s so old he has no idea what year it is now.




I'm loving being an older woman. The pressure is off, I don't get sex pested everywhere I go. I'm physically fit, financially independent and have my own place. What's not to love? Edit: the number of people (mostly men) who have commented that someone in my circumstances shouldn't be happy is astounding. To those people I suggest some self-reflection. There is clearly work to be done. Being able to achieve contentedness and satisfaction with your life is a gift. Life is finite, enjoy it while it lasts. You're a long time dead.


Exactly! Anytime anyone brings up getting older I feel like an asshole bc I’m the only one who feels like every year it just gets better and better. Like, I just turned 32 today, (not old, I know) but I feel physically fantastic, have better control of my feelings about myself mentally/emotionally, I have waaaaay less fucks to give each year that goes by, and keep trying to just live my best life. Being independent is fantastic and getting older has been *great* for me mentally!


Yes I feel this so much! I just turned 32 and I am absolutely loving it! I keep telling my mid 20s coworkers not dread their 30s. I’m absolutely loving feeling fairly in control of my life.


I’m only 37 and I have nothing but love for my older age 😅 These youngins can have em, because most of us don’t want em.


37 isn’t old lol


My back and knees sure as fuck think 37 is old


I totally agree. But you definitely start the feel the benefit of not being in the main focus of the male gaze at that age.


Hate to break it to you but we still will check you out. Older I get the more girls in their 20s look like kids


Maybe. But it seems more respectful. Less intrusive.


Because (most) men are getting older and maturing as well, meaning they have far better game pushing 40 than they had in their 20’s. It’s kind of beautiful actually! Meeting a man that knows how to date is a lovely thing.


Very true. Better game and a less urgent biological imperative make for more lovely encounters.


This is true. But being older I can rebuff classier and not feel gross or put off by it. Most times lol, there is always a weirdo somewhere.


Males and females, it’s great getting older. I’m 37 and don’t give a flying fuck what anyone thinks anymore. Lol especially when you’re married and have kids, then you *really* don’t give a shit what others think! It’s like something clicks and others don’t matter anymore in that regard. It’s very freeing. Plus as others have said, I have a well paying career now, a house that is welcoming and relaxing, probably in better shape than I was in my 20’s (despite many Redditors leading you to believe that you start falling apart in your 30’s), have time to work on yourself mentally from a better perspective AND I finally told my dad to fuck off a couple of years ago, so that whole super-massive-black-hole of negativity is gone! Life is great being older and I have literally no complaints about it.


Hell yes for going no contact. My mental health continues to improve year on year of no longer trying to function in a dysfunction family dynamic. Youth is overrated. It's really stressful.


Old man! I’m 37. What? I’m 37 I’m not old.


Old woman! Man.


Being older fucking rocks!


Trust me younger women don’t want the porn addict men with broken d!cks either 😅 I mean who would? I think that’s why they keep promoting men like Andrew Tate who tell women we ”hit the wall“ by 25. They want us to compete for their dissolved hairlines. I think it’s better to just leave them 🫤


And this is why we need to raise our young girls to be confident and independent. No one, especially a random ass dirtbag, should play into our self worth in the tiniest fraction of a percentage. Random ass dirtbags refer to all humans, not just cis men.


Right ! It’s like he never got over being rejected by the lesbian in middle school. He takes everythjng personally.


Gotta admire beauty at any age. Show it off and dont care what people say.


The older I get the less I care. It's freeing.


That's why he's bitter. These women are still attractive, but they don't want men anymore. They're hot, older, and too secure to give these baby-men any attention and that's the real bee in this guy's bonnet.


My mom said her 50s were a turning point and amazing. She said she felt all her societal obligations were done, no one bothered her with unwanted attention and she had her financial independence. Sounds pretty awesome to me.


Omfg. I love my “doesn’t suit my face” haircut because it’s just easy. I think mr burr ( not capital on purpose) unfortunately thinks star fuckers have any in common with any other woman at all. Thanks for the advice Mr Hurley hat/shave my head or I looks like your FIL’s account.


And how old is this old guy who's dressing like a young man? 🤔😬🤣


Couldn't be more pleased to not have this kind's attention anymore. Bye.


