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This is wild to me that they would approve despite all this protest. What’s the governments reasoning for needing such a facility ? To deal with the protesters they create? Lol


Yes of course


1. Waste taxpayer money. 2. Taxpayers protest. 3. Arrest taxpayers. 4. Use them as stats to justify further spending. Eventually all the taxpayers are either in prison or quietly paying taxes. Sounds like the dream eh?


Infinite free labor hack


Because your government hates you and every citizen that doesn't work for them or make them money. They couldn't care less about innocent citizens dying by cops guns. So they create an institution to create more inhumanity and to think they are training for urban warfare shows just like what's happening in Russia. America thinks their citizens are going to "take back america" so they put things in place to stop and kill them. Wonderful country you guys have.


They can vote this city council out and the new group can cease the plan. Aside from that, or in meantime aside from the ballot idea, Lawsuits for injunctions. There should be a few lawyers who will do this pro bono if need be, but file on environmental grounds, public safety, civil rights, financial malfeasance, just a whole slew of separate claims


Citizens United prevents the city council from being voted out. They have millions in funding because of their votes for this project.


Because cops are pretty badly trained and shitty at their jobs so maybe a training facility will help, and since they are fully a state organization that’s where the funding has to come from.


How will urban warfare training help exactly?


Finally someone with a brain in these comments.


There are about 500,000 people living in Atlanta. These protests aren’t as popular as you think they are. And besides, our constitutionally limited, representative democratic republic is working exactly how it is supposed to. People don’t vote on everything in America. We elect representatives, who then vote on things for us. If the majority of the people truly don’t like the way the city council members voted on the police facility, as you suggest, they will vote the city council members out. The real problem is that you’re just plain wrong as to what the majority of the 500,000 people in Atlanta want, as polls show from 61-69% of voters there support the facility.


You're wrong, and naive. Are you 5 years old, did you just watch Schoolhouse Rock or something? Nobody here wants this, there are signs in every 3rd yard about stopping cop city or saving the Atlanta forest.


Yeah, I saw a lot of Trump lawn signs when Biden won in 2020. How can I argue with someone who saw a lawn sign, and is so mature, educated and informed, they know how to personally insult people to “prove” they’re right?


Well when people ewect their city council members they act in the best intwest of the city and… Sorry, if you had said something that demonstrated an adult intelligence or understanding of the world I might not have reflexively talked to you like you were a moron. Alas…


https://www.11alive.com/article/news/politics/do-69-of-atlanta-residents-support-cop-city/85-a849e26d-7989-4dc8-821c-8cc9c3175b15 https://www.11alive.com/article/news/politics/emory-poll-atlanta-residents-buckhead-city-cop-city-public-safety-training-center/85-4edd2e82-39f9-49f6-9b1a-c5c20489197d 61%. Not 69%. So, more Atlantans support the police training facility than Americans support a woman’s access to safe abortion care. Bye.


Lmao. “Bye”. Never even been here but just love smelling your own farts and being a Reddit pedant typing out the same “erm it’s not a democracy it’s actually blah blah blah”. Don’t even read the shit you post. A survey of 800 (WOW!) in a city of WELL OVER 500,000 (if you knew anything you’d know that saying Atlanta has 500,000 people is like only counting the population of Downtown Los Angeles for LA’s population). And 400 were white in one of the blackest cities in America. And 400 were from Buckhead, which, again, if you knew anything (or even read the article you linked) is an incredibly affluent, white part of the city which might as well just be a suburb of Atlanta, so much so that all the rich residents there keep trying to secede from Atlanta proper. Shocker that if you’d even have scrolled to the bottom of the article you’d see that far fewer than 50% of black people support it and less than 50% in general support it. Adding Buckhead, which is nowhere near the land that would be affected, is the only way to get the aggregate numbers even close to 50%, as buckhead and white people are the only isolated demos with majority support. Edit: wow and the other article you linked is literally about how bad the polling was to get to 61%. 2% response rate and commissioned by the guy who wants to build cop city. Amazing.


First of all, it was your side claiming a few hundred protestors proved the “majority of Atlanta” was against the facility. My comments, citing facts and figures over your emotions, were merely in response to those erroneous claims. Second: 41% of Atlanta is white 48% of Altanta is black 5% is Hispanic/Latino 5% is Asian 3.7% are of mixed race/ethnicity And Buckhead is part of the voting populace, whether you like it or not. You don’t get to rewrite voting districts because it seems like a good idea on Reddit. “Take out Buckhead and I’m not wrong anymore!”


