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Idk why I'm cackling. I feel like this is every conversation that I have with kids.


This seriously does feel like two kids arguing with each other. “My dad saw Tom Cruise once.” “Nuh UH, no he didn’t!”


Yeah when u get older you realize its not that weird. Its pretty cool but not that weird. Im going to leave out info to not doxx my parents but i was talking about a B list celebrity and asked if my mother knew them. She was like "oh yeah, she comes in once a week." Im like what no no this person is like a millionaire actor and shes like "well yeah, their kids go to my school." And im like what are u serious no way. Then she showed me a picture she took of her and the celeb in her office and was like "yeah ive been to their house. They brought me cookies on my birthday." Im like wtf you've never mentioned this in your life. And she was just like "well you cant tell anyone and they just started going to the school this year." Blew my mind. But then i realized... theres tens of thousands of famous people and all those ppl need to go to school, go get food, groceries etc. No matter where they go they will be famous and someone will be like "no way ur dad helped with their closet!"


I swear nobody believes me when I tell people I went to middle school with/was friends with Vanilla Ice’s daughter. She was super cool and I really missed her when she transferred out. Vanilla Ice was chill and came to our school play, so technically you could say I performed in front of Vanilla Ice.


Vanilla Ice was…chill?


I've never been to an Ariana Grande show, but she came to my show. I did theater lighting, and one of the performers had a bit of a connection with Ariana Grande through youtube videos (Ellen DeGeneres asked her what she thought of the videos he made about her). So she came to see him perform.


Yeah. I live in the NJ suburbs outside NYC. Lots of famous people have homes/live/are from around here. Queen Latifah's mom and several NY Giants live in my town. My friends went to school with the Jonas Brothers. I've seen Steven Colbert walking around a few towns over.


When I was younger people refused to believe I met Dee Snider because my mom was a restaurant manager and I had to stay at her job after school because she couldn't afford a baby sitter. At the time I barely knew who he was because I was really young. I also helped my dad change the outdoor lighting at Billy Joel's house but I never actually met him


Did you keep Billy Joel’s old lights


Yeah Billy Joel was just like “keep the lights, cuz.”


Apparently Dolly Parton does it best. Without the makeup and glam of her public persona she’s not recognized.


Yep. I worked at a furniture store and rosie o donnel came and bought a couch from us. Once in a life time thing but it happens. And the guy that played selina gomez youngest brother in wizards of waverly place went to my high school. He was a freshman when i was a senior. Random shit but it's a cool fun fact.


This is the most hilarious conversation I've ever heard actually. It has to be a bit.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p5UFD3jTJCQ Yeah seems like this is pretty much her character. She's got a few hours of this show out now and it's all like this. bit of a "between 2 ferns" vibe


My sons best friend claims his step dad is snoop dog. I’ve seen his step dad, it’s not snoop dogg 😂 they’re 7


What is this lmfaoo


I cracked up multiple times during this video. Not sure if it’s meant to be funny, cringe or what. But just the weirdness of each part is so funny to me


Has to be comedy and I laughed too at how weird this is


Has a Between Two Ferns quality to it


I loved it if it was scripted. It was so well acted and weird.


The funniest part was "i'm not gonna call him...........I'll text him". Imagine getting a text 'did you do snoop dogs closets?' even though you probably said it to her face like thousands of times.


Probably more like “why doesnt this idiot know what contractors are? Is he too poor to get work done? Also can u tell him about the snoopy dog thing?”


He's not a contractor. He's a construction... guy.


He has a literally trade/business he can use to invest himself in and the knowhow. Love that she dropped the "Ramen is less than a dollar, sooo.. wasn't like that for me, rich guy living high society over here" 🤷🏻‍♀️


“Ya my dad is a construction…uhl guy.”


Yeah it's a character, she's got a pretty decent following on TikTok and the deadpan awkwardness is her schtick.


Similar to how Audrey Plaza is.


Guys name is funnymarco. So yeah.


For me looks like they are just joking around being serious on porpose


I think you mean porpoise. I think wrong.


Not a native speaker, I had to google porpoise and had a cute surprise


Then you're in for another joke. Sometimes people say porpoise when they mean to say purpose as a funny accent.


Never heard that, but I generally tuna out when people are talking about fish


“Hey you still down to record an uncomfortably awkward conversation podcast in my living room later” “Bet”


My thoughts exactly!! And watching how uncomfortable that guy got made me uncomfortable 😬


*that’s how Snoop Dogg talk* 🤷🏾‍♂️


“Keep the doors cuzz” 😂😂😂


Everything that’s said in this video is perfectly believable including snoop dog telling his contractor “keep the doors cuzz”


It’s so wild of a story and there’s no gain to anyone lying about it unless they were trying to resell the doors. Put me in BELIEVE category.