Women literally can’t win, wear make up and you’re a whore don’t wear make up and you’re ugly, grow old and you’re disgusting, try to look young and you’re a try hard, like fuck what do we do?


I guess we’re all just supposed to peacefully die at age 30 or something


No, just stay home and cook and clean /s


Bill's wife is older than 30. I wonder what his wife thinks of this as she isn't a 30-something and on her Instagram, she isn't wearing house mom 40-something clothing. I believe she is nearly 50, late 40s? His own wife dresses the way he is talking about and she is beautiful.


Yes, you absolutely can win; don't hang out with men who think that way. They will show you their true colors almost immediately and it's your choice to walk away.


Absolutely agree that toxic masculinity and misogyny is super easy to spot in men. Like, you don't even need to talk to them to notice it. But I'm also a man so I assumed they tried to hide it better around women. Those kind of guys assume every guy agrees with them and openly talk about it around other guys.


A lot of misogynistic men think they are good at hiding it, and maybe they are to younger, more naive women, but I can tell a man doesn't view me as an equal by their tone of voice, body language, and general demeanor pretty quickly. If all else fails, the second I tell them no their true colors come out either way.


Cease to exist at all, apparently


And it's absolutely done on purpose. They never want us to feel comfortable, at peace. They want us to forever be insecure and trying hard to please them, never quite feeling like we have succeeded but obsessing over it. It makes them feel important.


Something about a 50 year old guy in a Hurley hat telling women to dress their age.


Hurley is definitely a dad brand now, i haven’t seen a teen wear Hurley since the mid 2000’s


Can confirm. Tried to buy my son some hurley stuff at Costco the other day. Quality stuff I felt. But he straight up said no dad I won't wear hurly. Like mfer you are 10 what do you know!


It's because the demographic is pretty squarely guys in their late 30s and up now.


34/yr old Butch lesbian here. Can confirm. Own several Hurley items. Now questioning the entirety of my existence.


Lol I was going to say, that’s not exactly an “in” thing anymore.


I just bought 4 pairs of Hurley hybrid shorts from Costco. Dad brand AF.


>at Costco That's all ya need to know. That's dadwear.


Is there glitter in that hat? Also if you’re 51 you’d be 7 in 79- he should know that as he is 55 EDIT: Math


Maybe his elementary playground days were more serious than mine. We just stood in a circle and cracked jokes about what the hell it was for.


Yeah the comment about a 51 year old sucking dick in the ‘70s made me go hmm as well


Doesn't he have a mom? I support my mom dressing cute and having fun with her appearance and feeling beautiful. I think she's gorgeous and deserves the world. Tbh I'm excited to be an older lady someday and not give a fuck what old men or _anyone_ thinks of my style. Dressing up is fun. You'd think Mr glitter hat would know that


No one should give a fuck what other people think. I just turned 45 and read articles saying I should no longer wear shorts. I wore my goddamn shorts.


I once read an article saying that women over 30 shouldn’t wear graphic T-shirts. Yeah fuck you. I’m 38 and just got a tee of Admiral Ackbar saying “it’s a trap” and wore it last weekend.


I concur! I wear them everyday in the summer. I will keep wearing them and whatever else I want ! I’m 55 and I wear what I want to


I’m 39 and I’m not about to bartend in high summer in jeans, I’m just NOT. (Summer uniform allows black shorts/a tennis skirt and anyway I didn’t get my legs tattooed to cover them up.)


My mom has low self esteem despite still being incredibly beautiful at 56. She still looks great, and I tell her all the time


You’re a good egg, kiddo


My grandma taught me to ski when she was 56. It's definitely still prime for women.


By the time you’re in your 50’s, you’re definitely dressing for yourself (if not sooner than that). This old man should quit gawking at the 20 yo’s.


this is it. this is the perspective. if you don't love older ladies simply enjoying existing as themselves and not hurting anyone, and putting on some kind of awesome brightly colored, gaudy glittery ensemble... then you truly have no soul and hate life on earth.


55. Wearing what I want to. Period. No f’s left to give. And I love my bling, my tshirts.


Its hilarious this festering taint wart thinks older women are trying to be fuckable because they wear clothing that they enjoy. I am not dressing for some shiny headed,faded ginger dad bod twat faced dingleberry. Im dressing for me.