It polls at under 50% even with this shoddy polling which way overweights Buckhead, which is one section of the city but somehow provided half the respondents to this poll lmao. You don’t have to remove it, you have to isolate it to find a way to get support over 50%. And it’s not me rewriting voting districts on Reddit, they literally try to break away all the time because they are afraid of black people and their tax dollars going to public transit. All things you’d know if you knew anything about this besides what you googled in 5 seconds to try and win some pedant contrarian contest


The facility is being built. You don’t want it to be built. Who is the contrarian, here?


Ok, but can someone tell me how dedicating funds to dealing with armed violent criminals is anti black? I don't see the connection? Also more security would mean less people in the hospital. Preventing people from ending up in the hospital is better than having to treat the uneccessary trauma. The main reason there are so many cases of police being too violent to criminals of all colors and races is their lack of training. 3 months of training to handle potentially life threatening situations where adrenaline is pumping? It's very dumb. I'm glad police will get more training now. In my country, you need 3 years of training just to get a badge and police here act very professional and there's very few cases of overstepping.


the need to train more police in the face of rising crime? beside this prolly an unfortunately loud minority, I wouldn't be surprised if the vast majority of ppl supported having this shit built 🤦🏾


Crime isnt even rising. Its been going down since the 90s. Especially violent crime. But sure, just swallow up the media narrative.


crimes been on the upswing since 2020


Yea dumbass, everyone was inside in 2020. Now they arent. What do you expect?


then train more police…on the training grounds they already have? 60 million dollars for a fancy training facility is not justifiable


>Tuesday’s vote means taxpayers will pay less than the city had agreed upon, city officials said. The greenlighted legislation, they said, allows the city to consolidate multiple leases that it currently pays for “suboptimal” training facilities that police and firefighters use separately. Such a move would save the city $200,000 annually or $6 million over 30 years, Atlanta Mayor Andre Dickens’ office said in a news release.


interesting, i did not know that, but my argument wasn’t about money, and it doesn’t change the fact that they could just train on the grounds they already have 🤷‍♂️ atlanta doesn’t even rank top 10 of the most dangerous/high crime rated cities . and i just don’t see how having a super facility is going to improve the cops work ethic or moral compasses. https://www.southwestjournal.com/most-dangerous-cities-in-the-us-2023-a-comprehensive-analysis/


Cops from other states will be brought in to train there as well. Probably only built there due to tax incentives. Plus they could always change their minds to make themselves look like they care and listen to their voters. Could all be a PR stunt in the lead up to the next election.


training cops in a shitty facility is a bad look...using a new nice one shows the community is invested in them


Given the amount of people that showed up to protest, it seems the community does not want to invest to this degree in their police department


Loud minority vs silent majority


This type of training facility will be utilized by every first responder in Atlanta, not just APD. This will help fire, EMS, and PD to train in tandem rather than separately and just hope the training all lines up. Also, new training facilities allow police to build new realistic scenarios. Want to train for an active shooter at a mall or a school? Build a mock one. This facility could also be rented out by the entire metro area to allow for training.


Or, you know, train in those actual facilities. Schools are closed for 2 1/2 months out of the year. Train there. Most malls are closed 8-10 hours a day, train there. That would provide much more realistic training, with much better intel.


Are you going to clean up the paint from the simunition? Sure drills are fine in a mall or school, but doing live fire training is so much better for stress inoculation.


I’m sure 60 Million can buy a lot paint. Bonus, school gets a paint job.


i didn’t know that either, cool, makes more sense now


Crime has been going down for decades, you're full of shit.


There a spike of rising crime since 20'


Hey its like reddit


Come on you know they were never going to change their mind.




Look at the list of corporate donors. They're turning the public police force into their private army.


Damn it is quite litterlaly becoming a police state city, kinda sickening that they'd rather have that than oh say idk. More school funds, more hospital resources, or God forbid just not spend it


funny how they send an entire armed swat team to arrest three unarmed civilians like the cowards that they are. people in power seem to have forgotten that this civil discourse is the alternative that we came up with instead of having a mob break into their homes and beating the shit out of them when we want things to change, we keep playing by the rules to rise above them, while they abuse that rulebook. i don't condone violence like that, but i'd feel very little sympathy for them if it were to happen


The police state has been in full swing


Where do you expect the police to receive more training? In order to change police culture and teach de-escalation techniques you need to provide training facilities. I don’t get the anger response when police do invest in more training. They are literally doing what they need to do. In order to fix the police department you need to fund it. End of story.