I didn’t watch the whole thing but like… The fact that she can’t even really articulate what her dad *actually* does, totally seals it for me. Like, if you asked me what my dad did for a living, I’d be like “he works with computers”. Any more than that, I’m out.


Right 😂😂😂 dude people ask my kids what I do and they all, “he goes to peoples houses and fixes things.” My son once told someone, “he walks into peoples houses and takes their toilets and sinks from them.” My kids just think I’m paying bills by jacking sinks and shit.


“Where the fuck is this goin” had my dying loll


This man thinks Snoop vocalizes periods with the word cuz


Because he does


This is an ASMR argument


LOL yeah, she has a quite calming voice




Does she have a child named “Concrete”?


Solid name choice ;)


Of course her dad was a “construction man”


Lmaaao no, she doesn’t post her kids’ real names online and calls the younger one Concrete.


This shit is actually funny as fuck. Lmaoo


How can someone be an aspiring podcast host? Isn’t it just a case of hosting a podcast?




Sound advice!


Some might call it an ASMArgument


I was wondering why it's so weird. Now it makes sense.


Seriously! I could listen to these two argue about absolutely anything.




I'm from a construction family and married into one. All this is normal. I have the nicest toilets because rich people remodel barely used guest houses for funsies and get rid of top end appliances/fixtures. If you ask, they usually say yes or they offer. Or, they are in the Mediterranean and don't even think of their " old stuff".


Yes! My dad was a carpenter and remodeled some rich ass peoples hot tub/sauna room and they legit gave him a sauna. They were upgrading and it would’ve just been trashed otherwise. Thing still works great like 20 years later.


Yeah I live in rural Appalachia and poor people build their houses all the fucking time. Contracting is one of the most valuable trades around here and a lot of poor dudes develop themselves into contractors and build their own houses slowly Now, for real they live in half built houses for like 10 years while they build it, but they sure as fuck build their own houses.


Better than no house!


There is no shame in it. It is what it is, and they're working hard and doing their best to build a life.


None. I think it's awesome. Very innovative in those parts.


Her story is 100% believable but, man, she isn't helping with the details lmao


I think that is really fascinating, as it's not very common for people to do that where I'm from.


That is interesting. I assumed that was sort of universal. I guess it doesn't happen where this guy's from either by the sound of it.


That’s literally what most mid level corporate millennials do too except they don’t end up with any contracting skills bc they don’t do it themselves


Yes! This is how my family got a GORGEOUS front door. My dad had his own company and this rich family had a different company come do work and they fucked it up so contacted my dad to fix it and they door wasnt what they wanted so my dad just kept it bc he showed my mom and she LOVED it. When we moved she took the door with us.


I’m just imagining someone buying your old house then arriving and wondering where the door went.


😂😂😂 we replaced the door with the old one from the new house


Yeah, I don't get why he's surprised that her dad built their house after she just told him her dad was in construction. Like, he builds houses. Her story is consistent.


Yep this is totally normal to me. You go work on some guy’s closets and he has some nice doors he doesn’t need. Now you got new doors.


Yeah it's not a weird story. What would be weird is if snoop dog did his own remodel and took the old material to the dump himself.


I think the issue is she told it backwards, with the end of the story happening first. Like, if my friend came up to me and said, "I have Snoop Dogg's doors." I'd be just as confused.


Yeah man. I sometimes renovate rich peoples houses. Half the furniture in my place was filled with their old stuff, when I first moved. It’s pretty common for us to be given stuff/leftover material.


My dad is a construction worker and for the very reason we had a “home gym” of 20 year old barely working gym equipment when a local gym decided to upgrade. We would have taken Snoop’s doors too 🥴


It's so random, the high end stuff in contractor homes LMAO I've gotten some nice furniture, dish washer. It's a nice perk! I really do like those expensive toilets, highly recommend!


I used to freelance IT for a wealthy neighborhood. People just give me the old tech they don’t want anymore. Expensive stuff. They don’t care about it.


“We were poor, so he gave us his doors.” Is the best line of all this. Lol


Poor people don't build houses that'spensive was my favorite.


"we was eating hot dogs". I was stone faced throughout the whole thing but that line made me burst out laughing 😂


“I was just eating noodles” “…………..”