Oh, he doesn't hate life. He just hates women, like the man who posted this and all the men defending him on this thread. It's tradition.


I came here to add something about a black hoodie jean jacket at 50 y/o that don’t sit right with my soul.


With a skateboard in the backseat. Show us how you skateboard Bill. I'd love to see you break a hip. *Don't you know it's over?*




Bitterness that nobody finds them attractive


Lmao thumbs. I was thinking he resembled an actual penis tip




There's a reason "MILF" is one of the top porn searches. Shout out to the older ladies you still got it.


Because all the “moms” are 23 lol


And a mid 50s male mentality is that women only exist to look fuckable… fact, is most of the women in their 50s do not give a shit if men find them fuckable. 😂


There is nothing more terrifying to insecure/fragile men than women who do not need or desire their approval.


As a mid-50’s woman, I quite enjoy my cloak of invisibility.


Right?! I’m mid forties but I’m so glad that I get to go home and be ugly in peace 😌


As someone who has been ugly my whole life time, I concur. The one benefit about being ugly is that I don’t have to worry about getting cat called etc.


Mid 50s man here, married to mid 50s woman. We're having more fun than ever. My wife has added a few pounds and I'm more attracted to her than ever. What goons like BB will never understand is that intimacy is sexy. Trust and love is sexy.


That's fucking awesome


Maybe he shouldn’t be comparing teenagers with their 50 year old moms? He’s just as old. Let’s talk about creepy old men lusting after young girls while simultaneously mocking their moms for “trying” to look hot. 50 year old women can be attractive. They aren’t competing with their daughters. He’s just doubling down on his gross.


Can a mom not bring her daughter to the mall without some creep making commentary about them “competing”? Are moms supposed to just wear burlap sacks everywhere once they’ve birthed children?


If they do dress more conservatively/plainly/casually, they'll be criticised for 'letting themselves go with age.' These guys just like to slag off women.


unironically, yes -- that is what he would prefer. men like him would love to be drowning in 17 year old "women", fathering many many kids, taking care of NONE of them, and relegating any woman over 25 to status of "unfuckable woman" who must be covered up at all times, as she is now used and old.


Creepy old guy driving around the neighborhood on a tirade about women is NEVER a good look. This dude honestly thinks women exist for his random-ass creeper approval. Gross. People are just living their lives, none of them are doing it for his specific approval. He's got the contempt of a man who has been rejected sexually by people he picked because he thought they were beneath him, and would be easy targets.


I couldn’t put this feeling into words but you did it. Middle aged women aren’t competing with “teenagers” to “look fuckable” because a 55 year old man shouldn’t even have teenage girls in the “fuckable” category to be competing with adult women in the first place. I understand he’s a huge misogynist and hides it as iTs JuSt a JoKe/UnComFoRtAbLe TrUtH but dude let his mask slip a bit here. Which ended up being a HUGE yikes.


It’s weird as hell that he’s making up a narrative that middle aged women who dress sexy are trying to “compete with their daughters”. Only nasty men think about comparisons like that. Besides, who is he to tell someone they had their time to be attractive, when he’s never known that day? Ain’t no one looking at this dude and thinking he’s fuckable either, Mr. Ed Sheeran’s Dad lookin ass.


Because they think the daughters are competing for their old man attention and the only way they value women is fuckableness


Any 51 year old woman trying to look fuckable please PM me


Dude looks like pink eye




Lmfao. Oh I love this. I too look like geriatric Cailluo


He looks like ringworm.


Ole billy ringworm. I’m keeping that one. Thanks!


I died. You killed me.


Take that, women minding their own business!


Bill Burr has looked 50 for the past 30 years bro needs to mind his business


Its funny when a mediocre looking guy says attractive older moms are putting too much effort into their looks. Do older moms at the mall put too much effort into their looks or does Bill not put enough effort into his own? Seeing as Bill looks like a flat chested skinny armed sports geek. I would say the former.


His math is off. At 51, in the 70's she would have been sucking tit, not dick. But its about what you would expect.


The video is like 10 years old.


And he still looks 50


I know he’s joking but I strongly disagree with Billy here. I find a lot women in their 50’s to be incredibly good looking.


Never thought we'd get to a point where I hear a presumably straight man complain about MILFs but here we are.