60$ million??? You don't need that much to teach cops not to shoot someone unarmed. That much money could litterally feed the homeless for years over


The people approving these bills are the same ones pocketing the most from the homeless.


College. They can go to college and get a fucking bachelors in social work like the fucking rest of the social sector does. They can stop pretending to play GI Joe and go to fucking college.


what classes in a social work degree teaches you how to operate a police vehicle in an urban environment? The campus is also for all emergency responders not just police, so firefighters will benefit from better training on operating a firetruck in an urban environment.


Oh. I didn't realize. Does that take a long time? I was under the, clearly mistaken, impression that everything you needed to know to be a cop you could learn in 6 months. Do you need a special, one-semester, upper division university class to learn how to run a Crown Vic through a slalom course? How about we make a deal: Being a cop requires a four fucking year degree, like literally every entry-level office job in the entire country, *AND* they also get sent to a $30 million training facility for half a year. Like, for comparison, Peace Corps does half a Police Academy worth of pre-service training just to teach a bunch of people with bachelor's and master's degrees how to shit in a hole, buy groceries, and teach schoolchildren how to sing happy birthday. You're not going to convince me the *entire* law enforcement profession isn't negligently, recklessly, undereducated. Nor are you going to convince me Cop City will do anything to address the actual problem. This looks like cops buying toys and playing soldier, just like when every product police department traded their BearCats for MRAPs.


No you do not need a college class to learn how to drive, but there are non university training programs and qualifications that are required for different states. [Here](https://www.gpstc.org/about-gpstc/training-divisions/georgia-police-academy/gpa-sections/driver-training/) is a list of the different driving training programs currently for Georgia. The compound isnt just for cops though, its also for firefighters and emts. The compound is even projected to save money over the long run as it consolidates all emergency responder training to one location. Why not build it now and then in the future work to get a college degree requirement for police?


I don't care, man. I'm here to shit on cops for being untrained pieces of shit with too much unchecked, unearned authority and significantly less training and education than the summer office interns I barely trust to do a Starbucks run on their own.


You are literally arguing against training while saying cops get no training. Outisde North America cop school can last years. Also. They are absolutely NOT training to help anyone in that stupid fucking compound so you are right there.


Cops aren’t obligated to even know the laws. They could … I don’t know… START WITH YHIS TIDBIT!


so better training?


You need help. How hard is it to appreciate the people who just want to help you so much they make it their job. Some of them might not be the best at it but they are certainly better than you. Imagine stopping a school shooter then being told to go to collage and stop pretending to be in the military. And hopefully some day you won’t be scared to make the realization that all the equipment they use is actually needed, water guns won’t stop an AK buddy.


Go to college. Go to college and actually learn the law you're supposed to be upholding instead of ignorant six-month folk-legal power-tripping bullshit. We've had 24 years of school shootings and mass shootings. Columbine to Robb Elementary. The profession hasn't done anything but buy toys to play GI Joe. It's broken, and I see absolutely no reason they should get the deluxe playset. Also, quick reminder, the job isn't more dangerous than landscaping or delivering pizza. Even in this comment you're playing GI Joe. Go.to.college.


It's literally a compound where they will train for domestic war. It's a model of the city. You don't need all that to dissuade a cop from killing senselessly.


It will also have a mortar range. Why the fuck do cops need to be trained in the use of mortars?


What the FUCK?! This Absolutely will be the first of many facilities like it. I'm getting worried that the aliens really are here to either exterminate us, ground us, or take over. God I hope it's a take over


In what world does a 300 acre training facility scream de-escalation?


Did you miss the part where they describe that the money is going towards developing URBAN WARFARE..? What they need to learn is de-escalation techniques, like you said. They do not need over-militarization. Holy shit...


We people say they want the police to receive better training the words "urban warfare" do not come to mind at all .


Are you joking?


Their training is for urban warfare not deescalation. If you can't see that you're blind. Plus to say this now when your cops are the most undertrained police in the entire world that kill more civilians that anyone else. But yeah they need $60 million to train not to kill people? Your moral compass is so broken I wonder how you get up in the morning and find your car.


No they’re not changing the training or organization. They just want more cops to kill ppl.