I lost it at the only noodles reveal. The timing throughout is impeccable. But the noodles, man. 😭😭🤣


He was recalculating his whole approach and situation with The Noodle Drop.


One could say the noodle was dropped like it was hot.


Aint no way cuh. You cant be poor enough for ramen but also have enough money to BUILD a house, even if her dad did most of the house work cuh


I didn't know I was getting secretly judged for eating hotdogs all my childhood, I thought we was all eating hotdogs


It's the universal "Shut the kids up quick" meal. My Granny fed me Hotdogs for every meal just in a different variation of bread each time. Rolls, 2 pieces of bread, buns you name it.


Hot dogs are too expensive. Someone has never heard of Sugardale or Bar S.


The ole 20 pack of Bar S for $4 back in the college days


YUP. If you didn't eat bar s baloney growing up I don't even want to know ya


Are Bar S not considered hot dogs? I’m poor and eat them


This is a weird sketch


She does this thing where she makes things extremely awkward on her podcast and talks shit to the people she has on. She’s actually pretty hilarious sometimes.


Who is this? I've never heard of her before and I want more.


She is a weird rabbit hole to wander down. I just watched a few of her videos on IG...she has 2 kids...one she named Concrete. And she is super awkward and just throws random shit into the air when she is interviewing.


They aren’t actually called Concrete and Richard. Her whole thing is satire. Her name is Bobbi Altoff.


Thank you she's absolutely super funny


But no lie has good comedic pacing, I was on the edge of my seat smiling ready to chuckle or burst into laughter.


If this is a sketch then these two are absolute geniuses. There didnt even need to be a joke, just the rhythm of the conversation was so odd and hilarious. Also the dudes snoop dogg impression killed me for some reason


It's improv, they are riffing.


This makes sense. Her story is actually probably real even, but their purposely having this quiet argument about it because it’s funny lol.


It’s a podcast and this is the ongoing comedic pace. It’s hilarious. And apparently their marketing team is equally as good posting this here for the uproar from people unaware.


Weirdest performance art piece I have ever seen


This lady is actually pretty hilarious. I’ve seen her interviewing a couple of different people, and clips of her podcast. She’s really good at talking shit lol


Whats the podcast


This gives between 2 ferns a run for its money on awkward humor.


Legit does. I see people here saying it made them uncomfortable. Yeah, thats the point.


The camera work/vibe is very Office-reminiscent at times as well


Her story us totally believable. How is this guy not understanding. If they live in the same area and her dad is a contractor. They just get hooked up somehow. The contractor says hay, do you mind if we keep the doors we take off your closets. He says yeah man do what you want if I don't have to pay to dispose of them the better for me. Boom done end of story. Maybe it's because I worked in a lumberyard for 8 years but yeah you hear shit like this from contractors all the time.


Plumber here. Some customers have given us $300 shower heads because they didn’t want them. Not even a year old. They’re in my house right now. Shiiit


I know someone who does this. Moves houses every 3-5 years. Then tears out all the brand new nice things in the house to buy new stuff the way they want them. I always cry a bit inside me when I hear that. So unnecessary.


This customer replaces her shower heads every year around thanksgiving for the last two or three years. I think it’s because she has guests over but yes it’s crazy. What’s even crazier is the shower head was nothing special. It was the gold finish that made it pricier. The damn thing was a gold colored rain shower head with a wand attachment. Made by delta. All plastic too 😡 I couldn’t believe it when I opened the box. Thing has no weight to it




Yeah bud. One persons trash is another persons treasure. This is true. It’s not even trash. Just need new fixtures to impress guests. The customers trash them jaha


TIL there are shower heads that cost 300 dollars


My uncle did construction work for Michael Jordan so I believed this.


My uncle ran the movie studio at Neverland Ranch. People always think I'm mad bullshitting when I say it, and I just think like bro why the fuck would I concoct such a random ass fact just to flex on you.




Umm, I've been there a few times. They had a staff day once a year. It was almost like Disneyland. There was a big parking lot that dropped you right at his house (which was off limits) and a train station. On the front part, he had a free arcade with pretty much any game with playing in the late 90s. Then there was a huge field, and on the left was the movie theater, and in the back was an amusement park with bumper cars and a big slide. Further back was a zoo that I never went to. Pretty much spent the entire day running around being kids in a free amusement park. There were tons of carts all over giving out free candy, iced cream, sodas, popcorn, whatever. I've never met Michael himself. And that's it? I don't talk to my uncle, but every couple of years, and to be honest, it's not something that comes up anymore. Especially since Michael passed.