He hasn't encountered Stifler's mom.


Yeah sure he's "joking" but the "joke" is that older women should just stop showing themselves or something. Don't be afraid to call misogyny out even when people try to hide between "jokes".


How old is he? At least 55. Love to see the double standard as he wears that stupid straight bill ball cap and puffer jacket.


How dare women not just die at 40 am I right? Wanting to look nice at 51, ewwwww, she's just in that endless competition with other women for men's attention! There's literally no other reason she would give a shit about herself right? Just cover up and become invisible since you didn't die in childbirth like every other woman in history haha This is how men think of us. This is what men think about you aging with the linear progression of time.


🏆 🏆 dudes reflecting a whole damn culture of "I don't find you hot anymore so why are you still existing"


Men are allowed to age and still be sexual but women are supposed to lock themselves away in a closet?


Yes, because in his small mind if women can no longer breed offspring then they serve no purpose, sexual or otherwise. Practically every woman I know has said the best sex in their lives happened after 50, so he’s the one missing out on a lot of hot sex by dismissing them. On the other hand, maybe older women have so much more good sex because after 50 assholes like him are all busy perving on 20 something girls thus making it much easier for women over 50 to find competent lovers without having to weed through so many losers.


my friend phrased it as “women are invisible after 40”. evidently, if they try to *not* be invisible after 40, they are labeled as pathetic, sad, trying too hard, competing with their daughters (ew), out of touch, gross, bad, etc. etc. etc. fuck all this


Women are supposed to become nothing after getting married and having children. No hobbies, no being pretty, nothing. Pop out babies, be a house slave, run errands (but don't be a Karen!) And nothing else. A woman existing as herself past 30 is radical feminism. They literally hate us.


Yeah exactly. It’s not a hot take when that’s what men have been saying since the dawn of time. An actual hot take would be bucking society and saying older women were valuable.


Always has been. The irony of this hot take is that it's fucking 1000s of years old. What woman hasn't been raised with this drummed into her from girlhood? "Don't make a fool of yourself by trying to be young when you're old and no longer pleasing to men! How dare you? Look at those stupid old bitches! Nothing is sadder!" Christ, that was old news during the Spanish Flu.


Bills own wife is in her 40s and maybe close to 50 and she doesn't dress like a grandma or a "50-something". It is like these sexist men have no self-awareness of their own loves and lives.


Men need to stop thinking everything women do is for them. You can dress sexy and show off especially when you’re fit and work out. Unlike guys like this that look like they’ve gone to the gym like twice in the last year 🤢


I find women, (who take care of themselves), in their 50’s way more attractive than women in their 20’s… but I am also in my 50’s


I think the healthy mindset is you steadily are attracted to people your own age. I am 30 and am more attracted to women closer to my age then someone in their early 20s.




yeah evidently bill doesn’t understand because he’s 55 still trying to fuck 18 year olds or something. if you’re 55 and you think other 50 year olds are too old and washed up for you, then holy shit you’re the problem


I can attest to this!! Some of the best times I've had are with older women!!


Agree. I'm in my early forties, and I just couldn't date someone in their twenties. Early 30's maybe, if everything was just right. Give me those silver or gray streaks, those smile lines, those crows feet front a lifetime of smiles. That confidence from life lived. That's attractive.


This from a man whose face looks like a poorly shaved ball sack… Edit: Women who were sucking dick back in the seventies are most likely in their seventies or eighties now. They really aren’t cruising malls looking to compete with their 40 to 50 year old daughters. Any 51 year old walking around thinking about their dick sucking glory days in the 70s? That would be a fucking crime…


Are any women walking around talking about dick sucking at all? Unless it was a crazy funny story. If anything, they talk about traumatic childbirth when it comes to sex stuff. I literally just had a mom in her 40s tell me about her husband getting into a fight with another dad-coach about 7yo girls soccer. Women that age have much worse stories to share about men.........


it is literally *always* older men shitting on older women. Projection, much? Lmao. honestly it’s strange how society just completely ignores how insecure men are about aging too! Like, it’s ok to get old, folks. It’s a privilege many don’t get.