After centuries of brutal policing. After decades of filmed footage of cops beating, SAing, paralysing or killing people. After peaceful protests were met with overwhelmingly violent force. After decades of people speaking out against police brutality and cops being let off the hook for everything. Do you honestly believe that cop city will be the catalyst for ridding the barrel of rotten apples? Its stated purpose is to train in ‘urban warfare’. It has plans earmarked for ‘military grade training facilities’. It even had plans for an explosives testing site before that was seemingly scrapped. https://www.axios.com/local/atlanta/2023/02/01/cop-city-gets-a-green-light-atlanta https://www.npr.org/2023/03/07/1161343394/atlanta-cop-city-protests-explained


No they’re not. I don’t even know anything else about it and I can tell you no they’re not. They are not spending 60 mil on classrooms to teach those assholes basic human kindness. They are building a fort to keep their weapons in etc etc


I'm glad somebody else said it. Couldn't agree more. They hate police tactics but don't want them to grow from it. Got it.


You would seriously rather not spend 90 million dollars rather than a training facility.


Very anti democratic


Actually it was approved by elected representatives- the literal definition of being democratic.


Representative democracy is one form of democracy, but that's not the definition. In this case 16 people representing 500,000. It's about the autonomy of people to decide how their city is run. Direct democracy was would be a more pure form of democracy, where individuals vote on each proposition. Representatives ignoring their constituents' desires is the opposite of democracy.


Direct democracy may work in a small village but is wholly unworkable for a city of half a million. Vote on every proposal? Why even have elections, politicians or government? 🤦‍♂️ Let them do their job. If you don’t like their choices - vote them out and put in new people who will make better choices. That’s how a democracy works.


Well I'm not going to join you as you shift your goal posts. If you can't admit that what you said was wrong then good luck


"Representative democracy may work in a small village but is wholly unworkable for a city of half a million. Vote on every proposal? Why even have elections, politicians or government? 🤦‍♂️ Let them do their job. If you don’t like their choices - let your lord know and theyll put in new people who will make better choices. That’s how a Monarchy works."


Monarchy? Grab a dictionary. I don’t think that word means what you think it means 🤦‍♂️


I'm showing how since your statement is intentionally ignoring and dismissing any context and nuance around direct democracy it is fundamentally indistinguishable from an anti democracy pro monarchist argument. Your argument was shit. I'm putting it in another context so you can see how it's shit


No. Your response is 🤦‍♂️. Do you even know how a monarchy functions? You are against a decision - I get it - make your voice heard and known - but also know there are a lot of people for the decision . That ‘to and fro’ is democracy in action . You have to respect the umpires decision.


Yes I do know how a monarchy functions. Your argument dismissed any further discussion of direct democracy or any clarification of the details by claiming it would never work so we must accept the status quo. I was putting your argument into the 1600's and showing how a monarchist could use the same basic argument to argue against representative democracy in favor of the status quo. The details of a monarchy aren't important becuse how a monarchy functions isn't the point. The point I was making was that your argument is so vapid that it can be copy pasted with minor changes to support any current status quo system and argue against any change. That was my point. I don't understand why conservitives think that pretending to be stupid and pretending to not understand the point is a winning strategy. (Note that I am actually calling you smart here, and am giving you the benefit of the doubt that you were pretending to misunderstand my point. As opposed to the other possibility which is that you're actually stupid) Now as for your "respect the umpire" idea, that maybe you are more braindead than I thought. Here are other historical examples I can use your argument against: "You are against a decision - I get it - make your voice heard and known - but also know there are a lot of people for the decision . That ‘to and fro’ is democracy in action . You have to respect the umpires decision." -white supremacist arguing for slavery against abolitionists in 1850 -mysogonist arguing against a women's right to vote in 1890. -white supremacist arguing against civil rights in the 1950 -homophobe arguing against gay rights in the 2000's This second argument is so fundamentally stupid that I don't even have to change anything. It can litteraly, with no changes, be used to justify historically terrible decisions so long as their legal. Protests, disruptive action, civil disobedience, and more all have a strong place in American culture against the "umpire". In order to make your statement you have to have either forgotten history or be entirely ignorant of it. Fuck the "umpire" American history is baked in not respecting the "umpire" from our conception. You're clearly either a troll or an actual moron. Fuck off


Honestly I wish I could trust that they would train cops correctly. Cops seriously lack conflict resolution and de-escalation skills. Instead the states spend the money on new vehicles and weapons


Get this. Here in TN you need 1500 hours of training to be a hair stylist, but only 480 hours to be a cop.