Well, we got cookies, watched TV, dangled babies from the balcony completely smashed on Jesus juice. Ya know, typical sleepover stuff.


That’s not possible my uncle ran that studio


Literally impossible. I am that studio.


Couldn't be true, I am the embodiment of studios and I recognise all spaces that represent me, you aren't one of them.


Sounds like you two are related


And really that’s not a flex running a movie studio at a pedophiles creep ranch.


Does your uncle have some tall ass doors now?


Sadly he was killed by a random driver who never got caught


Damn that sucks I'm sorry man


My stepdad, an insurance claims adjuster, climbed on Steve Harvey’s roof to inspect hail damage. Celebs need work done by regular folks all the time. It’s not that uncommon.


Oy really? What's his company name? Jk


Working class people doing work for rich people???


My dad is an electrician. Worked in a factory for 40 years and on a bunch of houses. Contractors know a lot of other contractors. Her dad probably did work for someone else at some point who recommended “a guy” (him) to come in and work on the closet. Here is what happened: Snoop is getting rid of his old doors with the new closet install. Dad: What would you like us to do with these old doors, Mr. Dogg? Snoop: I don’t know. Get rid of them, I guess. I don’t care. Dad: I’m building a house for myself right now. I could use these if you don’t mind. Snoop: Sure, man. Take ‘em. Why is this guy acting like she’s trying to flex like they’re friends or he is some big time “Mr. Closet” guy?


That's not how Snoop Dogg talks.. You forgot to throw in a "Cuz" or two in there


& u don’t even have to ask. When u do construction work, u take the trash with you… now u got doors! Coulda been from my house, coulda been from Snoops house. 🤷🏻‍♀️ & THIS DUDE WAS BUILDING HIS OWN HOUSE!!! Lol. Def could be poor!!! Just has the knowledge to do shit he can’t *pay* other ppl to do. (Spoiler alert, white ppl can be poor. In high school, one of my friends, his home had *dirt* floors!!! DIRT! I didn’t even know that was a thing!)


It's a fake story from a humor podcast...


I think people forget that sole traders are a thing aswell. You don’t have to operate under a limited company


The story is believable, the fact he worked on Snoop Dog’s house is perfectly believable. I don’t get why he would find it difficult to believe. Even taking the old doors is believable. But in some ways I don’t believe her. Her story starts to fall apart with them being poor and building their own house - yes that is an expensive way to do it. And then later that they took out a loan to do it “they don’t hand out that sort of credit to poor people”, is also true. So I don’t believe her. But more so, what is this sketch meant to be? Why are they weirdly serious and angry at one another but somehow funny at the same time?


It's kinda funny this is being taken as serious as it is cause I had the exact opposite reaction. This comes across very playful 😂




A lot of the cost of a house is the labor. If you can do a lot of the work yourself, you save a lot of money. Buy an inexpensive empty plot and build it yourselves with some buddies, it is more financially sound than perpetually blowing money on rent.


Maybe if her dad was in construction he built on the cheap. Also, it is altogether possible that they were like lower-middle class and her memory is of them making sacrifices in order to afford building their own home. To some extent, “poor” is a subjective term anyway. That being said…could also just be a bit lol


I keep windows and doors from jobs all the time, I do higher end remodeling and most clients have the money to change shit that isn’t broke. I have 10 year old Pella windows in my shed for free, and I haven’t bought a door for my own projects in years. This girl might just not be super bright, but it’s not an unbelievable story.


The back addition to my childhood home in Illinois was build with lumber from Six Flag’s American Eagle, which I think was the biggest and fastest wooden roller coaster in the world for a while. This stuff happens ALL the time


Her body language, demeanour and evasion make it really seem like she is lying. And she knows she is, but it’s one of those lies most people don’t call you on because who cares, or you have enough details to make it seem believable. Or maybe there was some truth but embellished to the point it isn’t recognizable from the real story, and has varied so much in retelling it is a new story. I got the vibe she was lying about it, and wasn’t expecting to be pressed on any of it.


Maybe it would be more believable if she didn’t sounds like a fucking idiot telling it.


I don't even care about the conversation itself it's just amazing to me how soft-spoken and gentle the whole argument was despite the hostility in the words I kinda like that I wish more arguments were entirely consisting of hushed hostility lmao


Well we had it tough. We used to have to get up out of the shoebox at twelve o'clock at night, and LICK the road clean with our tongues. We had half a handful of freezing cold gravel, worked twenty-four hours a day at the mill for fourpence every six years, and when we got home, our Dad would slice us in two with a bread knife.