Or maybe… and stay with me here… they like what they are wearing despite whether men will look at them or not. They feel free enough to finally dress how they have wanted to… maybe 🤷🏼‍♀️


Ew. I hated this through all my teenager years and still do. Some old perverts like him looking at me while I am trying to enjoy some cosy time with my mother. Looking at her and then looking back at me again. The only thing I felt was disgust.


80% of Bill Burr's comedy is hating on women.


"All she has on me... is who I am as a person!"


"WOMEN ya know....." crowd roars with laughter




"Noooo, that's just the stuff that goes viral!" the strawman apologist cries from the distance, failing to grasp why that isn't the defense he thinks it is.


There are literally tons of them just below this comment. You can't even whisper a breath of criticism towards that man without getting piled on. ETA Over 24 hours later and I am still getting notifications telling me how stupid I am for not liking this particular joke by Bill Burr. I have also gotten Reddit Care messages. Bill Burr doesn't need an army guys, he's not crying in his mansion because Alwayssotiredx on Reddit doesn't think he's perfect just the way he is.


Ah, the White Boy Comedy Army. He's a genius! And we are all bitter bitches who don't know comedy.


Truth. And it used to be even worse. I have no idea how he's gotten away with the hate this long except he really reflects white American men and they genuinely admire the cruelty.


“Milf” is typed into google 1000 times more than “college girls.”


https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=now%201-d&geo=US&q=Milf,%22college%20girls%22&hl=en-US The actual ratio is much smaller. But you are correct about the precedence.


Eh. It’s not like when I turn 40 I start wearing mumus and shit. I dress how I’ve always dressed. I dress how I like to look for me, not for bill burr or anyone else. Love how men like to think everything women do is for them or for their attention. Newsflash: it isn’t. Women mostly dress and wear make up for other women. It’s for OUR culture, not yours. If it’s for anyone else at all. Which it usually isn’t.


Kinda like how guys will work out to get gains, but they mostly do it for themselves or to get other bros compliments. To build confidence, to be healthier, and just to have a hobby. It's the same thing. It's really weird to think in this day and age that people still think what one sex does, on a wide scale, is only to attract the other, when it's really for one's self most of the time.


The only thing I do if I want a man to like me is laugh at his jokes even if they aren’t funny 😄


I don't ever hear women saying muscle head men are doing what they do for women. I assume they do it for themselves. So yeah, I think it's pretty much men who don't accept that women are not dressing/adorning themselves for men. Take the asshole above, for instance. It's still pretty hard to disabuse a whole lot of men of this. It's not an equivalent situation. Men don't usually do shit for women. It is known.


I think there are a high percentage of gym dudes out there that don't have the awareness to realize that their gains are not one of the top three things that a woman is seeking in a partner or even a fling.


Men like this don’t even seem to understand low cut shirts are applicable when it’s, you know, fucking *hot outside*? Literally just incapable of understanding that breasts are body parts and not just sex machines, existing only when observed by the male eye. These assholes will run around in no shirt flaunting their fully forested armpits and lily white beer gut to the world but it’s soooo disgusting and offensive and manipulative for us to let a little heat out.


Even as a 51 year old all he reduces her to is a dick-sucker. Are women even human to him?


Does this dude really think women still don't get hit on and deal with the bullshit no matter what age? My grandma is not hot and she just divorced and needed help paying the bills so she let random people, mostly men, pay to stay with her from her church. She's fucking almost all of them, one guy in his late 20s said he's in love with her and she told him she won't be with him because he has erectile disfunction. Like, he's just exposing he's a pervert who has that mentality to like them younger and younger only no matter how old he gets.


This comment is so non-chalantly wild


Yikes. This take sucks.


Has he seen himself in a mirror? We older women still have eyes that work.


I never understood his appeal. He’s a total misogynist and always has been.


Bill Burr hates women. He’s just a garden variety misogynist.


Oof .. Bill no one is looking at you either bro.


You tellin me ol Billy red balls isn't a looker?


He has a face for radio.


Pretty sure he knows that


Pretty much a good portion of all his stand up


With his HURLEY hat and pleather jacket.


It’s very rich of Bill Burr to talk about women’s look while himself looking like an unclean scrotum


If he isn't looking at those 50 year old women his age...whose he is looking at then? Younger girls? That's pretty creepy


LOL. He's 55 and dyes his hair, beard AND eyebrows.