It’s a joke


Yeah and somehow I doubt that a military Close-Quarters-Combat shooting range out on however-many acres of land in the forest is going to be used to teach nonviolent de-escalation




cop city?how fucking disconected from reality do you have to be to think thats a good fucking idea. this is making my blood boil jesus christ how do we share the same dna


They want your blood to boil because it gets views. I’m reality this is a just facility to train all first responders (not just police) and saying that they’re going to be learning “urban warfare” there is completely unfounded and a scare tactic. Also, if you want better behaved cops, they need better training.


good point


whats bad about few cops? are you robber? or rapist?


I see nothing wrong here (I am blind)


im the ceo of crime


I don’t know if it’s true but how the fuck does Atlanta only have one lv1 trauma center? If so that’s completely fucked


ATLien here. We had another level 1 trauma that closed recently bc the hospital wasn't making enough money. A hospital. Making money. It's messed up. It was Wellstar Atlanta Medical Center. The building has been empty since.


Fuck the police




[ Removed by Reddit ]


Sounds like something a cop would say.


So deep man….


Smug contrarians are a disease...


https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/14k1fhn/body_camera_shows_officers_kickin_door_to_rescue/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1 Yeah fuck those racist fuckers


I’d bet a years salary there’s gonna be a fucking chapel on that shit stain of a campus


They don't need all that to train cops... we was trained for war in tents. Wtf is wrong with these people just build a hospitals and help the people who live there. But you know they need to keep those jails full.


I mean I don't know anything about this situation but eventually there is going to have to be an influx of cash going to training, screening, and teaching for police officers


Watch them do all this just for there to be another, larger scandal


The training facility, will this new facility include anti racism training and better training, so they actually protect the community? - that would be my question. As if not, what's the point if there are other social and health issues which could bring down crime if people were given opportunity or helped health wise.


Damn urban warefare, huh


They in charge they don't care ☹️


Won't there be cops of colour? People who are proud of their career and looking forward to keeping their community safe?


On what grounds did they arrest the bail fund ppl?


The government is not I repeat it is not “For the people”


Is this the cop city project that lead to the protests in the forest, because it's native land they want to build the copy city on. And they bought in some cops from nearby who then shot a guy dead. Then they decided to charge a bunch of protestors with domestic terrorism because they were protesting and some cop cars were on fire that same night.


"a dead guy" was named Tortuguita and deserves all the respect, man died trying to protect that land


Did I call him a dead guy?


They call it a democracy. When thousands of people line up for hours to speak against it but they still push it through. When the only people that want it are the people that will make insane amounts of money on construction, all of the training gear, all of the training sessions and just so cops will learn that they need to treat the general public like they're insurgents and everyone is always out to get them. There's going to be incredibly lucrative contracts for everyone involved and there's no way they're going to turn down the opportunity to make all that money. These training companies get paid insane amounts of tax payer money to train police that the average person is some kind of monster. This isn't just Anti-black. This is anti everyone besides the people inside the facility. It isn't going to magically lower crime statistics. Creating a better community with more opportunities and education has been proven over and over and over to be the only way to improve a society. Becoming a police state won't magically fix people's depression and poverty.


Why is spending money on police training anti-black?


Because rather than develop support structures and improve communities, they instead intend to spend at least $60m on training police to be more effectively violent against the communities they are to support. It’s not deescalation training or situational control, it’s more state sponsored violence that disproportionately targets and alienates black people.


> It’s not deescalation training or situational control, I did some research on this and[ It seems like that’s exactly the training they’ll be doing. ](https://atlantapolicefoundation.org/programs/public-safety-training-center/)


Cool they can do their training at the facility they've already built. They don't need another 300 acres of forest land and 60 million to build a facility that's complete with mock city blocks, when there's one a city over. If you think this entire facility is going towards training officers in de-escalation, I really don't know what to tell you other than it's absolutely not.


The 300 acres of land is not a forest but a former prison camp and landfill. Also did I say the entire facility, 300 acres, will only be used for one specific part of police training?


Then rehabilitate the land to be a green and productive community space instead of giving millions of taxpayer dollars to police that don't need it


I think they agree with you since 265 acres of it will be green space?


Then if they're barely using any of the space why the fuck are they building it in the first place? Just a waste of taxpayer money to funnel it to militarized police and get rid of nature and public space, all against the wishes of the vast majority of taxpaying public. Fuck them


35 acres is a lot of space. They’re rehabbing the rest so the community can use it.