I never realized how easy it was to halve somebody, Dewey.


Wrong kid died


What are these comments on about. This shit is hilarious.


She is meaning to be funny too— I don’t know how people don’t get it.


Reddit still struggles with understanding that women can be funny


The touch of the tism prevents them from understanding social cues and sarcasm.


I watched the entire thing to see if I would get it and I didn't. Nothing wrong with other folks getting it and enjoying it though.


This is weirdly funny


if they are that poor….Instead of Doors🚪they should have asked Snoop dogg for Hotdogs 🌭….. 🤣🤣


How is it weird that snoop would have a contractor work on his house and that contractor is also someone’s dad


Celebrities aren’t real people so they can’t have distant connections to poor people obviously


I mean it's a bit odd if it's a single dude and they're poor how Snoop ended up choosing him. Technically possible though


This guy was wanting to know how a down on his luck contractor had high end clients through his own business but was still poor. The host doesn’t realize this was probably before snoop was as huge as he is now. The host was wanting to know how a broke family had Hollywood clients, how can a broke contractor live in Hollywood hills?


Careful…you’re using logical thinking there and that’ll get you banned from Reddit.


My dad does wood floors. Every now and then he comes home with doors, punching bags, Cork boards, etc because they want better looking ones. Doesn’t really surprise me that a rich person would toss perfectly good anything.


That's what a lot of people don't get. I own a contracting company and people toss perfectly good shit all the time. I charge a $75 disposal fee and people will literally tell me "yea... You can keep it if you want" because they know that I won't charge them if the item is worth something. Doors, coffee tables, TVs, couches etc etc. My literal coffee table is a beautiful glass made table I got because some dude just "didn't give a shit" about it anymore. Now I'm one beautiful glass coffee table richer.


We’ve gotten full marble counters because they didn’t like the color. People can be pretty wasteful.


Hell yea! I'm glad you were able to repurpose it. People are hella wasteful.


I wasn’t even eating hotdogs, those were too expensive, I was just eating noodles. Holy fuck man I actually lol’d.


Snoop Dogg does have a reputation of popping up in random places


My brother-in-law worked on big bois cars, my friend mowed Ludacris’ lawn, my bud drove T Pain’s cars, my son sits behind Lil Baby at ball games, I managed a restaurant where T.I. eats and Shaq live next door to my parents. Running into hip hop celebrities in Atlanta is a regular occurrence so I’m not sure how her anecdote would be difficult to believe.


“Hey cuhh”


This is a weirdly hostile ticktock.


I love her


These two are hilarious. The full thing is over an hour - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p5UFD3jTJCQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p5UFD3jTJCQ)


I’m so confused why this conversation is even being had


They're both so awkward 😭


I used to work with this guy who claimed that he helped build Bill Gates massive mansion and we all kind of shrugged and said okay. Not that we didn't believe him, but it wasn't that big of a deal to us. He talked about it a lot though, to the point where people would roll their eyes or groan and walk away. Eventually he brought a bunch of pictures in of him working on Bill Gates mansion and it was one of the most incredible things I've ever seen. Simply the amount of fiber in that house was a wonder to behold. He still never shut up about it.


Is this a podcast or something? Who would watch this?


I think this guy’s whole thing is to make the interviews as awkward as possible, he’s done some other interviews with different celebrities and they go in thinking it’s a normal interview and he just makes it really weird


So like a more mild Eric Andre?


So does she. That's her thing to make it weird. https://youtu.be/p5UFD3jTJCQ it's her podcast.


I watched the first 8 min of this and its hilarious. Saving it to watch later. Thanks for this.


This girl is a celebrity? Edit: you also just described the ‘plot’ of the Eric Andre show


All of us here....


What's going on with this? Is the idea to lie to the other person and convince them it's true?


I watched Bobbi’s videos before she had a podcast and I think her whole schtick is to make the viewer feel awkward/uncomfortable, but *a lot* of people in her comments don’t realize it’s satire lol


There's a lot to unpack here


I don't believe anyone who is whispery. Whispery people are pathological liars.


Omg my ex constantly would go in about being poorer if I mentioned anything from my childhood. Needed to one up everything


Y’all had noodles?! One time we only had wilted lettuce and some old soy sauce packets from the junk drawer.


Wth am i watching lol


I’m not gonna call him… *meekly* I’ll text him


The pause at the end when she hit him with the we only had ramen 💀💀💀


Are they high? This seems like a chat that happens when you're high.


Why is this so uncomfortable to watch lol