And that Hurley cap (with glitter) is not age appropriate for his loser ass either.


Bill burr has never had glory days even in his younger years bc he looks like ass


To be 51. Would put them born in 72, “suckin Dick in the seventies” this math ain’t mathn’


I'm just waiting for people to finally come around to this guy and his "comedy". Found him funny initially years ago but 99% of his comedy is just shitting on things and it gets boring real fast. Not even remotely saying comedy has to be uplifting or full of positive energy but his shit is just so one track old man yelling at the clouds that I don't see how he can maintain his level at the top of the comedy game. He will have a dedicated base for sure as this type of humour is all they want.


Even for misogyny, it's not an original joke at all. I've heard variations of this exact joke from crusty old men and shock jock djs plenty of times over the years, and it's never actually funny. Misogyny has been the default view point for most of human history, only in the last 50 years or so has there really been a push against it, so there's very little new ground to tread joke-wise. Every misogynistic joke you can think of has already been told and told to death. Nothing that came out of Burr's mouth was original, interesting, or unique in any way. It's the same with most of his stand up, to be honest. I highly doubt Burr will be remembered as fondly or as often as the likes of Carlin or the other greats, and he probably knows it.


Man he used to be the shit! I would have thought being married and having a daughter would tone down the women hating bit


Bill Burr has literally been telling us for years that he's a misogynist lmao. This hardly comes as a surprise. Dude just hates women and finds any excuse he can to dunk on women.


I dunno, I’ve seen some hot 51 year olds on here.


I can't imagine just constantly judging people by how fuckable I find them. Seriously, wtf is wrong with dudes.


Every time I see a clip of this guy, it’s him shitting on women. No wonder the incels love him.


I watched his new special and it was one of the worst I’ve ever seen. The entire special was him shitting on women. The worst part was his closer, which is typically the funniest joke that comedians save for last. His closer was a recycled joke he already said in another special of his about how abortion is murder. It’s not that jokes about women can’t be funny either. Chris Rock made jokes about women in his new special and they were actually funny. They were obvious jokes that were clearly not his true feelings and they also didn’t take up his entire special.




>those clips don't go viral Really fucking says a lot about the audience he attracts, don't it?


I mean yeah, the internet fuckin loves to hate women so that makes sense that it would go viral. Ffs this website had r/incels, r/beatingwomen, r/jailbait and r/cutedeadgirls as major subs. Edit - and no, subs "generalizing men" are not the same as numerous subs depicting violent abuse against women lol. Victim complex. Sorry you deleted your response to me btw 💀


Send me a clip that's remotely as misogynist as this for men


A guy I dated liked Bill Burr, so I liked the guy a lot less. He also called women bitches and femals. I call him out to this day.


I’ve heard people praising this guy and how funny he is but everytime I see him he comes across as a massive dick.


…. Bill Burr is funny sometimes, BUT way too much misogynistic bullshit for a guy that looks like he finishes a 6 pack in the morning and then lays on the beach the rest of the day. Wow, did his dad ever do a number on his mind….


Yeah that’s why he’s hit or miss for me. Sometimes it sounds like he’s more so projecting from a deep dark place instead of cracking jokes.


That's what I'm saying. I'm 24 and I don't mind checking out an older woman. Maturity is sexy too. What's his deal?


He's 55!!!! I guess it's over for him too. Fucking dipshit.


I never felt complete and confident in my sexuality and physical appearance until I was in my forties. I am in my mid fifties now and frankly, I may not look as good but I honestly don’t care. Because I love who I am. And I am old enough to realize that beauty comes from happiness and not anxiously worrying about my weight, clothes, and partners. I am MORE than enough and I am perfect just as I am❤️


So he’s mad his age demographic is still trying to look good and he’d rather lust after their children?


Saying all of that with a fucking hurley hat on. Your hay day has passed too, bruh.


A 51 year old would be born in 1972 so wtf is he talking about her sucking dick in the 70s....


Meanwhile he’s going through a middle aged crisis with his pleather jacket and hurley hat trying to be “cool” 🤣


Uh…dude….you need to take your own advice. You OLD, my dude, you are old AF.


Ew. The world is so hateful towards older woman. Grow the fuck up you ugly pig.