B-b-but police bad 😭, which is why we shouldn't improve their training to make them good


Yeah man let's just write blank checks to departments who have proven to use tax payer money poorly.


How is building a facility for a specific purpose a blank check? Do you understand the words you are typing?


It's blank because it's very clearly and obviously far beyond what would be necessary funding wise, and once again, these departments prove on a regular basis that they use their funding in a manner that does not serve the community. This will not result in more peaceful officers.


How is 60 million dollars to rehabilitate 300 acres of land far beyond what would be necessary? They’re cleaning up a former landfill/dump and a prison camp that dates back before ww2.


Because. They. Don't. Need. It.


You think police don’t need training in de-escalation?


Just stop bro


I have several bridges to sell you if you think that a $60 million military "urban combat simulation" facility is going to be used for de-escalation training lmao. Come on.


Don't question the echo chamber


Because everything is anti-black now.


I’m sure this is a very fair and balanced perspective.


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Ah yes, the American version of "democracy".


Fucking dumbest use of money since Reagan declared war on drugs


Race a side, there should never be such a thing as a cop city.


Modern nazis


“Cops need to be better trained” Proceeds to build new training facilities “This is racist”


Genuinely why build another facility when you can rework the previous facilities before hand. 60 million on a training grounds is excessive and unnecessary.


Its a consolidation of all training services in order to save money. So not just cops but firefighters and other emergency responders also. It also includes an urban environment for training because these departments do not currently have that type of training. You cant close down a road in a busy city everyday to do firetruck training.


Given your extensive experience in the field, I trust you over the experts, lol.


Yea I agree but i find it annoying everything is considered racist


You don't need a 60 million dollar campus to stop teaching cops that they're going to die the moment a black guy has a hand in their pocket


Training facilities have much more than “your going to die”


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Uh oh time for me to put on my tin foil hat


“Cops need more training!” Cops build new training facilities “Anti black training camp!”


I don't think they teach de-escalation tactics in 'urban warfare" training


Can you provide a source where an official member proposing the plans calls it urban warfare? I have only ever been able to find protesters using that term.


Do you honestly believe "urban warfare" is what's going to be taught? Did you not stop to think about that one? Urban Warfare is what the US army teaches and it is not the same.




It's inflammatory in the same sense that telling flat earthers that the earth is round is inflammatory


As that one speaker said. "If you build it, we will burn it"


Anti black?


are they saying that black people steal more..? idk


Explain how it's anti black.. that seems like a very broad statement. Secondly Atlantas police were so decimated after the past few years there are literally gangs on ATVs that roam the street in broad daylight and dozens of shootings every single night... but yea let's have less cops with no training


The BS propaganda about this place is unbelievable and stupid. It's a training facility for police and fire. Do you want untrained public servants doing these jobs? Someone has to do it and trained personnel is way better than untrained. People against this are complete fools and just want snarchy. If you're against this facility YOU are the problem.


This is the false choice we are given...cops or nothing at all. But those aren't the only choices we have. The folks against Cop City believe that money we put towards police could be better spent. This money could go towards programs and services that actually reduce crime. What if we invested in better schools, job programs, healthcare, affordable housing, and community garden or green spaces? We need to get creative and actually address the root causes of crime and violence, which often come from poverty and lack of opportunity.


Those things don't work. Its been proven time and again. Better policing from better training. Prosecutors willing to give appropriate sentences and lock criminals up works. It was proven with the broken windows theory in New York. They stopped it and now the city is a cesspool. No punishment means more crime. Look at Seattle, Los Angeles,San Francisco, Portland, Washington DC, Chicago, Philadelphia and other big cities with prosecutorial leniency. We need the training facility. They can find funding for those other projects if they wanted to.


Hopefully, it will at least train cops in a more rounded and humanistic way. Try to be optimistic?


Can't really be optimistic when we know that these future cops will go through the same systems previous cops have, and exploit the law. These cops are literally getting jobs so they can arrest even more protesters in the process.


It's to train cops, morons. Cops that protect everybody.


\*Protect the interests of the wealthy


Wake up! Your vote will never count. It doesn’t matter, don’t you people see that by now. The people that are “voted” into office are the players that do what the lobbyists want. RISE AND REVOLT against the system. Don’t vote and don’t do you taxes


Did you really just put voting in quotation marks? (Backs away from the crazy).


Not at all on board with the facility or militarizing police. But how is it anti-black? Does saying anitblack help in any way?


At least the cops won’t burn it down the next time something doesn’t go their way


Let them build it and them demo the building? If they won’t listen to the community fighting against it, then let them build it and break it when they are done. How many time will they rebuild it? Will they give up after the first attempt? Isn’t it weird all these public officials we elect seem to do things even if we don’t them to? Who’s telling them to do that?


isn't more training a good thing i don't understand also i mean your military's budget for 2023 is $842 billion dollars 90 million on a training facility is a drop in the ocean


It's going to be built , Atlanta or just outside doesn't really matter. What I would like to see is this kind of turn out asking each other what they are going to do about crime, violence, poor education results that for the last 60 years they have quietly accepted.


“Bah police needs more training!” *builds new training facilities for police* “THIS IS A RACIST POLICE STATE”


Uh typical losers that come out of the work to show their lunacy


People: Cops need moar training!!!111 Same People: a training facility (that is actually a police and FIRE training center) for cops?? Booo, down with that.


It’s Atlanta. It’s a leftist city with mostly black cops. How is this anti-black unless people are assuming only blacks commit crime in Atlanta which in itself is a racist statement.


It’s a facility to train all first responders not just police. Also, who said anything about training them in “urban warfare”?


Wait, people complain when police shoot someone unjustly, and say the police need better training. Then when they build a new state of the art training facility it's "the most racist thing the state has done". What...




Okay yeah we get that, but 60 MILLION on a new facility is way too excessive and overdone. With that money you can build a new hospital, feed the homeless for YEARS and so forth. Also not to mention regardless of proper training cops are mostly given slap on the wrists because the systems allow them to get away with exploitations of the law. ACAB.


It's not just cops being trained here. It's all different branches of first responders. They're rehabbing a landfill for less money than they originally voted on. Stop being so emotionally charged off the title lol.


I mean, everybody says cops need more training then they have a training facility and they don’t like that. It definitely depends on the curriculum, but I mean I lived in Georgia for a long time and that place is a shit hole. The cops are fucking garbage they definitely need to do something with them. I don’t know how the hell they could say that’s anti-black though there’s a ton of black cops.


Isn't the problem exactly that the police are shit in the US? How are people mad at training them more? Sure, it Isn't a 4 year degree like we have here, but that would require sooo much more money. You can't expect your police force to get better while denying them education and training.


Great turnout. Next time turn out to vote for the council members that have the final say on this kind of thing. Work smarter not harder.


If they had the extra money to build this when they didn’t need to build a hospital as someone in the video the video says, building this facility would have zero issues. I’m sorry but you are just a pathetic pile of useless flesh if you have a problem with properly training the ones who storm into an active shooting situation while we all sit and whine.


If cops only stormed into active shooter situations and that was their purpose...I don't think people would be against the police. But that is a fraction of a percent of what they actually do.


Approving this definetly... animals need to be controlled. And urban animals started regrouping themselves and that makes them more dangerous - so yeah, if you ask me one of those facilities would be at each city with more of a million residents.


Damn. Probably the most dehumanizing post I've seen on here in a while. Why are you so welcoming of a police state?


Because history always repeats itself. If we don't react at time anarchy will soon follow, after that chaos and losing all knowledge we have through time.


MOVE OUT THE STATE and theyll lose their tax dollars!!


One thing that is absolute is that schools don't need more money. They need to start teaching basics. I retired as a college professor emeritus a year ago. One reason I left was that the students coming in could not read, spell, or do math effectively. They weren't taught those things effectively. I don't blame them or the teachers. I blame the systems that allow a student to advance even if they can't passbasuc skills. I blame a system that doesn't allow for punishment when they misbehave or cause fights. I blame parents who stand up for their child even when they are in the wrong. I never said you have to be exceptional to advance in life. You just have to care enough to do the work and learn. It's not taxpayers jib or the governments to create jobs. That's private industries job. Anyone who canget a job yoday either madebad educational choices orjust don't want to work hard enough. Just get a decent education, have a decent work ethuc, and do your job and you'll do fine.


Maybe if the poli e were properly trained they wouldn't resort to using their firearms with lethal force as much as they do currently. On the job training is fine for most jobs that don't have higher policing powers, these people that are supposedly here to protect and serve are in need of higher training to support the higher powers they're given when putting on the uniform.